About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Counselling Skills Online Course and Get a Beginner's Guide to Counselling
This popular online counselling course will give you a firm foundation in counselling skills. If your job involves helping others, or if you simply want to be supportive to others, then you’ll learn techniques that will help you be more effective in that role.
This counselling skills course is ideal for those that are either complete beginners to the field of counselling and are considering making a career change to become a counsellor, with the aim of getting an insight and understanding of counselling, or existing counsellors, teachers, coaches or parents looking to reinforce their knowledge or to pick up some new skills.
This course is also ideal if you are interested in a career in counselling, though are unsure if you want to commit yourself financially and time wise to a full counselling qualification.
This counselling psychology course is particularly suitable for those working in health care, social work, pastoral work, care for the elderly and teaching. Your studies will provide you with a preliminary understanding of the skills and practice of counselling, as well as an appreciation of the personal qualities associated with the collaborative process of helping others.
Counselling is essentially a lively, human, and personal experience between two people. Therefore, it is a process which requires a commitment of time and effort from both parties.
The Counselling Skills Course is suitable for anyone with an interest in helping others. It is particularly relevant for:
employees in the caring professions
pastoral workers
social workers
Who would benefit from this counselling skills course?
Counsellors are there to help their client look for and find answers to situations which are troubling them and to become more in charge of their lives, to feel empowered and gain a stronger sense of self. It’s about understand and offering positive psychology solutions.
Counselling courses online can assist with:
Counselling Children
Grief Counselling
Psychological First Aid
Understanding Human Emotions And Actions
Abuse Counselling
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Public Health Jobs
Alcohol Abuse Counselling
Life Coaching
Child care
Psychiatry And Mental Health
Family Therapy
Mental illness
Physical therapy
And much more.
Counselling Skills Online Course - Requirements
The counselling Skills Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete CFS short courses, a student must:
Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
Be a self-directed learner
Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the counselling skills course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study CFS online counselling courses from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
This is one of the top counselling courses available online. If you have any questions, view our frequently asked questions or get in touch with our online programs team.
Counselling Skills Online Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to counselling
Part 1: Basic Concept of counselling
Counselling is a widely used term that refers to delivering professional counsel to an individual to assist them deal with psychological, social, or performance problems. Proven psychological procedures are used to collect the client’s personal history through interviews and tests and discover their problems, causes, and situations in order to create and apply the best techniques to resolve their concerns.
Part 2: Role of the Counsellor
Various counselling programs are available and during counselling, the counsellor/therapist and the client are usually present. They engage in a communication process that is facilitated and guided by the counsellor through active listening and results in client action. The counsellor is a trained professional who uses his or her education and expertise to interact with clients, build a trustworthy and compassionate relationship, and collaborate with them to discover and address problems.
Part 3: Role of Active Listening in Counselling
Listening to a speaker and providing feedback by repeating, paraphrasing, or reflecting to show the speaker that their message has been heard and understood is known as active listening. While most counselling and psychology clients would try to explain or disclose their ideas, concerns, and expectations regarding their problems, true issues and underlying issues are frequently overlooked.
Topics to be discussed include:
Skills Required in Active Listening
Part 4: Active Listening in Practice
The following is a transcript of a real-life therapy session with a sexually abusing adolescent. The client is a 16-year-old boy who was detained for having repeated sexual relations with a minor. His stepfather assaulted and raped him when he was between the ages of 7 and 9.
Part 5: Key Concepts
Counselling is the process of assisting a client in improving their psychological, social, or performance shortcomings or talents. Counselling is a systematic, structured, and step-by-step approach for achieving a certain goal. The counsellor aided the process by taking into account the client's maturity and talents, as well as identifying and resolving issues through eliciting information.
Module 2: Basic Interview Skills
Part 1: Tasks of the Counsellor in Interviewing
Contrary to common assumption, the counsellor's responsibilities go well beyond counselling in order to help the client achieve a successful and happy outcome. Counselling, on the other hand, involves more than just delivering advice, having a chat, or interrogating the client. Instead, it is a concentrated and goal-directed engagement between the counsellor and the client that allows the client to explore, understand, and take action.
