About This Course
Get Dementia Awareness, Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness, and Improve Your Memory in this Bundle
1. Dementia Awareness: Understanding Dementia
There is a significant lack of readily-available education on dementia for those providing care, be they a family member or in some cases students and practising care givers. This course provides a thorough understanding of all aspects of this complex subject.
Caring for an individual with symptoms of dementia is challenging. It’s even harder if you don’t fully understand the condition. With this in mind, the course shares basic information about the different types of dementia, the causes, and the common risk factors that contribute to its development in an individual.
You will learn how to spot the onset of dementia and how a diagnosis is determined. You will also discover how it damages the brain; what the cognitive, functional, behavioural and emotional changes that can occur are, and what treatments can be used to slow progression.
‘Person-centered care’ brings focus to the needs and preferences of an individual with dementia, in a respectful and responsive way. It also considers the values of the person and their family in all aspects of decision making. You will discover more about this type of care in this course.
To communicate effectively with those who have dementia requires respect, inclusiveness, and a thorough understanding of effective communication strategies. You need to adapt to continue meaningful communication throughout each phase of dementia. The Dementia Awareness Course explains how to do this, along with guidance on how to overcome even the most challenging of communication barriers.
As a caregiver, you need to encompass the role by learning how to manage chronic and intermittent medical conditions, monitor psychological changes, and provide a level of personal care that may be outside of your current comfort zone. You will also have to manage your own, and the sufferer’s family’s, expectations of the care that can be provided. This course guides you through the considerations you must make and how to go about being a carer for a family member.
The symptoms of dementia can leave those with the condition in a vulnerable state. The Dementia Awareness Course outlines how to assess and manage home safety risks, to limit possible hazards, and how to prepare for emergencies.
Loss of social abilities through dementia can leave its sufferers feeling an increased sense of alienation and isolation. It is important to employ meaningful activities that promote physical and mental stimulation, self-expression, and interaction, to bring back a sense of belonging, purpose, normality, and enjoyment. This course guides you through activities that can be used to stimulate the senses and encourage social interaction, and what the positive outcomes of these activities can be.
Due to the nature of dementia, someone with the condition is likely to exhibit some forms of challenging behaviour. The Dementia Awareness Course provides guidance on how to respond to some of the more common behaviours. These include agitation, screaming, wandering, sexual dis-inhibition, and cursing (swearing). This information also provides a basis for you to formulate similar or new strategies for other types of challenging behaviours that you may come across.
Providing care to an individual with dementia involves a network of people, which itself needs support. The course explains the roles of the various people involved and educates on how to help the primary caregiver, especially when this is a family member.
Who would benefit from the course?
The Dementia Awareness Course is aimed at carers of those with dementia, family members, and those looking for a thorough understanding of this complex subject. It is also especially useful to business owners/managers who administer long-term care homes for individuals with dementia.
Some caregivers have little, if any, prior health or dementia education and begin the task of care with little preparation or understanding of what is involved. This course will teach you everything you need to know about dementia and how to best help the sufferers of this condition.
2. Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness: Learn Everything You Need To Know About Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder describes a difference in the way that some people's senses are processed by the brain. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the condition, including the symptoms and behaviours associated with it, diagnosis, prevalence, history, therapies and interventions, and how you can provide support.
Although awareness has recently increased, it can still be difficult to get a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder. This makes it is particularly important to know the symptoms of the condition and the behaviours that present themselves in the young children and adults who suffer from it. The sooner it can be diagnosed, the better, as modifications to the environment can be made and the right support can be put in place before self-esteem and self-confidence issues arise. The course explains the common symptoms that can occur in children and adults and the ways in which these are often misinterpreted.
As getting a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder can sometimes be difficult, this course outlines the routes you may take in gaining help and the obstacles that you may come up against. The history of the condition is also explained, along with what research is being made into the causes of the condition and the differences in how its prevalence is perceived.
Currently, it is Occupational Therapists who are the leaders in the field, as far as intervention and therapy for those afflicted with Sensory Processing Disorder are concerned. The course looks further into this role, with an overview of how they work and what sort of therapies they may be able to offer. If you don’t have access to therapy, or would like advice on how you can be more involved with your child’s condition, the course also provides useful information in how you can provide support at home. Also included, are strategies that educators can implement in the classroom to enable effective learning to those with SPD.
What will you learn?
Sensory Processing Disorder describes a difference in the way that some people's senses are processed by the brain. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the condition, including the symptoms and behaviours associated with it, diagnosis, prevalence, history, therapies and interventions, and how you can provide support.
Although awareness has recently increased, it can still be difficult to get a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder. This makes it is particularly important to know the symptoms of the condition and the behaviours that present themselves in the young children and adults who suffer from it. The sooner it can be diagnosed, the better, as modifications to the environment can be made and the right support can be put in place before self-esteem and self-confidence issues arise. The course explains the common symptoms that can occur in children and adults and the ways in which these are often misinterpreted.
As getting a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder can sometimes be difficult, this course outlines the routes you may take in gaining help and the obstacles that you may come up against. The history of the condition is also explained, along with what research is being made into the causes of the condition and the differences in how its prevalence is perceived.
Currently, it is Occupational Therapists who are the leaders in the field, as far as intervention and therapy for those afflicted with Sensory Processing Disorder are concerned. The course looks further into this role, with an overview of how they work and what sort of therapies they may be able to offer. If you don’t have access to therapy, or would like advice on how you can be more involved with your child’s condition, the course also provides useful information in how you can provide support at home. Also included, are strategies that educators can implement in the classroom to enable effective learning to those with SPD.
