About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Transactional Analysis Online Course and Gain Insightful Information About This Therapy Method
The Transactional Analysis Course is packed with information about this therapy method - how it can be used in both day-to-day life and psychoanalytic practice, either to improve your own life or to help others improve theirs. Learn what Transactional Analysis is, what its core concepts are and how to use it for the analysis of behavior, therapy, and self-help.
With various sources defining Transactional Analysis (TA) differently to each other, the course begins by looking at what Transactional Analysis actually is, when and where it’s used and by whom. You’ll be introduced to the history of the practice and its creator, Eric Berne.
With introductions made, the course continues by explaining the core principles and concepts of Transactional Analysis, such as ego states, transactions, games, scripts and life positions, and how these effect our relationships. With these concepts in mind, you’ll look at how to use Transactional Analysis as a diagnostic tool in a therapy setting and the methods used to work out the underlying issues that may be causing a person’s problems.
Of these concepts, ‘games’ is particularly important, so much so that Eric Berne wrote a book on the matter. The Transactional Analysis Course provides several examples of each game type, to provide clarity on the subject. You may well find yourself recognizing many of these being played out in your own life.
You’ll learn how to put these concepts to work – using Transactional Analysis in a clinical setting. You’ll be guided through how to analyze transactions, games, scripts, and relationships and how to use the TA method in therapy, to help people to alter their perspectives and change their lives.
The course looks at different types of patients and their therapeutic goals, and how to use TA in group therapy. It explores the use of Transactional Analysis as a unique approach to marriage therapy and relationship, explaining how it considers the structure of marriage and how to make the individuals in relationships happier and healthier.
Transactional Analysis is an incredible tool to use in therapy but it is just as powerful for self-help. The Transactional Analysis Course looks at how the practice can be used in your own life, to highlight and understand issues and work on your personal development, to overcome them. You’re provided with tips and jump off points to help you do just that.
Real world examples of using the Transactional Analysis method as a form of therapy are provided, with 3 case studies from Eric Berne’s own experiences with clients. These help to concretize the use of the method in your mind and explore the ways it can work to help those in therapy.
In addition to teaching the core principles and methods of Transactional Analysis, the course outlines the additional training you will need to become a Certified Transactional Analyst. You’ll learn about where you can expect to find work and what you should expect to earn, and the considerations you need to make, should you wish to set up as an independent TA therapist.
What our Transactional Analysis Online Course will teach you
- Different Parts of the Self
- Diagnostic Criteria
- How to Do Analysis of Transactions
- How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
- Identifying your Patterns
- Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
- Working as a TA Therapist
Who Would Benefit from This Course?
The Transactional Analysis Course is an excellent introduction to the subject for those who wish to take their first steps towards becoming a Certified Transactional Analyst – giving an in-depth understanding of the subject before making the financial and time commitment necessary to become fully-qualified. It will also benefit psychotherapists and counsellors who wish to improve their understanding of the method and what benefits it could bring to your clients.
As Transactional Analysis is also a self-help method, anyone can use the information in the course in their own lives, for the betterment of their communication and relationship skills and to become happier.
Transactional Analysis Online Course - Requirements
The Transactional Analysis Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
- Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
- Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
- Be a self-directed learner
- Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
- Course content is structured for easy comprehension
- Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Transactional Analysis Course
- All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
- Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
- All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Transactional Analysis Online Course Outline
Module 1: An Introduction to TA
Part 1: What is TA?
Everyone agrees that TA stands for transactional analysis. However, it is not always easy to describe what transactional analysis is. TA is viewed differently by different sources.
Topics to be discussed include:
- When is TA Used?
- Psychotherapy
- Couples Counselling
- Meditation and Group Therapy
- Personal Development
- Schools and Other Educational Settings
- Business and Management Development
- Other Institutions
Part 2: The History of TA and its Creator
In this section, we'll look at Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, and the events that led to the development of TA theory and methodology.
