About This Course
What you will learn
Improve Your Mindfulness to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Success
Mindfulness is a term that is frequently used but rarely defined. Practicing true mindfulness encourages living in the present while it addresses the danger of distorted thinking, Staying in tune both mentally and emotionally improves perspective to enhance personal and professional success.
With our Improving Mindfulness course, you will begin to identify their own patterns of thinking. As you learn to practice mindfulness, you will cultivate positive emotions that will have a dramatic effect on the work environment.
Learn about mindfulness from our mindfulness course through guided audio meditations which teach you cognitive therapy, building resilience, body scans to know problem areas, emotional intelligence, and much more.
Our certification program is created by master meditation teachers whose aim is demystifying mindfulness and its applications in everyday life. Learning mindfulness will help you create a meditation practice to develop mindful awareness.
The guided meditations in the meditate course help you develop mindfulness skills so you can work on mindfulness based self compassion and mindfulness based stress reduction and have a peaceful existence.
How Our Mindfulness Course Can Help You?
Developing a mindfulness meditation practice will help you achieve a peaceful state. The course also includes mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT). Mindfulness based cognitive therapies combine mindfulness, cognitive therapy and meditation.
Our mindfulness workshops provide mindfulness training and combine the best mindfulness practices and are taught by our mindfulness teacher. Our mindfulness meditation teacher imparts mindfulness teaching that encourages you to search inside yourself.
CFS online mindfulness courses are based on the science of wellbeing and also provide mindfulness exercises like mindful yoga and walking meditation for stress reduction.
Course Fast Facts:
Easy to follow and understand
Only 6 to 8 hours of study is required
Unlimited, lifetime access to online course
Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
Certificate of Completion
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, MAC, tablet or Smart Phone.
Improving Mindfulness Online Course Outline
Improving Mindfulness Online Course Outline
Life continuously demands our attention, but we frequently miss crucial information in our current circumstances when we become preoccupied on the past or anxious about the future. It is possible to achieve a constant level of awareness of the present moment, but it takes practice.
What Is Mindfulness?
However, if you found yourself with your nose dug deep into a flower in a field where an angry bull was bearing down on you, this would be the exact reverse of being aware. People sometimes conflate the concept of mindfulness with the idea that one should "stop and smell the roses." Simply said, mindfulness is a mental state in which you are fully aware of, involved with, and responsive to the demands of the present moment.
Buddhist Concept
The Buddhist faith is where we first encountered the idea of mindfulness. One translation of the Pali term Sati is "mindfulness" (Sanskrit smrti). The words "mindfulness" and "awareness," which can also be translated as "awareness" and "memory," refer to one's ability to focus on the present moment without being distracted by outside factors. In Buddhism, mindfulness also refers to the capacity to remember what one intends to do and to avoid forgetting what one already knows.
Bare Attention
The practice of bare attention is one part of mindfulness. Unjudged and unelaborated attention is referred to as bare attention. We are tempted to try and think through what this new scenario implies to us whenever we are presented with it. Most of the time, we don't have enough data to make that determination just yet. We enter monkey mind thinking, which frequently results in distortion, when we begin to attempt to assess the issue before it has played out. To approach any present situation with our complete and neutral attention is one aspect of being mindful.
Psychological Concept of Mindfulness
Although mindfulness originated as a Buddhist concept, psychologists from the 1970s to the present have studied the effects of Buddhist mindfulness meditation techniques and found that these are effective in reducing anxiety and reducing relapse rates in both depression and drug addiction.
We have only discussed one part of mindfulness up to this point, which is paying attention in the present moment. But there is a very excellent reason why the word sati can also mean a recollection, as was previously established. It sounds like a good idea to pay attentive attention to your surroundings and the moment you are in, and for the most part, it is.
Practicing Mindfulness
It comes naturally to be mindful. We frequently find ourselves in this state throughout our lives without even realizing it. The level of focus you bring to a situation when you hear a noise at night and decide to investigate is an excellent illustration of mindfulness. But because of this constant division of our attention, we must choose which parts of our environment to ignore.
You want to pay attention to whatever arises when engaging in mindfulness practices, whether through meditation or in the present moment.
