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About This Course
What you will learn:
  • What is Green Witchcraft? Introduction
  • Setting Your Power
  • Tools of the Green Witch
  • Alignment with Nature
  • Hearth Magick
  • Celebrating the Power of the Seasons
  • Walking the Green
  • The Green Witch Garden
  • Herb Magick
  • Spells for the Green Witch

Study Green Witchcraft Online Course and Learn How To Work Closely And In Collaboration With Mother Nature And Her Power

What is green witchcraft and how does it differ from other witch and Wicca traditions? This question is the starting point of the Green Witchcraft Course. Many people assume that green witches are nature-worshippers. Of course, to a certain extent, they are. But so too are many other witches of different disciplines. And while the green witch’s reverence for Mother Earth and her bounty may run deeper than most, the truth is, this respect for nature is but a piece of the whole part that makes up a green witch’s path. This course explores what it really means to be a green witch and how a person living that truth can deepen their faith even in today’s modern world.

Beginning with a definition of what it means to be a green witch, the course gives you an overview of the history of witchcraft. You’ll also learn how green witchcraft differs from Wicca, hedge witchery, kitchen witches and other practices.

From this introduction, you’ll jump straight into the powers of the green witch as you learn what a green witch’s magic is and what the sacredness of nature means to those following the green path.

Through studying the Green Witchcraft Course you’ll learn how to work closely and in collaboration with Mother Nature and her power. You’ll gain an understanding of what it means to tune into your environment, the importance of developing your five senses, and how to embrace the magic of trees and nature’s elements as a means of healing both body and spirit.

You’ll discover ritual and spell-making and follow guidance on grounding and centring techniques – essentials in helping to manage your personal energetic flow. The tools used in green witchcraft are outlined, along with explanations of how they are used.

The Green Witchcraft Course guides you through the use of hearth magick. You’ll learn the importance of the hearth in ancient times and ways to emulate a hearth in a modern home. You’ll learn how to make use of the energy and magical properties of plants, particularly herbs, and how to enhance your five senses. To this end, you’ll be guided in how to create a green witch garden, tend it, and plant and harvest in tandem with moon cycles.

As most witches celebrate seasonal cycles and rituals, you will learn about the Wheel of the Year and the eight festivals associated with it. You’ll discover what it truly means to walk the green path as you learn about wildcrafting, working with crystals and harnessing the energy of the sun, moon and stars.

The Green Witchcraft Course will teach you the 10 spells often cast in green witchcraft. These include spells for protection, banishing negativity, letting go, and deepening love. All of these spells promote balance and harmony and for that reason, you’ll learn the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of casting spells so that this strong tie to creating harmony is not broken before it has begun.

What you will learn with our Green Witchcraft Online Course

  • Understand how a green witch’s path differs from that of other witches
  • Be mindful of the similarities you have with your fellow witches
  • Know what it means to walk the green path
  • Have the tools to create a green home and garden
  • Be able to work in harmony with the elements, the sun, stars and moon
  • Understand herb magick
  • Be well-versed in casting various spells

Green Witchcraft Online Course Outline

Module 1: What is Green Witchcraft?

Part 1: A Brief History of Witchcraft

Learning Objectives:

  • Have a basic understanding of the history of witches
  • Know where the green witch fits into this history
  • Understand the differences between green witchcraft and other witch practices

This first module explains what being a green witch entails. It accomplishes this by first tracing the history of witchcraft through the years, allowing you to recognize all witchcraft as a discipline founded on respect for the earth's power and all that is unknown.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • A Brief History of Witchcraft
  • Prehistoric Witchcraft
  • Witchcraft in Sumeria and Ancient Egypt
  • Magic in Classical Greece and Rome
  • The Celts and Anglo-Saxons
  • The Witch Hunts of the Middle Ages
  • Witchcraft Up Until the 19th Century
  • Wiccans and Witches in the 20th and 21st Century.
  • The Difference Between Green Witchcraft and Other Witchcrafts

Part 2: Defining Green Witchcraft

Green witches are neither formally affiliated with the Wiccan tradition, nor do they have any ties to other non-Wiccan traditions like hedge witchery. There is no lore, deities, or rules related to the green witch's path. In reality, because there is no connection to other green witches in the present or past through sacred ceremonies and books, a green witch brings her own specific, customized perspective of the world into her practice.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Green Path: Profound but Solitary
  • Hedge Witchery, Kitchen Witchery and Nature-Based Witchcraft

Part 3: Walking the Green Path 

If you're called to travel the green road, you'll notice it in the way you seek solace and comfort from the natural world. Most green witches find the hustle and bustle of modern life exhausting and prefer to spend their time in nature instead. As a result, you can see how the green witch's path connects to ancient methods and traditional witches who tended their own land and cattle, living modestly and mindful of the nature around them.

