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About This Course
What you will learn
  • An Overview of the Horse
  • Welfare
  • Physical Health
  • Basic Horse Care
  • Housing Your Horse
  • Riding Equipment and Training
  • Buying Your Horse

Study Horse Care and Management Online Course; Learn Important Horse Handling and Healthcare Procedures

Written by a professional horse trainer, this horse course introduction provides humane, scientific methods of animal care training, including several step-by-step training plans to teach your horse important handling and healthcare procedures such as accepting a blanket, giving hooves or loading into a trailer.

The Horse Care and Management Course is one of our most popular courses for personal enrichment and covers what you would expect from a course of this type: horse anatomy, mucking out and grooming your horse. This course also focuses on horse care from an ethical and scientific perspective. This means the course covers learning theory, aspects of equine welfare and group housing.

The course begins by giving a thorough overview of horses. This covers a brief description of their evolution, anatomy with specific attention paid to the head, legs, and hooves, terminology used for markings and coats, the physical ways in which horses communicate their emotions, and how horses learn (which is actually remarkably similar to humans). 

You’ll then learn what a horse needs to be emotionally and physically happy. We teach you how to recognize a healthy horse, check them over, and spot pain by changes in the horse’s facial expressions. Students will learn how to: train a horse to accept health checks and medical treatments, recognize common health problems, administer first aid, and understand worming and the importance of having an appropriate worming program in place.

You will learn how to act around horses and limit the risk of accidents occurring. The course talks about horse nutrition, things to avoid in a horse’s diet, and promoting good health with grooming. There is also information on blanketing, explaining when this is and isn’t necessary, and both the barefoot and shod methods of keeping a horse’s hooves.

This certificate program will show you how to get the best from horse’s environment, to enrich their mental and physical development and welfare. This cover: stabling, group housing, turnout, and the social structure of horses.

Owning a horse is less expensive than it is perceived to be. This said, it is a lifetime commitment and the costs are much higher than your average house pet. We highlight the average ongoing costs of horse ownership, along with things to consider before buying a horse, what to look out for when viewing a horse, and how to take your new horse home.

Who Should Study This Online Horse Course

This course is ideal for anyone with a love of horses, including riding instructors, stable managers, those interested in furthering their veterinary knowledge with equine study, and more. 

In summary, you’ll learn about:

  • Basic care and management

  • Equine behavior

  • Equine nutrition and equine health

  • Feeding management

  • Horse breeds and the differences between horses and donkeys

  • Reproductive anatomy and equine reproduction

This helpful Horse Care and Management Course is an excellent resource for anyone who would like to work with and look after horses in the numerous careers available in the equestrian industry. Similarly, if you are considering horse ownership, the knowledge within this course will have you well-placed to understand horses and their needs, before committing to buy.

If you have any concerns, check out frequently asked questions, or get in touch with our horse course educators and managers to discuss options for this certificate program, including course fees and financial aid, or to learn more about other horse courses online we offer.

Horse Care and Management Online Course

Module 1: An Overview of the Horse

Part 1: Evolution and Domestication

The natural transition process and creation of living organisms, including all plants and animals, is called evolution. 60 million years of evolution resulted in the first horse. Its first ancestor was a multi-toed cat named Eohippus. The Eohippus, like the horse, lived in the woods and was mainly a browser. This implies that he would like to consume high-growing vegetation rather than grass.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Anatomy of the Horse, hoof anatomy

 Part 2: Coats Colors and Markings

Colors and patterns will be covered in this portion. This expertise has practical implications, such as assisting them in identifying a single horse within a collection of horses and defining a horse using widely used terminology.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Coat Colors

  • Facial Markings

  • Leg Markings

Part 3: Communication

The desire of the horse to speak in a manner that other members of the community understand is essential for a harmonious social life. They must also understand their horses' language if they are to have a harmonious friendship with them.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Assessing How Your Horse Feels

  • Ear Positions

  • Tail Position

  • Nose and Mouth

  • Practicing Your Skills

  • The Four F’s

Part 4: Learning

Horses and humans, contrary to common belief, train in identical ways. Both organisms learn by habituation, operant conditioning, and classical conditioning, to name a few methods.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Habituation

