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About This Course
What you will learn:
  • The Origin and Definition of the Word "Midwife"
  • The History of Midwifery from the Ancient to Modern Times
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife
  • Are You Suited to a Career as a Midwife?
  • Qualifying as a Midwife
  • How Midwives are Educated and Practice Around the World
  • Women's Rights and Birth Options
  • How Midwives Support Socially Disadvantaged Women
  • Cultural Safety in Relation to Midwife Care
  • Antenatal Care and Screening
  • How Midwives Support Women through Labor and Birth
  • The Aims of Postnatal care as a Midwife
  • The Importance of Breastfeeding
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring and Pre-Eclampsia
  • Infection Control and Hygeine
  • Collecting Specimens
  • Administration of Medicine and Injections
  • Venepuncture
  • The Female Anatomy
  • Labour
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Medications and Pregnancy
  • Communications for Midwives
  • Emergencies and Caesarian Section
  • Birthing Environments and Home Births
  • Initial Baby Check and Examination
  • Conditions with Labour and Pregnancy
  • Mental Health Issues and Pregnancy

Study Introduction to Midwifery Online Course and Begin a Career as a Successful Midwife

Our Midwifery Course is a distance education program recognized by the commission for midwifery education. It can also be used as a bridge program for becoming an acute care nurse practitioner.

The Introductory to Midwifery Certificate course is jam-packed with information that will set you on the way to a successful career as a midwife. Midwifery is one of the world's oldest occupations. A midwife's primary responsibility is to care for and assist pregnant mothers and their newborns before, during, and after childbirth. This course will cover various topics related to midwifery, such as the profession's history, how to become a midwife, and how to practice as a midwife.

The CFS nursing programs provide nursing education for nursing midwifery to help people in their nursing careers.

This online course offers students a complete training option that enables them to study wherever convenient for them. Many enrolled students continue to work full-time and have busy lives while completing their degrees. You will need any gadget with an internet connection to access the midwifery course study material. You are also qualified for online assistance while studying.

Our educational programs provide ample employment opportunity in caring for women and becoming a certified nurse. The degree programs help people in continuing education to get jobs at birth centers or as a family nurse. 

How Our Online Midwifery Program Can Help You?

The nurse practitioner programs teach you about health and wellness, taking health assessments, health care practices, and providing a holistic nursing experience to patients.

Public health nurse practitioners will be taught about health sciences, psychiatric mental health, nursing care and more. Highlights include:

·       Nurses, midwives will be taught by a nurse educator about primary care, prenatal care, and womens healthcare.

·       You can become a registered nursing student at our online school of nursing and request more info on our website.

·       The online nurse midwifery programs teach you the science in midwifery so you can become a registered nurse (RN), maybe even a future public administrator in the primary healthcare field.

·       You can even go for a master of science in nursing (MSN) later to get further midwifery education. The masters in nursing will help you further your career.

·       There are no admission requirements for this course. However, establishing an advanced practice will need advanced degrees in the field of womens health nurse practitioners.

·       Doctoral programs can also be joined later to become a doctor of nursing practice and you can also look at online doctorate degrees.

What will you learn with our Introduction to Midwifery Online Course:

      The origin and definition of midwifery

      The history of midwifery from the ancient to modern times

      Roles of a midwife

      The educational requirements to becoming a midwife

      Qualifying as a midwife

      Responsibilities of a midwife

      Midwife practices around the world

      Women’s rights and birth options

      The principles of midwifery and cultural awareness

      Antenatal care and screening

      How midwives support women through labor and birth

      The aims of postnatal care as a midwife

      The importance of breastfeeding

      Blood pressure monitoring and pre-eclampsia

      Infection control and hygiene

      The female anatomy


      Medications and pregnancy

      Emergencies and caesarean section

      Initial baby check and examination

      Conditions with labor and pregnancy

      Mental health issues in pregnancy

Introduction to Midwifery Online Course - Requirements

The Introduction to Midwifery Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

      Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

      Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

      Be a self-directed learner

      Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Introduction to Midwifery Course

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

For any additional questions please see our comprehensive frequently asked questions.

Introduction to Midwifery Online Course Outline

Module 1: The Origin and Definition of the Word “Midwife”

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the origin of the word “midwife”

      To gain an understanding of the midwife’s role

      To become familiar with the day to day tasks of a midwife


Midwifery has been one of the world's oldest occupations. A midwife, who is practiced by both men and women, is a person who completes a University course, as well as practical placements, to learn the experience and skills needed to promote and encourage women during childbirth.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Origin of the Term “Midwife”

      An Overview of the Midwifery Profession

      Working as a Midwife

      Basic Training for Midwifery

      A Day in the Life of a Midwife

      Considerations before Becoming a Midwife

Module 2: The History of Midwifery from the Ancients to Modern Times

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the midwifery practices of ancient civilizations

      To learn about the darkest days for practicing midwives

      To understand how the Renaissance changed the practice of midwifery


Midwifery has existed for as long as there has been childbirth. Any midwifery traditions have been relatively unchanged over the decades – even millennia.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Ancient Practice of Midwifery

      Midwifery in the Middle Ages

      Midwifery in the Renaissance

      The 1800’s

      The Midwives Act 1902

      Florence Nightingale

      Midwifery in the 20th Century and Beyond

      The Public’s View of Midwives

Module 3: Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the government’s vision for midwifery

      To learn about the roles midwives play in childbearing

      To understand how midwives provide physical and emotional support to women


Midwives are often depicted as individuals who assist in the delivery of an infant. Midwives, on the other hand, do far more than that. When an expectant mother wishes to have her infant delivered by a midwife, the midwife often becomes the primary point of contact during the pregnancy, childbirth, and the first weeks and months after the child is born.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Vision of Midwifery in the UK

      Understanding Childbearing

      Facilitating Childbirth

      Supporting Mothers Physically and Emotionally

      Acting as Resource to Women and the Community

      Education for Midwives

      Supporting Bereavement

Module 4: Are You Suited to a Career as a Midwife?