Part 2: Skills Required in Establishing the Counsellor-Client Relationship
From the first interview until the end of counselling, the counsellor must study, practice, and apply skills that are essential to achieving the therapeutic goals by creating a positive change for the client throughout the process as mentioned in the preceding section.
Part 3: Non-Directive Counselling
Non-directive counselling's goal is to offer the client with options and underlying issues without passing judgment or implying preferences. The counsellor must avoid imprinting his or her values and beliefs on the client during the procedure. It is holistic in nature because it deals with a problem by focusing on the client in his or her specific context-client-centered counselling. Not only does it give the client autonomy to make decisions that are appropriate for their own circumstances, but it is also holistic in nature because it deals with a problem by focusing on the client in his or her specific context.
Part 4: Interviewing in Practice
A role-play interview between a counsellor and her 24-year-old female client is shown below. This is the young's first interview at the counsellor's private practice, and they are a walk-in customer. The two main goals of the initial interview, as previously stated, are to develop a therapeutic relationship and to discover particular difficulties that the client appears to have.
Part 5: Key Concepts
Interviewing is a systematic, concentrated, and goal-directed action in counselling. In order for counselling to be effective, the relationship between the counsellor and the client must be strong.
Module 3: The Counselling Relationship
Part 1: The Importance of Empathy in Relationship Building
A recurrent thread in this course—and in counselling concepts and practices in general—is the necessity of a good counsellor-client relationship in reaching a positive change outcome. Empathy is the cornerstone that links the counsellor and the client from the start, laying the groundwork for a good influence and partnership in counselling.
Part 2: Trial and Error in Counselling
Counselling has a long and illustrious history that can be traced all the way back to tribal times, when group gatherings and religious experiences provided a form of therapy. Sigmund Freud developed the foundations of formal psychotherapy and counselling theory considerably later, in the 1890s.
Part 3: Motivational Skills
It is critical to note at this point that counselling is an organized and systematic process with the primary goal of facilitating positive behavior change in clients' lives via acceptance and understanding of their troublesome emotions, feelings, and thoughts. To reach a goal, the client must put in effort—often a tough and unpleasant personal commitment.
Part 4: Factors that Make the Best Counsellors
Counsellors must not only have the personal traits to interact constructively and intentionally with clients, but also the training, knowledge, and skills to relate these traits to a methodical, structured, and scientifically-based counselling process in order to be effective.
Part 5: Motivational Interviewing in Practice
The transcript below is from a real-life interview between a physician and a client, with the goal of eliciting the client's resolve to take specific steps to lose weight and keep it off.
Part 6: Key Concepts
The cornerstone of the counsellor-client relationship is empathy, which is the most important determinant of a successful outcome. Rather of relying on trial and error, a competent therapist use evidence-based strategy.
Module 4: Motivational Skills
Part 1: Role of the Counsellor
The Role of the Counsellor in Understanding the Client’s Motivational Needs
A counsellor's main goal is to persuade a client to put up the effort necessary to make a behavioral change that will benefit his or her life. In order to mobilize forces or energy in the client in the direction of change, the counsellor must first comprehend the client's desired objectives and the personal needs that underpin them.
Part 2: Questions that Elicit Self-Motivating Statements from the Client
Invoking self-motivating words from the client is a crucial step in building self-confidence and committing to taking action to attain goals. Eliciting self-motivational statements from the client, especially when he or she does not appear to be sufficiently motivated to change, is a key skill for the counsellor.
Part 3: Counsellor’s Roadblocks to Communication
Despite all of the counsellor's good intentions and thorough efforts to create rapport and elicit self-motivational statements, he or she may accidentally communicate in a way that stymies development.
Part 4: More Motivational Interviewing in Practice
The Institute of Research, Education, and Training in Addictions has provided a transcript of a role-playing training exercise (IRETA). The client, a 40-year-old woman, was referred to the social worker to discuss her stress issues and worries about her drinking habits.