Eric Berne
Eric Berne was born in the Canadian city of Montreal in 1910 to Polish and Russian immigrant parents. Until his father's death in 1938, he followed him on his physician father's rounds. Eric's mother, a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, then used her professional writing and editing skills to support Eric and his younger sister Grace.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Development of TA
Module 2: The Principles of TA
Part 1: Different Parts of the Self
Parent, Adult, Child
The premise that we all move between different modes or states of consciousness, which then manifest in our words and conduct, is central to the TA theory. These are also referred to as 'ego states.' On a local scale, such as inside a single conversation, and on a broader one, such as in different circumstances, relationships, or locations, we can flip between these. Berne identified three unique states of consciousness after studying the people in his therapy practice. There are three types of people: parents, adults, and child.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Parent
- Adult
- Child
Part 2: Transactions
A transaction occurs when one person interacts with another one. A stimulus and a response are both present in each transaction. Transactions can originate in one person's Parent, Adult, or Child ego states and travel to the other person's Parent, Adult, or Child states.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Complementary Transactions
- Crossed Transactions
- Covert Transactions
Part 3: Games
What are Games?
To put it another way, games are: When we employ a covert transaction, a game frequently begins. We are terrified of being wounded or rejected if we say what we mean. The game is then continued until our ‘switch' is activated. A switch is the sensation that something is wrong. This leads to our ‘payoff,' which is a reinforcement of our bad life views.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Types of Games
Part 4: Scripts
What are Scripts?
We all have internal narratives or stories about life, especially our own lives. Early childhood is when we develop set perceptions of ourselves, the world around us, and our talents within that world. Our parents and other family members shape a large part of our life script.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Life Positions
- I’m Ok, You’re Not Ok
- I’m Ok, You’re Ok
- Relationships
Module 3: How to Use TA as a Diagnostic Tool in Therapy
Part 1: Diagnostic Criteria
It is possible to employ TA as a diagnostic tool in a treatment environment. In this section, we'll look at how to do it according to Eric Bene's guidelines.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Why Diagnosis?
- Diagnostic Criteria
- Real Self or Intrusion?
- Cues
Part 2: Making a Complete Diagnosis
Parent, Adult, Child is a common order in which diagnoses are established.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Parent Diagnosis
- Adult Diagnosis
- Child Diagnosis
Module 4: More About Games
Part 1: Life Games
Berne gave each of the games he recognized a witty, memorable name in his book Games People Play. We'll look at each of these games in this part and see how they play out in real life.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Life Games
- Alcoholic
- Debtor
- Kick Me
- Now I’ve Got You, You son of a Bitch
- See What You Made Me Do
Part 2: Marital Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Corner
- Courtroom
- Frigid Woman
- Harried
- If It Weren’t For You
- Look How Hard I’ve Tried
- Sweetheart
Part 3: Sexual Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Let’s You and Him Fight
- Perversion
- Rapo
- The Stocking Game
- Uproar
- Party Games
- Ain’t It Awful
- Blemish
- Schlemiel
- Why Don’t You- Yes But
Part 4: Underworld Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Cops and Robbers
- How Do You Get Out of Here
- Let’s Pull a Fast One on Joey
- Consulting Room Games
- Greenhouse
- I’m Only Trying to Help You
- Indigence
- Peasant
- Psychiatry
- Stupid
- Wooden Leg
Part 5: Good Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Busman’s Holiday
- Cavalier
- Happy to Help
- Homely Sage
- They’ll Be Glad They Knew Me
Module 5: How to Do TA Analysis
Part 1: How to Do Analysis of Transactions
We'll discuss about TA analysis in this module. This is a critical component of transactional analysis, and we'll go over how it's done for transactions, games, scripts, and relationships. All of them should be done in a group context, according to Berne.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How to Do Analysis of Transactions
- Observing
- Drawing Conclusions
Part 2: How to Do Analysis of Games
Topics to be discussed include:
Games frequently come before pastimes in group therapy. Pastimes, like games, are forms of participation, but transactions in pastimes are simple. For mentally well-organized persons, social pleasures are rewarding in and of themselves. Pastimes, on the other hand, are merely a means of passing or structuring time for persons with neurotic tendencies, while they wait to get to know people better.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Games
Part 3: How to Do Analysis of Scripts
The Structure of a Life Script