Learning Objectives:

      To learn the basics of what a midwife does

      To understand the educational requirements for midwifery

      To understand what type of skills, interests and personalities work best in midwifery


This is not a choice of career for everybody, and some people would naturally not be content as a midwife.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Educational Requirements to Become a Midwife

      Skills, Interests and Personality Qualifications to Become a Midwife

      Working Hours and Conditions

      Midwife Responsibilities

Module 5: Qualifying as a Midwife

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the different paths to midwifery

      To learn about the admission requirements to midwifery courses

      To learn about what you can expect in shortened courses


A person must first apply to become a midwife before serving as one. To work as a midwife in the United Kingdom, they must be registered – and to do so, they must spend several years at university, focusing on their education.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Two Paths to Midwifery in the UK

      Direct Entry Midwifery Programme Admission Requirements

      Midwifery Shortened Programs for Registered Nurses

      Other Requirements to Enter Into a Midwifery University Programme

      Example of a Typical Three-Year Midwifery Programme

      Finished with University? There are Still Things You Must Do to Qualify

Module 6: How Midwives Are Educated and Practice Around the World

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the education of midwives in Canada and Australia

      To learn about the education of midwives in France and the US

      To learn about the education of midwives in New Zealand and the Netherlands


This module will go a little deeper to look at the many ways that midwives are not only trained, but also practiced around the world. Since many UK midwives prefer to serve or volunteer abroad, this summary will provide them with a basic understanding of how their chosen profession is practiced in other parts of the world.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Midwife Education and Practice in Canada

      Midwife Education and Practice in Australia

      Midwife Education and Practice in France

      Midwife Education and Practice in the United States

      Midwife Education and Practice in New Zealand

      Midwife Education and Practice in the Netherlands

      Midwife Education and Practice in Japan

      Midwife Education and Practice in Sweden

Module 7: Women’s Rights and Birth Options

Learning Objectives:

      To learn what women’s rights are, within the context of pregnancy and labor

      To understand how midwives must support these rights, in order to support women

      To understand a midwife’s rights and how they are associated with women’s rights


When a woman is pregnant, she faces a slew of choices, including how she will deliver her child. One of the most important topics of midwifery is advocating for women's rights, including the right to make their own choices regarding their pregnancy and eventual delivery.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Women’s Rights

      Midwives’ Rights

      Baby’s Rights

      Options for Birth in the UK

Module 8: How Midwives Support Socially Disadvantaged Women

Learning Objectives:

      To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect your patients

      To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect the babies

      To learn how to measure the impact of midwifery on public health


A research on the treatment that women from lower socioeconomic backgrounds receive during pregnancy was published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2014. According to the findings of this report, these women clearly do not get the same level of treatment as their wealthy counterparts.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Social Disadvantages and Pregnant Women’s Health

      Social Disadvantage and Infant Health

      The Role That Midwives Play in the Support of Socially Disadvantaged Women

      Measuring How Midwives Contribute to Public Health

      The Six Aims for Improvement in Midwifery

Module 9: Cultural Safety in Relation to Midwife Care

Learning Objectives:

      To learn and understand the principles of midwifery and cultural awareness

      To understand the origins of cultural safety

      To learn how cultural safety fits in with general nursing philosophies


As a midwife, they will work with women and families from a wide range of cultural backgrounds, some of which might be somewhat different from the society in which they were raised or adhere.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Principles of Midwifery and Cultural Awareness

      The Origins of Cultural Safety and Midwifery

      Cultural Safety and Nursing Philosophy

      How to Practice Cultural Safety

      So Why Does Cultural Safety Matter?

      Cultural Safety and Ethics

Module 10: Antenatal Care and Screening

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about what antenatal care is

      To learn about the principles of care

      To learn what happens at various antenatal appointments


Antenatal care applies to all of the support a woman provides during her pregnancy; from the moment she discovers she is pregnant until she reaches the hospital for active labor. This treatment is vital because it not only guarantees that mother and baby remain safe during pregnancy, but it also ensures that labor and childbirth go smoothly.

Topics to be discussed include:

      What is Antenatal Care?

      Principles of Antenatal Care

      Beginning Antenatal Care

      Antenatal Classes

      Common Antenatal Tests

Module 11: How Midwives Support Women Through Labor and Birth

Learning Objectives:

      To understand the background of midwives supporting women through labor

      To learn about how you can support your patients with different positions

      To learn about different ways to support your patients through pain relief


In several situations, this will take place in a hospital or birthing center, but in some cases, it will take place at the woman's house or some other location. A midwife should be able to take the lead and support their patients as long as the delivery happens normally and naturally.

Topics to be discussed include:

      A Brief Background and the Benefits of Midwife Support for Women During Labor

      What to Do as a Midwife

      The First Stage of Labor

      Helping the Patient with Pain

      The Second Stage of Labor

      The Birth of the Baby

      The Third Stage of Labor

Module 12: The Aims of Postnatal Care as a Midwife

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the major aims of postnatal care for new mums

      To learn about the basics of a postnatal care visit

      To learn about the physical health of the mother


One of several common myths about midwifery treatment is that midwives merely assist in the delivery of an infant and then their job is finished.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Main Aims of Postnatal Care

      The Basics of a Postnatal Care Visit

      The Mental Health and Wellbeing of the Woman

      The Physical Health and Wellbeing of the Woman

      A Word About Breastfeeding

      Maintaining the Health of an Infant

      A Safety Evaluation of the Home

Module 13: The Importance of Breastfeeding

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the benefits of breastfeeding

      To learn about potential issues in formula feeding

      To learn about normal breastfeeding practices


Breastfeeding is a normal practice, but in many places, it is a contentious and political problem. Breastfeeding is recommended by many governments and medical practices for the first six months of a baby's life. The mother, though, has the final say.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Benefits of Breastfeeding

      Potential Risks Associated with Formula Feeding

      How Midwives Can Teach New Mothers about Breast Feeding

      Providing Information for Families and Communities

Module 14: Blood Pressure Monitoring and Pre-Eclampsia

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the risks for pregnant women who have high blood pressure

      To understand the different types of high blood pressure that pregnant women can get

      To learn how high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia is connected


One of the leading causes of maternal and infant death is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Risks for Pregnant Women Who Have High Blood Pressure

      Defining Hypertension in Pregnancy

      Managing a Woman’s Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

      Working with Pregnant Women Who Have Pre-Existing Hypertension

      Working with Pregnant Women Who Have Gestational Hypertension

      The Basics of Pre-Eclampsia

      The Treatment of Pre-Eclampsia

      Complications of Pre-Eclampsia

Module 15: Infection Control and Hygiene

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the general principles of infection prevention and control

      To understand how to use personal protection equipment

      To learn about the decontamination of reusable medical equipment


Mostly in field of midwifery, a single infection, or germ, will alter the course of both the mother's and the child's lives. Both healthcare staff, particularly midwives, play a significant part in reducing the risk of infection transmission.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The General Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

      Hand Hygiene

      Using Personal Protective Equipment

      Disposal and Safe Handling of Sharps

      Handling and Disposing of Chemical Waste

      Managing Bodily Fluids and Blood

      Decontaminating Equipment

      Creating and Maintaining a Clean Clinical Environment

      The Appropriate Use of Indwelling Devices

      Managing the Accidental Exposure to Blood Borne Viruses

      Communication and Infection Control

      Training on Infection Control

Module 16: Collecting Specimens

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about what specimens are collected after birth

      To learn what those specimens are used for

      To learn when to collect those specimens and how to store them, if required


Midwives are traditionally not interested with surgical practices and often rely on delivering women-centric alternatives to childbirth, focusing on the idea that conception and childbirth are natural processes. This, though, can change slightly after the baby is born.

Topics to be discussed include:

      What Is Specimen Collection?