When practicing mindfulness meditation or when you are in a state of mindfulness, it's critical to accept situations as they are without passing judgment. You may eventually decide to take action to alter the situation, but at first, you should just accept things as they are. The majority of world religions involve some aspect of acceptance, whether it be the Christian position that you must submit to all of God's will or the Islamic view that you must submit to Allah. By accepting things as they are, you give yourself the freedom to stay receptive to more options.
Mindfulness Meditation
The best technique to develop mindfulness is to regularly practice meditation. Remember that not all forms of meditation are intended to improve your awareness. Although transcendental meditation and mantra meditation may have a side effect of increasing mindfulness, their primary objectives are very different.
The mindfulness meditation method developed by Kabat-Zinn includes the body scanning technique. A guided meditation is optional after you become used to it; but, for novices, you can record your voice walking yourself through the body scan. You begin by finding a comfortable place to lie on your back. Concentrate on your left foot's toes, taking note of anything you notice.
Emotional Intelligence
Although cultivating mindfulness can function as a buffer between our emotional cues and our reactions, it won't stop us from occasionally experiencing emotions or having furious thoughts. This is also not preferred. We must get a deeper understanding of how we feel, why we feel it, and what to do with it in order to apply mindfulness as an intervention. Psychologists refer to this comprehension as emotional intelligence.
The Purpose of Emotions
All feelings are legitimate, as you may have heard. Despite the fact that this is the case, it does not imply that you should always act out when you don't get your way. The fact that emotions offer valuable information about both our internal and exterior environments is what gives emotions their validity.
High-Performance Emotions
While all feelings are legitimate and beneficial since they give you access to crucial information, some feelings can improve your performance at work. Enthusiasm, assurance, tenacity, and optimism are these high-performance emotions. High-performance emotions raise our levels of alertness while preserving a broad and open focus.
Swing Emotions
The reason the swing emotions are so named is because they have the ability to either greatly improve your condition or even make a bad one worse. How you decide to use these emotions determines how much swing there is. Swing emotions serve as a warning when anything is wrong with our surroundings.
Blue Emotions
Blue feelings make up the third category of emotions. These emotions are distinguished by modest degrees of arousal as well as a concentrated focus. Dejection, depression, and disappointment are examples of blue emotions. These feelings indicate a lack of energy and the need to move things along quickly. For those who experience chronic depression, exercise is frequently advised.
Cognitive Distortion (I)
It is totally normal for your thoughts to become confused if you experience emotional ill-ease. We can make logical and intuitive leaps at times of high arousal when our minds are racing, which may or may not hold true upon closer examination. When we get more focused, we become less open to new information and tend to repeat the same negative thought patterns. These fall under the category of automatic thinking, which cognitive psychologists categorize into several types.
Dichotomous Reasoning
Dichotomous reasoning refers to the use of exaggeration, extremes, and black and white thinking. Pay attention to whether you use words like "always," "never," "everyone," "nobody," "the best," "the worst," or "either/other," etc. when you concentrate on your ideas.
Magnification and Minimization
Usually, those who exaggerate or downplay events tend to favor a particular misrepresentation. You magnify things when you exaggerate their significance.
When someone makes a statement that has both positive and bad information, filtering happens and you only hear the negative information.
Jumping to Conclusions
Another example of faulty thinking is when you make predictions about what someone else will do in the future based on scant or no information.
Cognitive Distortion (II)
You may see your own propensity to slip into some distorted thinking patterns more so than others when you become more conscious of your own distorted thinking during difficult situations.
Destructive Labeling
When you describe something or someone negatively and broadly, that is destructive labeling. Destructive labeling can occur, for instance, when a supervisor believes that a worker is irresponsible or doesn't care about their job because they arrive late to work.
Jumping to conclusions is a type of faulty thinking, but this habit relates everything back to you or makes you take blame for something you have no control over.
Blaming is a cognitive bias that is comparable to personalizing. Blaming happens when you place more emphasis on who you believe is to blame in a circumstance than on finding a solution, as opposed to the personalizing warped thinking pattern, which links everything back to oneself. Blame-casting, whether at oneself or others, rarely improves the situation since it focuses more on finding a person to punish than it does on finding a solution to a problem.