Part 5: Key Concepts
In terms of acknowledging problems and their implications, developing solutions, motivation, and commitment, the client should be in charge of the counselling process. The facilitator is the counsellor. To increase the client's drive and commitment, the counsellor extracts self-motivation statements.
Module 5: Grief and Bereavement
Part 1: The Different Forms and Reactions of Grief and Bereavement
Grief is defined by dictionaries as "a profound and intense mental suffering following a bereavement" or "an emotion of immense sadness linked with loss or bereavement." Another meaning of grief could be "severe emotional discomfort or sorrow, especially after the death of a close relative."
Part 2: Feelings of Grief in Normal and Violent Circumstances
As previously stated, the duration, severity, and pervasiveness of the symptoms of normal and difficult mourning differ. Grief, as a normal adaptive response to a profound personal loss, manifests itself in a wide spectrum of physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms that are most acutely felt in the first two to twenty-four weeks following the death.
Part 3: Managing Grief and the Grieving Person
Professionals frequently choose not to treat the earliest signs of typical grief following a loss, preferring to let the grieving process unfold naturally. As a result, sadness and grieving are regarded as natural, spontaneous processes that heal in their own time and manner. However, it is frequently acceptable to aid the first natural grieving process, particularly when there are problems in the circumstances or effects of the loss that are risk factors for the development of complicated grief and PTSD.
Part 4: Grief and Bereavement Counselling in Practice
The following male client came to visit a counsellor after his 12-year-old wife died of cancer. During the conversation, the counsellor discovers that Bill was incarcerated for 27 years prior to his second marriage.
Part 5: Key Concepts
Bereavement is expressed both within and externally via grief and grieving. Grief is the profound and deep sadness and pain experienced following a loss, and it is a normal component of the healing process.
Module 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Part 1: Categories of Stress Symptoms
Counselors must have a thorough awareness of the many types of stress and associated symptoms as a basis of knowledge. In general, the counsellor must be able to discern between two types of stress: eustress and distress.
Topics to be discussed include:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Part 2: Issues and Symptoms of Depression
It's critical for a counselor to be able to discern between depressed sentiments like melancholy and clinical depression, which isn't temporary, produces severe impairment in functioning, and appears illogical. There are also rarely periods of extreme optimism and elevated activity levels intermingled with depressive episodes.
Topics to be discussed include:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder
Part 3: Issues and Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety is thought to be a cousin to depression, and comorbidity is likely due to similar temperamental antecedents, genetic, and environmental risk factors. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive worry and concern that is out of proportion to the possibility or significance of the upcoming event. Anxiety is the emotional response to a real or perceived impending threat, whereas fear is the emotional response to a real or imagined impending threat.
Topics to be discussed include:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Part 4: How to Turn Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking
Negative thinking is frequently an automatic process triggered by coping and defensive responses to discomfort and trauma, most commonly repeated and severe traumatic events experienced as a child. As a result, a dysfunctional belief system emerges, which underpins these automatic negative thoughts, or ANTs.
Topics to be discussed include:
Positive Thinking and Self-Esteem
Part 5: Interviewing for Depression in Practice
In the following situations, a depressive woman with a small child is treated with a quick CBT method. Negative thinking, low mood, exhaustion, and a decrease in activity levels are all symptoms of depression. Take note of how the therapist used the cognitive-behavioral model's organized five categories to pinpoint the patient's specific negative views about herself as a mother.
Part 6: Key Concepts
Stress can be beneficial and aid performance, but it can also be damaging if it is excessive and sustained. Traumatic situations are frequently linked to acute and chronic stress.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of CFS counselling courses online and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Further Learning
Aside from counselling courses, CFS also provides diploma level online courses in:
And much more.
All certificate courses are available for distance learning and provide you with a certificate upon completion.
