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About This Course
What you will learn - Have A Pre-existing Foundational Knowledge Of Wicca
  • The Power of Spell Craft
  • Working Within Sacred Places
  • Advanced Elemental Magic
  • Advanced Money Magic
  • Advanced Love Spells
  • Night Spells and Dream Symbolism
  • Thought Forms and How to Use Them
  • Forms of Divination
  • Advanced Healing
  • Sex Magic and Astral Travel
  • Creating Your Own Rituals and Spells
Get BIG Savings with our Advanced Wicca Online Bundle, 10 Certificate Courses
  1. Advanced Wicca
  2. Wicca
  3. Natural Magic
  4. Palmistry
  5. Numerology
  6. Tarot
  7. Green Witchcraft
  8. Hedgewitchery
  9. Kitchen Witchery
  10. Magical Herbalism
1. Advanced Wicca: Have A Pre-existing Foundational Knowledge Of Wicca

This course takes you further into the theories and history of Wiccan practices, in particular, the use of spells and your understanding of them. You’ll discover more about how spells come together and how to increase the potency of their effects.

From studying the Advanced Wicca Course you’ll progress in your practice exponentially. It goes into further detail about creating and working within your sacred space, understanding the energies that you work with, and how to harness the power of the elements and the moon in your spells.

Discover advanced love spells and how to tap into your magnetic force and condition your aura so that you radiate love and draw people to you. You’ll discover how to use your Wiccan practice to strengthen your relationships. You’ll also explore sex magic and how to utilise this powerful, raw energy in your spells.

2. Wicca: Learn To Develop Your Wiccan Identity

The Wicca Course offers a journey of discovery - showing you how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature, using the beautiful, and very personal, practice known as Wicca. From spells and rituals to creating amulets and a Book of Shadows, you’ll learn all you need to start this fantastic journey of self-discovery and deep appreciation of the energy of nature and the divine.

Wicca is often misunderstood and misrepresented. By studying the Wicca Course, you will learn the truth of the practice and what it really is and is not. You’ll discover its origins and how to use it to improve your life.

Wicca arose from the practice of Shamanism. You will learn how the two are connected and the difference between Wicca and other religions. There is no ‘right’ way to develop your Wiccan identity, but you will be guided through practices that can be used to help you on your journey. You will be advised on the ways Wicca can benefit you and the holidays celebrated in the Wiccan calendar and the significance of each.

The practice of Wicca magic involves the use of a variety of tools. The Wicca Course itemises these, explains the use of each, and details how to consecrate them before use. In a similar way, you’ll learn the use of the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) in spellcasting and how to protect yourself before initiating any ritual.

Worship, rituals and spellcasting are practiced at a Wiccan’s altar – a private, sacred space solely dedicated to the practice. Each altar is personal to the practitioner but have common elements that should be included, which are detailed in the course.

3. Natural Magic: Let Natural Magic Lead You To Your Shamanic Journey

The magical power of nature is within your grasp! Through this course, you will gain all the information you need to start practising natural magic. Discover the theories and practices of natural magic, it’s traditional practitioners, the magic within trees and nature spirits, and techniques to get you working with the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water.

Learn how to establish a sacred space for your practice and progress from simple spell casting techniques to more advanced spells. You’ll discover the tools used in natural magic and how they can enhance the potency of your spells. Explore how to choose and use candles, herbs, and stones in casting spells and performing magic and how to create your own amulets, set with specific purposes.

A fundamental principle of working with natural magic is covered – the timing of magical activities. You’ll learn the methods to assess larger time spans (the seasons) to smaller time spans (planetary hours) and discover how these are important in enriching your practice.

The Natural Magic Course also looks at how to use shamanic journeying within your practice, the benefits of doing so, and issues you need to be aware of to ensure your journey is successful.

4. Palmistry: Learn How To Read Palms

Palmistry is the practice of interpreting a person's character or predicting their future by examining the lines and other features of the hand. This online course will teach you everything that you need to know in order to read palms.

Most readers begin by reading the person’s dominant hand (the hand they write with or use the most). A variety of factors may be considered including the shape of various lines, flexibility of the palm, characteristics of the fingers, shape and size of the palm and the nails.

There are three forms of palmistry:

Chiromancy involves reading the palm by studying the lines and mounts(bumps)

Chirognomy involves judging character by the shape and appearance of the hand.

Dermatoglyphics is the study of the skin ridges of the hand and of fingerprints.

The information given during a palm reading can be used to help the person understand themselves better and use that knowledge to help them to make decisions. The lines of the hand can change over time, reflecting the changes we make in our lives.

Palmistry is easy to learn and requires no knowledge of other fields of study, although knowledge of astrology can be helpful as there is a close connection between traditional palmistry and astrological theory. This in-depth online course will teach you everything that you need to know in order to read and translate palms.

5. Numerology: Understand The Meaning Of Numbers

The Numerology Course has been designed with the beginner in mind, covering everything from what Numerology is, to how to apply the study to benefit your own life and the lives of others.

Numerology is the study of the meanings of numbers and their relevance to our lives. It is used to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and to identify how you deal with relationships. It can show your strengths and weaknesses, obstacles you need to overcome, your talents, inner needs and emotional reactions. Some numerologists use numbers to determine the best time for major events.

This thought-provoking course will take you step-by-step through this study, so that by the end of the course you will understand how certain numbers will relate to you, what they mean, and how this information can be used in your life. This includes the meaning of your birthday number, how to calculate your destiny, personality, soul and personal growth numbers and how you can help others to do the same.

6. Tarot: Learn Everything That You Need To Know To Be Able To Interpret Tarot Cards

This comprehensive and exciting online Tarot Course will teach you everything that you need to know to be able to interpret Tarot Cards and to be able to give detailed readings.

The content of this course is divided into two sections. This is to enable you to begin reading the cards immediately. While you are working through the first section, do the exercises that appear by referring to the second section for brief interpretations of each card when you need to.

Once you have completed the first section, study the detailed interpretations of each card.

There are tests throughout the course to test your knowledge and understanding of the cards and assessment questions at the end of each course chapter which should be completed and submitted for marking.

7. Green Witchcraft: Learn How To Work Closely And In Collaboration With Mother Nature And Her Power

What is green witchcraft and how does it differ from other witch and Wicca traditions? This question is the starting point of the Green Witchcraft Course. Many people assume that green witches are nature-worshippers. Of course, to a certain extent, they are. But so too are many other witches of different disciplines. And while the green witch’s reverence for Mother Earth and her bounty may run deeper than most, the truth is, this respect for nature is but a piece of the whole part that makes up a green witch’s path. This course explores what it really means to be a green witch and how a person living that truth can deepen their faith even in today’s modern world.

Beginning with a definition of what it means to be a green witch, the course gives you an overview of the history of witchcraft. You’ll also learn how green witchcraft differs from Wicca, hedge witchery, kitchen witches and other practices.