Module 2: Setting Your Power

Part 1: What is a Green Witch’s Magic?

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what a green witch’s magic involves
  • Be more aware of how ritual and spell-making is embraced within green witchcraft
  • Have grounding and centring techniques to use.

You may sense a strong connection to nature and recognize this as your call to travel the green path. While a focused love and commitment to nature is an identifiable feature of green witchcraft, the basic basis of the craft is to live in harmony with the land, as you now know. We'll delve more into what that implies in this section.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • What is a Green Witch’s Magic?
  • The Sacredness of Nature
  • What Do Green Witches Worship?

Part 2: The Place of Ritual in Green 

Having said that, you may feel the need for ritual and spell casting to help center or structure your practice. Green witches do not practice formal rites and do not belong to a coven with circle gatherings, as previously stated. But it doesn't rule out the possibility of creating your own rites, charms, and spells to harness the power of nature as you see it.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Focusing Your Energy Inwards and Outwards

Part 3: Grounding and Centring

Grounding and centring are two fundamental tools for controlling one's own energetic flow. When witches of all traditions feel depleted of energy, disoriented, or alienated from the world around them, they often adopt practices to ground and center themselves. The act of re-establishing your connection to the soil is known as grounding. It ensures that you are drawing energy from a source rather than depleting your own reserves.

Module 3: Tools of the Green Witch

Part 1: In Your Garden 

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what tools a green witch might use in her home and garden
  • Know the tools used in ritual
  • Understand how to infuse ordinary implements with magical meaning

There is no pressure to use these tools; just suggestions are made. The module is divided into three sections to make it easier for you to grasp the numerous ways that the various proposed instruments can be used: tools for your garden, tools for your kitchen, and rituals.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • In Your Garden
  • A Boline
  • Garden Shears
  • Spade, Trowel and Rake

Part 2: In Your Kitchen

Outside of the garden, the green witch's kitchen is a hallowed area because it's where she concocts her potions, infusions, and medicines.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Chopping Board(s)
  • Pestle and Mortar
  • Bowls
  • Measuring Equipment
  • Grater
  • Strainers, Sieves and Funnels
  • Spoons and Knives
  • Apothecary Spoons
  • Dishes and Cookware
  • Mason Jars and Bottles
  • Charts

Part 3: In Your Rituals

As stated in the first lesson, there are no rules to follow or rites to perform on a regular basis in your practice as a green witch. Your art is entirely personal, and it is founded on your unique interaction with nature and the entire earth. For you, this may entail particular in your communion with people you interact with on a daily basis, not simply with the natural world.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • A Journal 
  • An Altar
  • Power Bags

Part 4: The Four Elemental Tools of Witchcraft

There are four tools that are frequently used in ritual magic in Wicca and other modern witchcraft traditions. These tools are employed in evocations to bless or magically energize other goods, and they represent the elements.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Candles
  • Holey Stones
  • Stang
  • Casting a Caim

Module 4: Alignment with Nature

Part 1: Turning Into Your Environment

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to tune into your environment
  • Have a greater appreciation of trees and their magic
  • Know how to use the elements in your magic

This lesson will teach you how to work closely and cooperatively with Mother Nature and her strength. You'll learn what it means to tune into your surroundings, the value of cultivating your five senses, and how to use the magic of trees and nature's elements to cure both your body and your spirit.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Tuning Into Your Environment
  • Gardens, Big and Small
  • Developing your Senses
  • Sense of Touch
  • Sense of Smell
  • Sense of Sight
  • Sense of Taste
  • Sense of Hearing

Part 2: The Magic of Trees

Walking amid the trees is one of the simplest ways to connect with nature. Trees have their own kind of charm, thanks to the fact that they are the world's oldest living organisms, with a direct relationship to thousands of years of history. Trees have been used for shelter and sustenance from the dawn of time, giving materials for weapons, then warmth, and finally dwellings.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Birch
  • Ash
  • How to Make a Solar Ash Amulet
  • Oak
  • Hawthorn
  • Creating a Hawthorn Tea or Tincture
  • Hazel

Part 3: The Magic of the Elements

Elemental witches can channel and direct the power of the elements in their rituals. You'll need to learn how to open your eyes, heart, and soul to the power of the elements as a green witch concerned with the energy that emerges from the world around her. As a witch of any tradition, the first thing you must grasp is that there are five ingredients.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Earth
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Spirit

Module 5: Hearth Magick

Part 1: The Role of the Hearth

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what it means to create your own hearth in your home
  • Be able to call on hearth magick to create a safe and comfortable home
  • Be able to build an altar in your home