Units of Study
Module 1: Introduction to Counselling
- Part 1: Basic Concept of Counselling
- Part 2: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 3: Role of Active Listening in Counselling
- Part 4: Active Listening in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Basic Interview Skills
- Part 1: Tasks of the Counsellor in Interviewing
- Part 2: Skills Required in Establishing the Counsellor-Client Relationship
- Part 3: Non-Directive Counselling
- Part 4: Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: The Counselling Relationship
- Part 1: The Importance of Empathy in Relationship Building
- Part 2: Trial and Error in Counselling
- Part 3: Motivational Skills
- Part 4: Factors that Make the Best Counsellors
- Part 5: Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Motivational Skills
- Part 1: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 2: Questions that Elicit Self-Motivating Statements from the Client
- Part 3: Counsellors’ Roadblocks to Communication
- Part 4: More Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Grief and Bereavement
- Part 1: The Different Forms and Reactions of Grief and Bereavement
- Part 2: Feelings of Grief in Normal and Violent Circumstances
- Part 3: Managing Grief and the Grieving Person
- Part 4: Grief and Bereavement Counselling in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Part 1: Categories of Stress Symptoms
- Part 2: Issues and Symptoms of Depression
- Part 3: Issues and Symptoms of Anxiety
- Part 4: How to Turn Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking
- Part 5: Interviewing for Depression in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 6 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
1. Who are Courses For Success?
Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
with 5 courses, since then we have grown to over 10,000 online courses.
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2. Is there a refund/cancellation policy?
Yes, we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.
3. What is the FREE Personal Success Training Program?
The Personal Success Training Program
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course or bundle purchase this month. This is a limited time offer!
4. Are there any requirements to study this course?
anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.
5. Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?
you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.
6. What if English is not my first language?
course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.
7. Is this course online or conducted in person?
All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.
8. How do I receive my course?
you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email
and tax receipt. You will also receive an email containing your course
login details (username and password), as well as instructions on how to
access and log in to your course via the internet with any device,
please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
the email.
9. When does this course start?
you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
can access the online material.
10. What is online learning like?
Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.
Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
11. What computer skills do I need for my course?
don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).
12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.
17. What type of certificate will I receive?
will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.
Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."
Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"
"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"
completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.
18. Will this course be credited by universities?
No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.
19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.
21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.
23. What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?
We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
To pay via bank transfer contact us info@coursesforsuccess.com
24. Can I purchase for multiple people?
Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
25. Can I request for an invoice before purchase?
Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
26. Purchase for a gift?
Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to info@coursesforsuccess.com, with the course details and we can accommodate this.
27. Can I create my own course bundle?
you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email info@coursesforsuccess.com and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.
28. How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?
You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at info@coursesforsuccess.com, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.
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Course Bundles
Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.
Counselling Skills Online Certificate Course
"I found the course very insightful, and it will be very useful in my job. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to get a counselor certificate." - Andrea D. Verified Buyer
This popular online counseling course will give you a firm foundation in counseling skills. If your job involves helping others, or if you simply want to be supportive of others, then you’ll learn techniques that will help you be more effective in that role.
See similar courses below.
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 150 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Counselling Skills Online Course and Get a Beginner's Guide to Counselling
This popular online counselling course will give you a firm foundation in counselling skills. If your job involves helping others, or if you simply want to be supportive to others, then you’ll learn techniques that will help you be more effective in that role.
This counselling skills course is ideal for those that are either complete beginners to the field of counselling and are considering making a career change to become a counsellor, with the aim of getting an insight and understanding of counselling, or existing counsellors, teachers, coaches or parents looking to reinforce their knowledge or to pick up some new skills.
This course is also ideal if you are interested in a career in counselling, though are unsure if you want to commit yourself financially and time wise to a full counselling qualification.
This counselling psychology course is particularly suitable for those working in health care, social work, pastoral work, care for the elderly and teaching. Your studies will provide you with a preliminary understanding of the skills and practice of counselling, as well as an appreciation of the personal qualities associated with the collaborative process of helping others.
Counselling is essentially a lively, human, and personal experience between two people. Therefore, it is a process which requires a commitment of time and effort from both parties.
The Counselling Skills Course is suitable for anyone with an interest in helping others. It is particularly relevant for:
employees in the caring professions
pastoral workers
social workers
Who would benefit from this counselling skills course?
Counsellors are there to help their client look for and find answers to situations which are troubling them and to become more in charge of their lives, to feel empowered and gain a stronger sense of self. It’s about understand and offering positive psychology solutions.