From this introduction, you’ll jump straight into the powers of the green witch as you learn what a green witch’s magic is and what the sacredness of nature means to those following the green path.

8. Hedgewitchery: Reveal The Truths, Common Beliefs And Spirituality Of The Practice

Hedgewitchery is not just for ceremonial or special occasions, it is an everyday occurrence, a magic that is already a part of you, though you may not have realised it. The Hedgewitchery Course reveals the truths, common beliefs and spirituality of the practice, along with the festivals included in the hedgewitch calendar, how hedgewitches work with elementals and how you can follow the craft yourself.

The Hedgewitchery Course begins by providing a gentle introduction to the subject. This includes an exploration of the primary components of hedgewitchery and its practices, who hedgewitches were, where the term came from, and how the practice can be applied today. Alongside this, you will gain insight into the various branches of witchcraft and how hedgewitchery differs to these other forms.

The spirituality of a hedgewitch varies greatly from person to person, however, the importance of nature is core to anyone following the Craft (Witchcraft), you will discover why this is. You will also learn how hedgewitches use meditation and be guided through how to do visualisation and object meditations.

9. Kitchen Witchery: Explore The Practice Of Kitchen Witchery

The kitchen is the heart of the home - invite magic into yours by exploring the practice of kitchen witchery. Discover how to set your kitchen up with everything you’ll need to practice kitchen witchery and imbue your actions with intent, learn how to grow, store and use herbs for cooking, healing and more, practice magical techniques, and understand the goddesses and the importance of time.
Beginning with an outline of kitchen witchery, the course discusses the tools and foods you might use in your practice and their magical associations. You’ll learn how to set up a kitchen altar, the meanings of foods, and some common food superstitions.
A core concept of kitchen witchery is learning to live consciously and developing mindfulness. The Kitchen Witchery Course explores the concept of mindfulness in a practical way, giving you the tools you need to imbue your kitchen activities with intention.
Many kitchen witches prefer to use as few chemical cleaners as possible and may choose to make their own. You’ll learn how to make natural cleaning products for every room in your home and how to dispel negative energy and invite positive energy.
The course takes you outside, explaining how to grow a suitable kitchen witch’s garden. You’ll learn about the different types and meanings of herbs, enabling you to choose those that best correspond with your intent, and how to use them in various spells. With your herbs grown, you’ll learn how to gather, dry and store them for long-term use. You’ll also receive guidance on how to enchant your herbs, how to cook with them and which herbs go well with which foods.

10. Magical Herbalism: Harness The Powers Of Magical Herbalism

The cultivation of herbs for medicinal use is something humanity has been doing long before recorded history. Most of us understand that many plants and herbs have inherent qualities that can alleviate various ailments but not as many of us understand, or are aware of, the use of herbs in magic. The Magical Herbalism Course reveals all – sharing knowledge, techniques and methods to cast potent spells to heal, protect, gain wisdom, attract good fortune, and more.

To give you a strong foundational knowledge before you delve into practising magical herbalism, you will first explore important figures and events in its history and the theories behind the practice, which includes the doctrine of signatures.

To ensure the spells you cast have the desired effect, it’s important to choose the right herbs. The Magical Herbalism Course goes into exhaustive detail on this very topic – listing what various herbs are used for in magic and suggestions as to how you might choose to use a particular herb. You’ll also learn about the myths and folklore associated with individual herbs and how this information can help you gain a greater understanding of them.

With herbs chosen, you will discover how to gather, prepare and store them correctly. You’ll learn about the importance of the lunar cycle in gathering your herbs and practising herbal magic and how it can empower your spells. You’ll also find out about the associations between individual herbs and planets and the role these relationships play in your spells.

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For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.

This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!

Course Fast Facts:

  1. All courses are easy to follow and understand
  2. Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
  3. Study as many courses as you want
  4. Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
  5. You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
  6. Download printer friendly course content

Course Delivery

Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. 

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

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The Ultimate Advanced Wicca 10 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course: 

Course 1 - Certificate In Advanced Wicca Online Course

Module 1 - The Power of Spell Craft

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: History of Magic and Spell Craft
  • Part 2: History of Curses and Hexes
  • Part 3: What Constitutes a Spell
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - Working Within Sacred Space

  • Part 1: Working Within a Sacred Space
  • Part 2: Casting a Simple Circle
  • Part 3: Creating a Cone of Power
  • Part 4: The Five Layers of Your Energy
  • Part 5: Using Your Talents and Interests to Create a Magical Atmosphere
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Advanced Elemental Magic

  • Part 1: The Two Polarities
  • Part 2: Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines and Gnomes
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Advanced Money Magic

  • Part 1: The Law of Attraction and Money
  • Part 2: The Psychic Power of Attracting Money
  • Part 3: Gnostic Roots
  • Part 4: Simple Money Spells
  • Part 5: Manifesting Riches – The Seven Magnets to Riches
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Advanced Love Spells

  • Part 1: Tapping into Your Magnetic Force
  • Part 2: Radiating Love
  • Part 3: Building a Love Attracting Thought form
  • Part 4: Friday Night Candle Spells
  • Part 5: Strengthening Relationships
  • Part 6: Love Languages
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Night Spells and Dream Symbolism

  • Part 1: Moon Magic – Phases of the Moon
  • Part 2: Drawing Down the Moon Practice
  • Part 3: 30 Common Dream Symbols
  • Part 4: Full Moon Night Spell
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Thought Forms and How to Use Them

  • Part 1: Building a Thought Form
  • Part 2: Calling a Spirit Guide
  • Part 3: Communicating with Your Spirit Guide
  • Part 4: Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation
  • Part 5: Spirit Teacher Ritual
  • Part 6: Making Contact With Your Watcher
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Forms of Divination

  • Part 1: Tarot Cards
  • Part 2: Tarot Spreads
  • Part 3: Witches Runes
  • Part 4: Scrying
  • Part 5: Pendulum Magic
  • Part 6: Numerology
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Advanced Healing

  • Part 1: Manifestation of Disease
  • Part 2: A-Z List of Disease and Symptoms and Emotional Cause
  • Part 3: Harnessing Cosmic Light
  • Part 4: Using the Chakras for Healing
  • Part 5: Chakra Clearing Exercise
  • Part 6: The Advanced Chakra System
  • Part 7: Crystals and the Chakra System
  • Part 8: Wiccan Healing Rituals
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Sex Magic and Astral Travel

  • Part 1: Harnessing the Power of Sex in Magic
  • Part 2: Redirecting Sexual Power
  • Part 3: Complete Ritual for Harnessing Sexual Energy
  • Part 4: What is Astral Projection?
  • Part 5: Preparation for Astral Travel
  • Part 6: Ritual to Program Your Subconscious Mind to Induce Astral Travel
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Creating Your Own Rituals and Spells