3. Improve Your Memory: Discover techniques that will aid your ability to recall information, in both your academic and everyday life
Whether actively or passively, your memory is something that you use every day. The Improve Your Memory Course teaches you the mechanics behind memory and teaches techniques that will aid your ability to recall information, in both your academic and everyday life.
To begin to improve your memory, you must first understand memory itself. You will discover how memories form, what factors go into their creation, what the various types of memories are and how each type differs. The Improve Your Memory Course also looks at the psychological aspects of memories and the way in which these can shape an individual’s personality.
The course looks at how, through various factors, the human brain can contaminate a memory and create false memories. You will also learn which part of the brain controls managerial functions that rationalise the decisions you make.
In addition to explaining how the brain works and how memories are formed, the Improve Your Memory Course also teaches you about various Memory Principles and how they aid our ability to retain and recollect information. You will learn about Memory Principles such as Repetition, Exaggeration, and Chunking and factors such as Association, Imagination, and Location. Two important factors in improving your memory are given particular attention: visualisation and meditation.
With the foundations laid, the bulk of the course discusses various memory systems and techniques, explaining why and how they work. You will learn how the use of mnemonic devices and even effective note-taking can improve your memory and why the human brain is particularly prone to remembering a good story or song lyrics (often of songs we don’t like). The age old technique of Memory Palaces and the Method of Loci are also explained, along with the Linking Method and Similar Sounding Technique.
The most important technique in the field of mnemonics, the Improve Your Memory Course explains how to use the Number Peg System. This technique may at first seem complex but this course gives you a straightforward explanation that shows you how easy, and most importantly, effective it is. You will be guided through putting the system to use to both practice it and to see how useful it is for yourself. You will also learn how you can apply the techniques you have learned in the course to remember specific things, such as names, places, presentations, passwords, formulas, important dates, daily tasks, scripts and speeches, and words from foreign languages.
In addition to teaching you methods and techniques that help you to improve your memory, the course also explains how to pass what you have learned onto others. You will discover the fundamental rules of learning and how to teach the techniques covered in the course to others, as a Memory Trainer. Even if you don’t wish to make a career of it, teaching others, even friends and family, will help you to concretise your understanding of the topic.
Who would benefit from our Improve Your Memory Online Certificate Course?
The Improve Your Memory Course is perfect for anyone who struggles to remember things or if you would like to make a practical effort to improve your memory – a tool that you use every day.
While this course will be of particular benefit if you are studying, the techniques and methods described can be used in day-to-day life, from recalling what’s on your To Do list and remembering the names of people you have just met, to memorising speeches for presentations and words of foreign languages. Additionally, you can teach what you have learned from the course, in a career as a Memory Trainer.
4. Anxiety Management: Study Anxiety Management Online Course; Learn about Anxiety and the Huge Number of Options Available to Manage it
The Anxiety Management Online Course will teach you about anxiety and the many methods for managing it, ranging from standard medicine and supplements to CBT and relaxation exercises, all of which have been scientifically proved to lower anxiety. Anxiety affects everyone of us at times, but for some of us, it is more persistent and severe, interfering with our everyday lives.
The Anxiety Management Course takes you through the basics of the subject by answering the question, "What is Anxiety?". You'll be able to recognize the signs and causes of anxiety disorders, comprehend the tests used to get a diagnosis, distinguish between worry and fear, and learn how frequent anxiety disorders are after reading this introduction.
Many drugs and supplements are available to help treat anxiety once it has been diagnosed. You'll learn about prescription drugs, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, supplements, and herbal therapies, as well as the function of cannabidiol oil in anxiety treatment. CBT is one of the most effective treatments to reduce anxiety (cognitive behavioural therapy). The Anxiety Management Course teaches what anxiety management is, how it works, the components that make it up, and the several types of CBT that are accessible.
While CBT is highly recommended, there are a variety of alternative therapies that can help with anxiety problems. The course goes on how animal therapy, art therapy, exposure therapy, hypnotherapy, massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and yoga can all help. Meditation and mindfulness are also covered in greater depth in the Anxiety Management Course, with an explanation of what they are and how they can be used to battle anxiety.
In addition to particular therapies and remedies, the course looks at how making small changes in our daily lives can help us cope with anxiety. We look at exercise and diet, including how they affect anxiety and best practices for using them in anxiety management, as well as other lifestyle factors like sleep, spending time in nature, having a support network, and managing time. You'll also learn about creative writing and journaling, breathing exercises, and guided visualizations, as well as the use of relaxation techniques as tools in anxiety treatment.
5. Neuropsychology: Navigate The Labyrinth That Is The Brain
Navigate the labyrinth of the most complex organ and system ever discovered, the brain. Study the Neuropsychology Course and explore how it is we are able to express and understand emotions, acquire and use language, learn, remember, and plan, and how consciousness and unconscious experiences are shaped by the brain. Build a foundation of biological knowledge, understand the functions of various areas of the brain, and how these relate to developmental disorders and mental health problems, as well as the effects of brain damage.
The course introduces itself by first looking at the wider subject of psychology and the various areas within this, before establishing the aims of neuropsychology. To give the subject context you are provided with its history, how it is applied in everyday settings, and the questions it sets out to answer.
You don’t need an encyclopaedic knowledge of the brain’s anatomy to study the concepts of neuropsychology. However, a good grasp of some terminology and how the various systems of the brain function both independently and together will aid you in understanding the research put forward by neuropsychologists. To ensure you have the information you need, the Neuropsychology Course guides you through the basics of brain anatomy and biological functions associated with the human brain and nervous system. You’ll explore the major areas of the brain and how different cell types transmit signals to one another.