  • Flooding

  • Operant Conditioning

  • Classical Conditioning

  • Examples of Classical Conditioning in Horses

Module 2: Welfare 

Part 1: The Five Freedoms

This module would look at what horses need to be mentally and physically comfortable, as well as what odd behaviours can arise as a result of poor horse management.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Five Freedoms

  • The Problem with Anthropomorphism

  • The Five Freedoms

  • The Keys Needs of the Horse

  • Safety

  • Ingestion

  • Body Care

  • Rest and Sleep

  • Motion

  • Exploration

  • Territorialism

  • Association

Part 2: Equine Professionals

This segment will enhance your horse knowledge and teach you about some of the most important equine practitioners interested with animal protection.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Veterinarian

  • The Farrier

  • The Dentist

  • The Nutritionist

  • The Chiropractor

  • The Behaviorist

  • Choosing Your Equine Professional

Part 3: Abnormal Horse Behavior

Owners believe unwanted or irregular behaviors to be the horses' innate reactions to adverse stimuli that cause anxiety and/or pain. This is the case of refusing to trailer load and avoiding school supplies.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Stereotypies

  • Inadequate Parental Behavior

  • Ingestion of Non-Foodstuffs

  • Depression

  • Separation Anxiety

Module 3: Physical Health

Part 1: Checking Your Horse’s Health

This segment will go into how to spot a stable horse, how to monitor the horse's fitness, and how to spot a horse in distress by observing his facial expression. Keep in mind that the student's experience in this section should not override medical advice.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Everyday Health Check

  • TPR

  • Additional Health Checks

  • Signs of Pain

Part 2: How to Train Your Horse to Accept Health Checks

This section would discuss how to teach a horse to accept the simple health tests outlined in the preceding section. Positive reinforcement is used in many of the techniques described in this section for a variety of reasons.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Touch Acceptance

  • How to Train

  • Training Plans

Part 3: Common horse Health Problems

This section's aim is to introduce a few health issues that all horse owners should be aware of. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will provide you with some fundamental details. Don't forget the mental health issues with horses are often severe and must be addressed.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Obesity

  • Laminitis

  • Colic

  • Heaves

  • Gastric Ulcers

  • Hoof Abscess

  • Thrush

  • Strangles

Part 4: First Aid Kit for Horses

The aim of first aid kits is to cure small issues or to take urgent measures to alleviate some of the horse's pain. It does not, however, eliminate the need for a veterinarian. If in question, see a veterinarian; a visit might not always be necessary, but it will always provide some reassurance.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • How to Train Your Horse to Cooperate for Medical Care

  • Twitch

  • Training Plans

  • Worming

Module 4: Basic Horse Care

Part 1: Safety Around Horses 

There is often the possibility of an injury happening while working with horses and other humans. People, like horses, have a mind of their own and cannot manage any of their movements. They should, however, monitor their own behaviors to reduce the likelihood of an accident happening.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Punishments: A Safety Hazard

  • Analyzing a Scenario

  • How to Safely Hand Feed a Horse

Part 2: Feeding and Watering

Eating and drinking are the horse's second most crucial needs and occupy a significant portion of its time. As a result, it is important to provide a basic knowledge of the horse's dietary requirements as well as the ability to distinguish between good and poor-quality feed.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Hay

  • Haylage

  • Water

  • Feeding More than Just Forage?

  • Browsing

  • Food Presentation

Part 3: Grooming

Body treatment is another critical need for horses, and it includes a variety of activities such as evacuation, thermoregulation, brushing, scraping, spinning, and stretching. Grooming a horse is about more than just making it "look beautiful." It is also about encouraging good health. Grooming can be performed on a daily basis, as well as while the horse is on stable rest due to a medical problem.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Training Plan

  • Reconsidering Common Grooming Procedures

Part 4: Thermoregulation and Blanketing

Horses have adapted to survive outdoors, somewhere on the northern hemisphere's rolling plains, and as a result, they can withstand frost much more than humans. Nonetheless, several horse owners base their decision on their own familiarity of cold weather.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Coat Thickness

  • Blanketing

  • Training Plan

Part 5: Hoof Care

There are two methods for keeping a horse's hooves in good condition: barefoot and shod. The majority of recreational and competition horses are shod, which means that metal shoes are mounted on the hoof to improve performance. Few horse owners keep their horses barefoot, which means they have daily trims but don't wear metal shoes.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Transitioning to Barefoot

  • When to Trim and Change Shoes?