      What You Are Collecting

      Specimen Collection vs. Delayed Clamping

      How to Collect Specimen

      Cord Blood Banks

      Finding the Right Private Blood Bank

Module 17: Administration of Medicines and Injections

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about different methods and processes involved in supplying medications

      To understand how to store and transport medicines

      To learn how to administer medications and injections


The Nursing and Midwifery Council monitors midwives in the United Kingdom (NMC). The NMC's mission is to protect the public by advising midwives and nurses on critical professional concerns such as the administration of medications and injections.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Approaching Medicine

      Basic Guidelines and Responsibilities for Providing and Administering Medication

      Methods for Supplying Medication

      Storing and Transporting Medicines

      Standards for Administering Medicines


Module 18: Venipuncture

Learning Objectives:

      To understand what a venipuncture is

      To understand the roles and responsibilities of a midwife performing a venipuncture

      To learn how to find the necessary equipment for a venipuncture


About each day throughout their careers, most midwives will be subjected to venipuncture. Venipuncture, or the act of inserting a needle into a vein, are one of the most frequent treatments that a midwife will undergo and they will be used in a variety of appointments – assuming the patient consents.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Responsibilities of the Midwife in Performing a Venipuncture

      Anatomy of the Arm and How to Choose the Right Vein

      Equipment Required for Venipuncture in Adults

      Completing the Procedure

      Dealing with Complications

Module 19: The Female Anatomy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the reproductive organs of a woman

      To learn about the reproductive cycle

      To learn about the urinary tract


As a midwife, they must be well-versed in female anatomy, including the genital organs and the urinary tract. In addition, they would need to learn how a woman's menstrual cycle functions, how fertilization happens in the womb, and how the infant and placenta blend into the body's organs.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Female Reproductive System

      The Reproductive Cycle

      The Urinary Tract

      The Hormonal Cycle of Women

      The Placenta

      The Fetus

      Weeks 11-20

      Weeks 21-30

      Week 30 onwards

Module 20: Labor

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the different stages of labor and what your role as a midwife is with each

      To understand different methods of giving birth, including different positions

      To learn about pain relief during labor – both medical and non-medical


Many people associate midwives with the women who assist another woman through labor. Of course, this is an incredibly valuable work, but it is not the only one that a midwife does.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Recognizing the Signs of Labor

      Admission Assessment

      After the First Check+

      Medical Pain Relief during Labor

      Non-Pharmacological Methods for Pain Relief during Labor

      Positions for Labor and Birth

      Water Births

      Instruments of Birth

      Induced Labor

      An Overview of the First Stage of Labor

      An Overview of the Second Stage of Labor

      An Overview of the Third Stage of Labor

      Diabetes in Labor

Module 21: List of Abbreviations

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about appointment related terms and abbreviations

      To learn about record keeping terms and abbreviations

      To learn about medical terms and abbreviations for birth


Any words were certainly more familiar than others. Nonetheless, all of these words are significant because of the roles they perform in midwifery and treatment.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Purpose of Using the Correct Term

      Finding the Facilities’ List of Terms

      Appointment Related Terms

      Record Keeping Terms

      Medical Terms for Birth

Module 22: Medications and Pregnancy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn which medications are safe to take during pregnancy

      To learn which substances should be avoided during pregnancy

      To gain insight on when to prescribe medications


Taking medicine during pregnancy is typically a medical decision taken by individual women in consultation with their health care providers. This decision is critical because, while research has shown that some drugs are safe to use during breastfeeding, there is no definitive word about the long-term consequences of taking medicine while pregnant or immediately after giving birth.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Prescribing Medications during Pregnancy

      Taking Medication during Pregnancy

      Vaccinations During Pregnancy

      Taking Over the Counter Medications

      How Medications Affect Fetal Development

      Medications and Birth Defects

Module 23: Communication for Midwives

Learning Objectives:

      To understand the importance of communication

      To learn about verbal communication

      To learn about non-verbal communication


Communication is an ability that is needed in practically any career path and in life. Communication is highly important in healthcare because very important – and often life or death – choices are taken depending on the frequency of two people's communication.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Importance of Communication

      Verbal and Non-Verbal Forms of Communication

      Dealing with Cultural Differences in Communication

      Using Communication to Solve Conflict

Module 24: Emergencies and Caesarean Section

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the risk factors associated with complications during pregnancy

      To learn the signs and symptoms of different emergency situations

      To understand common treatment methods for emergency situations


Women who are at higher risk of complications will normally consult with a doctor during their pregnancy, which is a better choice for both them and their children.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Risk Factors for Pregnancy Complications

      Abruption of the Placenta

      Placenta Previa

      Postpartum Hemorrhage

      Amniotic Fluid Embolism

      Inversion of the Uterus


      Psychological Conditions

      Stillbirth and Intrauterine Death

      Caesarean Section

Module 25: Birthing Environment and Home Births

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the safety of a home birth versus a hospital birth

      To learn how to help your patients make an informed decision about their birthing environment

      To learn overviews of each type of birthing environment


Births assisted by a midwife are available in all three conditions. The atmosphere selected is determined by a variety of considerations, including the needs of the mother and infant, the dangers they may pose, and their personal interests.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Safety of a Home Birth Versus a Hospital Birth

      Making an Informed Decision

      Giving Birth in a Birth Centre

      Hospital Birth Environment

      Home Birth

Module 26: Initial Baby Check and Examination

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the tests that a baby will have, in the moments after birth

      To learn about the different areas of the body to check, during each examination

      To understand what signs could indicate a problem


One of its most significant responsibilities of a midwife is to protect the baby's wellbeing. This is achieved by conducting a battery of examinations in the minutes and hours after the birth.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Tests That a Baby Has

      The Details of What a Full Examination Involves

      Following the Full Examination

Module 27: Conditions with Labor and Pregnancy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about different medical conditions and how they might affect a labor or pregnancy

      To understand the importance of working as a medical team, to treat women with medical conditions during pregnancy

      To understand how certain medical conditions can affect a baby in the womb


The majority of women will have a regular pregnancy and childbirth, but others will not. Almost often, women who have complications during their pregnancy and delivery have a medical condition that may have a detrimental effect on their pregnancy and their infant.

Topics to be discussed include:






      Thyroid Diseases

Module 28: Mental Health Issues and Pregnancy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about mental health issues and how they affect pregnancy

      To understand how you can help your patients, during pregnancy

      To learn how to support your patients, with medication and other treatments


Some women may not have any mental health problems during their pregnancy, but certain women will also have a diagnosed mental health problem before becoming pregnant. Women who have had mental health problems in the past and have been treated may be concerned that they may reoccur.

Topics to be discussed include:

      A Close Look at Mental Health in Pregnancy

      Women Who Have Had Mental Issues in the Past

      Treating Mental Health Problems in Pregnancy

      The Care Team for Pregnant Women with Mental Health Issues

      Preparing for the Birth of the Baby

      Depression During Pregnancy

      Anxiety Disorder During Pregnancy

      Other Mental Health Disorders

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications. 

After completing our nursing school, you can study further to start a nursing practice (DNP) and become a family nurse practitioner or a neonatal nurse practitioner.