The term "life script" refers to "complex collections of transactions." This is similar to games, except that games are smaller and life scripts frequently encompass various aspects of life. A person's life script may include a variety of games, but only a handful will take precedence. The procedure is thought to have something to do with life scripts.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Analyzing a Life Script
Part 4: How to Do Analysis of Relationships
The Purpose of Relationship Analysis
Connection analysis is typically used to investigate a patient's relationship with their spouse or romantic partner, or a patient's relationship with someone with whom they wish to begin a relationship. It's used to make forecasts or figure out why certain events occurred, as well as to make the patient more conscious of their own and other people's patterns.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Analyzing Relationships
Module 6: How to Do TA Therapy
Part 1: How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
We'll go over the steps Berne suggested for therapists to use their understanding of TA therapy to aid patients in this section.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
- Active Psychoses
- Latent Psychoses
Part 2: How to Work on Therapy of Neuroses
Although the term neuroses is now somewhat archaic, it was extremely popular during Eric Berne's time. We'll keep using it for the time being, but we feel the need to provide a definition so that everyone knows what we're talking about.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Symptomatic Control
- Symptomatic Relief
- Transference Cure
- Psychoanalytic Cure
Part 3: How to Do Group Therapy
TA as a ‘Primary Matrix’
Though TA is not typically done in a group situation, it is well suited to it because that is where it originated. Approaches and procedures that were originally created for one-on-one therapy are applied in various other group situations, which might present issues. With TA group therapy, this is not an issue.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Preparation
- Patient Selection
- Best Practices in Therapy
- Aims and Measures
- Patient Investment in the Aims
- I’m Ok, You’re Ok
Module 7: How to Use TA on Yourself
Part 1: Identifying Your Patterns
Transactional analysis has a wide range of applications. TA expanded from a structural framework for psychotherapists and analysts to employ in the consulting room to a personal development phenomena with the publishing of international bestseller Games People Play.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Identifying Your Pattens
- Games
Part 2: Scripts
We might want to shift to storytelling after looking at the many games we play. These are the stories that we tell ourselves about life, our own lives, the world we live in, and our talents within that world, and they are the foundation of how we live.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Example 1- Vanessa
- Example 2- Toby
- Example 3- Tricia
Part 3: Life Positions
Topics to be discussed include:
- Example 1- Vanessa
- Example 2- Toby
- Example 3- Tricia
Part 4: Your Ego States
You can also investigate your ego states when using TA for self-help.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Parent
- Adult
- Child
Part 5: Communications and Relationships
Relationship Diagrams
You may build a diagram to evaluate the areas of strength and weakness in your communication between ego states if you're trying to figure out how to improve existing relationships or whether a new connection has potential.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Drama and Winner’s Triangles
Module 8: How to Do Manage Therapy
Part 1: Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
Marriage counseling is approached differently by TA. We'll go over the therapeutic processes in detail in this module.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
- The Structure of Marriage According to TA
- Formal Contract
- Relationship Contract
- Contract of the Script
- Patterns of Marriage Breakdown
Part 2: Therapeutic Process
Therapeutic Goals
The goals of marital therapy are straightforward: to keep the formal contract as much as possible while assisting each partner in achieving as much satisfaction as possible inside the relationship and script contracts.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Potential Outcomes
- Resistance
Module 9: Examples and Case Studies
Part 1: Case Study- Mr. Troy
We'll look at some of Berne's own experiences with clients using the TA method as a form of therapy in this part.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Case Study 1- Mr. Troy
- Ego States
- Causes and Treatment
Part 2: Case Study 2- The Triss Sisters
Using the Triss family as an example, this case study explains how two siblings raised in the same environment may be so dissimilar.
Part 3: Case Study 3- Mrs. Primus
Mrs. Primus was a young housewife who was referred to a doctor due to severe schizophrenia. When she first came in for a diagnostic interview, she moved from smiling and flirting to very carefully observing the psychiatrist, then turning her head to the right and listening to her own hallucinations. The psychiatrist was able to make the diagnosis of acute schizophrenia by asking Mrs. Primus some direct questions, such as her age and other details.
Module 10: Working as a TA Therapist
Part 1: Training as a TA Therapist
If you're considering a career in TA, whether for an employer or in private practice, we'll look at your alternatives in this section.
