About This Course
What you will learn
Study Natural Beekeeping Online Course and Learn the Practical Applications of Beekeeping
Our Natural Beekeeping Online Course begins by answering the question, ‘Why keep bees?’. From this, you’ll learn of the global and general reasons why bees are a necessity for our world and our lives – not just our habitats and food sources, but also our economy.
The course aims to introduce you to the practical applications of beekeeping, focusing on how to do this in the most environmentally responsible and bee-friendly way possible. From the course, you’ll gain an understanding of how to cultivate bee colonies that can thrive in and support the natural world.
Why do bees make honey? How do they do it? The Natural Beekeeping Diploma Course answers these questions as you consider bees as gifted engineers and how they are capable of creating an incredibly efficient structure in which to hold their food, young, and themselves.
The Natural Beekeeping Course walks you through the different ways you can do this, with an emphasis on catching a swarm. We’ll then guide you through the duties involved in caring for your colony and hive. This includes ensuring adequate food supplies, protecting against pests, and advice for maintaining and repairing your hive.
If you want to engage with bees but don’t wish to become a beekeeper or haven’t got the space, the course can help you too. You’ll learn what you can do to ensure the survival of bees, how to create a perfect garden for pollinators and understand the importance of planting year-round flowers.
Natural Beekeeping Online Course Overview
Beekeeping is a great hobby and learning about the working lives of bees can deepen your appreciation of the wonder of nature; it is an activity that can be engaged whether you are young or old.
Our course covers the ABCs of beekeeping, including bee biology and behavior, hive inspections, queen rearing, and production and harvesting.
Students will learn about the different types of hives and equipment required for natural beekeeping, such as top bar hives, Langstroth hives, hive stands, and bee suits. Our course is designed for hobbyist beekeepers and experienced beekeepers alike, and we offer two levels of beekeeping courses: Beginner Beekeeping and Apprentice Level.
The course covers conventional beekeeping techniques and provides a practical guide to managing bee colonies safely. Additionally, we cover how to maintain a healthy beehive, including pest management and identifying common pests and diseases.
Our online course emphasizes natural beekeeping practices that prioritize bee health and safety. The course covers beekeeping basics like backyard beekeeping, barefoot beekeeping, and the top supplies needed to start beekeeping. We also provide a detailed look at the honey harvesting process, including how to handle and store honey for food safety.
Upon completing the natural beekeeping course, participants will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate program has garnered a reputation as a trusted authority in natural beekeeping, and it is highly regarded among modern beekeepers.
At Courses for Success, we recognize the critical role bees play in our ecosystem and the threat to bees' survival. Our natural beekeeping course provides students with the knowledge required to support bees' health and well-being while promoting organic gardening practices.
Join our online course today and learn everything there is to know about natural beekeeping and the life of bees. With our flexible online learning program, you'll have access to our course materials and a wealth of learning resources through our streamlined site navigation, allowing you to study at your own pace and on your schedule.
Natural Beekeeping Online Course - Requirements
The Natural Beekeeping Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Natural Beekeeping Course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Natural Beekeeping Online Course Outline
Module 1: Why Keep Bees?
For certain people, bees are venomous insects and must be stopped in the spring and summer if they do not wish to be stung. Bees are remarkable, intelligent, and critically important insects. While Einstein's claim that bees were the secret to humanity is debatable, they do play a significant role.
Part 1: Bees’ Importance to the Eco-System and Economy
Learning Objectives:
● Understand bees’ importance to the eco-system
● Be informed as to our dependency on bees
● Have reasons to keep or attract bees in your garden
Bees Importance to the Eco-System
Bees contribute significantly to the environmental survival of the planet's environment. They are among the most influential, shaping ecological partnerships, floral variation, plant specializations, and overall habitat survival and stability. Pollination happens as pollen from the male part of a plant is transferred to the female part of the plant, allowing fertilization, seed generation, and the survival of that plant species.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Our Daily Diet’s Reliance on Bees
● Bees’ Contribution to the Economy
Part 2: Why are Bees Disappearing?
The use of large quantities of herbicides to control weeds often removes the flowering plant that provide food for bees, while fertilizers have made the soil less suitable for many of the plant that bees rely on for food. The cause for the loss in bees in the UK and around the world is widely believed to be increased crop chemical use. Herbicide and pesticide use in agriculture has grown exponentially since World War II's end.
Part 3: Beekeeping and the Benefits to You
Beekeeping aids in the preservation and treatment of Britain's bees, but there are other, more personal motives to pursue beekeeping as a hobby, pastime, or even a small enterprise. In general, three of the most important benefits are honey, fitness, and pleasure.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Honey
● Health
● Happiness
Module 2: What is Natural Beekeeping?
Part 1: How to Define Natural Beekeeping
Learning Objectives:
● Know how to define natural beekeeping
● Understand the differences between conventional and natural beekeeping
● Be aware of how beekeeping has come full circle
Humans have "kept" bees for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egyptian and Roman times when people kept bees mainly for their honey. The module contrasts aspects of traditional and natural beekeeping, as well as including a history of beekeeping.