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Units of Study

Module 1 : The Origin and Definition of the Word “Midwife”

  • To learn about the origin of the word “midwife”
  • To gain an understanding of the midwife’s role
  • To become familiar with the day to day tasks of a midwife
  • To differentiate between the roles and requirements of hospital based midwives and independent midwives

Module 2 : The History of Midwifery from the Ancients to Modern Times

  • To learn about the midwifery practices of ancient civilisations
  • To learn about the darkest days for practicing midwives
  • To understand how the Renaissance changed the practice of midwifery
  • To learn about how modern midwifery came to be

Module 3 : Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife

  • To learn about the government’s vision for midwifery
  • To learn about the roles midwives play in childbearing
  • To understand how midwives provide physical and emotional support to women
  • To learn about education models for midwives

Module 4 : Are You Suited to a Career as a Midwife?

  • To learn the basics of what a midwife does
  • To understand the educational requirements for midwifery
  • To understand what type of skills, interests and personalities work best in midwifery
  • To learn more about the working hours and conditions of a job in midwifery

Module 5 : Qualifying as a Midwife

  • To learn about the different paths to midwifery
  • To learn about the admission requirements to midwifery courses
  • To learn about what you can expect in shortened courses
  • To understand what you might learn when in university

Module 6 : How Midwives Are Educated and Practice Around the World

  • To learn about the education of midwives in Canada and Australia
  • To learn about the education of midwives in France and the US
  • To learn about the education of midwives in New Zealand and the Netherlands
  • To learn about the education of midwives in Japan and Sweden

Module 7 : Women’s Rights and Birth Options

  • To learn what women’s rights are, within the context of pregnancy and labour
  • To understand how midwives must support these rights, in order to support women
  • To understand a midwife’s rights and how they are associated with women’s rights
  • To understand a baby’s rights and how they are intimately connected with their mother’s rights

Module 8 : How Midwives Support Socially Disadvantaged Women

  • To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect your patients
  • To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect the babies
  • To learn how to measure the impact of midwifery on public health
  • To learn how you can improve your own midwifery practice

Module 9 : Cultural Safety in Relation to Midwife Care

  • To learn and understand the principles of midwifery and cultural awareness
  • To understand the origins of cultural safety
  • To learn how cultural safety fits in with general nursing philosophies
  • To understand why cultural safety matters in a healthcare setting

Module 10 : Antenatal Care and Screening

  • To learn about what antenatal care is
  • To learn about the principles of care
  • To learn what happens at various antenatal appointments
  • To learn about antenatal classes

Module 11 : How Midwives Support Women Through Labour and Birth

  • To understand the background of midwives supporting women through labour
  • To learn about how you can support your patients with different positions
  • To learn about different ways to support your patients through pain relief
  • To learn how to support your patient during the second stage of labour

Module 12 : The Aims of Postnatal Care as a Midwife

  • To learn about the major aims of postnatal care for new mums
  • To learn about the basics of a postnatal care visit
  • To learn about the physical health of the mother
  • To learn about the mental health of the mother

Module 13 : The Importance of Breastfeeding

  • To learn about the benefits of breastfeeding
  • To learn about potential issues in formula feeding
  • To learn about normal breastfeeding practices
  • To learn how to encourage women to breastfeed

Module 14 : Blood Pressure Monitoring and Pre-Eclampsia

  • To learn about the risks for pregnant women who have high blood pressure
  • To understand the different types of high blood pressure that pregnant women can get
  • To learn how high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia is connected
  • To understand how pre-eclampsia develops

Module 15 : Infection Control and Hygiene

  • To learn about the general principles of infection prevention and control
  • To understand how to use personal protection equipment
  • To learn about the decontamination of reusable medical equipment
  • To learn how to create and maintain a clean work environment

Module 16 : Collecting Specimens

  • To learn about what specimens are collected after birth
  • To learn what those specimens are used for
  • To learn when to collect those specimens and how to store them, if required
  • To learn how to collect the specimen

Module 17 : Administration of Medicines and Injections

  • To learn about different methods and processes involved in supplying medications
  • To understand how to store and transport medicines
  • To learn how to administer medications and injections
  • To learn what to do when you are unsure of the safety of equipment or medication

Module 18 : Venepuncture

  • To understand what a venepuncture is
  • To understand the roles and responsibilities of a midwife performing a venepuncture
  • To learn how to find the necessary equipment for a venepuncture
  • To learn how to perform a venepuncture

Module 19 : The Female Anatomy

  • To learn about the reproductive organs of a woman
  • To learn about the reproductive cycle
  • To learn about the urinary tract
  • To understand what the placenta does

Module 20 : Labour

  • To learn about the different stages of labour and what your role as a midwife is with each
  • To understand different methods of giving birth, including different positions
  • To learn about pain relief during labour - both medical and non-medical
  • To understand the importance of examining the placenta, following labour

Module 21 : List of Abbreviations

  • To learn about appointment related terms and abbreviations
  • To learn about record keeping terms and abbreviations
  • To learn about medical terms and abbreviations for birth
  • To understand the importance of using the correct abbreviations for clarity

Module 22 : Medications and Pregnancy

  • To learn which medications are safe to take during pregnancy
  • To learn which substances should be avoided during pregnancy
  • To gain insight on when to prescribe medications
  • To understand how medication reaches the foetus

Module 23 : Communication for Midwives

  • To understand the importance of communication
  • To learn about verbal communication
  • To learn about non-verbal communication
  • To learn about active listening

Module 24 : Emergencies and Caesarean Section

  • To learn about the risk factors associated with complications during pregnancy
  • To learn the signs and symptoms of different emergency situations
  • To understand common treatment methods for emergency situations
  • To learn about the role of a midwife in some of these situations

Module 25 : Birthing Environment and Home Births

  • To learn about the safety of a home birth versus a hospital birth
  • To learn how to help your patients make an informed decision about their birthing environment
  • To learn overviews of each type of birthing environment
  • To understand the pros and cons of each birthing environment

Module 26 : Initial Baby Check and Examination

  • To learn about the tests that a baby will have, in the moments after birth
  • To learn about the different areas of the body to check, during each examination
  • To understand what signs could indicate a problem
  • To understand blood testing in babies

Module 27 : Conditions with Labour and Pregnancy

  • To learn about different medical conditions and how they might affect a labour or pregnancy
  • To understand the importance of working as a medical team, to treat women with medical conditions during pregnancy
  • To understand how certain medical conditions can affect a baby in the womb
  • To learn about different treatment options for these conditions

Module 28 : Mental Health Issues and Pregnancy

  • To learn about mental health issues and how they affect pregnancy
  • To understand how you can help your patients, during pregnancy
  • To learn how to support your patients, with medication and other treatments
  • To learn the importance of working as a team, to treat patients with mental health issues

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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13.  How long will my course take?

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15.  Is the course interactive?

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Introduction to Midwifery Online Certificate Course

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Current price USD $199
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"The quality of content and teaching was really impressive." - Ariana F. Verified Buyer 

Our Introductory to Midwifery Certificate course is jam-packed with information that will set you on the way to a successful career as a midwife.