  • Part 1: How to Create Your Own Powerful Rituals

  • Part 2: Zodiac Phase of the Moon
  • Part 3: Days of the Week for Magic
  • Part 4: Troubleshooting Spells and Rituals
  • Module 11 Assessment
  • References

Course 2 - Certificate In Wicca Online Course

Module 1 – What is Wicca

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: What Wicca Is and Isn’t
  • Part 2: Brief Overview of Wicca
  • Part 3: How to Use Wicca
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 – Shamanism, Religion and Spiritualty

  • Part 1: Shamanism
  • Part 2: Spiritual Practices for Body, Mind and Spirit
  • Part 3: Holidays and Days of Power
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Tools of the Trade

  • Part 1: Tools
  • Part 2: The Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
  • Part 3: The Six Directions – East, West, North and South, Up and Down
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 – Spells and Rituals

  • Part 1: Setting Up An Altar
  • Part 2: Creating Spells and Rituals
  • Part 3: Law of Threefold Return
  • Part 4: The Pentagram in the Circle
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 –Protection and Attractions Spells

  • Part 1: Using Thought Forms
  • Part 2: Wiccan Ways to Use Herbs
  • Part 3: Using Oils
  • Part 4: Basic Protection Ritual
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Wicca's Relationship with Nature

  • Part 1: Working with the Divine Spirit in Nature
  • Part 2: Building a Love Affair with Nature
  • Part 3: Nature Spirit Invocation
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Creating a Book of Shadows, Candles and Colours

  • Part 1: What is a Book of Shadows?
  • Part 2: How to Create a Book of Shadows
  • Part 3: Colour Magic
  • Part 4: Candle Magic
  • Part 5: Candle Spells
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Receiving Divine Guidance

  • Part 1: Meditation Practices
  • Part 2: Sensing Energy
  • Part 3: Meeting Spirit Guides and Other Beings
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Complete Rituals for Love and Prosperity

  • Part 1: Complete Love Attraction Ritual
  • Part 2: Spirits of Prosperity
  • Part 3: Prosperity Chant
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Amulets, Talismans and Charms

  • Part 1: Crystals and Stones for Protection

  • Part 2: Crystals and the Chakra System
  • Part 3: How to Create a Lucky Meditation Stone
  • Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

Course 3 - Certificate In Natural Magic Online Course

Module 1 – Understanding Natural Magic

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: The Doctrine of Signatures
  • Part 2: Sympathetic Magic
  • Part 3: Folk Magic and Cunning Folk
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 –Trees and Nature Spirits

  • Part 1: Trees
  • Part 2: Nature Spirits
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 – Elemental Magic

  • Part 1: Fire
  • Part 2: Earth
  • Part 3: Air Magic
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 – Timing

  • Part 1: The Wheel of the Year
  • Part 2: Moon Phases
  • Part 3: Moon Signs
  • Part 4: Days of the Week
  • Part 5: Planetary Hours
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 – Spell Casting

  • Part 1: Creating a Sacred Space
  • Part 2: Spell Casting Techniques
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Candle Magic

  • Part 1: Type of Candle to Use
  • Part 2: Cleansing the Candle
  • Part 3: Performing Your Magic
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 – Herbal Magic

  • Part 1: Correspondences
  • Part 2: Tools
  • Part 3: Using Herbs in Magic
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Stones, Crystals and Gems

  • Part 1: Cleansing and Charging Your Stones
  • Part 2: Using Your Stones for Magic
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Amulets

  • Part 1: Shapes and Images
  • Part 2: Colour
  • Part 3: Magic Squares
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 – The Shamanic Journey

  • Part 1: How to Begin a Journey
  • Part 2: During a Journey
  • Part 3: Returning
  • Module 10 Assessment
  • Conclusion

Course 4 - Certificate In Palmistry Online Course

Module 1 - A Short History of Palmistry

  • A Short History of Palmistry
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - What is Palmistry?

  • Part 1: What is Palmistry?
  • Part 2: Reading Method
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - The Hand

  • Part 1: The Hand
  • Part 2: Palm
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Hand Types

  • Part 1: Hand Types
  • Part 2: Traditional Hand Types
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Quadrangle & Great Triangle

  • Part 1: Quadrangle & Great Triangle
  • Part 2: Zones
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Fingers and Thumb

  • Part 1: Fingers and Thumb
  • Part 2: Spacing
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Fingerprints

  • Part 1: Fingerprints
  • Part 2: Fingerprints
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Wrist

  • Part 1: Wrist
  • Part 2: Nails
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Mounts

  • Part 1: Mounts
  • Part 2: Mounts
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Lines

  • Lines
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Major Lines

  • Part 1: Major Lines
  • Part 2: Head Line
  • Part 3: Heart Line
  • Part 4: Girdle of Venus
  • Part 5: Line of Fortune
  • Part 6: Health Line
  • Part 7: Fate Line
  • Module 11 Assessment

Module 12 - Minor Lines

  • Part 1: Minor Lines
  • Part 2: Minor Lines
  • Module 12 Assessment

Module 13 - Rings

  • Part 1: Rings
  • Part 2: Loops
  • Module 13 Assessment

Module 14 - Common Marks

  • Common Marks
  • Module 14 Assessment

Module 15 - Timing

  • Timing
  • Module 15 Assessment

Course 5 - Certificate In Numerology Online Course

Module 1 - What is Numerology?

  • Part 1: What is Numerology?
  • Part 2: The Three Main Forms of Numerology
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - The Meanings of the Individual Numbers

  • The Meanings of the Individual Numbers
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - The Three Master Numbers and their Meanings

  • Part 1: The Three Master Numbers and their Meanings
  • Part 2: Numerology Calculation: Core Numbers
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Destiny Number

  • Part 1: Destiny Number
  • Part 2: The Meanings of the Destiny Numbers
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Soul Number

  • Part 1: Soul Number
  • Part 2: The Meanings of the Soul Numbers
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Personality Number

  • Part 1: Personality Number
  • Part 2: The Meanings of the Personality Numbers
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Birthday Number

  • Part 1: The Meanings of the Birthday Numbers
  • Part 2: Combining the Core Elements
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Other Numbers

  • Part 1: Other Numbers
  • Part 2: Habit Challenge
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Maturity Number

  • Part 1: Maturity Number
  • Part 2: Karmic Number
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Cycles

  • Part 1: Cycles
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Personal Year Number
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Life Path Period

  • Part 1: Life Path Period
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Life Path Period
  • Module 11 Assessment

Module 12 - Pinnacles

  • Part 1: Pinnacles
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Pinnacles
  • Module 12 Assessment

Module 13 - Challenge Numbers

  • Part 1: Challenge Numbers
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Challenge Numbers
  • Module 13 Assessment

Module 14 - Essences

  • Part 1: Essences
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Essence Numbers
  • Module 14 Assessment

Course 6 - Certificate In Tarot Online Course

Module 1 - What is Tarot?