  • Maintaining a Healthy Hoof

  • Training Plan

Module 5: Housing Your Horse

Part 1: Stabling

Horses have historically been kept in private stables ranging in size from 10x10 ft. for ponies to 12x12 ft. for horses. Although they are incredibly useful for people, they do not satisfy the horse's following critical needs.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Time Budget

  • Enrichment for Stabled Horses

  • Mucking Out

  • Bedding

Part 2: Group Housing

There are two kinds of community housing: one where the horses are turned out loose in a large stable and those where the horses have access to an outdoor space such as a paddock or courtyard.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • How to Reduce the Risks of Aggression and Injuries in Group Housing

  • Turnout

  • Pasture Management

  • Fencing

  • Safety Introducing a New Horse to a Group

  • Safely Feeding Horses that are Kept in Groups

  • Preventing and Managing Separation Anxiety

  • Enrichment for Horses Kept in Pasture

Part 3: Social Structure

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Dominance and hierarchy

  • So How Does Dominance and Hierarchy Really Work in Horses?

  • What is Hierarchy Really About?

  • Aggressive and Defensive Behaviors

  • Who is the Leader?

Module 6: Riding Equipment and Training

Part 1: Choosing and Fitting a Saddle for Your Horse

Choosing the best saddle for the rider and the horse is not as simple as it appears; they cannot just go to a shop and buy one and use it on any horse they ride. They must first determine what style of saddle best suits their riding habits, then choose a saddle that matches them and, most importantly, ensure that the saddle properly fits the horse.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Saddle Anatomy

  • The Different Types of Saddles

  • The Saddletree

  • Tree or Treeless?

  • How to Fit an English Saddle

  • Signs that Your Saddle Hurts Your Horse

  • Saddle Accessories

Part 2: Bridles and Bits

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Anatomy of the Bridle

  • The Different Types of bridles

  • How Do Bits and Bitless Bridles Work?

  • Bitted or Bitless?

  • Nosebands

Part 3: Understanding Horse Training Methods

This segment will look at traditional horse training approaches from the lens of learning theory.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • So How Do Horses Learn to Stop Using Negative Reinforcement and Positive Punishment?

  • But It Is Just Like Scratching an Itch!

  • Conditioned Aversive Stimuli

  • Example 1 of Conditioned Aversive

  • Example 2 of Conditioned Aversive

  • Example 3 of Conditioned Aversive

  • What is the Alternative to Using Aversive on Horses?

Module 7: Buying Your Horse

Part 1: The Cost of Owning a Horse

Many non-riders claim that only rich people should own horses, but according to the American Horse Council, only 28% of horse owners earn more than $100,000 a year. The cost of owning a horse is determined by a variety of factors.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Other Expenses that are Not Included but must be Considered when Buying a Horse

  • A Lifetime Commitment

Part 2: Before Buying a Horse

Purchasing a horse is the least expensive aspect of horse owning, but it is also the most thrilling and intimidating. This segment will discuss how to choose the best horse for an individual.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Setting Up Requirements

  • Consider Adoption Over Buying

Part 3: Viewing Prospective Horses

When an individual has identified a few horses in which they are truly involved, it is time to schedule a showing. They should preferably hire a trained trainer or have their riding coach with them so that they can get an impartial opinion on the horse's conformation, temperament, and sustainability.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Examination of the Horse

Part 4: Taking Your New Horse home

Any horses are sold until they have been conditioned to load in a cart. If this is the case with the horse, ask the seller if they will come at least once before picking him up to teach him to load. Any vendor who values his animal would appreciate the buyer taking the time to train the horse for shipment rather than rushing him on the day.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Training Plans