See similar courses below.

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7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
  • The Origin and Definition of the Word "Midwife"
  • The History of Midwifery from the Ancient to Modern Times
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife
  • Are You Suited to a Career as a Midwife?
  • Qualifying as a Midwife
  • How Midwives are Educated and Practice Around the World
  • Women's Rights and Birth Options
  • How Midwives Support Socially Disadvantaged Women
  • Cultural Safety in Relation to Midwife Care
  • Antenatal Care and Screening
  • How Midwives Support Women through Labor and Birth
  • The Aims of Postnatal care as a Midwife
  • The Importance of Breastfeeding
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring and Pre-Eclampsia
  • Infection Control and Hygeine
  • Collecting Specimens
  • Administration of Medicine and Injections
  • Venepuncture
  • The Female Anatomy
  • Labour
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Medications and Pregnancy
  • Communications for Midwives
  • Emergencies and Caesarian Section
  • Birthing Environments and Home Births
  • Initial Baby Check and Examination
  • Conditions with Labour and Pregnancy
  • Mental Health Issues and Pregnancy

Study Introduction to Midwifery Online Course and Begin a Career as a Successful Midwife

Our Midwifery Course is a distance education program recognized by the commission for midwifery education. It can also be used as a bridge program for becoming an acute care nurse practitioner.

The Introductory to Midwifery Certificate course is jam-packed with information that will set you on the way to a successful career as a midwife. Midwifery is one of the world's oldest occupations. A midwife's primary responsibility is to care for and assist pregnant mothers and their newborns before, during, and after childbirth. This course will cover various topics related to midwifery, such as the profession's history, how to become a midwife, and how to practice as a midwife.

The CFS nursing programs provide nursing education for nursing midwifery to help people in their nursing careers.

This online course offers students a complete training option that enables them to study wherever convenient for them. Many enrolled students continue to work full-time and have busy lives while completing their degrees. You will need any gadget with an internet connection to access the midwifery course study material. You are also qualified for online assistance while studying.

Our educational programs provide ample employment opportunity in caring for women and becoming a certified nurse. The degree programs help people in continuing education to get jobs at birth centers or as a family nurse. 

How Our Online Midwifery Program Can Help You?

The nurse practitioner programs teach you about health and wellness, taking health assessments, health care practices, and providing a holistic nursing experience to patients.

Public health nurse practitioners will be taught about health sciences, psychiatric mental health, nursing care and more. Highlights include:

·       Nurses, midwives will be taught by a nurse educator about primary care, prenatal care, and womens healthcare.

·       You can become a registered nursing student at our online school of nursing and request more info on our website.

·       The online nurse midwifery programs teach you the science in midwifery so you can become a registered nurse (RN), maybe even a future public administrator in the primary healthcare field.

·       You can even go for a master of science in nursing (MSN) later to get further midwifery education. The masters in nursing will help you further your career.

·       There are no admission requirements for this course. However, establishing an advanced practice will need advanced degrees in the field of womens health nurse practitioners.

·       Doctoral programs can also be joined later to become a doctor of nursing practice and you can also look at online doctorate degrees.

What will you learn with our Introduction to Midwifery Online Course:

      The origin and definition of midwifery

      The history of midwifery from the ancient to modern times

      Roles of a midwife

      The educational requirements to becoming a midwife

      Qualifying as a midwife

      Responsibilities of a midwife

      Midwife practices around the world

      Women’s rights and birth options

      The principles of midwifery and cultural awareness

      Antenatal care and screening

      How midwives support women through labor and birth

      The aims of postnatal care as a midwife

      The importance of breastfeeding

      Blood pressure monitoring and pre-eclampsia

      Infection control and hygiene

      The female anatomy


      Medications and pregnancy

      Emergencies and caesarean section

      Initial baby check and examination

      Conditions with labor and pregnancy

      Mental health issues in pregnancy

Introduction to Midwifery Online Course - Requirements

The Introduction to Midwifery Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

      Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

      Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

      Be a self-directed learner

      Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Introduction to Midwifery Course

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

For any additional questions please see our comprehensive frequently asked questions.

Introduction to Midwifery Online Course Outline

Module 1: The Origin and Definition of the Word “Midwife”

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the origin of the word “midwife”

      To gain an understanding of the midwife’s role

      To become familiar with the day to day tasks of a midwife


Midwifery has been one of the world's oldest occupations. A midwife, who is practiced by both men and women, is a person who completes a University course, as well as practical placements, to learn the experience and skills needed to promote and encourage women during childbirth.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Origin of the Term “Midwife”

      An Overview of the Midwifery Profession

      Working as a Midwife

      Basic Training for Midwifery

      A Day in the Life of a Midwife

      Considerations before Becoming a Midwife

Module 2: The History of Midwifery from the Ancients to Modern Times

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the midwifery practices of ancient civilizations

      To learn about the darkest days for practicing midwives

      To understand how the Renaissance changed the practice of midwifery


Midwifery has existed for as long as there has been childbirth. Any midwifery traditions have been relatively unchanged over the decades – even millennia.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Ancient Practice of Midwifery

      Midwifery in the Middle Ages

      Midwifery in the Renaissance

      The 1800’s

      The Midwives Act 1902

      Florence Nightingale

      Midwifery in the 20th Century and Beyond

      The Public’s View of Midwives

Module 3: Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the government’s vision for midwifery

      To learn about the roles midwives play in childbearing

      To understand how midwives provide physical and emotional support to women


Midwives are often depicted as individuals who assist in the delivery of an infant. Midwives, on the other hand, do far more than that. When an expectant mother wishes to have her infant delivered by a midwife, the midwife often becomes the primary point of contact during the pregnancy, childbirth, and the first weeks and months after the child is born.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Vision of Midwifery in the UK

      Understanding Childbearing

      Facilitating Childbirth

      Supporting Mothers Physically and Emotionally

      Acting as Resource to Women and the Community

      Education for Midwives

      Supporting Bereavement

Module 4: Are You Suited to a Career as a Midwife?