  • Part 1: What is Tarot?
  • Part 2: A Short History of Tarot
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - Choosing Your Tarot Deck

  • Part 1: Choosing Your Tarot Deck
  • Part 2: Consecrating Your Tarot Cards
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Giving a Reading

  • Part 1: Giving a Reading
  • Part 2: Shuffling the cards
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Spreads

  • Part 1: Spreads
  • Part 2: Spreads
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Timing

  • Timing
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Tarot and Astrology

  • Part 1: Tarot and Astrology
  • Part 2: Astrological associations of major arcana cards
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Tarot and the Kabbalah

  • Tarot and the Kabbalah
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Understanding Tarot Symbolism

  • Part 1: The Elements
  • Part 2: Number
  • Part 3: Symbols
  • Part 4: Targetted Readings
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Introduction to the Major Arcana

  • Introduction to the Major Arcana
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 – Cards of the Major Arcana I

  • Part 1: The Fool
  • Part 2: I The Magician
  • Part 3: II The High Priestess
  • Part 4: III The Empress
  • Part 5: IV The Emperor
  • Part 6: V The Heirophant
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 – Cards of the Major Arcana II

  • Part 1: VI The Lovers
  • Part 2: VII The Chariot
  • Part 3: VIII Justice
  • Part 4: IX The Hermit
  • Part 5: X The Wheel of Fortune
  • Module 11 Assessment

Module 12 – Cards of the Major Arcana III

  • Part 1: XI Strength
  • Part 2: XII The Hanged Man
  • Part 3: XIII Death
  • Part 4: XIV Temperance
  • Part 5: XV The Devil
  • Part 6: XVI The Tower
  • Module 12 Assessment

Module 13 – Cards of the Major Arcana IV

  • Part 1: XVII The Star
  • Part 2: XVIII The Moon
  • Part 3: XIX The Sun
  • Part 4: XX Judgement
  • Part 5: XXI The World
  • Module 13 Assessment

Module 14 - The Minor Arcana

  • The Minor Arcana
  • Module 14 Assessment

Module 15 - Cups

  • Cups
  • Module 15 Assessment

Module 16 - Wands

  • Wands
  • Module 16 Assessment

Module 17 - Coins

  • Coins
  • Module 17 Assessment

Module 18 - Swords

  • Swords

  • Module 18 Assessment

Course 7 - Certificate In Green Witchcraft Online Course

Module 1: What is Green Witchcraft? Introduction

  • Part 1: A Brief History of Witchcraft
  • Part 2: Defining Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Walking the Green Path
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: Setting Your Power

  • Part 1: What is a Green Witch’s Magic?
  • Part 2: The Place of Ritual in Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Grounding and Centring
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: Tools of the Green Witch

  • Part 1: In Your Garden
  • Part 2: In Your Kitchen
  • Part 3: In Your Rituals
  • Part 4: The Four Elemental Tools of Witchcraft
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Alignment with Nature

  • Part 1: Tuning into Your Environment
  • Part 2: The Magic of Trees
  • Part 3: The Magic of the Elements
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Hearth Magick

  • Part 1: The Role of the Hearth
  • Part 2: Ways to Practice Hearth Magick
  • Part 3: Creating Magick Around the Home
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Celebrating the Power of the Seasons

  • Part 1: The Wheel of the Year
  • Part 2: The Eight Festivals: Meaning and Magic
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Walking the Green

  • Path Part 1: Working with Green Energy
  • Part 2: Bringing Crystals into Your Craft
  • Part 3: Working with the Energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: The Green Witch Garden

  • Part 1: Designing Your Garden
  • Part 2: Tending to Your Garden
  • Part 3: Planning Planting, Blooming and Harvest Times
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Herb Magick

  • Part 1: Herbs and Botanicals – Cut, Dried and Powdered
  • Part 2: Essential Herbs to Grow in Your Green Witch Garden
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10: Spells for the Green Witch

  • Part 1: Spell Do’s and Don’ts
  • Part 2: 10 Spells for Green Witches Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

Course 8 - Certificate In Hedgewitchery Online Course

Module 1 – What is Hedgewitchery?

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: What is Hedgewitchery?
  • Part 2: Different Forms of Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Degrees of Witchcraft
  • Part 4: How We Can Apply Hedgewitchery in the Modern World?
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 – Hedgewitch Spirituality

  • Part 1: Spiritual Practices
  • Part 2: Meditation Techniques
  • Part 3: Working with Nature
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 – The Earth and Stars

  • Part 1: The Importance of the Turning of the Wheel
  • Part 2: The Esbat
  • Part 3: How Hedgewitches Celebrate the Equinoxes
  • Part 4: How the Earth and Stars Determine the Path of the Hedgewitch
  • Part 5: What the Earth and Stars Mean to the Hedgewitch

Module 4 – Hedgewitch Festivals

  • Part 1: How to Celebrate the Spring to Summer Festivals
  • Part 2: Litha and Lammas
  • Part 3: How to Celebrate the Autumn to Winter Festivals
  • Part 4: The Elemental Beings and Spells for Each Festival
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 – The Elemental Hedgewitch

  • Part 1: The Importance of the Spiritual Connection to the Earth
  • Part 2: Working with Elemental Beings
  • Part 3: Prevalence in Our Culture
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – How to Work with Elementals

  • Part 1: Fairies
  • Part 2: Connection
  • Part 3: Pixies
  • Part 4: Elves
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 – The Respect of All Elementals

  • Part 1: The Hedgewitch Elemental Guide
  • Part 2: Mermaids
  • Part 3: Dragons
  • Part 4: Sphinx
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Sacred Trees

  • Part 1: The Oak King
  • Part 2: Grandmother Willow
  • Part 3: Sister Birch
  • Part 4: Grandfather Yew
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Everyday Practice of a Hedgewitch

  • Part 1: Daily Ritual and Record Keeping
  • Part 2: The Hedgewitch Knowledge of Sacred Herbs
  • Part 3: Hedgewitch Divination
  • Part 4: Tasseomancy Symbols
  • Module 9 Assessment
  • Conclusion

Course 9 - Certificate In Kitchen Witchery Online Course

Module 1 – Kitchen Witchery


Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

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The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

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Ultimate Advanced Wicca Online Bundle, 10 Certificate Courses

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The Most Comprehensive Advanced Wicca Bundle

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Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 150 hours per course
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn - Have A Pre-existing Foundational Knowledge Of Wicca
  • The Power of Spell Craft
  • Working Within Sacred Places
  • Advanced Elemental Magic
  • Advanced Money Magic
  • Advanced Love Spells
  • Night Spells and Dream Symbolism
  • Thought Forms and How to Use Them
  • Forms of Divination
  • Advanced Healing
  • Sex Magic and Astral Travel
  • Creating Your Own Rituals and Spells
Get BIG Savings with our Advanced Wicca Online Bundle, 10 Certificate Courses
  1. Advanced Wicca
  2. Wicca
  3. Natural Magic
  4. Palmistry
  5. Numerology
  6. Tarot
  7. Green Witchcraft
  8. Hedgewitchery
  9. Kitchen Witchery
  10. Magical Herbalism
1. Advanced Wicca: Have A Pre-existing Foundational Knowledge Of Wicca

This course takes you further into the theories and history of Wiccan practices, in particular, the use of spells and your understanding of them. You’ll discover more about how spells come together and how to increase the potency of their effects.