The Tyranny of the Should
Imperative thinking is another name for this warped way of thinking. When you become fixated on how you believe someone or something should or shouldn't be, rather than how they or it actually are, this happens. Another instance of how our perceptions of a situation not being useful.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
One way to control your response to emotions is to dentify mistaken thoughts and counteract them. The ability to recognize an emotion or a skewed thought pattern, however, usually requires that you are already in a calm state. While it may seem straightforward to use logic to refute an erroneous belief, this isn't always the best course of action. The choice to do nothing at all is an option to acting on your feelings.
Mental Modes
The majority of MBCT theories contend that the mind is composed of various subsystems. For instance, the information you receive from your senses is made up of various subsystems. The two primary subsystems or modes correspond with an emotive side and a rational side, most scholars believe. The logical mode is concerned with your concept of self and thinks verbally. Additionally, it is known as "cool" cognition.
Doing Mode
The two main cognitive styles, emotive and rational, can also be thought of in terms of action: a doing mode and a being mode. When you sense that something isn't going as it should, you switch into the doing mode, which is goal-oriented. Given the nature of arousal emotions, you are prodded into the doing mode when they are present with a sense that you need to take action in order to change your circumstances.
Being Mode
Being mode is not goal-oriented because it is more closely related to the logical mode of cognition. It prefers to experience things the way they are without making any changes. All of the MBCT approaches agree that having good mental health entails being able to actively move between being and doing modes as needed and understanding that both modes can be advantageous in some circumstances and harmful in others.
Metacognitive Awareness
Because mindfulness aids in the development of metacognitive awareness, it is helpful to be able to intentionally shift from being to doing or vice versa. This is a technical term for expressing awareness of one's ideas and thinking.
Mindfulness and Gratitude
Two fundamental truths about emotions will come to light no matter how you choose to handle them: first, they are temporary, and second, the "negative" emotions tend to draw the most attention. These truths will be revealed by becoming aware of your mental and emotional states, logically correcting your thinking distortions, or detaching yourself from them. It is entirely normal to focus on the negative aspects of your life or the lives of others, to notice them and even become fixated on them.
What is Gratitude?
That which we are grateful for in our lives is referred to as gratitude. This sense of gratitude can be extended to another source, and for those who identify as religious, this is frequently the case. You don't have to be religious, though, to feel grateful.
Gratitude Journal
The single most significant thing Oprah Winfrey ever did, according to her, was to start each day by listing five things for which she is grateful in a journal. And science agrees with her. In a 2003 study, psychologists from the universities of California and Miami discovered that recording your gratitude in a daily journal can enhance your sense of wellbeing throughout the course of your life.
An Exercise in Mindfulness and Gratitude
There are other strategies to develop a "attitude of thankfulness" besides keeping a daily gratitude journal.
Forming a Habit
Certain exercises from this training program must be integrated into routine practice.
Cultivating the High Performance Emotions
You may notice that you do better when you approach a work with the correct attitude as you become more aware of your thought and emotion patterns and as you learn to be thankful and optimistic. The ability to integrate emotions that are both marked by high arousal and a wider focus will improve our performance in both our professional and personal life, even though swing emotions like anger and worry might inspire us to change our circumstances.
The Emotion-Cognition-Behavior Triangle
● At the top of the triangle is cognition
● At the bottom left corner is the arousal level of emotion
● At the right corner is behavior or reaction to an emotion
Cultivating Enthusiasm
You may notice that you do better when you approach a work with the correct attitude as you become more aware of your thought and emotion patterns and as you learn to be thankful and optimistic. The ability to integrate emotions that are both marked by high arousal and a wider focus will improve our performance in both our professional and personal life, even though swing emotions like anger and worry might inspire us to change our circumstances.
Cultivating Confidence
Many people struggle to maintain the delicate balance of confidence. On the one side, excessive self-assurance can result in arrogance, which makes people believe they are superior to or more significant than other people.
Cultivating Tenacity
Tenacity is the attitude that you will persevere through any obstacle. We frequently feel overwhelmed when faced with significant or challenging responsibilities. We must learn to foster the high arousal emotion of tenacity because this overwhelming feeling frequently precedes low arousal blue emotions like dejection and depression.
Mindfulness in Customer Service
Businesses can only succeed to the extent that they are able to satisfy their clients. Even when it seems like a difficult experience, especially then, it's crucial to approach these types of interactions with a clear and mindful focus and a positive outlook. A single bad customer service experience can impact a business as drastically as numerous positive customer service experiences.