To expand their knowledge of the how the human brain and nervous systems work, neuropsychologists use various research methods and technologies to collect data, including the use of Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Tomography (CT), and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). The course covers how each of these methods is used to provide reliable results and the importance of using group, rather than individual, case studies. You’ll also look at the topic of ethics, including the use of animals in research.
A large and consistent question that has been around since the inception of psychology, is that of the relationship between brain and mind or brain and the “soul”. How the physical can produce the experience of consciousness and whether the brain and mind are distinct from one another. The Neuropsychology Course discusses how the brain generates conscious states, including sleep, hypnosis, stupor and coma, and goes even further by looking at how neuropsychology views free will and the possible existence of a human soul.
Our perception of the world comes about by our brain’s ability to receive sensory input from our five main senses. You’ll learn how each of the sense organs works to receive input and how the brain makes sense of this external stimuli to provide us with the experience of sound, taste, smell, etc. In addition to looking at how the brain usually functions you’ll also learn how damage to the brain can disrupt this process, with phantom limb syndrome and synaesthesia covered extensively.
Humans have a uniquely complex capacity for language. You’ll discover how we develop the ability to speak and process language – looking at the stages we go through, from childhood to adulthood, and how some people become bilingual. The Neuropsychology Course will teach you about disorders of language, such as agraphia and dyslexia, and how brain damage can affect language usage.
The purposes and various types of memory are discussed in the course, including an analysis of which parts of the brain are responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories. You’ll be exposed to the way memory is studied, what happens when particular parts of the brain are damaged, and an explanation of confabulation.
The course addresses mental health problems – looking at what they are and the consensus in Western medicine regarding their causes and treatment. You’ll explore the explanations, risk factors and treatments of the following disorders: depression, anxiety (including phobia), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
Emotions are a fundamental part of human experience. The Neuropsychology Course discusses emotional processing and expressions, including whether this differs between cultures and whether facial expressions are something that are learned or hardwired from birth. You’ll also explore the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotion production and regulation and how brain damage and dysfunction can cause difficulties in this and in understanding emotion.
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Course Fast Facts:
- All courses are easy to follow and understand
- Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
- Study as many courses as you want
- Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
- You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
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Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon completion of each course assessment, you will receive a certificate per course. An accredited certificate from the awarding body relating to your course, a CPD certificate displaying the number of CPD points earned from the course and a certificate of completion.
Units of Study
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Dementia Awareness 3 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course:
Course 1 - Certificate In Dementia Awareness Online Course
Module 1 – Overview of Dementia
- Part 1: What is dementia?
- Part 2: Common types of dementia
- Part 3: Risk factors for dementia
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – Signs and Symptoms of Dementia
- Part 1: Common signs and symptoms of dementia
- Part 2: Professional diagnosis
- Part 3: Damaged areas of the brain
- Part 4: Cognitive, functional, behavioural and emotional changes
- Part 5: Treatments for dementia
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – Approach to Caring for Individuals with Symptoms Associated with Dementia
- Part 1: The elements of person-centred care
- Part 2: Compassionate practices
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – Communication
- Part 1: Respect and Inclusiveness
- Part 2: Communication during early stage of dementia
- Part 3: ‘I want to go home!’
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Learning to Care
- Part 1: Chronic medical conditions
- Part 2: Acute medical conditions
- Part 3: Expanding family comfort zones during personal care
- Part 4: Resistance to care
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Safety and Dementia
- Part 1: Safety risks
- Part 2: Falls and injuries
- Part 3: Preparing for emergencies
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 –Activities and Dementia
- Part 1: Meaningful activities
- Part 2: How activities benefit everyone
- Part 3: Activities for home
- Part 4: Activities for long-term care homes
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 – Specific Challenging Behaviours and Dementia
- Part 1: Agitation and aggressive behaviours
- Part 2: Bathing and grooming
- Part 3: Sundowning
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Support for Dementia Caregivers
- Part 1: Care teams
- Part 2: Education
- Module 9 Assessment
Course 2 - Certificate In Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness Online Course
Module 1 - What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
- Part 1: How We Process Information from the World Around Us
- Part 2: Our Eight Senses
- Part 3: SPD Responses
- Part 4: Key Learning Points
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Importance of Early Identification of SPD
- Part 2: SPD Can Look Like Bad Behaviour
- Part 3: Parents and SPD
- Part 4: Key Learning Points
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: SPD from Birth?
- Part 2: History of SPD
- Part 3: Causes and Prevalence
- Part 4: Key Learning Points
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 - Therapies, Interventions and How You Can Help At Home and School
Part 1: Occupational Therapy
- Part 2: How Parents Can Help
- Part 3: Key Learning Points
- Module 4 Assessment
Course 3 - Certificate In Improve Your Memory Online Course
Module 1: The Mysteries of the Human Brain
- Introduction
- Understanding Our Brains
- Different Types of Memory - Sensory Memory
- Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory and Retrospective and Prospective Memories
- Encoding, Storage and Retrieval
- The Process of Forgetting
- False and Fake Memories
- Memory Bias
- How Unconscious Memory Bias Affects Us
- Summary
Module 2: Memory Principles
- What are Memory Principles?