From studying the Advanced Wicca Course you’ll progress in your practice exponentially. It goes into further detail about creating and working within your sacred space, understanding the energies that you work with, and how to harness the power of the elements and the moon in your spells.

Discover advanced love spells and how to tap into your magnetic force and condition your aura so that you radiate love and draw people to you. You’ll discover how to use your Wiccan practice to strengthen your relationships. You’ll also explore sex magic and how to utilise this powerful, raw energy in your spells.

2. Wicca: Learn To Develop Your Wiccan Identity

The Wicca Course offers a journey of discovery - showing you how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature, using the beautiful, and very personal, practice known as Wicca. From spells and rituals to creating amulets and a Book of Shadows, you’ll learn all you need to start this fantastic journey of self-discovery and deep appreciation of the energy of nature and the divine.

Wicca is often misunderstood and misrepresented. By studying the Wicca Course, you will learn the truth of the practice and what it really is and is not. You’ll discover its origins and how to use it to improve your life.

Wicca arose from the practice of Shamanism. You will learn how the two are connected and the difference between Wicca and other religions. There is no ‘right’ way to develop your Wiccan identity, but you will be guided through practices that can be used to help you on your journey. You will be advised on the ways Wicca can benefit you and the holidays celebrated in the Wiccan calendar and the significance of each.

The practice of Wicca magic involves the use of a variety of tools. The Wicca Course itemises these, explains the use of each, and details how to consecrate them before use. In a similar way, you’ll learn the use of the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) in spellcasting and how to protect yourself before initiating any ritual.

Worship, rituals and spellcasting are practiced at a Wiccan’s altar – a private, sacred space solely dedicated to the practice. Each altar is personal to the practitioner but have common elements that should be included, which are detailed in the course.

3. Natural Magic: Let Natural Magic Lead You To Your Shamanic Journey

The magical power of nature is within your grasp! Through this course, you will gain all the information you need to start practising natural magic. Discover the theories and practices of natural magic, it’s traditional practitioners, the magic within trees and nature spirits, and techniques to get you working with the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water.

Learn how to establish a sacred space for your practice and progress from simple spell casting techniques to more advanced spells. You’ll discover the tools used in natural magic and how they can enhance the potency of your spells. Explore how to choose and use candles, herbs, and stones in casting spells and performing magic and how to create your own amulets, set with specific purposes.

A fundamental principle of working with natural magic is covered – the timing of magical activities. You’ll learn the methods to assess larger time spans (the seasons) to smaller time spans (planetary hours) and discover how these are important in enriching your practice.

The Natural Magic Course also looks at how to use shamanic journeying within your practice, the benefits of doing so, and issues you need to be aware of to ensure your journey is successful.

4. Palmistry: Learn How To Read Palms

Palmistry is the practice of interpreting a person's character or predicting their future by examining the lines and other features of the hand. This online course will teach you everything that you need to know in order to read palms.

Most readers begin by reading the person’s dominant hand (the hand they write with or use the most). A variety of factors may be considered including the shape of various lines, flexibility of the palm, characteristics of the fingers, shape and size of the palm and the nails.

There are three forms of palmistry:

Chiromancy involves reading the palm by studying the lines and mounts(bumps)

Chirognomy involves judging character by the shape and appearance of the hand.

Dermatoglyphics is the study of the skin ridges of the hand and of fingerprints.

The information given during a palm reading can be used to help the person understand themselves better and use that knowledge to help them to make decisions. The lines of the hand can change over time, reflecting the changes we make in our lives.

Palmistry is easy to learn and requires no knowledge of other fields of study, although knowledge of astrology can be helpful as there is a close connection between traditional palmistry and astrological theory. This in-depth online course will teach you everything that you need to know in order to read and translate palms.

5. Numerology: Understand The Meaning Of Numbers

The Numerology Course has been designed with the beginner in mind, covering everything from what Numerology is, to how to apply the study to benefit your own life and the lives of others.

Numerology is the study of the meanings of numbers and their relevance to our lives. It is used to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and to identify how you deal with relationships. It can show your strengths and weaknesses, obstacles you need to overcome, your talents, inner needs and emotional reactions. Some numerologists use numbers to determine the best time for major events.

This thought-provoking course will take you step-by-step through this study, so that by the end of the course you will understand how certain numbers will relate to you, what they mean, and how this information can be used in your life. This includes the meaning of your birthday number, how to calculate your destiny, personality, soul and personal growth numbers and how you can help others to do the same.

6. Tarot: Learn Everything That You Need To Know To Be Able To Interpret Tarot Cards

This comprehensive and exciting online Tarot Course will teach you everything that you need to know to be able to interpret Tarot Cards and to be able to give detailed readings.

The content of this course is divided into two sections. This is to enable you to begin reading the cards immediately. While you are working through the first section, do the exercises that appear by referring to the second section for brief interpretations of each card when you need to.

Once you have completed the first section, study the detailed interpretations of each card.

There are tests throughout the course to test your knowledge and understanding of the cards and assessment questions at the end of each course chapter which should be completed and submitted for marking.

7. Green Witchcraft: Learn How To Work Closely And In Collaboration With Mother Nature And Her Power

What is green witchcraft and how does it differ from other witch and Wicca traditions? This question is the starting point of the Green Witchcraft Course. Many people assume that green witches are nature-worshippers. Of course, to a certain extent, they are. But so too are many other witches of different disciplines. And while the green witch’s reverence for Mother Earth and her bounty may run deeper than most, the truth is, this respect for nature is but a piece of the whole part that makes up a green witch’s path. This course explores what it really means to be a green witch and how a person living that truth can deepen their faith even in today’s modern world.

Beginning with a definition of what it means to be a green witch, the course gives you an overview of the history of witchcraft. You’ll also learn how green witchcraft differs from Wicca, hedge witchery, kitchen witches and other practices.

From this introduction, you’ll jump straight into the powers of the green witch as you learn what a green witch’s magic is and what the sacredness of nature means to those following the green path.

8. Hedgewitchery: Reveal The Truths, Common Beliefs And Spirituality Of The Practice

Hedgewitchery is not just for ceremonial or special occasions, it is an everyday occurrence, a magic that is already a part of you, though you may not have realised it. The Hedgewitchery Course reveals the truths, common beliefs and spirituality of the practice, along with the festivals included in the hedgewitch calendar, how hedgewitches work with elementals and how you can follow the craft yourself.