Elemental witches can channel and direct the power of the elements in their rituals. You'll need to learn how to open your eyes, heart, and soul to the power of the elements as a green witch concerned with the energy that emerges from the world around her. As a witch of any tradition, the first thing you must grasp is that there are five ingredients. The session begins by looking at the importance of the hearth in ancient times and how a witch can replicate that in modern times.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Role of the Heart
  • The Hearth in Ancient Times
  • The Hearth in Modern Times

Part 2: Ways to Practice Hearth Magick

Hearth crafting is all about making your home a focal point of your practice and magic. This may entail constructing an altar in your house or garden. It should entail providing a space for leisure and communion with people, or even just oneself; a place where you can meditate, relax, and read, or simply sit and gaze out the window at nature, soaking up the inspiration from the scenery.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Creating a ‘Hearth’ Space
  • Creating an Altar
  • Location
  • What to Put on Your Altar

Part 3: Creating Magick Around the Home

Of course, your altar isn't the only spot in your home where you can keep meaningful artifacts from nature to infuse it with enchantment. There are numerous methods to bring the outdoors in and thereby create a loving and comfortable house that is infused with green magic.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Potted Plants
  • Bells and Mirrors
  • Enhance the Senses

Module 6: Celebrating the Power of the Seasons

Part 1: The Wheel of the Year

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the eight festivals that make up the Wheel of the Year
  • Understand their relevance in history and to modern witches
  • Have ideas on how to celebrate the festivals as a green witch

Nature is revered by almost all witches, and as a result, they are sensitive to seasonal variations. While not all witches openly celebrate the Wheel of the Year, they are aware of it and might observe it in their own way.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Wheel of the Year
  • Quarter and Cross-Quarter Festivals

Part 2: The Eight Festivals: Meaning and Magic 

In this section, we'll go through each of the eight festivals one by one, underlining its significance to ancient Celts and modern witches alike. Some of these holidays may be more appealing to you than others. Alternatively, you may get a sense of isolation from all of them

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Samhain
  • How to Mark the Festival: Protection Charm
  • Yule/ Winter Solstice
  • How to Mark the Festival: Decorate
  • Imbolc
  • How to Mark the Festival: Spring Cleaning
  • Spring Equinox
  • How to Mark the Festival: Connect with the Newness of Nature
  • Beltane
  • How to Celebrate the Festival: Grounding
  • Midsummer/Summer Solstice
  • How to Mark the Festival: Do Something for Others
  • Lughnasadh
  • How to Celebrate the Festival: Bake Bread
  • Mabon/ Autumn Equinox
  • How to Celebrate the Festival: Hold a Gratitude Ritual

Module 7: Walking the Green Path 

Part 1: Working with Green Energy

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what it means to work with green energy
  • Be familiar with wildcrafting
  • Understand how to harness the energies of the sun, moon, and stars

You've learnt what it means to be a green witch at this point in the course. The various ways you can employ your own power, as well as pagan celebrations that may aid you in your quest.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Working with Green Energy
  • Wildcrafting

Part 2: Bringing Crystals into Your Craft

The earth has so many amazing crystals to offer, and as you walk the green path, you may notice that you are drawn to one crystal over another, either in general or for specific purposes. If you've never worked with crystals before, though, there are a few that you might find particularly useful as a green witch.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Clear Quartz
  • Malachite
  • Amber
  • Green Aventurine
  • Moonstone
  • Working with Crystals to Connect More Deeply to the Earth

Part 3: Working with the Energy of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Green witches aren't the only ones that work with the energy of the sun, moon, and stars. Witches and laypeople alike have invoked the power of these celestial objects throughout history. For safe travel, ancient seafarers used constellations to chart their course and followed the North Star.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Sun and the Stars
  • Harnessing the Power of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
  • Exercise: Receiving Solar Energy
  • Lunar Energy

Module 8: The Green Witch Garden

Part 1: Designing Your Garden

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the considerations to keep in mind when designing you green witch garden
  • Have information regarding how to tend your garden
  • Be more knowledgeable about the benefits of planting by moon phases 

Through all of her acts, a green witch's path is to work as a basic component of nature to promote and maintain peace and healing. Her garden is an example of this. Flowers, vegetables, herbs, and weeds that may grow there are signs of her co-working with the earth—no more, no less.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Designing Your Garden
  • Light and Dark Gardens
  • Wild vs. Structured

Part 2: Tending to Your Garden

As a green witch, hunkering down on your knees and working in your garden is likely to be your favorite spot. Your hands and energy, however, require assistance. You must ensure that the garden is well-fed and attended, just as it provides sustenance for you with the food, medicine, and magic it provides.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Enjoying Your Garden

Part 3: Planning Planting, Blooming and Harvest Times

Consider choosing plants that bloom and need to be harvested at different times when organizing your garden. Not only will there always be something blossoming in your garden, making it seem lovely and inviting you to work with it, but plants that bloom in the autumn and winter also provide food for pollinator species at a time when they may be in short supply.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Planting Moon Phases