  • The First Few Days

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this online equine course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will have a better understanding of proper horse care and general management. You will also be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

The Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1: An Overview of the Horse

  • Part 1: Evolution and domestication
  • Part 2: Coats colours and markings
  • Part 3: Communication
  • Part 4: Learning
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: Welfare

  • Part 1: The five freedoms
  • Part 2: Equine professionals
  • Part 3: Abnormal behaviours
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 Physical Health

  • Part 1: Checking your horse’s health
  • Part 2: How to train your horse to accept health checks
  • Part 3: Common horse health problems
  • Part 4: First aid kit for horses
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Basic Horse Care

  • Part 1: Safety around horses
  • Part 2: Feeding and watering
  • Part 3: Grooming
  • Part 4: Thermoregulation and blanketing
  • Part 5: Hoof care
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Housing Your Horse

  • Part 1: Stabling
  • Part 2: Group housing
  • Part 3: Social structure
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Riding Equipment and Training

  • Part 1: Choosing and fitting a saddle for your horse
  • Part 2: Bridles and bits
  • Part 3: Understanding horse training methods
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Buying Your Horse

  • Part 1: The cost of owning a horse
  • Part 2: Before buying a horse
  • Part 3: Viewing prospective horses
  • Part 4: Taking your new horse home
  • Module 7 Assessment

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


1.  Who are Courses For Success?

Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
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2.  Is there a refund/cancellation policy?

Yes, we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.

3.  What is the FREE Personal Success Training Program?

The Personal Success Training Program
was developed by Courses For Success to help our customers achieve
success. Currently, we are offering this program for FREE with every
course or bundle purchase this month. This is a limited time offer!

4.  Are there any requirements to study this course?

anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.

5.  Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?

you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.

6.  What if English is not my first language?

course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.

7.  Is this course online or conducted in person?

All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.

8.  How do I receive my course?

you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email
and tax receipt. You will also receive an email containing your course
login details (username and password), as well as instructions on how to
access and log in to your course via the internet with any device,
please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
the email.

9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
can access the online material.

10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).

12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.

Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."

Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"

"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"

completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

To pay via bank transfer contact us

24.  Can I purchase for multiple people?

Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at

25.  Can I request for an invoice before purchase?

Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at

26.  Purchase for a gift?

Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to, with the course details and we can accommodate this.

27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.

28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

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Horse Care and Management Online Certificate Course

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"I learned how to manage my stable and my horses more effectively. Highly recommended!" - Vince E. Verified Buyer 

The Horse Care and Management Course is one of our most popular courses that teaches you important horse handling and healthcare procedures such as accepting a blanket, giving hooves or loading into a trailer.

Plus, you can learn more with course bundles, see all bundle options below. 

Request Your FREE Course Info-Pack Now!

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7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 150 Hours
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
  • An Overview of the Horse
  • Welfare
  • Physical Health
  • Basic Horse Care
  • Housing Your Horse
  • Riding Equipment and Training
  • Buying Your Horse

Study Horse Care and Management Online Course; Learn Important Horse Handling and Healthcare Procedures

Written by a professional horse trainer, this horse course introduction provides humane, scientific methods of animal care training, including several step-by-step training plans to teach your horse important handling and healthcare procedures such as accepting a blanket, giving hooves or loading into a trailer.

The Horse Care and Management Course is one of our most popular courses for personal enrichment and covers what you would expect from a course of this type: horse anatomy, mucking out and grooming your horse. This course also focuses on horse care from an ethical and scientific perspective. This means the course covers learning theory, aspects of equine welfare and group housing.

The course begins by giving a thorough overview of horses. This covers a brief description of their evolution, anatomy with specific attention paid to the head, legs, and hooves, terminology used for markings and coats, the physical ways in which horses communicate their emotions, and how horses learn (which is actually remarkably similar to humans). 

You’ll then learn what a horse needs to be emotionally and physically happy. We teach you how to recognize a healthy horse, check them over, and spot pain by changes in the horse’s facial expressions. Students will learn how to: train a horse to accept health checks and medical treatments, recognize common health problems, administer first aid, and understand worming and the importance of having an appropriate worming program in place.