Training as a TA Therapist
If you want to work as a TA psychotherapist, you should know that training might take up to seven years and even longer. Some are university-affiliated master's degrees with their own admissions standards. We'll go through your training alternatives and admission requirements in this part so you can see what would work best for you.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Becoming a Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA)
Part 2: Finding Work as a TA Therapist
Although there isn't typically a need for TA-trained psychotherapists or counsellors, having TA training is usually a plus when looking for work. Psychotherapists and counsellors are employed by a variety of organizations and bodies.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Setting Up Independently as a TA Therapist
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1 - An Introduction to TA
- Introduction
- Part 1: What is TA?
- Part 2: The History of TA and its Creator
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Different Parts of the Self
- Part 2: Transactions
- Part 3: Games
- Part 4: Scripts
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: Diagnostic Criteria
- Part 2: Making a Complete Diagnosis
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: Life Games
- Part 2: Marital Games
- Part 3: Sexual Games
- Part 4: Underworld Games
- Part 5: Good Games
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: How to Do Analysis of Transactions
- Part 2: How to Do Analysis of Games
- Part 3: How to Do Analysis of Scripts
- Part 4: How to do Analysis of Relationships
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
- Part 2: How to Work on Therapy of Neuroses
- Part 3: How to Do Group Therapy
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Identifying your Patterns
- Part 2: Scripts
- Part 3: Life Positions
- Part 4: Your Ego States
- Part 5: Communications and Relationships
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
- Part 2: Therapeutic Process
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: Case Study 1 – Mr Troy
- Part 2: Case Study 2 – The Triss Sisters
- Part 3: Case Study 3 – Mrs Primus
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 – Working as a TA Therapist
Part 1: Training as a TA Therapist
- Part 2: Finding Work as a TA Therapist
- Module 10 Assessment
- Conclusion
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Transactional Analysis Online Certificate Course
"It was a great learning experience" - Freah R. Verified Buyer
The Transactional Analysis Course is packed with information about this therapy method - how it can be used in both day-to-day life and psychoanalytic practice, either to improve your own life or to help others improve theirs.
Plus, you can learn more with course bundles, see all bundle options below.
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 150 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Transactional Analysis Online Course and Gain Insightful Information About This Therapy Method
The Transactional Analysis Course is packed with information about this therapy method - how it can be used in both day-to-day life and psychoanalytic practice, either to improve your own life or to help others improve theirs. Learn what Transactional Analysis is, what its core concepts are and how to use it for the analysis of behavior, therapy, and self-help.
With various sources defining Transactional Analysis (TA) differently to each other, the course begins by looking at what Transactional Analysis actually is, when and where it’s used and by whom. You’ll be introduced to the history of the practice and its creator, Eric Berne.
With introductions made, the course continues by explaining the core principles and concepts of Transactional Analysis, such as ego states, transactions, games, scripts and life positions, and how these effect our relationships. With these concepts in mind, you’ll look at how to use Transactional Analysis as a diagnostic tool in a therapy setting and the methods used to work out the underlying issues that may be causing a person’s problems.
Of these concepts, ‘games’ is particularly important, so much so that Eric Berne wrote a book on the matter. The Transactional Analysis Course provides several examples of each game type, to provide clarity on the subject. You may well find yourself recognizing many of these being played out in your own life.
You’ll learn how to put these concepts to work – using Transactional Analysis in a clinical setting. You’ll be guided through how to analyze transactions, games, scripts, and relationships and how to use the TA method in therapy, to help people to alter their perspectives and change their lives.
The course looks at different types of patients and their therapeutic goals, and how to use TA in group therapy. It explores the use of Transactional Analysis as a unique approach to marriage therapy and relationship, explaining how it considers the structure of marriage and how to make the individuals in relationships happier and healthier.
Transactional Analysis is an incredible tool to use in therapy but it is just as powerful for self-help. The Transactional Analysis Course looks at how the practice can be used in your own life, to highlight and understand issues and work on your personal development, to overcome them. You’re provided with tips and jump off points to help you do just that.