- Association, Imagination and Location
- The Repetition Technique
- Exaggeration
- Visualisation
- Improved Health for Improved Memory - Physical Fitness
- Sleep and Memory
- Meditation
- Summary
Module 3: Memory Techniques – Mnemonic Devices
- Songs and Rhymes
- Acronyms and Acrostics
- Similar Sounding Technique
- Note-Taking techniques
- Chunking
- The Method of Loci
- The Link Method
- The Story Method
- Summary
Module 4: The Numeric Peg System
- The Numeric Peg System - Rhyming and Shape Pegs
- Alphabetic Pegs – Phonetics (The Major System)
- Memorising Ten Items
- Memorising More Than Ten Items
- Summary
Module 5: Situational Methods
- Remembering Names
- Remembering Presentations
- Remembering What You Read
- Remembering Passwords
- Remembering Important Dates
- Remembering Numbers
- Remembering Formulas
- Remembering Your To-Do List
- Memorising Foreign Language Words
- Memorising Speech & Scripts
- Summary
Module 6: Passing It On
- How to Teach These Principles to Others
- Real Life Application
- Become an ‘Improve Your Memory Trainer’
- Summary
Course 4: Anxiety Management
Module 1: What is Anxiety?
- Introduction
- A Background to Anxiety
- The Symptoms and Causes of Anxiety
- Tests and Diagnosis
Module 2: Types of Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- Specific Phobias and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Panic Disorder
Module 3: Medications and Supplements
- Prescribed Medication
- Alternative Medications and Supplements
- Cannabidiol Oil
Module 4: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
- Cognitive Restructuring in CBT for Anxiety
- What to Expect During a CBT Session and Conducting CBT for Yourself
Module 5: Other Therapy Techniques I
- Animal Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Exposure Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
Module 6: Other Therapy Techniques II
- Massage Therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Acupuncture
- Yoga
Module 7: Meditation and Mindfulness
- What is Meditation?
- What is Mindfulness?
- How do Meditation and Mindfulness Help Anxiety?
- Meditation and Mindfulness in Action
Module 8: Exercise and Diet
- How Exercise and Diet Affects Anxiety
- Best Practices: Exercise
- Best Practices: Diet
Module 9: Other Lifestyle Considerations
- A Holistic Lifestyle - Sleep and Insomnia
- Time in Nature and the Benefits of a Support Network
- Focus on Time Management
Module 10: Relaxation Exercises
- Creative Writing and Journaling
- Breathing Exercises and Muscle Relaxation
- Guided Visualisation
- Conclusion
Course 5: Neuropsychology
Module 1 – What Is Neuropsychology?
- Introduction
- Part 1: A Brief Overview Of Neuropsychology
- Part 2: What Are The Distinguishing Features Of Neuropsychology?
- Part 3: Questions Neuropsychology Seeks To Answer
- Part 4: The Application Of Neuropsychology
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – The Structure Of The Brain And Central Nervous System
- Part 1: Key Terms You Need To Know
- Part 2: How Does The Brain Develop And Change Over The Lifespan?
- Part 3: Major Lobes Of The Brain
- Part 4: The Brain’s Vascular System
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – Research Methods In Neuropsychology
- Part 1: Various Types Of Brain Imaging Technology Available To Neuropsychologists
- Part 2: Are These Techniques Reliable, And Do They Yield Useful Results?
- Part 3: Individual And Group Studies In Neuropsychological Research
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – Consciousness And Awareness
- Part 1: What Parts Of The Human Brain Allow Us To Be Conscious And Aware?
- Part 2: What About The Unconscious Mind?
- Part 3: What Happens When We Go To Sleep?
- Part 4: Do Humans Have A Soul Or Spirit?
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Perception
- Part 1: The Sense Organs
- Part 2: The Ear
- Part 3: How Many Senses Do We Really Have?
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Language
- Part 1: Key Elements Of Language Learning And Comprehension
- Part 2: A Summary Of The Main Language Pathway In The Human Brain
- Part 3: How Do We Learn To Read?
- Part 4: Problems Working With Written Language
- Part 5: What About Sign Language?
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 – Memory
- Part 1: The Different Types Of Memory
- Part 2: What Parts Of The Brain Are Important For Creating And Recalling Memories?
- Part 3: How Do We Forget Information?
- Part 4: Further CaseStudies In Amnesia: Henry Molaison And Kent Cochrane
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 – Developmental Disorders
- Part 1: Intellectual Disability
- Part 2: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
- Part 3: Williams Syndrome
- Part 4: Autism
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Psychiatric Disorders
- Part 1: What Is A Mental Illness?
- Part 2: Anxiety
- Part 3: Schizophrenia
- Part 4: Bipolar Disorder
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 – Emotion
- Part 1: What Are The Key Emotions People Experience, And Is This True For All Cultures?
- Part 2: Pleasure And Happiness
- Part 3: How Do We Detect Emotion In Others?
- Part 4: Romantic Attraction And Love
- Part 5: Social Rejection And The Brain
- Module 10 Assessment
- Conclusion
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
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13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
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16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
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new skills, you might even get a promotion.
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This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
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21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
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topics related to your training goals in one go.
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We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
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Dementia Awareness Online Bundle, 5 Certificate Courses
Learn How To Understand Dementia
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 150 hours per course
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
Get Dementia Awareness, Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness, and Improve Your Memory in this Bundle
1. Dementia Awareness: Understanding Dementia
There is a significant lack of readily-available education on dementia for those providing care, be they a family member or in some cases students and practising care givers. This course provides a thorough understanding of all aspects of this complex subject.
Caring for an individual with symptoms of dementia is challenging. It’s even harder if you don’t fully understand the condition. With this in mind, the course shares basic information about the different types of dementia, the causes, and the common risk factors that contribute to its development in an individual.