Learning Objectives:

      To learn the basics of what a midwife does

      To understand the educational requirements for midwifery

      To understand what type of skills, interests and personalities work best in midwifery


This is not a choice of career for everybody, and some people would naturally not be content as a midwife.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Educational Requirements to Become a Midwife

      Skills, Interests and Personality Qualifications to Become a Midwife

      Working Hours and Conditions

      Midwife Responsibilities

Module 5: Qualifying as a Midwife

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the different paths to midwifery

      To learn about the admission requirements to midwifery courses

      To learn about what you can expect in shortened courses


A person must first apply to become a midwife before serving as one. To work as a midwife in the United Kingdom, they must be registered – and to do so, they must spend several years at university, focusing on their education.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Two Paths to Midwifery in the UK

      Direct Entry Midwifery Programme Admission Requirements

      Midwifery Shortened Programs for Registered Nurses

      Other Requirements to Enter Into a Midwifery University Programme

      Example of a Typical Three-Year Midwifery Programme

      Finished with University? There are Still Things You Must Do to Qualify

Module 6: How Midwives Are Educated and Practice Around the World

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the education of midwives in Canada and Australia

      To learn about the education of midwives in France and the US

      To learn about the education of midwives in New Zealand and the Netherlands


This module will go a little deeper to look at the many ways that midwives are not only trained, but also practiced around the world. Since many UK midwives prefer to serve or volunteer abroad, this summary will provide them with a basic understanding of how their chosen profession is practiced in other parts of the world.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Midwife Education and Practice in Canada

      Midwife Education and Practice in Australia

      Midwife Education and Practice in France

      Midwife Education and Practice in the United States

      Midwife Education and Practice in New Zealand

      Midwife Education and Practice in the Netherlands

      Midwife Education and Practice in Japan

      Midwife Education and Practice in Sweden

Module 7: Women’s Rights and Birth Options

Learning Objectives:

      To learn what women’s rights are, within the context of pregnancy and labor

      To understand how midwives must support these rights, in order to support women

      To understand a midwife’s rights and how they are associated with women’s rights


When a woman is pregnant, she faces a slew of choices, including how she will deliver her child. One of the most important topics of midwifery is advocating for women's rights, including the right to make their own choices regarding their pregnancy and eventual delivery.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Women’s Rights

      Midwives’ Rights

      Baby’s Rights

      Options for Birth in the UK

Module 8: How Midwives Support Socially Disadvantaged Women

Learning Objectives:

      To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect your patients

      To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect the babies

      To learn how to measure the impact of midwifery on public health


A research on the treatment that women from lower socioeconomic backgrounds receive during pregnancy was published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2014. According to the findings of this report, these women clearly do not get the same level of treatment as their wealthy counterparts.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Social Disadvantages and Pregnant Women’s Health

      Social Disadvantage and Infant Health

      The Role That Midwives Play in the Support of Socially Disadvantaged Women

      Measuring How Midwives Contribute to Public Health

      The Six Aims for Improvement in Midwifery

Module 9: Cultural Safety in Relation to Midwife Care

Learning Objectives:

      To learn and understand the principles of midwifery and cultural awareness

      To understand the origins of cultural safety

      To learn how cultural safety fits in with general nursing philosophies


As a midwife, they will work with women and families from a wide range of cultural backgrounds, some of which might be somewhat different from the society in which they were raised or adhere.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Principles of Midwifery and Cultural Awareness

      The Origins of Cultural Safety and Midwifery

      Cultural Safety and Nursing Philosophy

      How to Practice Cultural Safety

      So Why Does Cultural Safety Matter?

      Cultural Safety and Ethics

Module 10: Antenatal Care and Screening

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about what antenatal care is

      To learn about the principles of care

      To learn what happens at various antenatal appointments


Antenatal care applies to all of the support a woman provides during her pregnancy; from the moment she discovers she is pregnant until she reaches the hospital for active labor. This treatment is vital because it not only guarantees that mother and baby remain safe during pregnancy, but it also ensures that labor and childbirth go smoothly.

Topics to be discussed include:

      What is Antenatal Care?

      Principles of Antenatal Care

      Beginning Antenatal Care

      Antenatal Classes

      Common Antenatal Tests

Module 11: How Midwives Support Women Through Labor and Birth

Learning Objectives:

      To understand the background of midwives supporting women through labor

      To learn about how you can support your patients with different positions

      To learn about different ways to support your patients through pain relief


In several situations, this will take place in a hospital or birthing center, but in some cases, it will take place at the woman's house or some other location. A midwife should be able to take the lead and support their patients as long as the delivery happens normally and naturally.

Topics to be discussed include:

      A Brief Background and the Benefits of Midwife Support for Women During Labor

      What to Do as a Midwife

      The First Stage of Labor

      Helping the Patient with Pain

      The Second Stage of Labor

      The Birth of the Baby

      The Third Stage of Labor

Module 12: The Aims of Postnatal Care as a Midwife

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the major aims of postnatal care for new mums

      To learn about the basics of a postnatal care visit

      To learn about the physical health of the mother


One of several common myths about midwifery treatment is that midwives merely assist in the delivery of an infant and then their job is finished.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Main Aims of Postnatal Care

      The Basics of a Postnatal Care Visit

      The Mental Health and Wellbeing of the Woman

      The Physical Health and Wellbeing of the Woman

      A Word About Breastfeeding

      Maintaining the Health of an Infant

      A Safety Evaluation of the Home

Module 13: The Importance of Breastfeeding

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the benefits of breastfeeding

      To learn about potential issues in formula feeding

      To learn about normal breastfeeding practices


Breastfeeding is a normal practice, but in many places, it is a contentious and political problem. Breastfeeding is recommended by many governments and medical practices for the first six months of a baby's life. The mother, though, has the final say.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Benefits of Breastfeeding

      Potential Risks Associated with Formula Feeding

      How Midwives Can Teach New Mothers about Breast Feeding

      Providing Information for Families and Communities

Module 14: Blood Pressure Monitoring and Pre-Eclampsia

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the risks for pregnant women who have high blood pressure

      To understand the different types of high blood pressure that pregnant women can get

      To learn how high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia is connected


One of the leading causes of maternal and infant death is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Risks for Pregnant Women Who Have High Blood Pressure

      Defining Hypertension in Pregnancy

      Managing a Woman’s Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

      Working with Pregnant Women Who Have Pre-Existing Hypertension

      Working with Pregnant Women Who Have Gestational Hypertension

      The Basics of Pre-Eclampsia

      The Treatment of Pre-Eclampsia

      Complications of Pre-Eclampsia

Module 15: Infection Control and Hygiene

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the general principles of infection prevention and control

      To understand how to use personal protection equipment

      To learn about the decontamination of reusable medical equipment


Mostly in field of midwifery, a single infection, or germ, will alter the course of both the mother's and the child's lives. Both healthcare staff, particularly midwives, play a significant part in reducing the risk of infection transmission.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The General Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

      Hand Hygiene

      Using Personal Protective Equipment

      Disposal and Safe Handling of Sharps

      Handling and Disposing of Chemical Waste

      Managing Bodily Fluids and Blood

      Decontaminating Equipment

      Creating and Maintaining a Clean Clinical Environment

      The Appropriate Use of Indwelling Devices

      Managing the Accidental Exposure to Blood Borne Viruses

      Communication and Infection Control

      Training on Infection Control

Module 16: Collecting Specimens

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about what specimens are collected after birth

      To learn what those specimens are used for

      To learn when to collect those specimens and how to store them, if required


Midwives are traditionally not interested with surgical practices and often rely on delivering women-centric alternatives to childbirth, focusing on the idea that conception and childbirth are natural processes. This, though, can change slightly after the baby is born.

Topics to be discussed include:

      What Is Specimen Collection?