Individually Focused
Prioritizing is crucial while working in a career where you contact with clients, and your client should be your top priority. Your clients are ultimately your employer, regardless of where you are in the organizational ladder, whether you are a CEO or an entry-level employee. Without customers, there would be no business.
Active Listening
It is impossible to overstate the importance of listening. Nevertheless, listening entails more than just hearing what the customer says. By honing your active listening abilities, you can be sure that you not only hear what your customers are saying, but also deeply comprehend their issues.
Building a Rapport
The first step in developing a rapport with your customer is active listening. A rapport is a feeling of harmony you have with another individual or group.
Being conscious of the emotions and expectations of your clients is one of the most crucial components of a mindful approach to customer service. In order to achieve this, you must choose the right moment to interact. Asking a consumer about their day can disastrously backfire if they appear to be operating at high arousal levels.
Mindfulness and Leadership
You will find that you have an advantage over your classmates as you become more conscious of how your thoughts and emotions interact. A more positive and effective company culture can be created by demonstrating mindfulness for the rest of your coworkers and by engaging in mindfulness practices yourself.
Mental Resilience
In order to improve mental toughness, the United States Military Academy at West Point recently launched a mindfulness-based leadership development program. According to the West Point model, the world has gotten more unpredictable, chaotic, and ambiguous (VUCA).
Although mindfulness can help you focus your attention in a neutral, welcoming way, you will continually have to choose what to focus on as a leader. Prioritizing your attention requires that you first understand your company's mission, beliefs, and goals. Understanding a company mission statement can be helpful in this regard.
Consistent mindfulness practice has the wonderful benefit of fostering a true sense of compassion for others. When you have compassion, you make an honest effort to comprehend another person's perspective and the unique difficulties they are dealing with. When you're in a leadership position, it's essential to have compassion for others in order to create long-lasting support systems.
Being creative benefits greatly from the flexibility and adaptability that come with a mindfulness practice. Creating a culture that encourages innovation is another aspect of being a creative leader. The same openness and neutrality that you strive for when practicing mindfulness can inhibit creative thought if rules and regulations are too tight.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this mindfulness course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This mindfulness course certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Other Workplace Soft Skills Courses
If you’d like to help your workplace flourish, take a look at the range of workplace essentials courses available at Courses For Success.
Units of Study
Module One: Getting Started
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define mindfulness
- Develop techniques to make oneself more attuned to the present moment
- Understand the value and utility of one’s emotions
- Learn how to identify and counter distorted thinking
- Learn how to cultivate genuine positive emotions
- Become more fully present in social interactions
Module Two: What Is Mindfulness?
- Buddhist Concept
- Bare Attention
- Psychological Concept of Mindfulness
- Memory
Module Three: Practicing Mindfulness
- Attention
- Acceptance
- Mindfulness Meditatio
- Scanning
Module Four: Emotional Intelligence
- The Purpose of Emotions
- High Performance Emotions
- Swing Emotions
- Blue Emotions
Module Five: Cognitive Distortion (Phase One)
- Dichotomous Reasoning
- Magnification and Minimization
- Filtering
- Jumping to Conclusions
Module Six: Cognitive Distortion (Phase Two)
- Destructive Labeling
- Personalizing
- Blaming
- The Tyranny of the Should
Module Seven: Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Mental Modes
- Doing Mode
- Being Mode
- Metacognitive Awareness
Module Eight: Mindfulness and Gratitude
- What is Gratitude?
- Gratitude Journal
- An Exercise in Mindfulness and Gratitude
- Forming a Habit
Module Nine: Cultivating the High Performance Emotions
- The Emotion-Cognition-Behavior Triangle
- Cultivating Enthusiasm
- Cultivating Confidence
- Cultivating Tenacity
Module Ten: Mindfulness in Customer Service
- Individually Focused
- Active Listening
- Building a Rapport
- Timing
Module Eleven: Mindfulness and Leadership
- Mental Resilience
- Focus
- Compassion
- Creativity
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
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All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
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16. Is there an assessment or exam?
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
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This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
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Improving Mindfulness Online Certificate Course
"I found this course great. Very informative and I will take away skills and knowledge I can apply to my own life and I can use to help others." - Aliesha V. Verified Buyer
With our Improving Mindfulness course, you will begin to identify your own patterns of thinking, practice mindfulness, and cultivate positive emotions that will have a dramatic effect on the work environment.