You will learn how to spot the onset of dementia and how a diagnosis is determined. You will also discover how it damages the brain; what the cognitive, functional, behavioural and emotional changes that can occur are, and what treatments can be used to slow progression.
‘Person-centered care’ brings focus to the needs and preferences of an individual with dementia, in a respectful and responsive way. It also considers the values of the person and their family in all aspects of decision making. You will discover more about this type of care in this course.
To communicate effectively with those who have dementia requires respect, inclusiveness, and a thorough understanding of effective communication strategies. You need to adapt to continue meaningful communication throughout each phase of dementia. The Dementia Awareness Course explains how to do this, along with guidance on how to overcome even the most challenging of communication barriers.
As a caregiver, you need to encompass the role by learning how to manage chronic and intermittent medical conditions, monitor psychological changes, and provide a level of personal care that may be outside of your current comfort zone. You will also have to manage your own, and the sufferer’s family’s, expectations of the care that can be provided. This course guides you through the considerations you must make and how to go about being a carer for a family member.
The symptoms of dementia can leave those with the condition in a vulnerable state. The Dementia Awareness Course outlines how to assess and manage home safety risks, to limit possible hazards, and how to prepare for emergencies.
Loss of social abilities through dementia can leave its sufferers feeling an increased sense of alienation and isolation. It is important to employ meaningful activities that promote physical and mental stimulation, self-expression, and interaction, to bring back a sense of belonging, purpose, normality, and enjoyment. This course guides you through activities that can be used to stimulate the senses and encourage social interaction, and what the positive outcomes of these activities can be.
Due to the nature of dementia, someone with the condition is likely to exhibit some forms of challenging behaviour. The Dementia Awareness Course provides guidance on how to respond to some of the more common behaviours. These include agitation, screaming, wandering, sexual dis-inhibition, and cursing (swearing). This information also provides a basis for you to formulate similar or new strategies for other types of challenging behaviours that you may come across.
Providing care to an individual with dementia involves a network of people, which itself needs support. The course explains the roles of the various people involved and educates on how to help the primary caregiver, especially when this is a family member.
Who would benefit from the course?
The Dementia Awareness Course is aimed at carers of those with dementia, family members, and those looking for a thorough understanding of this complex subject. It is also especially useful to business owners/managers who administer long-term care homes for individuals with dementia.
Some caregivers have little, if any, prior health or dementia education and begin the task of care with little preparation or understanding of what is involved. This course will teach you everything you need to know about dementia and how to best help the sufferers of this condition.
2. Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness: Learn Everything You Need To Know About Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Processing Disorder describes a difference in the way that some people's senses are processed by the brain. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the condition, including the symptoms and behaviours associated with it, diagnosis, prevalence, history, therapies and interventions, and how you can provide support.
Although awareness has recently increased, it can still be difficult to get a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder. This makes it is particularly important to know the symptoms of the condition and the behaviours that present themselves in the young children and adults who suffer from it. The sooner it can be diagnosed, the better, as modifications to the environment can be made and the right support can be put in place before self-esteem and self-confidence issues arise. The course explains the common symptoms that can occur in children and adults and the ways in which these are often misinterpreted.
As getting a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder can sometimes be difficult, this course outlines the routes you may take in gaining help and the obstacles that you may come up against. The history of the condition is also explained, along with what research is being made into the causes of the condition and the differences in how its prevalence is perceived.
Currently, it is Occupational Therapists who are the leaders in the field, as far as intervention and therapy for those afflicted with Sensory Processing Disorder are concerned. The course looks further into this role, with an overview of how they work and what sort of therapies they may be able to offer. If you don’t have access to therapy, or would like advice on how you can be more involved with your child’s condition, the course also provides useful information in how you can provide support at home. Also included, are strategies that educators can implement in the classroom to enable effective learning to those with SPD.
What will you learn?
Sensory Processing Disorder describes a difference in the way that some people's senses are processed by the brain. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the condition, including the symptoms and behaviours associated with it, diagnosis, prevalence, history, therapies and interventions, and how you can provide support.
Although awareness has recently increased, it can still be difficult to get a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder. This makes it is particularly important to know the symptoms of the condition and the behaviours that present themselves in the young children and adults who suffer from it. The sooner it can be diagnosed, the better, as modifications to the environment can be made and the right support can be put in place before self-esteem and self-confidence issues arise. The course explains the common symptoms that can occur in children and adults and the ways in which these are often misinterpreted.
As getting a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder can sometimes be difficult, this course outlines the routes you may take in gaining help and the obstacles that you may come up against. The history of the condition is also explained, along with what research is being made into the causes of the condition and the differences in how its prevalence is perceived.
Currently, it is Occupational Therapists who are the leaders in the field, as far as intervention and therapy for those afflicted with Sensory Processing Disorder are concerned. The course looks further into this role, with an overview of how they work and what sort of therapies they may be able to offer. If you don’t have access to therapy, or would like advice on how you can be more involved with your child’s condition, the course also provides useful information in how you can provide support at home. Also included, are strategies that educators can implement in the classroom to enable effective learning to those with SPD.
3. Improve Your Memory: Discover techniques that will aid your ability to recall information, in both your academic and everyday life
Whether actively or passively, your memory is something that you use every day. The Improve Your Memory Course teaches you the mechanics behind memory and teaches techniques that will aid your ability to recall information, in both your academic and everyday life.