You will learn how to act around horses and limit the risk of accidents occurring. The course talks about horse nutrition, things to avoid in a horse’s diet, and promoting good health with grooming. There is also information on blanketing, explaining when this is and isn’t necessary, and both the barefoot and shod methods of keeping a horse’s hooves.

This certificate program will show you how to get the best from horse’s environment, to enrich their mental and physical development and welfare. This cover: stabling, group housing, turnout, and the social structure of horses.

Owning a horse is less expensive than it is perceived to be. This said, it is a lifetime commitment and the costs are much higher than your average house pet. We highlight the average ongoing costs of horse ownership, along with things to consider before buying a horse, what to look out for when viewing a horse, and how to take your new horse home.

Who Should Study This Online Horse Course

This course is ideal for anyone with a love of horses, including riding instructors, stable managers, those interested in furthering their veterinary knowledge with equine study, and more. 

In summary, you’ll learn about:

  • Basic care and management

  • Equine behavior

  • Equine nutrition and equine health

  • Feeding management

  • Horse breeds and the differences between horses and donkeys

  • Reproductive anatomy and equine reproduction

This helpful Horse Care and Management Course is an excellent resource for anyone who would like to work with and look after horses in the numerous careers available in the equestrian industry. Similarly, if you are considering horse ownership, the knowledge within this course will have you well-placed to understand horses and their needs, before committing to buy.

If you have any concerns, check out frequently asked questions, or get in touch with our horse course educators and managers to discuss options for this certificate program, including course fees and financial aid, or to learn more about other horse courses online we offer.

Horse Care and Management Online Course

Module 1: An Overview of the Horse

Part 1: Evolution and Domestication

The natural transition process and creation of living organisms, including all plants and animals, is called evolution. 60 million years of evolution resulted in the first horse. Its first ancestor was a multi-toed cat named Eohippus. The Eohippus, like the horse, lived in the woods and was mainly a browser. This implies that he would like to consume high-growing vegetation rather than grass.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Anatomy of the Horse, hoof anatomy

 Part 2: Coats Colors and Markings

Colors and patterns will be covered in this portion. This expertise has practical implications, such as assisting them in identifying a single horse within a collection of horses and defining a horse using widely used terminology.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Coat Colors

  • Facial Markings

  • Leg Markings

Part 3: Communication

The desire of the horse to speak in a manner that other members of the community understand is essential for a harmonious social life. They must also understand their horses' language if they are to have a harmonious friendship with them.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Assessing How Your Horse Feels

  • Ear Positions

  • Tail Position

  • Nose and Mouth

  • Practicing Your Skills

  • The Four F’s

Part 4: Learning

Horses and humans, contrary to common belief, train in identical ways. Both organisms learn by habituation, operant conditioning, and classical conditioning, to name a few methods.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Habituation

  • Flooding

  • Operant Conditioning

  • Classical Conditioning

  • Examples of Classical Conditioning in Horses

Module 2: Welfare 

Part 1: The Five Freedoms

This module would look at what horses need to be mentally and physically comfortable, as well as what odd behaviours can arise as a result of poor horse management.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Five Freedoms

  • The Problem with Anthropomorphism

  • The Five Freedoms

  • The Keys Needs of the Horse

  • Safety

  • Ingestion

  • Body Care

  • Rest and Sleep

  • Motion

  • Exploration

  • Territorialism

  • Association

Part 2: Equine Professionals

This segment will enhance your horse knowledge and teach you about some of the most important equine practitioners interested with animal protection.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Veterinarian

  • The Farrier

  • The Dentist

  • The Nutritionist

  • The Chiropractor

  • The Behaviorist

  • Choosing Your Equine Professional

Part 3: Abnormal Horse Behavior

Owners believe unwanted or irregular behaviors to be the horses' innate reactions to adverse stimuli that cause anxiety and/or pain. This is the case of refusing to trailer load and avoiding school supplies.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Stereotypies