Bundle Up & Save - Learn More and Save More when you Upgrade to one of our Course Bundles below - Save Up To 98%
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 6-8 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
Improve Your Mindfulness to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Success
Mindfulness is a term that is frequently used but rarely defined. Practicing true mindfulness encourages living in the present while it addresses the danger of distorted thinking, Staying in tune both mentally and emotionally improves perspective to enhance personal and professional success.
With our Improving Mindfulness course, you will begin to identify their own patterns of thinking. As you learn to practice mindfulness, you will cultivate positive emotions that will have a dramatic effect on the work environment.
Learn about mindfulness from our mindfulness course through guided audio meditations which teach you cognitive therapy, building resilience, body scans to know problem areas, emotional intelligence, and much more.
Our certification program is created by master meditation teachers whose aim is demystifying mindfulness and its applications in everyday life. Learning mindfulness will help you create a meditation practice to develop mindful awareness.
The guided meditations in the meditate course help you develop mindfulness skills so you can work on mindfulness based self compassion and mindfulness based stress reduction and have a peaceful existence.
How Our Mindfulness Course Can Help You?
Developing a mindfulness meditation practice will help you achieve a peaceful state. The course also includes mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT). Mindfulness based cognitive therapies combine mindfulness, cognitive therapy and meditation.
Our mindfulness workshops provide mindfulness training and combine the best mindfulness practices and are taught by our mindfulness teacher. Our mindfulness meditation teacher imparts mindfulness teaching that encourages you to search inside yourself.
CFS online mindfulness courses are based on the science of wellbeing and also provide mindfulness exercises like mindful yoga and walking meditation for stress reduction.
Course Fast Facts:
Easy to follow and understand
Only 6 to 8 hours of study is required
Unlimited, lifetime access to online course
Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
Certificate of Completion
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, MAC, tablet or Smart Phone.
Improving Mindfulness Online Course Outline
Improving Mindfulness Online Course Outline
Life continuously demands our attention, but we frequently miss crucial information in our current circumstances when we become preoccupied on the past or anxious about the future. It is possible to achieve a constant level of awareness of the present moment, but it takes practice.
What Is Mindfulness?
However, if you found yourself with your nose dug deep into a flower in a field where an angry bull was bearing down on you, this would be the exact reverse of being aware. People sometimes conflate the concept of mindfulness with the idea that one should "stop and smell the roses." Simply said, mindfulness is a mental state in which you are fully aware of, involved with, and responsive to the demands of the present moment.
Buddhist Concept
The Buddhist faith is where we first encountered the idea of mindfulness. One translation of the Pali term Sati is "mindfulness" (Sanskrit smrti). The words "mindfulness" and "awareness," which can also be translated as "awareness" and "memory," refer to one's ability to focus on the present moment without being distracted by outside factors. In Buddhism, mindfulness also refers to the capacity to remember what one intends to do and to avoid forgetting what one already knows.
Bare Attention
The practice of bare attention is one part of mindfulness. Unjudged and unelaborated attention is referred to as bare attention. We are tempted to try and think through what this new scenario implies to us whenever we are presented with it. Most of the time, we don't have enough data to make that determination just yet. We enter monkey mind thinking, which frequently results in distortion, when we begin to attempt to assess the issue before it has played out. To approach any present situation with our complete and neutral attention is one aspect of being mindful.
Psychological Concept of Mindfulness
Although mindfulness originated as a Buddhist concept, psychologists from the 1970s to the present have studied the effects of Buddhist mindfulness meditation techniques and found that these are effective in reducing anxiety and reducing relapse rates in both depression and drug addiction.
We have only discussed one part of mindfulness up to this point, which is paying attention in the present moment. But there is a very excellent reason why the word sati can also mean a recollection, as was previously established. It sounds like a good idea to pay attentive attention to your surroundings and the moment you are in, and for the most part, it is.
Practicing Mindfulness
It comes naturally to be mindful. We frequently find ourselves in this state throughout our lives without even realizing it. The level of focus you bring to a situation when you hear a noise at night and decide to investigate is an excellent illustration of mindfulness. But because of this constant division of our attention, we must choose which parts of our environment to ignore.