The Hedgewitchery Course begins by providing a gentle introduction to the subject. This includes an exploration of the primary components of hedgewitchery and its practices, who hedgewitches were, where the term came from, and how the practice can be applied today. Alongside this, you will gain insight into the various branches of witchcraft and how hedgewitchery differs to these other forms.

The spirituality of a hedgewitch varies greatly from person to person, however, the importance of nature is core to anyone following the Craft (Witchcraft), you will discover why this is. You will also learn how hedgewitches use meditation and be guided through how to do visualisation and object meditations.

9. Kitchen Witchery: Explore The Practice Of Kitchen Witchery

The kitchen is the heart of the home - invite magic into yours by exploring the practice of kitchen witchery. Discover how to set your kitchen up with everything you’ll need to practice kitchen witchery and imbue your actions with intent, learn how to grow, store and use herbs for cooking, healing and more, practice magical techniques, and understand the goddesses and the importance of time.
Beginning with an outline of kitchen witchery, the course discusses the tools and foods you might use in your practice and their magical associations. You’ll learn how to set up a kitchen altar, the meanings of foods, and some common food superstitions.
A core concept of kitchen witchery is learning to live consciously and developing mindfulness. The Kitchen Witchery Course explores the concept of mindfulness in a practical way, giving you the tools you need to imbue your kitchen activities with intention.
Many kitchen witches prefer to use as few chemical cleaners as possible and may choose to make their own. You’ll learn how to make natural cleaning products for every room in your home and how to dispel negative energy and invite positive energy.
The course takes you outside, explaining how to grow a suitable kitchen witch’s garden. You’ll learn about the different types and meanings of herbs, enabling you to choose those that best correspond with your intent, and how to use them in various spells. With your herbs grown, you’ll learn how to gather, dry and store them for long-term use. You’ll also receive guidance on how to enchant your herbs, how to cook with them and which herbs go well with which foods.

10. Magical Herbalism: Harness The Powers Of Magical Herbalism

The cultivation of herbs for medicinal use is something humanity has been doing long before recorded history. Most of us understand that many plants and herbs have inherent qualities that can alleviate various ailments but not as many of us understand, or are aware of, the use of herbs in magic. The Magical Herbalism Course reveals all – sharing knowledge, techniques and methods to cast potent spells to heal, protect, gain wisdom, attract good fortune, and more.

To give you a strong foundational knowledge before you delve into practising magical herbalism, you will first explore important figures and events in its history and the theories behind the practice, which includes the doctrine of signatures.

To ensure the spells you cast have the desired effect, it’s important to choose the right herbs. The Magical Herbalism Course goes into exhaustive detail on this very topic – listing what various herbs are used for in magic and suggestions as to how you might choose to use a particular herb. You’ll also learn about the myths and folklore associated with individual herbs and how this information can help you gain a greater understanding of them.

With herbs chosen, you will discover how to gather, prepare and store them correctly. You’ll learn about the importance of the lunar cycle in gathering your herbs and practising herbal magic and how it can empower your spells. You’ll also find out about the associations between individual herbs and planets and the role these relationships play in your spells.

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For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.

This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!

Course Fast Facts:

  1. All courses are easy to follow and understand
  2. Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
  3. Study as many courses as you want
  4. Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
  5. You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
  6. Download printer friendly course content

Course Delivery

Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. 

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.

The Ultimate Advanced Wicca 10 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course: 

Course 1 - Certificate In Advanced Wicca Online Course

Module 1 - The Power of Spell Craft

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: History of Magic and Spell Craft
  • Part 2: History of Curses and Hexes
  • Part 3: What Constitutes a Spell
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - Working Within Sacred Space

  • Part 1: Working Within a Sacred Space
  • Part 2: Casting a Simple Circle
  • Part 3: Creating a Cone of Power
  • Part 4: The Five Layers of Your Energy
  • Part 5: Using Your Talents and Interests to Create a Magical Atmosphere
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Advanced Elemental Magic

  • Part 1: The Two Polarities
  • Part 2: Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines and Gnomes
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Advanced Money Magic

  • Part 1: The Law of Attraction and Money
  • Part 2: The Psychic Power of Attracting Money
  • Part 3: Gnostic Roots
  • Part 4: Simple Money Spells
  • Part 5: Manifesting Riches – The Seven Magnets to Riches
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Advanced Love Spells

  • Part 1: Tapping into Your Magnetic Force
  • Part 2: Radiating Love
  • Part 3: Building a Love Attracting Thought form
  • Part 4: Friday Night Candle Spells
  • Part 5: Strengthening Relationships
  • Part 6: Love Languages
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Night Spells and Dream Symbolism

  • Part 1: Moon Magic – Phases of the Moon
  • Part 2: Drawing Down the Moon Practice
  • Part 3: 30 Common Dream Symbols
  • Part 4: Full Moon Night Spell
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Thought Forms and How to Use Them

  • Part 1: Building a Thought Form
  • Part 2: Calling a Spirit Guide
  • Part 3: Communicating with Your Spirit Guide
  • Part 4: Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation
  • Part 5: Spirit Teacher Ritual
  • Part 6: Making Contact With Your Watcher
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Forms of Divination

  • Part 1: Tarot Cards
  • Part 2: Tarot Spreads
  • Part 3: Witches Runes
  • Part 4: Scrying
  • Part 5: Pendulum Magic
  • Part 6: Numerology
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Advanced Healing

  • Part 1: Manifestation of Disease
  • Part 2: A-Z List of Disease and Symptoms and Emotional Cause
  • Part 3: Harnessing Cosmic Light
  • Part 4: Using the Chakras for Healing
  • Part 5: Chakra Clearing Exercise
  • Part 6: The Advanced Chakra System
  • Part 7: Crystals and the Chakra System
  • Part 8: Wiccan Healing Rituals
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Sex Magic and Astral Travel

  • Part 1: Harnessing the Power of Sex in Magic
  • Part 2: Redirecting Sexual Power
  • Part 3: Complete Ritual for Harnessing Sexual Energy
  • Part 4: What is Astral Projection?
  • Part 5: Preparation for Astral Travel
  • Part 6: Ritual to Program Your Subconscious Mind to Induce Astral Travel
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Creating Your Own Rituals and Spells

  • Part 1: How to Create Your Own Powerful Rituals

  • Part 2: Zodiac Phase of the Moon
  • Part 3: Days of the Week for Magic
  • Part 4: Troubleshooting Spells and Rituals
  • Module 11 Assessment
  • References

Course 2 - Certificate In Wicca Online Course

Module 1 – What is Wicca

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: What Wicca Is and Isn’t
  • Part 2: Brief Overview of Wicca
  • Part 3: How to Use Wicca
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 – Shamanism, Religion and Spiritualty