Real world examples of using the Transactional Analysis method as a form of therapy are provided, with 3 case studies from Eric Berne’s own experiences with clients. These help to concretize the use of the method in your mind and explore the ways it can work to help those in therapy.
In addition to teaching the core principles and methods of Transactional Analysis, the course outlines the additional training you will need to become a Certified Transactional Analyst. You’ll learn about where you can expect to find work and what you should expect to earn, and the considerations you need to make, should you wish to set up as an independent TA therapist.
What our Transactional Analysis Online Course will teach you
- Different Parts of the Self
- Diagnostic Criteria
- How to Do Analysis of Transactions
- How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
- Identifying your Patterns
- Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
- Working as a TA Therapist
Who Would Benefit from This Course?
The Transactional Analysis Course is an excellent introduction to the subject for those who wish to take their first steps towards becoming a Certified Transactional Analyst – giving an in-depth understanding of the subject before making the financial and time commitment necessary to become fully-qualified. It will also benefit psychotherapists and counsellors who wish to improve their understanding of the method and what benefits it could bring to your clients.
As Transactional Analysis is also a self-help method, anyone can use the information in the course in their own lives, for the betterment of their communication and relationship skills and to become happier.
Transactional Analysis Online Course - Requirements
The Transactional Analysis Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
- Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
- Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
- Be a self-directed learner
- Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
- Course content is structured for easy comprehension
- Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Transactional Analysis Course
- All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
- Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
- All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Transactional Analysis Online Course Outline
Module 1: An Introduction to TA
Part 1: What is TA?
Everyone agrees that TA stands for transactional analysis. However, it is not always easy to describe what transactional analysis is. TA is viewed differently by different sources.
Topics to be discussed include:
- When is TA Used?
- Psychotherapy
- Couples Counselling
- Meditation and Group Therapy
- Personal Development
- Schools and Other Educational Settings
- Business and Management Development
- Other Institutions
Part 2: The History of TA and its Creator
In this section, we'll look at Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, and the events that led to the development of TA theory and methodology.
Eric Berne
Eric Berne was born in the Canadian city of Montreal in 1910 to Polish and Russian immigrant parents. Until his father's death in 1938, he followed him on his physician father's rounds. Eric's mother, a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, then used her professional writing and editing skills to support Eric and his younger sister Grace.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Development of TA
Module 2: The Principles of TA
Part 1: Different Parts of the Self
Parent, Adult, Child
The premise that we all move between different modes or states of consciousness, which then manifest in our words and conduct, is central to the TA theory. These are also referred to as 'ego states.' On a local scale, such as inside a single conversation, and on a broader one, such as in different circumstances, relationships, or locations, we can flip between these. Berne identified three unique states of consciousness after studying the people in his therapy practice. There are three types of people: parents, adults, and child.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Parent
- Adult
- Child
Part 2: Transactions
A transaction occurs when one person interacts with another one. A stimulus and a response are both present in each transaction. Transactions can originate in one person's Parent, Adult, or Child ego states and travel to the other person's Parent, Adult, or Child states.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Complementary Transactions
- Crossed Transactions
- Covert Transactions
Part 3: Games
What are Games?
To put it another way, games are: When we employ a covert transaction, a game frequently begins. We are terrified of being wounded or rejected if we say what we mean. The game is then continued until our ‘switch' is activated. A switch is the sensation that something is wrong. This leads to our ‘payoff,' which is a reinforcement of our bad life views.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Types of Games
Part 4: Scripts
What are Scripts?
We all have internal narratives or stories about life, especially our own lives. Early childhood is when we develop set perceptions of ourselves, the world around us, and our talents within that world. Our parents and other family members shape a large part of our life script.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Life Positions
- I’m Ok, You’re Not Ok
- I’m Ok, You’re Ok
- Relationships
Module 3: How to Use TA as a Diagnostic Tool in Therapy
Part 1: Diagnostic Criteria
It is possible to employ TA as a diagnostic tool in a treatment environment. In this section, we'll look at how to do it according to Eric Bene's guidelines.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Why Diagnosis?
- Diagnostic Criteria
- Real Self or Intrusion?