  • Inadequate Parental Behavior

  • Ingestion of Non-Foodstuffs

  • Depression

  • Separation Anxiety

Module 3: Physical Health

Part 1: Checking Your Horse’s Health

This segment will go into how to spot a stable horse, how to monitor the horse's fitness, and how to spot a horse in distress by observing his facial expression. Keep in mind that the student's experience in this section should not override medical advice.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Everyday Health Check

  • TPR

  • Additional Health Checks

  • Signs of Pain

Part 2: How to Train Your Horse to Accept Health Checks

This section would discuss how to teach a horse to accept the simple health tests outlined in the preceding section. Positive reinforcement is used in many of the techniques described in this section for a variety of reasons.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Touch Acceptance

  • How to Train

  • Training Plans

Part 3: Common horse Health Problems

This section's aim is to introduce a few health issues that all horse owners should be aware of. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will provide you with some fundamental details. Don't forget the mental health issues with horses are often severe and must be addressed.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Obesity

  • Laminitis

  • Colic

  • Heaves

  • Gastric Ulcers

  • Hoof Abscess

  • Thrush

  • Strangles

Part 4: First Aid Kit for Horses

The aim of first aid kits is to cure small issues or to take urgent measures to alleviate some of the horse's pain. It does not, however, eliminate the need for a veterinarian. If in question, see a veterinarian; a visit might not always be necessary, but it will always provide some reassurance.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • How to Train Your Horse to Cooperate for Medical Care

  • Twitch

  • Training Plans

  • Worming

Module 4: Basic Horse Care

Part 1: Safety Around Horses 

There is often the possibility of an injury happening while working with horses and other humans. People, like horses, have a mind of their own and cannot manage any of their movements. They should, however, monitor their own behaviors to reduce the likelihood of an accident happening.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Punishments: A Safety Hazard

  • Analyzing a Scenario

  • How to Safely Hand Feed a Horse

Part 2: Feeding and Watering

Eating and drinking are the horse's second most crucial needs and occupy a significant portion of its time. As a result, it is important to provide a basic knowledge of the horse's dietary requirements as well as the ability to distinguish between good and poor-quality feed.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Hay

  • Haylage

  • Water

  • Feeding More than Just Forage?

  • Browsing

  • Food Presentation

Part 3: Grooming

Body treatment is another critical need for horses, and it includes a variety of activities such as evacuation, thermoregulation, brushing, scraping, spinning, and stretching. Grooming a horse is about more than just making it "look beautiful." It is also about encouraging good health. Grooming can be performed on a daily basis, as well as while the horse is on stable rest due to a medical problem.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Training Plan

  • Reconsidering Common Grooming Procedures

Part 4: Thermoregulation and Blanketing

Horses have adapted to survive outdoors, somewhere on the northern hemisphere's rolling plains, and as a result, they can withstand frost much more than humans. Nonetheless, several horse owners base their decision on their own familiarity of cold weather.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Coat Thickness

  • Blanketing

  • Training Plan

Part 5: Hoof Care

There are two methods for keeping a horse's hooves in good condition: barefoot and shod. The majority of recreational and competition horses are shod, which means that metal shoes are mounted on the hoof to improve performance. Few horse owners keep their horses barefoot, which means they have daily trims but don't wear metal shoes.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Transitioning to Barefoot

  • When to Trim and Change Shoes?

  • Maintaining a Healthy Hoof

  • Training Plan

Module 5: Housing Your Horse

Part 1: Stabling

Horses have historically been kept in private stables ranging in size from 10x10 ft. for ponies to 12x12 ft. for horses. Although they are incredibly useful for people, they do not satisfy the horse's following critical needs.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Time Budget

  • Enrichment for Stabled Horses

  • Mucking Out

  • Bedding

Part 2: Group Housing

There are two kinds of community housing: one where the horses are turned out loose in a large stable and those where the horses have access to an outdoor space such as a paddock or courtyard.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • How to Reduce the Risks of Aggression and Injuries in Group Housing

  • Turnout

  • Pasture Management

  • Fencing

  • Safety Introducing a New Horse to a Group

  • Safely Feeding Horses that are Kept in Groups

  • Preventing and Managing Separation Anxiety

  • Enrichment for Horses Kept in Pasture

Part 3: Social Structure

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Dominance and hierarchy

  • So How Does Dominance and Hierarchy Really Work in Horses?