To begin to improve your memory, you must first understand memory itself. You will discover how memories form, what factors go into their creation, what the various types of memories are and how each type differs. The Improve Your Memory Course also looks at the psychological aspects of memories and the way in which these can shape an individual’s personality.
The course looks at how, through various factors, the human brain can contaminate a memory and create false memories. You will also learn which part of the brain controls managerial functions that rationalise the decisions you make.
In addition to explaining how the brain works and how memories are formed, the Improve Your Memory Course also teaches you about various Memory Principles and how they aid our ability to retain and recollect information. You will learn about Memory Principles such as Repetition, Exaggeration, and Chunking and factors such as Association, Imagination, and Location. Two important factors in improving your memory are given particular attention: visualisation and meditation.
With the foundations laid, the bulk of the course discusses various memory systems and techniques, explaining why and how they work. You will learn how the use of mnemonic devices and even effective note-taking can improve your memory and why the human brain is particularly prone to remembering a good story or song lyrics (often of songs we don’t like). The age old technique of Memory Palaces and the Method of Loci are also explained, along with the Linking Method and Similar Sounding Technique.
The most important technique in the field of mnemonics, the Improve Your Memory Course explains how to use the Number Peg System. This technique may at first seem complex but this course gives you a straightforward explanation that shows you how easy, and most importantly, effective it is. You will be guided through putting the system to use to both practice it and to see how useful it is for yourself. You will also learn how you can apply the techniques you have learned in the course to remember specific things, such as names, places, presentations, passwords, formulas, important dates, daily tasks, scripts and speeches, and words from foreign languages.
In addition to teaching you methods and techniques that help you to improve your memory, the course also explains how to pass what you have learned onto others. You will discover the fundamental rules of learning and how to teach the techniques covered in the course to others, as a Memory Trainer. Even if you don’t wish to make a career of it, teaching others, even friends and family, will help you to concretise your understanding of the topic.
Who would benefit from our Improve Your Memory Online Certificate Course?
The Improve Your Memory Course is perfect for anyone who struggles to remember things or if you would like to make a practical effort to improve your memory – a tool that you use every day.
While this course will be of particular benefit if you are studying, the techniques and methods described can be used in day-to-day life, from recalling what’s on your To Do list and remembering the names of people you have just met, to memorising speeches for presentations and words of foreign languages. Additionally, you can teach what you have learned from the course, in a career as a Memory Trainer.
4. Anxiety Management: Study Anxiety Management Online Course; Learn about Anxiety and the Huge Number of Options Available to Manage it
The Anxiety Management Online Course will teach you about anxiety and the many methods for managing it, ranging from standard medicine and supplements to CBT and relaxation exercises, all of which have been scientifically proved to lower anxiety. Anxiety affects everyone of us at times, but for some of us, it is more persistent and severe, interfering with our everyday lives.
The Anxiety Management Course takes you through the basics of the subject by answering the question, "What is Anxiety?". You'll be able to recognize the signs and causes of anxiety disorders, comprehend the tests used to get a diagnosis, distinguish between worry and fear, and learn how frequent anxiety disorders are after reading this introduction.
Many drugs and supplements are available to help treat anxiety once it has been diagnosed. You'll learn about prescription drugs, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, supplements, and herbal therapies, as well as the function of cannabidiol oil in anxiety treatment. CBT is one of the most effective treatments to reduce anxiety (cognitive behavioural therapy). The Anxiety Management Course teaches what anxiety management is, how it works, the components that make it up, and the several types of CBT that are accessible.
While CBT is highly recommended, there are a variety of alternative therapies that can help with anxiety problems. The course goes on how animal therapy, art therapy, exposure therapy, hypnotherapy, massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and yoga can all help. Meditation and mindfulness are also covered in greater depth in the Anxiety Management Course, with an explanation of what they are and how they can be used to battle anxiety.
In addition to particular therapies and remedies, the course looks at how making small changes in our daily lives can help us cope with anxiety. We look at exercise and diet, including how they affect anxiety and best practices for using them in anxiety management, as well as other lifestyle factors like sleep, spending time in nature, having a support network, and managing time. You'll also learn about creative writing and journaling, breathing exercises, and guided visualizations, as well as the use of relaxation techniques as tools in anxiety treatment.
5. Neuropsychology: Navigate The Labyrinth That Is The Brain
Navigate the labyrinth of the most complex organ and system ever discovered, the brain. Study the Neuropsychology Course and explore how it is we are able to express and understand emotions, acquire and use language, learn, remember, and plan, and how consciousness and unconscious experiences are shaped by the brain. Build a foundation of biological knowledge, understand the functions of various areas of the brain, and how these relate to developmental disorders and mental health problems, as well as the effects of brain damage.
The course introduces itself by first looking at the wider subject of psychology and the various areas within this, before establishing the aims of neuropsychology. To give the subject context you are provided with its history, how it is applied in everyday settings, and the questions it sets out to answer.
You don’t need an encyclopaedic knowledge of the brain’s anatomy to study the concepts of neuropsychology. However, a good grasp of some terminology and how the various systems of the brain function both independently and together will aid you in understanding the research put forward by neuropsychologists. To ensure you have the information you need, the Neuropsychology Course guides you through the basics of brain anatomy and biological functions associated with the human brain and nervous system. You’ll explore the major areas of the brain and how different cell types transmit signals to one another.
To expand their knowledge of the how the human brain and nervous systems work, neuropsychologists use various research methods and technologies to collect data, including the use of Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Tomography (CT), and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). The course covers how each of these methods is used to provide reliable results and the importance of using group, rather than individual, case studies. You’ll also look at the topic of ethics, including the use of animals in research.