Counselling courses online can assist with:
Counselling Children
Grief Counselling
Psychological First Aid
Understanding Human Emotions And Actions
Abuse Counselling
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Public Health Jobs
Alcohol Abuse Counselling
Life Coaching
Child care
Psychiatry And Mental Health
Family Therapy
Mental illness
Physical therapy
And much more.
Counselling Skills Online Course - Requirements
The counselling Skills Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete CFS short courses, a student must:
Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
Be a self-directed learner
Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the counselling skills course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study CFS online counselling courses from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
This is one of the top counselling courses available online. If you have any questions, view our frequently asked questions or get in touch with our online programs team.
Counselling Skills Online Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to counselling
Part 1: Basic Concept of counselling
Counselling is a widely used term that refers to delivering professional counsel to an individual to assist them deal with psychological, social, or performance problems. Proven psychological procedures are used to collect the client’s personal history through interviews and tests and discover their problems, causes, and situations in order to create and apply the best techniques to resolve their concerns.
Part 2: Role of the Counsellor
Various counselling programs are available and during counselling, the counsellor/therapist and the client are usually present. They engage in a communication process that is facilitated and guided by the counsellor through active listening and results in client action. The counsellor is a trained professional who uses his or her education and expertise to interact with clients, build a trustworthy and compassionate relationship, and collaborate with them to discover and address problems.
Part 3: Role of Active Listening in Counselling
Listening to a speaker and providing feedback by repeating, paraphrasing, or reflecting to show the speaker that their message has been heard and understood is known as active listening. While most counselling and psychology clients would try to explain or disclose their ideas, concerns, and expectations regarding their problems, true issues and underlying issues are frequently overlooked.
Topics to be discussed include:
Skills Required in Active Listening
Part 4: Active Listening in Practice
The following is a transcript of a real-life therapy session with a sexually abusing adolescent. The client is a 16-year-old boy who was detained for having repeated sexual relations with a minor. His stepfather assaulted and raped him when he was between the ages of 7 and 9.
Part 5: Key Concepts
Counselling is the process of assisting a client in improving their psychological, social, or performance shortcomings or talents. Counselling is a systematic, structured, and step-by-step approach for achieving a certain goal. The counsellor aided the process by taking into account the client's maturity and talents, as well as identifying and resolving issues through eliciting information.
Module 2: Basic Interview Skills
Part 1: Tasks of the Counsellor in Interviewing
Contrary to common assumption, the counsellor's responsibilities go well beyond counselling in order to help the client achieve a successful and happy outcome. Counselling, on the other hand, involves more than just delivering advice, having a chat, or interrogating the client. Instead, it is a concentrated and goal-directed engagement between the counsellor and the client that allows the client to explore, understand, and take action.
Part 2: Skills Required in Establishing the Counsellor-Client Relationship
From the first interview until the end of counselling, the counsellor must study, practice, and apply skills that are essential to achieving the therapeutic goals by creating a positive change for the client throughout the process as mentioned in the preceding section.
Part 3: Non-Directive Counselling
Non-directive counselling's goal is to offer the client with options and underlying issues without passing judgment or implying preferences. The counsellor must avoid imprinting his or her values and beliefs on the client during the procedure. It is holistic in nature because it deals with a problem by focusing on the client in his or her specific context-client-centered counselling. Not only does it give the client autonomy to make decisions that are appropriate for their own circumstances, but it is also holistic in nature because it deals with a problem by focusing on the client in his or her specific context.
Part 4: Interviewing in Practice
A role-play interview between a counsellor and her 24-year-old female client is shown below. This is the young's first interview at the counsellor's private practice, and they are a walk-in customer. The two main goals of the initial interview, as previously stated, are to develop a therapeutic relationship and to discover particular difficulties that the client appears to have.
Part 5: Key Concepts
Interviewing is a systematic, concentrated, and goal-directed action in counselling. In order for counselling to be effective, the relationship between the counsellor and the client must be strong.