  • Part 1: Shamanism
  • Part 2: Spiritual Practices for Body, Mind and Spirit
  • Part 3: Holidays and Days of Power
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Tools of the Trade

  • Part 1: Tools
  • Part 2: The Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
  • Part 3: The Six Directions – East, West, North and South, Up and Down
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 – Spells and Rituals

  • Part 1: Setting Up An Altar
  • Part 2: Creating Spells and Rituals
  • Part 3: Law of Threefold Return
  • Part 4: The Pentagram in the Circle
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 –Protection and Attractions Spells

  • Part 1: Using Thought Forms
  • Part 2: Wiccan Ways to Use Herbs
  • Part 3: Using Oils
  • Part 4: Basic Protection Ritual
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Wicca's Relationship with Nature

  • Part 1: Working with the Divine Spirit in Nature
  • Part 2: Building a Love Affair with Nature
  • Part 3: Nature Spirit Invocation
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Creating a Book of Shadows, Candles and Colours

  • Part 1: What is a Book of Shadows?
  • Part 2: How to Create a Book of Shadows
  • Part 3: Colour Magic
  • Part 4: Candle Magic
  • Part 5: Candle Spells
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Receiving Divine Guidance

  • Part 1: Meditation Practices
  • Part 2: Sensing Energy
  • Part 3: Meeting Spirit Guides and Other Beings
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Complete Rituals for Love and Prosperity

  • Part 1: Complete Love Attraction Ritual
  • Part 2: Spirits of Prosperity
  • Part 3: Prosperity Chant
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Amulets, Talismans and Charms

  • Part 1: Crystals and Stones for Protection

  • Part 2: Crystals and the Chakra System
  • Part 3: How to Create a Lucky Meditation Stone
  • Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

Course 3 - Certificate In Natural Magic Online Course

Module 1 – Understanding Natural Magic

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: The Doctrine of Signatures
  • Part 2: Sympathetic Magic
  • Part 3: Folk Magic and Cunning Folk
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 –Trees and Nature Spirits

  • Part 1: Trees
  • Part 2: Nature Spirits
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 – Elemental Magic

  • Part 1: Fire
  • Part 2: Earth
  • Part 3: Air Magic
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 – Timing

  • Part 1: The Wheel of the Year
  • Part 2: Moon Phases
  • Part 3: Moon Signs
  • Part 4: Days of the Week
  • Part 5: Planetary Hours
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 – Spell Casting

  • Part 1: Creating a Sacred Space
  • Part 2: Spell Casting Techniques
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Candle Magic

  • Part 1: Type of Candle to Use
  • Part 2: Cleansing the Candle
  • Part 3: Performing Your Magic
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 – Herbal Magic

  • Part 1: Correspondences
  • Part 2: Tools
  • Part 3: Using Herbs in Magic
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Stones, Crystals and Gems

  • Part 1: Cleansing and Charging Your Stones
  • Part 2: Using Your Stones for Magic
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Amulets

  • Part 1: Shapes and Images
  • Part 2: Colour
  • Part 3: Magic Squares
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 – The Shamanic Journey

  • Part 1: How to Begin a Journey
  • Part 2: During a Journey
  • Part 3: Returning
  • Module 10 Assessment
  • Conclusion

Course 4 - Certificate In Palmistry Online Course

Module 1 - A Short History of Palmistry

  • A Short History of Palmistry
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - What is Palmistry?

  • Part 1: What is Palmistry?
  • Part 2: Reading Method
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - The Hand

  • Part 1: The Hand
  • Part 2: Palm
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Hand Types

  • Part 1: Hand Types
  • Part 2: Traditional Hand Types
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Quadrangle & Great Triangle

  • Part 1: Quadrangle & Great Triangle
  • Part 2: Zones
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Fingers and Thumb

  • Part 1: Fingers and Thumb
  • Part 2: Spacing
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Fingerprints

  • Part 1: Fingerprints
  • Part 2: Fingerprints
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Wrist

  • Part 1: Wrist
  • Part 2: Nails
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Mounts

  • Part 1: Mounts
  • Part 2: Mounts
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Lines

  • Lines
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Major Lines

  • Part 1: Major Lines
  • Part 2: Head Line
  • Part 3: Heart Line
  • Part 4: Girdle of Venus
  • Part 5: Line of Fortune
  • Part 6: Health Line
  • Part 7: Fate Line
  • Module 11 Assessment

Module 12 - Minor Lines

  • Part 1: Minor Lines
  • Part 2: Minor Lines
  • Module 12 Assessment

Module 13 - Rings

  • Part 1: Rings
  • Part 2: Loops
  • Module 13 Assessment

Module 14 - Common Marks

  • Common Marks
  • Module 14 Assessment

Module 15 - Timing

  • Timing
  • Module 15 Assessment

Course 5 - Certificate In Numerology Online Course

Module 1 - What is Numerology?

  • Part 1: What is Numerology?
  • Part 2: The Three Main Forms of Numerology
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - The Meanings of the Individual Numbers

  • The Meanings of the Individual Numbers
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - The Three Master Numbers and their Meanings

  • Part 1: The Three Master Numbers and their Meanings
  • Part 2: Numerology Calculation: Core Numbers
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Destiny Number

  • Part 1: Destiny Number
  • Part 2: The Meanings of the Destiny Numbers
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Soul Number

  • Part 1: Soul Number
  • Part 2: The Meanings of the Soul Numbers
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Personality Number

  • Part 1: Personality Number
  • Part 2: The Meanings of the Personality Numbers
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Birthday Number

  • Part 1: The Meanings of the Birthday Numbers
  • Part 2: Combining the Core Elements
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Other Numbers

  • Part 1: Other Numbers
  • Part 2: Habit Challenge
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Maturity Number

  • Part 1: Maturity Number
  • Part 2: Karmic Number
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 - Cycles

  • Part 1: Cycles
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Personal Year Number
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Life Path Period

  • Part 1: Life Path Period
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Life Path Period
  • Module 11 Assessment

Module 12 - Pinnacles

  • Part 1: Pinnacles
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Pinnacles
  • Module 12 Assessment

Module 13 - Challenge Numbers

  • Part 1: Challenge Numbers
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Challenge Numbers
  • Module 13 Assessment

Module 14 - Essences

  • Part 1: Essences
  • Part 2: The Meanings of Your Essence Numbers
  • Module 14 Assessment

Course 6 - Certificate In Tarot Online Course

Module 1 - What is Tarot?