Module 9: Herb Magick

Part 1: Herbs and Botanicals- Cut, Dried, and Powdered

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the power and importance of herbs in your practice
  • Know how to harvest and prepare them
  • Be able to use certain herbs in healing and magic

Herbs are used by almost all witches in some way, whether it's for spell casting, divination, medicinal treatment, or creating sacred spaces at home or elsewhere. The reason is simple: herbs contain the earth's vitality and hence have tremendous magical power. Herbs are fundamental to all parts of the green witch's practice, and they play a prominent role in their life.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Herbs and Botanicals- Cut, Dried, and Powdered
  • Preparing and Extracting Herbs
  • Drying Herbs
  • How to Cut Herbs
  • Air Drying Herbs
  • Drying Herbs for Seeds
  • Recap on Steps for Successful Herb Drying

Part 2: Essential Herbs to Grow in Your Green Witch Garden

If they are native to or easily grown in your location, there are a number of herbs that should be an essential part of your garden. This is because they can be used as herbs and, in some cases, oils in magic.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Bay
  • Chamomile
  • Thyme
  • Mint
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Magical Properties of Other Herbs

Module 10: Spells for the Green Witch

Part 1: Spell Do’s and Don’ts

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the do’s and don’ts of spell work
  • Have a number of spells ready to use

The next logical step is to cast spells. We'll share 10 spells with you in this course's last lesson, all of which cover a wide range of topics and may simply be applied to your own practice.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Spell Do’s and Don’ts
  • Use Magic for Yourself
  • Use Magic for Service
  • Use Magic to Open the Door

Part 2: 10 Spells for Green Witches

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Home Protection Spell
  • Spell to Turn Away Negativity
  • Spell for Success/ Good Luck
  • Spell for Changing Bad Habits
  • Spell for Letting Go
  • Spell for Grounding Scattered Energy
  • Spell for Knowledge/ Wisdom
  • Money Spell
  • Spell for Advancement at Work
  • Spell for Fidelity

Course Fast Facts:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of Green Witchcraft
  2. Comprehensive 10 module Accredited Certificate in Green Witchcraft Online Course
  3. Study along with simple instructions & demonstrations
  4. Written and developed by leading Green Witchcraft experts
  5. Receive one-on-one online help & support
  6. Unlimited, lifetime access to online course
  7. Certificate of completion awarded with passing score for the online assessment
  8. Study at your own pace with no rigid class timetables, 24/7 from any computer or smart device

Course Delivery

Courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. 

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1: What is Green Witchcraft? Introduction

  • Part 1: A Brief History of Witchcraft
  • Part 2: Defining Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Walking the Green Path
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: Setting Your Power

  • Part 1: What is a Green Witch’s Magic?
  • Part 2: The Place of Ritual in Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Grounding and Centring
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: Tools of the Green Witch

  • Part 1: In Your Garden
  • Part 2: In Your Kitchen
  • Part 3: In Your Rituals
  • Part 4: The Four Elemental Tools of Witchcraft
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Alignment with Nature

  • Part 1: Tuning into Your Environment
  • Part 2: The Magic of Trees
  • Part 3: The Magic of the Elements
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Hearth Magick

  • Part 1: The Role of the Hearth
  • Part 2: Ways to Practice Hearth Magick
  • Part 3: Creating Magick Around the Home
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Celebrating the Power of the Seasons

  • Part 1: The Wheel of the Year
  • Part 2: The Eight Festivals: Meaning and Magic
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Walking the Green

  • Path Part 1: Working with Green Energy
  • Part 2: Bringing Crystals into Your Craft
  • Part 3: Working with the Energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: The Green Witch Garden

  • Part 1: Designing Your Garden
  • Part 2: Tending to Your Garden
  • Part 3: Planning Planting, Blooming and Harvest Times
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Herb Magick

  • Part 1: Herbs and Botanicals – Cut, Dried and Powdered
  • Part 2: Essential Herbs to Grow in Your Green Witch Garden
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10: Spells for the Green Witch

  • Part 1: Spell Do’s and Don’ts
  • Part 2: 10 Spells for Green Witches Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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Green Witchcraft Online Certificate Course

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"Informative and useful course" - Bell O. Verified Buyer 

The Green Witchcraft Course will teach you the spells often cast in green witchcraft. These include spells for protection, banishing negativity, letting go, and deepening love.