You want to pay attention to whatever arises when engaging in mindfulness practices, whether through meditation or in the present moment.
When practicing mindfulness meditation or when you are in a state of mindfulness, it's critical to accept situations as they are without passing judgment. You may eventually decide to take action to alter the situation, but at first, you should just accept things as they are. The majority of world religions involve some aspect of acceptance, whether it be the Christian position that you must submit to all of God's will or the Islamic view that you must submit to Allah. By accepting things as they are, you give yourself the freedom to stay receptive to more options.
Mindfulness Meditation
The best technique to develop mindfulness is to regularly practice meditation. Remember that not all forms of meditation are intended to improve your awareness. Although transcendental meditation and mantra meditation may have a side effect of increasing mindfulness, their primary objectives are very different.
The mindfulness meditation method developed by Kabat-Zinn includes the body scanning technique. A guided meditation is optional after you become used to it; but, for novices, you can record your voice walking yourself through the body scan. You begin by finding a comfortable place to lie on your back. Concentrate on your left foot's toes, taking note of anything you notice.
Emotional Intelligence
Although cultivating mindfulness can function as a buffer between our emotional cues and our reactions, it won't stop us from occasionally experiencing emotions or having furious thoughts. This is also not preferred. We must get a deeper understanding of how we feel, why we feel it, and what to do with it in order to apply mindfulness as an intervention. Psychologists refer to this comprehension as emotional intelligence.
The Purpose of Emotions
All feelings are legitimate, as you may have heard. Despite the fact that this is the case, it does not imply that you should always act out when you don't get your way. The fact that emotions offer valuable information about both our internal and exterior environments is what gives emotions their validity.
High-Performance Emotions
While all feelings are legitimate and beneficial since they give you access to crucial information, some feelings can improve your performance at work. Enthusiasm, assurance, tenacity, and optimism are these high-performance emotions. High-performance emotions raise our levels of alertness while preserving a broad and open focus.
Swing Emotions
The reason the swing emotions are so named is because they have the ability to either greatly improve your condition or even make a bad one worse. How you decide to use these emotions determines how much swing there is. Swing emotions serve as a warning when anything is wrong with our surroundings.
Blue Emotions
Blue feelings make up the third category of emotions. These emotions are distinguished by modest degrees of arousal as well as a concentrated focus. Dejection, depression, and disappointment are examples of blue emotions. These feelings indicate a lack of energy and the need to move things along quickly. For those who experience chronic depression, exercise is frequently advised.
Cognitive Distortion (I)
It is totally normal for your thoughts to become confused if you experience emotional ill-ease. We can make logical and intuitive leaps at times of high arousal when our minds are racing, which may or may not hold true upon closer examination. When we get more focused, we become less open to new information and tend to repeat the same negative thought patterns. These fall under the category of automatic thinking, which cognitive psychologists categorize into several types.
Dichotomous Reasoning
Dichotomous reasoning refers to the use of exaggeration, extremes, and black and white thinking. Pay attention to whether you use words like "always," "never," "everyone," "nobody," "the best," "the worst," or "either/other," etc. when you concentrate on your ideas.
Magnification and Minimization
Usually, those who exaggerate or downplay events tend to favor a particular misrepresentation. You magnify things when you exaggerate their significance.
When someone makes a statement that has both positive and bad information, filtering happens and you only hear the negative information.
Jumping to Conclusions
Another example of faulty thinking is when you make predictions about what someone else will do in the future based on scant or no information.
Cognitive Distortion (II)
You may see your own propensity to slip into some distorted thinking patterns more so than others when you become more conscious of your own distorted thinking during difficult situations.
Destructive Labeling
When you describe something or someone negatively and broadly, that is destructive labeling. Destructive labeling can occur, for instance, when a supervisor believes that a worker is irresponsible or doesn't care about their job because they arrive late to work.
Jumping to conclusions is a type of faulty thinking, but this habit relates everything back to you or makes you take blame for something you have no control over.
Blaming is a cognitive bias that is comparable to personalizing. Blaming happens when you place more emphasis on who you believe is to blame in a circumstance than on finding a solution, as opposed to the personalizing warped thinking pattern, which links everything back to oneself. Blame-casting, whether at oneself or others, rarely improves the situation since it focuses more on finding a person to punish than it does on finding a solution to a problem.