- Cues
Part 2: Making a Complete Diagnosis
Parent, Adult, Child is a common order in which diagnoses are established.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Parent Diagnosis
- Adult Diagnosis
- Child Diagnosis
Module 4: More About Games
Part 1: Life Games
Berne gave each of the games he recognized a witty, memorable name in his book Games People Play. We'll look at each of these games in this part and see how they play out in real life.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Life Games
- Alcoholic
- Debtor
- Kick Me
- Now I’ve Got You, You son of a Bitch
- See What You Made Me Do
Part 2: Marital Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Corner
- Courtroom
- Frigid Woman
- Harried
- If It Weren’t For You
- Look How Hard I’ve Tried
- Sweetheart
Part 3: Sexual Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Let’s You and Him Fight
- Perversion
- Rapo
- The Stocking Game
- Uproar
- Party Games
- Ain’t It Awful
- Blemish
- Schlemiel
- Why Don’t You- Yes But
Part 4: Underworld Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Cops and Robbers
- How Do You Get Out of Here
- Let’s Pull a Fast One on Joey
- Consulting Room Games
- Greenhouse
- I’m Only Trying to Help You
- Indigence
- Peasant
- Psychiatry
- Stupid
- Wooden Leg
Part 5: Good Games
Topics to be discussed include:
- Busman’s Holiday
- Cavalier
- Happy to Help
- Homely Sage
- They’ll Be Glad They Knew Me
Module 5: How to Do TA Analysis
Part 1: How to Do Analysis of Transactions
We'll discuss about TA analysis in this module. This is a critical component of transactional analysis, and we'll go over how it's done for transactions, games, scripts, and relationships. All of them should be done in a group context, according to Berne.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How to Do Analysis of Transactions
- Observing
- Drawing Conclusions
Part 2: How to Do Analysis of Games
Topics to be discussed include:
Games frequently come before pastimes in group therapy. Pastimes, like games, are forms of participation, but transactions in pastimes are simple. For mentally well-organized persons, social pleasures are rewarding in and of themselves. Pastimes, on the other hand, are merely a means of passing or structuring time for persons with neurotic tendencies, while they wait to get to know people better.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Games
Part 3: How to Do Analysis of Scripts
The Structure of a Life Script
The term "life script" refers to "complex collections of transactions." This is similar to games, except that games are smaller and life scripts frequently encompass various aspects of life. A person's life script may include a variety of games, but only a handful will take precedence. The procedure is thought to have something to do with life scripts.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Analyzing a Life Script
Part 4: How to Do Analysis of Relationships
The Purpose of Relationship Analysis
Connection analysis is typically used to investigate a patient's relationship with their spouse or romantic partner, or a patient's relationship with someone with whom they wish to begin a relationship. It's used to make forecasts or figure out why certain events occurred, as well as to make the patient more conscious of their own and other people's patterns.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Analyzing Relationships
Module 6: How to Do TA Therapy
Part 1: How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
We'll go over the steps Berne suggested for therapists to use their understanding of TA therapy to aid patients in this section.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
- Active Psychoses
- Latent Psychoses
Part 2: How to Work on Therapy of Neuroses
Although the term neuroses is now somewhat archaic, it was extremely popular during Eric Berne's time. We'll keep using it for the time being, but we feel the need to provide a definition so that everyone knows what we're talking about.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Symptomatic Control
- Symptomatic Relief
- Transference Cure
- Psychoanalytic Cure
Part 3: How to Do Group Therapy
TA as a ‘Primary Matrix’
Though TA is not typically done in a group situation, it is well suited to it because that is where it originated. Approaches and procedures that were originally created for one-on-one therapy are applied in various other group situations, which might present issues. With TA group therapy, this is not an issue.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Preparation
- Patient Selection
- Best Practices in Therapy
- Aims and Measures
- Patient Investment in the Aims
- I’m Ok, You’re Ok
Module 7: How to Use TA on Yourself
Part 1: Identifying Your Patterns
Transactional analysis has a wide range of applications. TA expanded from a structural framework for psychotherapists and analysts to employ in the consulting room to a personal development phenomena with the publishing of international bestseller Games People Play.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Identifying Your Pattens
- Games
Part 2: Scripts
We might want to shift to storytelling after looking at the many games we play. These are the stories that we tell ourselves about life, our own lives, the world we live in, and our talents within that world, and they are the foundation of how we live.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Example 1- Vanessa