A large and consistent question that has been around since the inception of psychology, is that of the relationship between brain and mind or brain and the “soul”. How the physical can produce the experience of consciousness and whether the brain and mind are distinct from one another. The Neuropsychology Course discusses how the brain generates conscious states, including sleep, hypnosis, stupor and coma, and goes even further by looking at how neuropsychology views free will and the possible existence of a human soul.
Our perception of the world comes about by our brain’s ability to receive sensory input from our five main senses. You’ll learn how each of the sense organs works to receive input and how the brain makes sense of this external stimuli to provide us with the experience of sound, taste, smell, etc. In addition to looking at how the brain usually functions you’ll also learn how damage to the brain can disrupt this process, with phantom limb syndrome and synaesthesia covered extensively.
Humans have a uniquely complex capacity for language. You’ll discover how we develop the ability to speak and process language – looking at the stages we go through, from childhood to adulthood, and how some people become bilingual. The Neuropsychology Course will teach you about disorders of language, such as agraphia and dyslexia, and how brain damage can affect language usage.
The purposes and various types of memory are discussed in the course, including an analysis of which parts of the brain are responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories. You’ll be exposed to the way memory is studied, what happens when particular parts of the brain are damaged, and an explanation of confabulation.
The course addresses mental health problems – looking at what they are and the consensus in Western medicine regarding their causes and treatment. You’ll explore the explanations, risk factors and treatments of the following disorders: depression, anxiety (including phobia), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
Emotions are a fundamental part of human experience. The Neuropsychology Course discusses emotional processing and expressions, including whether this differs between cultures and whether facial expressions are something that are learned or hardwired from birth. You’ll also explore the areas of the brain that are responsible for emotion production and regulation and how brain damage and dysfunction can cause difficulties in this and in understanding emotion.
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- All courses are easy to follow and understand
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- Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
- You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
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Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon completion of each course assessment, you will receive a certificate per course. An accredited certificate from the awarding body relating to your course, a CPD certificate displaying the number of CPD points earned from the course and a certificate of completion.
Units of Study
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Dementia Awareness 3 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course:
Course 1 - Certificate In Dementia Awareness Online Course
Module 1 – Overview of Dementia
- Part 1: What is dementia?
- Part 2: Common types of dementia
- Part 3: Risk factors for dementia
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – Signs and Symptoms of Dementia
- Part 1: Common signs and symptoms of dementia
- Part 2: Professional diagnosis
- Part 3: Damaged areas of the brain
- Part 4: Cognitive, functional, behavioural and emotional changes
- Part 5: Treatments for dementia
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – Approach to Caring for Individuals with Symptoms Associated with Dementia
- Part 1: The elements of person-centred care
- Part 2: Compassionate practices
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – Communication
- Part 1: Respect and Inclusiveness
- Part 2: Communication during early stage of dementia
- Part 3: ‘I want to go home!’
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Learning to Care
- Part 1: Chronic medical conditions
- Part 2: Acute medical conditions
- Part 3: Expanding family comfort zones during personal care
- Part 4: Resistance to care
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Safety and Dementia
- Part 1: Safety risks
- Part 2: Falls and injuries
- Part 3: Preparing for emergencies
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 –Activities and Dementia
- Part 1: Meaningful activities
- Part 2: How activities benefit everyone
- Part 3: Activities for home
- Part 4: Activities for long-term care homes
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 – Specific Challenging Behaviours and Dementia
- Part 1: Agitation and aggressive behaviours
- Part 2: Bathing and grooming
- Part 3: Sundowning
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Support for Dementia Caregivers
- Part 1: Care teams
- Part 2: Education
- Module 9 Assessment
Course 2 - Certificate In Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness Online Course
Module 1 - What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
- Part 1: How We Process Information from the World Around Us
- Part 2: Our Eight Senses
- Part 3: SPD Responses
- Part 4: Key Learning Points
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Importance of Early Identification of SPD
- Part 2: SPD Can Look Like Bad Behaviour
- Part 3: Parents and SPD
- Part 4: Key Learning Points
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: SPD from Birth?
- Part 2: History of SPD
- Part 3: Causes and Prevalence
- Part 4: Key Learning Points
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 - Therapies, Interventions and How You Can Help At Home and School
Part 1: Occupational Therapy
- Part 2: How Parents Can Help
- Part 3: Key Learning Points
- Module 4 Assessment
Course 3 - Certificate In Improve Your Memory Online Course
Module 1: The Mysteries of the Human Brain
- Introduction
- Understanding Our Brains
- Different Types of Memory - Sensory Memory
- Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory and Retrospective and Prospective Memories
- Encoding, Storage and Retrieval
- The Process of Forgetting
- False and Fake Memories
- Memory Bias
- How Unconscious Memory Bias Affects Us
- Summary
Module 2: Memory Principles
- What are Memory Principles?
- Association, Imagination and Location
- The Repetition Technique
- Exaggeration
- Visualisation
- Improved Health for Improved Memory - Physical Fitness
- Sleep and Memory
- Meditation
- Summary
Module 3: Memory Techniques – Mnemonic Devices
- Songs and Rhymes
- Acronyms and Acrostics
- Similar Sounding Technique
- Note-Taking techniques
- Chunking
- The Method of Loci
- The Link Method
- The Story Method
- Summary
Module 4: The Numeric Peg System
- The Numeric Peg System - Rhyming and Shape Pegs
- Alphabetic Pegs – Phonetics (The Major System)
- Memorising Ten Items
- Memorising More Than Ten Items
- Summary
Module 5: Situational Methods
- Remembering Names
- Remembering Presentations
- Remembering What You Read
- Remembering Passwords
- Remembering Important Dates
- Remembering Numbers
- Remembering Formulas
- Remembering Your To-Do List
- Memorising Foreign Language Words
- Memorising Speech & Scripts
- Summary
Module 6: Passing It On
- How to Teach These Principles to Others
- Real Life Application
- Become an ‘Improve Your Memory Trainer’
- Summary
Course 4: Anxiety Management
Module 1: What is Anxiety?