      What You Are Collecting

      Specimen Collection vs. Delayed Clamping

      How to Collect Specimen

      Cord Blood Banks

      Finding the Right Private Blood Bank

Module 17: Administration of Medicines and Injections

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about different methods and processes involved in supplying medications

      To understand how to store and transport medicines

      To learn how to administer medications and injections


The Nursing and Midwifery Council monitors midwives in the United Kingdom (NMC). The NMC's mission is to protect the public by advising midwives and nurses on critical professional concerns such as the administration of medications and injections.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Approaching Medicine

      Basic Guidelines and Responsibilities for Providing and Administering Medication

      Methods for Supplying Medication

      Storing and Transporting Medicines

      Standards for Administering Medicines


Module 18: Venipuncture

Learning Objectives:

      To understand what a venipuncture is

      To understand the roles and responsibilities of a midwife performing a venipuncture

      To learn how to find the necessary equipment for a venipuncture


About each day throughout their careers, most midwives will be subjected to venipuncture. Venipuncture, or the act of inserting a needle into a vein, are one of the most frequent treatments that a midwife will undergo and they will be used in a variety of appointments – assuming the patient consents.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Responsibilities of the Midwife in Performing a Venipuncture

      Anatomy of the Arm and How to Choose the Right Vein

      Equipment Required for Venipuncture in Adults

      Completing the Procedure

      Dealing with Complications

Module 19: The Female Anatomy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the reproductive organs of a woman

      To learn about the reproductive cycle

      To learn about the urinary tract


As a midwife, they must be well-versed in female anatomy, including the genital organs and the urinary tract. In addition, they would need to learn how a woman's menstrual cycle functions, how fertilization happens in the womb, and how the infant and placenta blend into the body's organs.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Female Reproductive System

      The Reproductive Cycle

      The Urinary Tract

      The Hormonal Cycle of Women

      The Placenta

      The Fetus

      Weeks 11-20

      Weeks 21-30

      Week 30 onwards

Module 20: Labor

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the different stages of labor and what your role as a midwife is with each

      To understand different methods of giving birth, including different positions

      To learn about pain relief during labor – both medical and non-medical


Many people associate midwives with the women who assist another woman through labor. Of course, this is an incredibly valuable work, but it is not the only one that a midwife does.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Recognizing the Signs of Labor

      Admission Assessment

      After the First Check+

      Medical Pain Relief during Labor

      Non-Pharmacological Methods for Pain Relief during Labor

      Positions for Labor and Birth

      Water Births

      Instruments of Birth

      Induced Labor

      An Overview of the First Stage of Labor

      An Overview of the Second Stage of Labor

      An Overview of the Third Stage of Labor

      Diabetes in Labor

Module 21: List of Abbreviations

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about appointment related terms and abbreviations

      To learn about record keeping terms and abbreviations

      To learn about medical terms and abbreviations for birth


Any words were certainly more familiar than others. Nonetheless, all of these words are significant because of the roles they perform in midwifery and treatment.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Purpose of Using the Correct Term

      Finding the Facilities’ List of Terms

      Appointment Related Terms

      Record Keeping Terms

      Medical Terms for Birth

Module 22: Medications and Pregnancy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn which medications are safe to take during pregnancy

      To learn which substances should be avoided during pregnancy

      To gain insight on when to prescribe medications


Taking medicine during pregnancy is typically a medical decision taken by individual women in consultation with their health care providers. This decision is critical because, while research has shown that some drugs are safe to use during breastfeeding, there is no definitive word about the long-term consequences of taking medicine while pregnant or immediately after giving birth.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Prescribing Medications during Pregnancy

      Taking Medication during Pregnancy

      Vaccinations During Pregnancy

      Taking Over the Counter Medications

      How Medications Affect Fetal Development

      Medications and Birth Defects

Module 23: Communication for Midwives

Learning Objectives:

      To understand the importance of communication

      To learn about verbal communication

      To learn about non-verbal communication


Communication is an ability that is needed in practically any career path and in life. Communication is highly important in healthcare because very important – and often life or death – choices are taken depending on the frequency of two people's communication.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Importance of Communication

      Verbal and Non-Verbal Forms of Communication

      Dealing with Cultural Differences in Communication

      Using Communication to Solve Conflict

Module 24: Emergencies and Caesarean Section

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the risk factors associated with complications during pregnancy

      To learn the signs and symptoms of different emergency situations

      To understand common treatment methods for emergency situations


Women who are at higher risk of complications will normally consult with a doctor during their pregnancy, which is a better choice for both them and their children.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Risk Factors for Pregnancy Complications

      Abruption of the Placenta

      Placenta Previa

      Postpartum Hemorrhage

      Amniotic Fluid Embolism

      Inversion of the Uterus


      Psychological Conditions

      Stillbirth and Intrauterine Death

      Caesarean Section

Module 25: Birthing Environment and Home Births

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the safety of a home birth versus a hospital birth

      To learn how to help your patients make an informed decision about their birthing environment

      To learn overviews of each type of birthing environment


Births assisted by a midwife are available in all three conditions. The atmosphere selected is determined by a variety of considerations, including the needs of the mother and infant, the dangers they may pose, and their personal interests.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Safety of a Home Birth Versus a Hospital Birth

      Making an Informed Decision

      Giving Birth in a Birth Centre

      Hospital Birth Environment

      Home Birth

Module 26: Initial Baby Check and Examination

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about the tests that a baby will have, in the moments after birth

      To learn about the different areas of the body to check, during each examination

      To understand what signs could indicate a problem


One of its most significant responsibilities of a midwife is to protect the baby's wellbeing. This is achieved by conducting a battery of examinations in the minutes and hours after the birth.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Tests That a Baby Has

      The Details of What a Full Examination Involves

      Following the Full Examination

Module 27: Conditions with Labor and Pregnancy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about different medical conditions and how they might affect a labor or pregnancy

      To understand the importance of working as a medical team, to treat women with medical conditions during pregnancy

      To understand how certain medical conditions can affect a baby in the womb


The majority of women will have a regular pregnancy and childbirth, but others will not. Almost often, women who have complications during their pregnancy and delivery have a medical condition that may have a detrimental effect on their pregnancy and their infant.

Topics to be discussed include:






      Thyroid Diseases

Module 28: Mental Health Issues and Pregnancy

Learning Objectives:

      To learn about mental health issues and how they affect pregnancy

      To understand how you can help your patients, during pregnancy

      To learn how to support your patients, with medication and other treatments


Some women may not have any mental health problems during their pregnancy, but certain women will also have a diagnosed mental health problem before becoming pregnant. Women who have had mental health problems in the past and have been treated may be concerned that they may reoccur.

Topics to be discussed include:

      A Close Look at Mental Health in Pregnancy

      Women Who Have Had Mental Issues in the Past

      Treating Mental Health Problems in Pregnancy

      The Care Team for Pregnant Women with Mental Health Issues

      Preparing for the Birth of the Baby

      Depression During Pregnancy

      Anxiety Disorder During Pregnancy

      Other Mental Health Disorders

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications. 