The Tyranny of the Should
Imperative thinking is another name for this warped way of thinking. When you become fixated on how you believe someone or something should or shouldn't be, rather than how they or it actually are, this happens. Another instance of how our perceptions of a situation not being useful.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
One way to control your response to emotions is to dentify mistaken thoughts and counteract them. The ability to recognize an emotion or a skewed thought pattern, however, usually requires that you are already in a calm state. While it may seem straightforward to use logic to refute an erroneous belief, this isn't always the best course of action. The choice to do nothing at all is an option to acting on your feelings.
Mental Modes
The majority of MBCT theories contend that the mind is composed of various subsystems. For instance, the information you receive from your senses is made up of various subsystems. The two primary subsystems or modes correspond with an emotive side and a rational side, most scholars believe. The logical mode is concerned with your concept of self and thinks verbally. Additionally, it is known as "cool" cognition.
Doing Mode
The two main cognitive styles, emotive and rational, can also be thought of in terms of action: a doing mode and a being mode. When you sense that something isn't going as it should, you switch into the doing mode, which is goal-oriented. Given the nature of arousal emotions, you are prodded into the doing mode when they are present with a sense that you need to take action in order to change your circumstances.
Being Mode
Being mode is not goal-oriented because it is more closely related to the logical mode of cognition. It prefers to experience things the way they are without making any changes. All of the MBCT approaches agree that having good mental health entails being able to actively move between being and doing modes as needed and understanding that both modes can be advantageous in some circumstances and harmful in others.
Metacognitive Awareness
Because mindfulness aids in the development of metacognitive awareness, it is helpful to be able to intentionally shift from being to doing or vice versa. This is a technical term for expressing awareness of one's ideas and thinking.
Mindfulness and Gratitude
Two fundamental truths about emotions will come to light no matter how you choose to handle them: first, they are temporary, and second, the "negative" emotions tend to draw the most attention. These truths will be revealed by becoming aware of your mental and emotional states, logically correcting your thinking distortions, or detaching yourself from them. It is entirely normal to focus on the negative aspects of your life or the lives of others, to notice them and even become fixated on them.
What is Gratitude?
That which we are grateful for in our lives is referred to as gratitude. This sense of gratitude can be extended to another source, and for those who identify as religious, this is frequently the case. You don't have to be religious, though, to feel grateful.
Gratitude Journal
The single most significant thing Oprah Winfrey ever did, according to her, was to start each day by listing five things for which she is grateful in a journal. And science agrees with her. In a 2003 study, psychologists from the universities of California and Miami discovered that recording your gratitude in a daily journal can enhance your sense of wellbeing throughout the course of your life.
An Exercise in Mindfulness and Gratitude
There are other strategies to develop a "attitude of thankfulness" besides keeping a daily gratitude journal.
Forming a Habit
Certain exercises from this training program must be integrated into routine practice.
Cultivating the High Performance Emotions
You may notice that you do better when you approach a work with the correct attitude as you become more aware of your thought and emotion patterns and as you learn to be thankful and optimistic. The ability to integrate emotions that are both marked by high arousal and a wider focus will improve our performance in both our professional and personal life, even though swing emotions like anger and worry might inspire us to change our circumstances.
The Emotion-Cognition-Behavior Triangle
● At the top of the triangle is cognition
● At the bottom left corner is the arousal level of emotion
● At the right corner is behavior or reaction to an emotion
Cultivating Enthusiasm
You may notice that you do better when you approach a work with the correct attitude as you become more aware of your thought and emotion patterns and as you learn to be thankful and optimistic. The ability to integrate emotions that are both marked by high arousal and a wider focus will improve our performance in both our professional and personal life, even though swing emotions like anger and worry might inspire us to change our circumstances.
Cultivating Confidence
Many people struggle to maintain the delicate balance of confidence. On the one side, excessive self-assurance can result in arrogance, which makes people believe they are superior to or more significant than other people.
Cultivating Tenacity
Tenacity is the attitude that you will persevere through any obstacle. We frequently feel overwhelmed when faced with significant or challenging responsibilities. We must learn to foster the high arousal emotion of tenacity because this overwhelming feeling frequently precedes low arousal blue emotions like dejection and depression.