Module 3: The Counselling Relationship
Part 1: The Importance of Empathy in Relationship Building
A recurrent thread in this course—and in counselling concepts and practices in general—is the necessity of a good counsellor-client relationship in reaching a positive change outcome. Empathy is the cornerstone that links the counsellor and the client from the start, laying the groundwork for a good influence and partnership in counselling.
Part 2: Trial and Error in Counselling
Counselling has a long and illustrious history that can be traced all the way back to tribal times, when group gatherings and religious experiences provided a form of therapy. Sigmund Freud developed the foundations of formal psychotherapy and counselling theory considerably later, in the 1890s.
Part 3: Motivational Skills
It is critical to note at this point that counselling is an organized and systematic process with the primary goal of facilitating positive behavior change in clients' lives via acceptance and understanding of their troublesome emotions, feelings, and thoughts. To reach a goal, the client must put in effort—often a tough and unpleasant personal commitment.
Part 4: Factors that Make the Best Counsellors
Counsellors must not only have the personal traits to interact constructively and intentionally with clients, but also the training, knowledge, and skills to relate these traits to a methodical, structured, and scientifically-based counselling process in order to be effective.
Part 5: Motivational Interviewing in Practice
The transcript below is from a real-life interview between a physician and a client, with the goal of eliciting the client's resolve to take specific steps to lose weight and keep it off.
Part 6: Key Concepts
The cornerstone of the counsellor-client relationship is empathy, which is the most important determinant of a successful outcome. Rather of relying on trial and error, a competent therapist use evidence-based strategy.
Module 4: Motivational Skills
Part 1: Role of the Counsellor
The Role of the Counsellor in Understanding the Client’s Motivational Needs
A counsellor's main goal is to persuade a client to put up the effort necessary to make a behavioral change that will benefit his or her life. In order to mobilize forces or energy in the client in the direction of change, the counsellor must first comprehend the client's desired objectives and the personal needs that underpin them.
Part 2: Questions that Elicit Self-Motivating Statements from the Client
Invoking self-motivating words from the client is a crucial step in building self-confidence and committing to taking action to attain goals. Eliciting self-motivational statements from the client, especially when he or she does not appear to be sufficiently motivated to change, is a key skill for the counsellor.
Part 3: Counsellor’s Roadblocks to Communication
Despite all of the counsellor's good intentions and thorough efforts to create rapport and elicit self-motivational statements, he or she may accidentally communicate in a way that stymies development.
Part 4: More Motivational Interviewing in Practice
The Institute of Research, Education, and Training in Addictions has provided a transcript of a role-playing training exercise (IRETA). The client, a 40-year-old woman, was referred to the social worker to discuss her stress issues and worries about her drinking habits.
Part 5: Key Concepts
In terms of acknowledging problems and their implications, developing solutions, motivation, and commitment, the client should be in charge of the counselling process. The facilitator is the counsellor. To increase the client's drive and commitment, the counsellor extracts self-motivation statements.
Module 5: Grief and Bereavement
Part 1: The Different Forms and Reactions of Grief and Bereavement
Grief is defined by dictionaries as "a profound and intense mental suffering following a bereavement" or "an emotion of immense sadness linked with loss or bereavement." Another meaning of grief could be "severe emotional discomfort or sorrow, especially after the death of a close relative."
Part 2: Feelings of Grief in Normal and Violent Circumstances
As previously stated, the duration, severity, and pervasiveness of the symptoms of normal and difficult mourning differ. Grief, as a normal adaptive response to a profound personal loss, manifests itself in a wide spectrum of physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms that are most acutely felt in the first two to twenty-four weeks following the death.
Part 3: Managing Grief and the Grieving Person
Professionals frequently choose not to treat the earliest signs of typical grief following a loss, preferring to let the grieving process unfold naturally. As a result, sadness and grieving are regarded as natural, spontaneous processes that heal in their own time and manner. However, it is frequently acceptable to aid the first natural grieving process, particularly when there are problems in the circumstances or effects of the loss that are risk factors for the development of complicated grief and PTSD.