- Introduction
- A Background to Anxiety
- The Symptoms and Causes of Anxiety
- Tests and Diagnosis
Module 2: Types of Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- Specific Phobias and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Panic Disorder
Module 3: Medications and Supplements
- Prescribed Medication
- Alternative Medications and Supplements
- Cannabidiol Oil
Module 4: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
- Cognitive Restructuring in CBT for Anxiety
- What to Expect During a CBT Session and Conducting CBT for Yourself
Module 5: Other Therapy Techniques I
- Animal Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Exposure Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
Module 6: Other Therapy Techniques II
- Massage Therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Acupuncture
- Yoga
Module 7: Meditation and Mindfulness
- What is Meditation?
- What is Mindfulness?
- How do Meditation and Mindfulness Help Anxiety?
- Meditation and Mindfulness in Action
Module 8: Exercise and Diet
- How Exercise and Diet Affects Anxiety
- Best Practices: Exercise
- Best Practices: Diet
Module 9: Other Lifestyle Considerations
- A Holistic Lifestyle - Sleep and Insomnia
- Time in Nature and the Benefits of a Support Network
- Focus on Time Management
Module 10: Relaxation Exercises
- Creative Writing and Journaling
- Breathing Exercises and Muscle Relaxation
- Guided Visualisation
- Conclusion
Course 5: Neuropsychology
Module 1 – What Is Neuropsychology?
- Introduction
- Part 1: A Brief Overview Of Neuropsychology
- Part 2: What Are The Distinguishing Features Of Neuropsychology?
- Part 3: Questions Neuropsychology Seeks To Answer
- Part 4: The Application Of Neuropsychology
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – The Structure Of The Brain And Central Nervous System
- Part 1: Key Terms You Need To Know
- Part 2: How Does The Brain Develop And Change Over The Lifespan?
- Part 3: Major Lobes Of The Brain
- Part 4: The Brain’s Vascular System
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – Research Methods In Neuropsychology
- Part 1: Various Types Of Brain Imaging Technology Available To Neuropsychologists
- Part 2: Are These Techniques Reliable, And Do They Yield Useful Results?
- Part 3: Individual And Group Studies In Neuropsychological Research
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – Consciousness And Awareness
- Part 1: What Parts Of The Human Brain Allow Us To Be Conscious And Aware?
- Part 2: What About The Unconscious Mind?
- Part 3: What Happens When We Go To Sleep?
- Part 4: Do Humans Have A Soul Or Spirit?
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Perception
- Part 1: The Sense Organs
- Part 2: The Ear
- Part 3: How Many Senses Do We Really Have?
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Language
- Part 1: Key Elements Of Language Learning And Comprehension
- Part 2: A Summary Of The Main Language Pathway In The Human Brain
- Part 3: How Do We Learn To Read?
- Part 4: Problems Working With Written Language
- Part 5: What About Sign Language?
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 – Memory
- Part 1: The Different Types Of Memory
- Part 2: What Parts Of The Brain Are Important For Creating And Recalling Memories?
- Part 3: How Do We Forget Information?
- Part 4: Further CaseStudies In Amnesia: Henry Molaison And Kent Cochrane
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 – Developmental Disorders
- Part 1: Intellectual Disability
- Part 2: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
- Part 3: Williams Syndrome
- Part 4: Autism
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Psychiatric Disorders
- Part 1: What Is A Mental Illness?
- Part 2: Anxiety
- Part 3: Schizophrenia
- Part 4: Bipolar Disorder
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 – Emotion
- Part 1: What Are The Key Emotions People Experience, And Is This True For All Cultures?
- Part 2: Pleasure And Happiness
- Part 3: How Do We Detect Emotion In Others?
- Part 4: Romantic Attraction And Love
- Part 5: Social Rejection And The Brain
- Module 10 Assessment
- Conclusion
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
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Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
11. What computer skills do I need for my course?
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12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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17. What type of certificate will I receive?
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The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."
Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"
"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"
completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.
18. Will this course be credited by universities?
No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.
19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.
21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.
23. What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?
We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
To pay via bank transfer contact us info@coursesforsuccess.com
24. Can I purchase for multiple people?
Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
25. Can I request for an invoice before purchase?
Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
26. Purchase for a gift?
Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to info@coursesforsuccess.com, with the course details and we can accommodate this.
27. Can I create my own course bundle?
you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email info@coursesforsuccess.com and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.
28. How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?
You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at info@coursesforsuccess.com, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.
Free Personal Success Training Course
The Personal Success Training Program Helps You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals!
Today, we are providing it for Free with all Course Purchases, as a special offer!
• How to layout a Success Plan.
• Get where you want to be in life.
• How to unclutter your mind to succeed.
• Achieve your dreams using your imagination.
• How to have faith in yourself.
• Life time access
• Complement your individual course purchase.
• Click here Personal Success Training Program to see thousands of positive reviews,
Hurry - offer - ends today!
Course Bundles
Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.