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Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 150 Hours
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
  • What is Green Witchcraft? Introduction
  • Setting Your Power
  • Tools of the Green Witch
  • Alignment with Nature
  • Hearth Magick
  • Celebrating the Power of the Seasons
  • Walking the Green
  • The Green Witch Garden
  • Herb Magick
  • Spells for the Green Witch

Study Green Witchcraft Online Course and Learn How To Work Closely And In Collaboration With Mother Nature And Her Power

What is green witchcraft and how does it differ from other witch and Wicca traditions? This question is the starting point of the Green Witchcraft Course. Many people assume that green witches are nature-worshippers. Of course, to a certain extent, they are. But so too are many other witches of different disciplines. And while the green witch’s reverence for Mother Earth and her bounty may run deeper than most, the truth is, this respect for nature is but a piece of the whole part that makes up a green witch’s path. This course explores what it really means to be a green witch and how a person living that truth can deepen their faith even in today’s modern world.

Beginning with a definition of what it means to be a green witch, the course gives you an overview of the history of witchcraft. You’ll also learn how green witchcraft differs from Wicca, hedge witchery, kitchen witches and other practices.

From this introduction, you’ll jump straight into the powers of the green witch as you learn what a green witch’s magic is and what the sacredness of nature means to those following the green path.

Through studying the Green Witchcraft Course you’ll learn how to work closely and in collaboration with Mother Nature and her power. You’ll gain an understanding of what it means to tune into your environment, the importance of developing your five senses, and how to embrace the magic of trees and nature’s elements as a means of healing both body and spirit.

You’ll discover ritual and spell-making and follow guidance on grounding and centring techniques – essentials in helping to manage your personal energetic flow. The tools used in green witchcraft are outlined, along with explanations of how they are used.

The Green Witchcraft Course guides you through the use of hearth magick. You’ll learn the importance of the hearth in ancient times and ways to emulate a hearth in a modern home. You’ll learn how to make use of the energy and magical properties of plants, particularly herbs, and how to enhance your five senses. To this end, you’ll be guided in how to create a green witch garden, tend it, and plant and harvest in tandem with moon cycles.

As most witches celebrate seasonal cycles and rituals, you will learn about the Wheel of the Year and the eight festivals associated with it. You’ll discover what it truly means to walk the green path as you learn about wildcrafting, working with crystals and harnessing the energy of the sun, moon and stars.

The Green Witchcraft Course will teach you the 10 spells often cast in green witchcraft. These include spells for protection, banishing negativity, letting go, and deepening love. All of these spells promote balance and harmony and for that reason, you’ll learn the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of casting spells so that this strong tie to creating harmony is not broken before it has begun.

What you will learn with our Green Witchcraft Online Course

  • Understand how a green witch’s path differs from that of other witches
  • Be mindful of the similarities you have with your fellow witches
  • Know what it means to walk the green path
  • Have the tools to create a green home and garden
  • Be able to work in harmony with the elements, the sun, stars and moon
  • Understand herb magick
  • Be well-versed in casting various spells

Green Witchcraft Online Course Outline

Module 1: What is Green Witchcraft?

Part 1: A Brief History of Witchcraft

Learning Objectives:

  • Have a basic understanding of the history of witches
  • Know where the green witch fits into this history
  • Understand the differences between green witchcraft and other witch practices

This first module explains what being a green witch entails. It accomplishes this by first tracing the history of witchcraft through the years, allowing you to recognize all witchcraft as a discipline founded on respect for the earth's power and all that is unknown.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • A Brief History of Witchcraft
  • Prehistoric Witchcraft
  • Witchcraft in Sumeria and Ancient Egypt
  • Magic in Classical Greece and Rome
  • The Celts and Anglo-Saxons
  • The Witch Hunts of the Middle Ages
  • Witchcraft Up Until the 19th Century
  • Wiccans and Witches in the 20th and 21st Century.
  • The Difference Between Green Witchcraft and Other Witchcrafts

Part 2: Defining Green Witchcraft

Green witches are neither formally affiliated with the Wiccan tradition, nor do they have any ties to other non-Wiccan traditions like hedge witchery. There is no lore, deities, or rules related to the green witch's path. In reality, because there is no connection to other green witches in the present or past through sacred ceremonies and books, a green witch brings her own specific, customized perspective of the world into her practice.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Green Path: Profound but Solitary
  • Hedge Witchery, Kitchen Witchery and Nature-Based Witchcraft

Part 3: Walking the Green Path 

If you're called to travel the green road, you'll notice it in the way you seek solace and comfort from the natural world. Most green witches find the hustle and bustle of modern life exhausting and prefer to spend their time in nature instead. As a result, you can see how the green witch's path connects to ancient methods and traditional witches who tended their own land and cattle, living modestly and mindful of the nature around them.

Module 2: Setting Your Power

Part 1: What is a Green Witch’s Magic?

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what a green witch’s magic involves
  • Be more aware of how ritual and spell-making is embraced within green witchcraft
  • Have grounding and centring techniques to use.