  • What is Hierarchy Really About?

  • Aggressive and Defensive Behaviors

  • Who is the Leader?

Module 6: Riding Equipment and Training

Part 1: Choosing and Fitting a Saddle for Your Horse

Choosing the best saddle for the rider and the horse is not as simple as it appears; they cannot just go to a shop and buy one and use it on any horse they ride. They must first determine what style of saddle best suits their riding habits, then choose a saddle that matches them and, most importantly, ensure that the saddle properly fits the horse.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Saddle Anatomy

  • The Different Types of Saddles

  • The Saddletree

  • Tree or Treeless?

  • How to Fit an English Saddle

  • Signs that Your Saddle Hurts Your Horse

  • Saddle Accessories

Part 2: Bridles and Bits

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Anatomy of the Bridle

  • The Different Types of bridles

  • How Do Bits and Bitless Bridles Work?

  • Bitted or Bitless?

  • Nosebands

Part 3: Understanding Horse Training Methods

This segment will look at traditional horse training approaches from the lens of learning theory.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • So How Do Horses Learn to Stop Using Negative Reinforcement and Positive Punishment?

  • But It Is Just Like Scratching an Itch!

  • Conditioned Aversive Stimuli

  • Example 1 of Conditioned Aversive

  • Example 2 of Conditioned Aversive

  • Example 3 of Conditioned Aversive

  • What is the Alternative to Using Aversive on Horses?

Module 7: Buying Your Horse

Part 1: The Cost of Owning a Horse

Many non-riders claim that only rich people should own horses, but according to the American Horse Council, only 28% of horse owners earn more than $100,000 a year. The cost of owning a horse is determined by a variety of factors.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Other Expenses that are Not Included but must be Considered when Buying a Horse

  • A Lifetime Commitment

Part 2: Before Buying a Horse

Purchasing a horse is the least expensive aspect of horse owning, but it is also the most thrilling and intimidating. This segment will discuss how to choose the best horse for an individual.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Setting Up Requirements

  • Consider Adoption Over Buying

Part 3: Viewing Prospective Horses

When an individual has identified a few horses in which they are truly involved, it is time to schedule a showing. They should preferably hire a trained trainer or have their riding coach with them so that they can get an impartial opinion on the horse's conformation, temperament, and sustainability.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Examination of the Horse

Part 4: Taking Your New Horse home

Any horses are sold until they have been conditioned to load in a cart. If this is the case with the horse, ask the seller if they will come at least once before picking him up to teach him to load. Any vendor who values his animal would appreciate the buyer taking the time to train the horse for shipment rather than rushing him on the day.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Training Plans

  • The First Few Days

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this online equine course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will have a better understanding of proper horse care and general management. You will also be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

The Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1: An Overview of the Horse

  • Part 1: Evolution and domestication
  • Part 2: Coats colours and markings
  • Part 3: Communication
  • Part 4: Learning
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: Welfare

  • Part 1: The five freedoms
  • Part 2: Equine professionals
  • Part 3: Abnormal behaviours
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 Physical Health

  • Part 1: Checking your horse’s health
  • Part 2: How to train your horse to accept health checks
  • Part 3: Common horse health problems
  • Part 4: First aid kit for horses
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Basic Horse Care

  • Part 1: Safety around horses
  • Part 2: Feeding and watering
  • Part 3: Grooming
  • Part 4: Thermoregulation and blanketing
  • Part 5: Hoof care
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Housing Your Horse

  • Part 1: Stabling
  • Part 2: Group housing
  • Part 3: Social structure
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Riding Equipment and Training

  • Part 1: Choosing and fitting a saddle for your horse
  • Part 2: Bridles and bits
  • Part 3: Understanding horse training methods
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Buying Your Horse

  • Part 1: The cost of owning a horse
  • Part 2: Before buying a horse
  • Part 3: Viewing prospective horses
  • Part 4: Taking your new horse home
  • Module 7 Assessment

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
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you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
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9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
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10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
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12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
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had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
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know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
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this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

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you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
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28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

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