Mindfulness in Customer Service
Businesses can only succeed to the extent that they are able to satisfy their clients. Even when it seems like a difficult experience, especially then, it's crucial to approach these types of interactions with a clear and mindful focus and a positive outlook. A single bad customer service experience can impact a business as drastically as numerous positive customer service experiences.
Individually Focused
Prioritizing is crucial while working in a career where you contact with clients, and your client should be your top priority. Your clients are ultimately your employer, regardless of where you are in the organizational ladder, whether you are a CEO or an entry-level employee. Without customers, there would be no business.
Active Listening
It is impossible to overstate the importance of listening. Nevertheless, listening entails more than just hearing what the customer says. By honing your active listening abilities, you can be sure that you not only hear what your customers are saying, but also deeply comprehend their issues.
Building a Rapport
The first step in developing a rapport with your customer is active listening. A rapport is a feeling of harmony you have with another individual or group.
Being conscious of the emotions and expectations of your clients is one of the most crucial components of a mindful approach to customer service. In order to achieve this, you must choose the right moment to interact. Asking a consumer about their day can disastrously backfire if they appear to be operating at high arousal levels.
Mindfulness and Leadership
You will find that you have an advantage over your classmates as you become more conscious of how your thoughts and emotions interact. A more positive and effective company culture can be created by demonstrating mindfulness for the rest of your coworkers and by engaging in mindfulness practices yourself.
Mental Resilience
In order to improve mental toughness, the United States Military Academy at West Point recently launched a mindfulness-based leadership development program. According to the West Point model, the world has gotten more unpredictable, chaotic, and ambiguous (VUCA).
Although mindfulness can help you focus your attention in a neutral, welcoming way, you will continually have to choose what to focus on as a leader. Prioritizing your attention requires that you first understand your company's mission, beliefs, and goals. Understanding a company mission statement can be helpful in this regard.
Consistent mindfulness practice has the wonderful benefit of fostering a true sense of compassion for others. When you have compassion, you make an honest effort to comprehend another person's perspective and the unique difficulties they are dealing with. When you're in a leadership position, it's essential to have compassion for others in order to create long-lasting support systems.
Being creative benefits greatly from the flexibility and adaptability that come with a mindfulness practice. Creating a culture that encourages innovation is another aspect of being a creative leader. The same openness and neutrality that you strive for when practicing mindfulness can inhibit creative thought if rules and regulations are too tight.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this mindfulness course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This mindfulness course certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Other Workplace Soft Skills Courses
If you’d like to help your workplace flourish, take a look at the range of workplace essentials courses available at Courses For Success.
Units of Study
Module One: Getting Started
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define mindfulness
- Develop techniques to make oneself more attuned to the present moment
- Understand the value and utility of one’s emotions
- Learn how to identify and counter distorted thinking
- Learn how to cultivate genuine positive emotions
- Become more fully present in social interactions
Module Two: What Is Mindfulness?
- Buddhist Concept
- Bare Attention
- Psychological Concept of Mindfulness
- Memory
Module Three: Practicing Mindfulness
- Attention
- Acceptance
- Mindfulness Meditatio
- Scanning
Module Four: Emotional Intelligence
- The Purpose of Emotions
- High Performance Emotions
- Swing Emotions
- Blue Emotions
Module Five: Cognitive Distortion (Phase One)
- Dichotomous Reasoning
- Magnification and Minimization
- Filtering
- Jumping to Conclusions
Module Six: Cognitive Distortion (Phase Two)
- Destructive Labeling
- Personalizing
- Blaming
- The Tyranny of the Should
Module Seven: Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Mental Modes
- Doing Mode
- Being Mode
- Metacognitive Awareness
Module Eight: Mindfulness and Gratitude
- What is Gratitude?
- Gratitude Journal
- An Exercise in Mindfulness and Gratitude
- Forming a Habit
Module Nine: Cultivating the High Performance Emotions
- The Emotion-Cognition-Behavior Triangle
- Cultivating Enthusiasm
- Cultivating Confidence
- Cultivating Tenacity
Module Ten: Mindfulness in Customer Service
- Individually Focused
- Active Listening
- Building a Rapport
- Timing
Module Eleven: Mindfulness and Leadership
- Mental Resilience
- Focus
- Compassion
- Creativity
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
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new skills, you might even get a promotion.
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19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
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The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
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