  • Part 1: What is Tarot?
  • Part 2: A Short History of Tarot
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - Choosing Your Tarot Deck

  • Part 1: Choosing Your Tarot Deck
  • Part 2: Consecrating Your Tarot Cards
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Giving a Reading

  • Part 1: Giving a Reading
  • Part 2: Shuffling the cards
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Spreads

  • Part 1: Spreads
  • Part 2: Spreads
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Timing

  • Timing
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 - Tarot and Astrology

  • Part 1: Tarot and Astrology
  • Part 2: Astrological associations of major arcana cards
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Tarot and the Kabbalah

  • Tarot and the Kabbalah
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Understanding Tarot Symbolism

  • Part 1: The Elements
  • Part 2: Number
  • Part 3: Symbols
  • Part 4: Targetted Readings
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Introduction to the Major Arcana

  • Introduction to the Major Arcana
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 – Cards of the Major Arcana I

  • Part 1: The Fool
  • Part 2: I The Magician
  • Part 3: II The High Priestess
  • Part 4: III The Empress
  • Part 5: IV The Emperor
  • Part 6: V The Heirophant
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 – Cards of the Major Arcana II

  • Part 1: VI The Lovers
  • Part 2: VII The Chariot
  • Part 3: VIII Justice
  • Part 4: IX The Hermit
  • Part 5: X The Wheel of Fortune
  • Module 11 Assessment

Module 12 – Cards of the Major Arcana III

  • Part 1: XI Strength
  • Part 2: XII The Hanged Man
  • Part 3: XIII Death
  • Part 4: XIV Temperance
  • Part 5: XV The Devil
  • Part 6: XVI The Tower
  • Module 12 Assessment

Module 13 – Cards of the Major Arcana IV

  • Part 1: XVII The Star
  • Part 2: XVIII The Moon
  • Part 3: XIX The Sun
  • Part 4: XX Judgement
  • Part 5: XXI The World
  • Module 13 Assessment

Module 14 - The Minor Arcana

  • The Minor Arcana
  • Module 14 Assessment

Module 15 - Cups

  • Cups
  • Module 15 Assessment

Module 16 - Wands

  • Wands
  • Module 16 Assessment

Module 17 - Coins

  • Coins
  • Module 17 Assessment

Module 18 - Swords

  • Swords

  • Module 18 Assessment

Course 7 - Certificate In Green Witchcraft Online Course

Module 1: What is Green Witchcraft? Introduction

  • Part 1: A Brief History of Witchcraft
  • Part 2: Defining Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Walking the Green Path
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: Setting Your Power

  • Part 1: What is a Green Witch’s Magic?
  • Part 2: The Place of Ritual in Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Grounding and Centring
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: Tools of the Green Witch

  • Part 1: In Your Garden
  • Part 2: In Your Kitchen
  • Part 3: In Your Rituals
  • Part 4: The Four Elemental Tools of Witchcraft
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Alignment with Nature

  • Part 1: Tuning into Your Environment
  • Part 2: The Magic of Trees
  • Part 3: The Magic of the Elements
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Hearth Magick

  • Part 1: The Role of the Hearth
  • Part 2: Ways to Practice Hearth Magick
  • Part 3: Creating Magick Around the Home
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Celebrating the Power of the Seasons

  • Part 1: The Wheel of the Year
  • Part 2: The Eight Festivals: Meaning and Magic
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Walking the Green

  • Path Part 1: Working with Green Energy
  • Part 2: Bringing Crystals into Your Craft
  • Part 3: Working with the Energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: The Green Witch Garden

  • Part 1: Designing Your Garden
  • Part 2: Tending to Your Garden
  • Part 3: Planning Planting, Blooming and Harvest Times
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Herb Magick

  • Part 1: Herbs and Botanicals – Cut, Dried and Powdered
  • Part 2: Essential Herbs to Grow in Your Green Witch Garden
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10: Spells for the Green Witch

  • Part 1: Spell Do’s and Don’ts
  • Part 2: 10 Spells for Green Witches Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

Course 8 - Certificate In Hedgewitchery Online Course

Module 1 – What is Hedgewitchery?

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: What is Hedgewitchery?
  • Part 2: Different Forms of Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Degrees of Witchcraft
  • Part 4: How We Can Apply Hedgewitchery in the Modern World?
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 – Hedgewitch Spirituality

  • Part 1: Spiritual Practices
  • Part 2: Meditation Techniques
  • Part 3: Working with Nature
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 – The Earth and Stars

  • Part 1: The Importance of the Turning of the Wheel
  • Part 2: The Esbat
  • Part 3: How Hedgewitches Celebrate the Equinoxes
  • Part 4: How the Earth and Stars Determine the Path of the Hedgewitch
  • Part 5: What the Earth and Stars Mean to the Hedgewitch

Module 4 – Hedgewitch Festivals

  • Part 1: How to Celebrate the Spring to Summer Festivals
  • Part 2: Litha and Lammas
  • Part 3: How to Celebrate the Autumn to Winter Festivals
  • Part 4: The Elemental Beings and Spells for Each Festival
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 – The Elemental Hedgewitch

  • Part 1: The Importance of the Spiritual Connection to the Earth
  • Part 2: Working with Elemental Beings
  • Part 3: Prevalence in Our Culture
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – How to Work with Elementals

  • Part 1: Fairies
  • Part 2: Connection
  • Part 3: Pixies
  • Part 4: Elves
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 – The Respect of All Elementals

  • Part 1: The Hedgewitch Elemental Guide
  • Part 2: Mermaids
  • Part 3: Dragons
  • Part 4: Sphinx
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Sacred Trees

  • Part 1: The Oak King
  • Part 2: Grandmother Willow
  • Part 3: Sister Birch
  • Part 4: Grandfather Yew
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Everyday Practice of a Hedgewitch

  • Part 1: Daily Ritual and Record Keeping
  • Part 2: The Hedgewitch Knowledge of Sacred Herbs
  • Part 3: Hedgewitch Divination
  • Part 4: Tasseomancy Symbols
  • Module 9 Assessment
  • Conclusion

Course 9 - Certificate In Kitchen Witchery Online Course

Module 1 – Kitchen Witchery


Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


1.  Who are Courses For Success?

Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
with 5 courses, since then we have grown to over 10,000 online courses.

Our courses span across the following categories:




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2.  Is there a refund/cancellation policy?

Yes, we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.

3.  What is the FREE Personal Success Training Program?

The Personal Success Training Program
was developed by Courses For Success to help our customers achieve
success. Currently, we are offering this program for FREE with every
course or bundle purchase this month. This is a limited time offer!

4.  Are there any requirements to study this course?

anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.

5.  Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?

you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.

6.  What if English is not my first language?

course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.

7.  Is this course online or conducted in person?

All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.

8.  How do I receive my course?

you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email
and tax receipt. You will also receive an email containing your course
login details (username and password), as well as instructions on how to
access and log in to your course via the internet with any device,
please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
the email.

9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
can access the online material.

10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).

12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.

Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."

Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"

"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"

completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

To pay via bank transfer contact us

24.  Can I purchase for multiple people?

Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at

25.  Can I request for an invoice before purchase?

Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at

26.  Purchase for a gift?

Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to, with the course details and we can accommodate this.

27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.

28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

Free Personal Success Training Course

The Personal Success Training Program Helps You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals!

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Course Bundles

Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.

Course Bundles