After completing our nursing school, you can study further to start a nursing practice (DNP) and become a family nurse practitioner or a neonatal nurse practitioner.

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Units of Study

Module 1 : The Origin and Definition of the Word “Midwife”

  • To learn about the origin of the word “midwife”
  • To gain an understanding of the midwife’s role
  • To become familiar with the day to day tasks of a midwife
  • To differentiate between the roles and requirements of hospital based midwives and independent midwives

Module 2 : The History of Midwifery from the Ancients to Modern Times

  • To learn about the midwifery practices of ancient civilisations
  • To learn about the darkest days for practicing midwives
  • To understand how the Renaissance changed the practice of midwifery
  • To learn about how modern midwifery came to be

Module 3 : Roles and Responsibilities of the Midwife

  • To learn about the government’s vision for midwifery
  • To learn about the roles midwives play in childbearing
  • To understand how midwives provide physical and emotional support to women
  • To learn about education models for midwives

Module 4 : Are You Suited to a Career as a Midwife?

  • To learn the basics of what a midwife does
  • To understand the educational requirements for midwifery
  • To understand what type of skills, interests and personalities work best in midwifery
  • To learn more about the working hours and conditions of a job in midwifery

Module 5 : Qualifying as a Midwife

  • To learn about the different paths to midwifery
  • To learn about the admission requirements to midwifery courses
  • To learn about what you can expect in shortened courses
  • To understand what you might learn when in university

Module 6 : How Midwives Are Educated and Practice Around the World

  • To learn about the education of midwives in Canada and Australia
  • To learn about the education of midwives in France and the US
  • To learn about the education of midwives in New Zealand and the Netherlands
  • To learn about the education of midwives in Japan and Sweden

Module 7 : Women’s Rights and Birth Options

  • To learn what women’s rights are, within the context of pregnancy and labour
  • To understand how midwives must support these rights, in order to support women
  • To understand a midwife’s rights and how they are associated with women’s rights
  • To understand a baby’s rights and how they are intimately connected with their mother’s rights

Module 8 : How Midwives Support Socially Disadvantaged Women

  • To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect your patients
  • To understand how socioeconomic disadvantages can affect the babies
  • To learn how to measure the impact of midwifery on public health
  • To learn how you can improve your own midwifery practice

Module 9 : Cultural Safety in Relation to Midwife Care

  • To learn and understand the principles of midwifery and cultural awareness
  • To understand the origins of cultural safety
  • To learn how cultural safety fits in with general nursing philosophies
  • To understand why cultural safety matters in a healthcare setting

Module 10 : Antenatal Care and Screening

  • To learn about what antenatal care is
  • To learn about the principles of care
  • To learn what happens at various antenatal appointments
  • To learn about antenatal classes

Module 11 : How Midwives Support Women Through Labour and Birth

  • To understand the background of midwives supporting women through labour
  • To learn about how you can support your patients with different positions
  • To learn about different ways to support your patients through pain relief
  • To learn how to support your patient during the second stage of labour

Module 12 : The Aims of Postnatal Care as a Midwife

  • To learn about the major aims of postnatal care for new mums
  • To learn about the basics of a postnatal care visit
  • To learn about the physical health of the mother
  • To learn about the mental health of the mother

Module 13 : The Importance of Breastfeeding

  • To learn about the benefits of breastfeeding
  • To learn about potential issues in formula feeding
  • To learn about normal breastfeeding practices
  • To learn how to encourage women to breastfeed

Module 14 : Blood Pressure Monitoring and Pre-Eclampsia

  • To learn about the risks for pregnant women who have high blood pressure
  • To understand the different types of high blood pressure that pregnant women can get
  • To learn how high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia is connected
  • To understand how pre-eclampsia develops

Module 15 : Infection Control and Hygiene

  • To learn about the general principles of infection prevention and control
  • To understand how to use personal protection equipment
  • To learn about the decontamination of reusable medical equipment
  • To learn how to create and maintain a clean work environment

Module 16 : Collecting Specimens

  • To learn about what specimens are collected after birth
  • To learn what those specimens are used for
  • To learn when to collect those specimens and how to store them, if required
  • To learn how to collect the specimen

Module 17 : Administration of Medicines and Injections

  • To learn about different methods and processes involved in supplying medications
  • To understand how to store and transport medicines
  • To learn how to administer medications and injections
  • To learn what to do when you are unsure of the safety of equipment or medication

Module 18 : Venepuncture

  • To understand what a venepuncture is
  • To understand the roles and responsibilities of a midwife performing a venepuncture
  • To learn how to find the necessary equipment for a venepuncture
  • To learn how to perform a venepuncture

Module 19 : The Female Anatomy

  • To learn about the reproductive organs of a woman
  • To learn about the reproductive cycle
  • To learn about the urinary tract
  • To understand what the placenta does

Module 20 : Labour

  • To learn about the different stages of labour and what your role as a midwife is with each
  • To understand different methods of giving birth, including different positions
  • To learn about pain relief during labour - both medical and non-medical
  • To understand the importance of examining the placenta, following labour

Module 21 : List of Abbreviations

  • To learn about appointment related terms and abbreviations
  • To learn about record keeping terms and abbreviations
  • To learn about medical terms and abbreviations for birth
  • To understand the importance of using the correct abbreviations for clarity

Module 22 : Medications and Pregnancy

  • To learn which medications are safe to take during pregnancy
  • To learn which substances should be avoided during pregnancy
  • To gain insight on when to prescribe medications
  • To understand how medication reaches the foetus

Module 23 : Communication for Midwives

  • To understand the importance of communication
  • To learn about verbal communication
  • To learn about non-verbal communication
  • To learn about active listening

Module 24 : Emergencies and Caesarean Section

  • To learn about the risk factors associated with complications during pregnancy
  • To learn the signs and symptoms of different emergency situations
  • To understand common treatment methods for emergency situations
  • To learn about the role of a midwife in some of these situations

Module 25 : Birthing Environment and Home Births

  • To learn about the safety of a home birth versus a hospital birth
  • To learn how to help your patients make an informed decision about their birthing environment
  • To learn overviews of each type of birthing environment
  • To understand the pros and cons of each birthing environment

Module 26 : Initial Baby Check and Examination

  • To learn about the tests that a baby will have, in the moments after birth
  • To learn about the different areas of the body to check, during each examination
  • To understand what signs could indicate a problem
  • To understand blood testing in babies

Module 27 : Conditions with Labour and Pregnancy

  • To learn about different medical conditions and how they might affect a labour or pregnancy
  • To understand the importance of working as a medical team, to treat women with medical conditions during pregnancy
  • To understand how certain medical conditions can affect a baby in the womb
  • To learn about different treatment options for these conditions

Module 28 : Mental Health Issues and Pregnancy

  • To learn about mental health issues and how they affect pregnancy
  • To understand how you can help your patients, during pregnancy
  • To learn how to support your patients, with medication and other treatments
  • To learn the importance of working as a team, to treat patients with mental health issues

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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