Part 4: Grief and Bereavement Counselling in Practice
The following male client came to visit a counsellor after his 12-year-old wife died of cancer. During the conversation, the counsellor discovers that Bill was incarcerated for 27 years prior to his second marriage.
Part 5: Key Concepts
Bereavement is expressed both within and externally via grief and grieving. Grief is the profound and deep sadness and pain experienced following a loss, and it is a normal component of the healing process.
Module 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Part 1: Categories of Stress Symptoms
Counselors must have a thorough awareness of the many types of stress and associated symptoms as a basis of knowledge. In general, the counsellor must be able to discern between two types of stress: eustress and distress.
Topics to be discussed include:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Part 2: Issues and Symptoms of Depression
It's critical for a counselor to be able to discern between depressed sentiments like melancholy and clinical depression, which isn't temporary, produces severe impairment in functioning, and appears illogical. There are also rarely periods of extreme optimism and elevated activity levels intermingled with depressive episodes.
Topics to be discussed include:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder
Part 3: Issues and Symptoms of Anxiety
Anxiety is thought to be a cousin to depression, and comorbidity is likely due to similar temperamental antecedents, genetic, and environmental risk factors. Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive worry and concern that is out of proportion to the possibility or significance of the upcoming event. Anxiety is the emotional response to a real or perceived impending threat, whereas fear is the emotional response to a real or imagined impending threat.
Topics to be discussed include:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Part 4: How to Turn Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking
Negative thinking is frequently an automatic process triggered by coping and defensive responses to discomfort and trauma, most commonly repeated and severe traumatic events experienced as a child. As a result, a dysfunctional belief system emerges, which underpins these automatic negative thoughts, or ANTs.
Topics to be discussed include:
Positive Thinking and Self-Esteem
Part 5: Interviewing for Depression in Practice
In the following situations, a depressive woman with a small child is treated with a quick CBT method. Negative thinking, low mood, exhaustion, and a decrease in activity levels are all symptoms of depression. Take note of how the therapist used the cognitive-behavioral model's organized five categories to pinpoint the patient's specific negative views about herself as a mother.
Part 6: Key Concepts
Stress can be beneficial and aid performance, but it can also be damaging if it is excessive and sustained. Traumatic situations are frequently linked to acute and chronic stress.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of CFS counselling courses online and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Further Learning
Aside from counselling courses, CFS also provides diploma level online courses in:
And much more.
All certificate courses are available for distance learning and provide you with a certificate upon completion.
Units of Study
Module 1: Introduction to Counselling
- Part 1: Basic Concept of Counselling
- Part 2: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 3: Role of Active Listening in Counselling
- Part 4: Active Listening in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Basic Interview Skills
- Part 1: Tasks of the Counsellor in Interviewing
- Part 2: Skills Required in Establishing the Counsellor-Client Relationship
- Part 3: Non-Directive Counselling
- Part 4: Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: The Counselling Relationship
- Part 1: The Importance of Empathy in Relationship Building
- Part 2: Trial and Error in Counselling
- Part 3: Motivational Skills
- Part 4: Factors that Make the Best Counsellors
- Part 5: Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Motivational Skills
- Part 1: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 2: Questions that Elicit Self-Motivating Statements from the Client
- Part 3: Counsellors’ Roadblocks to Communication
- Part 4: More Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Grief and Bereavement
- Part 1: The Different Forms and Reactions of Grief and Bereavement
- Part 2: Feelings of Grief in Normal and Violent Circumstances
- Part 3: Managing Grief and the Grieving Person
- Part 4: Grief and Bereavement Counselling in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Part 1: Categories of Stress Symptoms
- Part 2: Issues and Symptoms of Depression
- Part 3: Issues and Symptoms of Anxiety
- Part 4: How to Turn Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking
- Part 5: Interviewing for Depression in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 6 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
1. Who are Courses For Success?
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9. When does this course start?
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10. What is online learning like?
Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.
Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
11. What computer skills do I need for my course?
don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
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12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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17. What type of certificate will I receive?
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The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."
Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.
18. Will this course be credited by universities?
No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.
19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.
21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.
23. What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?
We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
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you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
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