You may sense a strong connection to nature and recognize this as your call to travel the green path. While a focused love and commitment to nature is an identifiable feature of green witchcraft, the basic basis of the craft is to live in harmony with the land, as you now know. We'll delve more into what that implies in this section.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • What is a Green Witch’s Magic?
  • The Sacredness of Nature
  • What Do Green Witches Worship?

Part 2: The Place of Ritual in Green 

Having said that, you may feel the need for ritual and spell casting to help center or structure your practice. Green witches do not practice formal rites and do not belong to a coven with circle gatherings, as previously stated. But it doesn't rule out the possibility of creating your own rites, charms, and spells to harness the power of nature as you see it.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Focusing Your Energy Inwards and Outwards

Part 3: Grounding and Centring

Grounding and centring are two fundamental tools for controlling one's own energetic flow. When witches of all traditions feel depleted of energy, disoriented, or alienated from the world around them, they often adopt practices to ground and center themselves. The act of re-establishing your connection to the soil is known as grounding. It ensures that you are drawing energy from a source rather than depleting your own reserves.

Module 3: Tools of the Green Witch

Part 1: In Your Garden 

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what tools a green witch might use in her home and garden
  • Know the tools used in ritual
  • Understand how to infuse ordinary implements with magical meaning

There is no pressure to use these tools; just suggestions are made. The module is divided into three sections to make it easier for you to grasp the numerous ways that the various proposed instruments can be used: tools for your garden, tools for your kitchen, and rituals.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • In Your Garden
  • A Boline
  • Garden Shears
  • Spade, Trowel and Rake

Part 2: In Your Kitchen

Outside of the garden, the green witch's kitchen is a hallowed area because it's where she concocts her potions, infusions, and medicines.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Chopping Board(s)
  • Pestle and Mortar
  • Bowls
  • Measuring Equipment
  • Grater
  • Strainers, Sieves and Funnels
  • Spoons and Knives
  • Apothecary Spoons
  • Dishes and Cookware
  • Mason Jars and Bottles
  • Charts

Part 3: In Your Rituals

As stated in the first lesson, there are no rules to follow or rites to perform on a regular basis in your practice as a green witch. Your art is entirely personal, and it is founded on your unique interaction with nature and the entire earth. For you, this may entail particular in your communion with people you interact with on a daily basis, not simply with the natural world.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • A Journal 
  • An Altar
  • Power Bags

Part 4: The Four Elemental Tools of Witchcraft

There are four tools that are frequently used in ritual magic in Wicca and other modern witchcraft traditions. These tools are employed in evocations to bless or magically energize other goods, and they represent the elements.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Candles
  • Holey Stones
  • Stang
  • Casting a Caim

Module 4: Alignment with Nature

Part 1: Turning Into Your Environment

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to tune into your environment
  • Have a greater appreciation of trees and their magic
  • Know how to use the elements in your magic

This lesson will teach you how to work closely and cooperatively with Mother Nature and her strength. You'll learn what it means to tune into your surroundings, the value of cultivating your five senses, and how to use the magic of trees and nature's elements to cure both your body and your spirit.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Tuning Into Your Environment
  • Gardens, Big and Small
  • Developing your Senses
  • Sense of Touch
  • Sense of Smell
  • Sense of Sight
  • Sense of Taste
  • Sense of Hearing

Part 2: The Magic of Trees

Walking amid the trees is one of the simplest ways to connect with nature. Trees have their own kind of charm, thanks to the fact that they are the world's oldest living organisms, with a direct relationship to thousands of years of history. Trees have been used for shelter and sustenance from the dawn of time, giving materials for weapons, then warmth, and finally dwellings.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Birch
  • Ash
  • How to Make a Solar Ash Amulet
  • Oak
  • Hawthorn
  • Creating a Hawthorn Tea or Tincture
  • Hazel

Part 3: The Magic of the Elements

Elemental witches can channel and direct the power of the elements in their rituals. You'll need to learn how to open your eyes, heart, and soul to the power of the elements as a green witch concerned with the energy that emerges from the world around her. As a witch of any tradition, the first thing you must grasp is that there are five ingredients.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Earth
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Spirit

Module 5: Hearth Magick

Part 1: The Role of the Hearth

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what it means to create your own hearth in your home
  • Be able to call on hearth magick to create a safe and comfortable home
  • Be able to build an altar in your home

Elemental witches can channel and direct the power of the elements in their rituals. You'll need to learn how to open your eyes, heart, and soul to the power of the elements as a green witch concerned with the energy that emerges from the world around her. As a witch of any tradition, the first thing you must grasp is that there are five ingredients. The session begins by looking at the importance of the hearth in ancient times and how a witch can replicate that in modern times.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Role of the Heart
  • The Hearth in Ancient Times
  • The Hearth in Modern Times