- Example 2- Toby
- Example 3- Tricia
Part 3: Life Positions
Topics to be discussed include:
- Example 1- Vanessa
- Example 2- Toby
- Example 3- Tricia
Part 4: Your Ego States
You can also investigate your ego states when using TA for self-help.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Parent
- Adult
- Child
Part 5: Communications and Relationships
Relationship Diagrams
You may build a diagram to evaluate the areas of strength and weakness in your communication between ego states if you're trying to figure out how to improve existing relationships or whether a new connection has potential.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Drama and Winner’s Triangles
Module 8: How to Do Manage Therapy
Part 1: Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
Marriage counseling is approached differently by TA. We'll go over the therapeutic processes in detail in this module.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
- The Structure of Marriage According to TA
- Formal Contract
- Relationship Contract
- Contract of the Script
- Patterns of Marriage Breakdown
Part 2: Therapeutic Process
Therapeutic Goals
The goals of marital therapy are straightforward: to keep the formal contract as much as possible while assisting each partner in achieving as much satisfaction as possible inside the relationship and script contracts.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Potential Outcomes
- Resistance
Module 9: Examples and Case Studies
Part 1: Case Study- Mr. Troy
We'll look at some of Berne's own experiences with clients using the TA method as a form of therapy in this part.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Case Study 1- Mr. Troy
- Ego States
- Causes and Treatment
Part 2: Case Study 2- The Triss Sisters
Using the Triss family as an example, this case study explains how two siblings raised in the same environment may be so dissimilar.
Part 3: Case Study 3- Mrs. Primus
Mrs. Primus was a young housewife who was referred to a doctor due to severe schizophrenia. When she first came in for a diagnostic interview, she moved from smiling and flirting to very carefully observing the psychiatrist, then turning her head to the right and listening to her own hallucinations. The psychiatrist was able to make the diagnosis of acute schizophrenia by asking Mrs. Primus some direct questions, such as her age and other details.
Module 10: Working as a TA Therapist
Part 1: Training as a TA Therapist
If you're considering a career in TA, whether for an employer or in private practice, we'll look at your alternatives in this section.
Training as a TA Therapist
If you want to work as a TA psychotherapist, you should know that training might take up to seven years and even longer. Some are university-affiliated master's degrees with their own admissions standards. We'll go through your training alternatives and admission requirements in this part so you can see what would work best for you.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Becoming a Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA)
Part 2: Finding Work as a TA Therapist
Although there isn't typically a need for TA-trained psychotherapists or counsellors, having TA training is usually a plus when looking for work. Psychotherapists and counsellors are employed by a variety of organizations and bodies.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Setting Up Independently as a TA Therapist
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1 - An Introduction to TA
- Introduction
- Part 1: What is TA?
- Part 2: The History of TA and its Creator
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Different Parts of the Self
- Part 2: Transactions
- Part 3: Games
- Part 4: Scripts
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: Diagnostic Criteria
- Part 2: Making a Complete Diagnosis
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: Life Games
- Part 2: Marital Games
- Part 3: Sexual Games
- Part 4: Underworld Games
- Part 5: Good Games
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: How to Do Analysis of Transactions
- Part 2: How to Do Analysis of Games
- Part 3: How to Do Analysis of Scripts
- Part 4: How to do Analysis of Relationships
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: How to Work on Therapy of Functional Psychoses
- Part 2: How to Work on Therapy of Neuroses
- Part 3: How to Do Group Therapy
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Identifying your Patterns
- Part 2: Scripts
- Part 3: Life Positions
- Part 4: Your Ego States
- Part 5: Communications and Relationships
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Format of Marriage Therapy in TA
- Part 2: Therapeutic Process
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: Case Study 1 – Mr Troy
- Part 2: Case Study 2 – The Triss Sisters
- Part 3: Case Study 3 – Mrs Primus
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 – Working as a TA Therapist
Part 1: Training as a TA Therapist
- Part 2: Finding Work as a TA Therapist
- Module 10 Assessment
- Conclusion
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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