Part 2: Ways to Practice Hearth Magick

Hearth crafting is all about making your home a focal point of your practice and magic. This may entail constructing an altar in your house or garden. It should entail providing a space for leisure and communion with people, or even just oneself; a place where you can meditate, relax, and read, or simply sit and gaze out the window at nature, soaking up the inspiration from the scenery.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Creating a ‘Hearth’ Space
  • Creating an Altar
  • Location
  • What to Put on Your Altar

Part 3: Creating Magick Around the Home

Of course, your altar isn't the only spot in your home where you can keep meaningful artifacts from nature to infuse it with enchantment. There are numerous methods to bring the outdoors in and thereby create a loving and comfortable house that is infused with green magic.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Potted Plants
  • Bells and Mirrors
  • Enhance the Senses

Module 6: Celebrating the Power of the Seasons

Part 1: The Wheel of the Year

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the eight festivals that make up the Wheel of the Year
  • Understand their relevance in history and to modern witches
  • Have ideas on how to celebrate the festivals as a green witch

Nature is revered by almost all witches, and as a result, they are sensitive to seasonal variations. While not all witches openly celebrate the Wheel of the Year, they are aware of it and might observe it in their own way.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Wheel of the Year
  • Quarter and Cross-Quarter Festivals

Part 2: The Eight Festivals: Meaning and Magic 

In this section, we'll go through each of the eight festivals one by one, underlining its significance to ancient Celts and modern witches alike. Some of these holidays may be more appealing to you than others. Alternatively, you may get a sense of isolation from all of them

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Samhain
  • How to Mark the Festival: Protection Charm
  • Yule/ Winter Solstice
  • How to Mark the Festival: Decorate
  • Imbolc
  • How to Mark the Festival: Spring Cleaning
  • Spring Equinox
  • How to Mark the Festival: Connect with the Newness of Nature
  • Beltane
  • How to Celebrate the Festival: Grounding
  • Midsummer/Summer Solstice
  • How to Mark the Festival: Do Something for Others
  • Lughnasadh
  • How to Celebrate the Festival: Bake Bread
  • Mabon/ Autumn Equinox
  • How to Celebrate the Festival: Hold a Gratitude Ritual

Module 7: Walking the Green Path 

Part 1: Working with Green Energy

Learning Objectives:

  • Know what it means to work with green energy
  • Be familiar with wildcrafting
  • Understand how to harness the energies of the sun, moon, and stars

You've learnt what it means to be a green witch at this point in the course. The various ways you can employ your own power, as well as pagan celebrations that may aid you in your quest.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Working with Green Energy
  • Wildcrafting

Part 2: Bringing Crystals into Your Craft

The earth has so many amazing crystals to offer, and as you walk the green path, you may notice that you are drawn to one crystal over another, either in general or for specific purposes. If you've never worked with crystals before, though, there are a few that you might find particularly useful as a green witch.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Clear Quartz
  • Malachite
  • Amber
  • Green Aventurine
  • Moonstone
  • Working with Crystals to Connect More Deeply to the Earth

Part 3: Working with the Energy of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Green witches aren't the only ones that work with the energy of the sun, moon, and stars. Witches and laypeople alike have invoked the power of these celestial objects throughout history. For safe travel, ancient seafarers used constellations to chart their course and followed the North Star.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Sun and the Stars
  • Harnessing the Power of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
  • Exercise: Receiving Solar Energy
  • Lunar Energy

Module 8: The Green Witch Garden

Part 1: Designing Your Garden

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the considerations to keep in mind when designing you green witch garden
  • Have information regarding how to tend your garden
  • Be more knowledgeable about the benefits of planting by moon phases 

Through all of her acts, a green witch's path is to work as a basic component of nature to promote and maintain peace and healing. Her garden is an example of this. Flowers, vegetables, herbs, and weeds that may grow there are signs of her co-working with the earth—no more, no less.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Designing Your Garden
  • Light and Dark Gardens
  • Wild vs. Structured

Part 2: Tending to Your Garden

As a green witch, hunkering down on your knees and working in your garden is likely to be your favorite spot. Your hands and energy, however, require assistance. You must ensure that the garden is well-fed and attended, just as it provides sustenance for you with the food, medicine, and magic it provides.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Enjoying Your Garden

Part 3: Planning Planting, Blooming and Harvest Times

Consider choosing plants that bloom and need to be harvested at different times when organizing your garden. Not only will there always be something blossoming in your garden, making it seem lovely and inviting you to work with it, but plants that bloom in the autumn and winter also provide food for pollinator species at a time when they may be in short supply.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Planting Moon Phases

Module 9: Herb Magick

Part 1: Herbs and Botanicals- Cut, Dried, and Powdered

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the power and importance of herbs in your practice
  • Know how to harvest and prepare them
  • Be able to use certain herbs in healing and magic

Herbs are used by almost all witches in some way, whether it's for spell casting, divination, medicinal treatment, or creating sacred spaces at home or elsewhere. The reason is simple: herbs contain the earth's vitality and hence have tremendous magical power. Herbs are fundamental to all parts of the green witch's practice, and they play a prominent role in their life.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Herbs and Botanicals- Cut, Dried, and Powdered
  • Preparing and Extracting Herbs
  • Drying Herbs
  • How to Cut Herbs
  • Air Drying Herbs
  • Drying Herbs for Seeds
  • Recap on Steps for Successful Herb Drying

Part 2: Essential Herbs to Grow in Your Green Witch Garden

If they are native to or easily grown in your location, there are a number of herbs that should be an essential part of your garden. This is because they can be used as herbs and, in some cases, oils in magic.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Bay
  • Chamomile
  • Thyme
  • Mint
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Magical Properties of Other Herbs

Module 10: Spells for the Green Witch

Part 1: Spell Do’s and Don’ts

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the do’s and don’ts of spell work
  • Have a number of spells ready to use

The next logical step is to cast spells. We'll share 10 spells with you in this course's last lesson, all of which cover a wide range of topics and may simply be applied to your own practice.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Spell Do’s and Don’ts
  • Use Magic for Yourself
  • Use Magic for Service
  • Use Magic to Open the Door

Part 2: 10 Spells for Green Witches

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Home Protection Spell
  • Spell to Turn Away Negativity
  • Spell for Success/ Good Luck
  • Spell for Changing Bad Habits
  • Spell for Letting Go
  • Spell for Grounding Scattered Energy
  • Spell for Knowledge/ Wisdom
  • Money Spell
  • Spell for Advancement at Work
  • Spell for Fidelity

Course Fast Facts:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of Green Witchcraft
  2. Comprehensive 10 module Accredited Certificate in Green Witchcraft Online Course
  3. Study along with simple instructions & demonstrations
  4. Written and developed by leading Green Witchcraft experts
  5. Receive one-on-one online help & support
  6. Unlimited, lifetime access to online course
  7. Certificate of completion awarded with passing score for the online assessment
  8. Study at your own pace with no rigid class timetables, 24/7 from any computer or smart device

Course Delivery

Courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. 

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1: What is Green Witchcraft? Introduction

  • Part 1: A Brief History of Witchcraft
  • Part 2: Defining Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Walking the Green Path
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: Setting Your Power

  • Part 1: What is a Green Witch’s Magic?
  • Part 2: The Place of Ritual in Green Witchcraft
  • Part 3: Grounding and Centring
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: Tools of the Green Witch

  • Part 1: In Your Garden
  • Part 2: In Your Kitchen
  • Part 3: In Your Rituals
  • Part 4: The Four Elemental Tools of Witchcraft
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Alignment with Nature

  • Part 1: Tuning into Your Environment
  • Part 2: The Magic of Trees
  • Part 3: The Magic of the Elements
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: Hearth Magick

  • Part 1: The Role of the Hearth
  • Part 2: Ways to Practice Hearth Magick
  • Part 3: Creating Magick Around the Home
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: Celebrating the Power of the Seasons

  • Part 1: The Wheel of the Year
  • Part 2: The Eight Festivals: Meaning and Magic
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Walking the Green

  • Path Part 1: Working with Green Energy
  • Part 2: Bringing Crystals into Your Craft
  • Part 3: Working with the Energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: The Green Witch Garden

  • Part 1: Designing Your Garden
  • Part 2: Tending to Your Garden
  • Part 3: Planning Planting, Blooming and Harvest Times
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Herb Magick

  • Part 1: Herbs and Botanicals – Cut, Dried and Powdered
  • Part 2: Essential Herbs to Grow in Your Green Witch Garden
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10: Spells for the Green Witch

  • Part 1: Spell Do’s and Don’ts
  • Part 2: 10 Spells for Green Witches Conclusion
  • Module 10 Assessment

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

To pay via bank transfer contact us

24.  Can I purchase for multiple people?

Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at

25.  Can I request for an invoice before purchase?

Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at

26.  Purchase for a gift?

Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to, with the course details and we can accommodate this.

27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.

28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

Free Personal Success Training Course

The Personal Success Training Program Helps You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals!

Today, we are providing it for Free with all Course Purchases, as a special offer!


• How to layout a Success Plan.

• Get where you want to be in life.

• How to unclutter your mind to succeed.

• Achieve your dreams using your imagination.

• How to have faith in yourself.


• Life time access

• Complement your individual course purchase.

• Click here Personal Success Training Program to see thousands of positive reviews,

Hurry - offer - ends today!

Course Bundles

Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.

Course Bundles