Topics to be discussed include:
● How to Define Natural Beekeeping
● The Bees’ Natural Processes
● It’s Not Just About the Honey
● No Chemical Treatments
● Hives Reflect the Essential Needs of the Bee
Part 2: Bee-Centered Vs. Conventional Beekeeping
The distinction between these two words is based on the methods used by bee-centered and traditional beekeepers, as well as the vocabulary used to support their behavior. Having said that, all methods of beekeeping consider the beekeeper as the primary player in the process, even though natural beekeepers do whatever they can to prioritize the bees.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The History of Conventional Beekeeping
● Conventional Beekeeping Practices- Hives with Foundations
● A Return to the Past
Module 3: Bee Basics
Part 1: Worker Bees
Learning Objectives:
● Know the different types of honeybees required for a healthy colony
● Understand the caste system with the colony
● Be familiar with the annual cycle of the bee colony
It's amazing how bees create societies to ensure the existence of their colony. They exist in a caste system that consists of a single queen, hundreds of male drones, and up to 80,000 female worker bees. Along with these live bees, each honey bee colony will also house growing embryos, larvae, and pupae.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Worker Bees
● Anatomy of a Worker Bee
● House Bees and Field Bees
Part 2: Drones
Drones are male bees who live in a hive. Drones do not gather nectar or pollen or perform any of the other functions that their sister workers do. They do not have stingers, unlike workers or queens, so they cannot protect the colony, and as winter arrives and honey supplies are scarce, the drones are the first to be evicted from the hive.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Anatomy of a Drone
● Drone Mating Behavior
Part 3: The Queen
Within the hive, the queen is the only sexually mature female. She constantly secretes a pheromone that prevents the other females in the colony from being pregnant. That can give the impression that she wields considerable influence. She does not make the decisions in the hive; it is the responsibility of the worker bees, who make all of the crucial decisions for the colony.
Topics to be discussed include:
● How the Queen Mates
● Anatomy of a Queen
● Swarming
● The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen
Part 4: Annual Cycle of the Bee Colony
The formation of a colony starts in the spring. Longer days and increased pollen and nectar supply encourage brood rearing. During this time, drones are usually scarce, and the focus remains on collecting resources such as water, nectar, and pollen in order to prepare "brood food."
Module 4: Bees & Honey
Part 1: Honey and Pollen
Learning Objectives:
● Fully comprehend why and how bees make honey
● Be aware of the importance of both honey and pollen to bees
● Have a better understanding of foundationless beekeeping
This module would go further into the basic operation, investigating why and how they produce their honey.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Why Do Bees Make Honey?
● The Importance of Pollen
● How Bees Make Honey
Part 2: The Anatomy of a Honeycomb
The honeycomb refers to the holding cells where the honey is kept. This is a hexagonal prismatic wax mass that is often used to nest their larvae and store honey and pollen.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Importance of the Hexagonal Shape
● The Honeycomb Conjecture
Part 3: Foundation
Foundationless beekeeping, which is common in natural beekeeping, eliminates foundations in favour of a simple rectangular frame that enables the bees to build their own foundation. The wax produced by the bees is used to build cells, resulting in an entirely natural comb surface. One explanation for this is to encourage the bees to create the amount and size of cells required for their needs.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Keeping Bees Out of Your Honey
● Conclusion
Module 5: Essential Beekeeping
Part 1: Definition and Types of Hives
Learning Objectives:
● Be familiar with the different hives available to you
● Understand how some hives are more conducive to natural beekeeping than others
● Have a list of the other essential equipment that you need
The module will go through the specifics of what tools you'll need to get started as a beekeeper. The hive itself is the first piece of machinery. It would also look at other devices often used by both natural and conventional beekeepers, such as beekeeper uniforms, hats, brushes, and smokers.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Definition of a Hive
● Different Types of Hives
● The Langstroth Hive
● Pros and Cons of the Langstroth Hive
● WBC Hive
● The Warre Hive
● Pro and Cons
● Top Bar Hives
● What the Top Bar Hives Contains
● Pros and Cons
Part 2: Placing and Equipment
Where to Place Your Hive
Many inexperienced beekeepers are concerned about where to locate their hives. However, bear in mind that bees are reasonably adaptable and that the most essential elements that a person would have for them are food and water. However, keep in mind that food and water must be available all year, not only during the season.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Additional Equipment for Beekeepers
Module 6: Sourcing Bees for Your Hive
Part 1: Where to Get Bees
Learning Objectives:
● Be familiar with the different ways of obtaining bees
● Know what a swarm is
● Have the knowledge and skills to catch your own swarm
There are several methods for obtaining bees, which will be discussed in this module. The focus in this segment, however, will be primarily on the most "natural" method of claiming bees. This means capturing a swarm, and the module can walk you through the different methods available based on the swarm's physical position.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Where to Get Bees
● Buying Bees
● Bee Packages
● Swarms
Part 2: How to Find a Swarm
Topics to be discussed include:
● Swarm Traps
Part 3: Catching the Swarm
If an individual wishes to use a box to trap their swarm right away, here are several methods for getting the bees into the box.
Topics to be discussed include:
● What to Do After Catching the Swarm
Module 7: Taking Care of Your Hives
Part 1: Feeding Bees
Learning Objectives:
● Be familiar with the different ways to feed your bees
● Understand the importance of managing wear and tear on your hive
● Have natural ways of getting rid of dangerous mites
It's a lot of fun to create a hive. Taking care of all and all the bees may become less enjoyable as an individual progresses through their beekeeping experience, but it is critical that they take steps to ensure the stable growth of their colony.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Feeding Bees
● Harvest Early
● Sugared Water/ Syrup
● Types of Feeders
● Rapid Feeders
● Contact Feeders
● Frame Feeders
Part 2: Monitoring for Pests
Since a beehive is not resistant to rodents and bugs, it is critical to keep an eye out for any uninvited visitors that may disturb the hive's harmony.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Woodlice and Termites
● Deadly Pests
● How to Treat Mite Infestation
● Split Off Nucleus Colonies
● Use Heat to Kill the Mites
● Use Herbs such as Thyme and Mint
Part 3: Maintaining Bee Hives
Beehives, like any other structure, will wear out. Since they are exposed to all environmental conditions, they are susceptible to rotting, rusting, warping, and cracking. Keep an eye on the hive and attend to any disruption as soon as possible.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Install Entrance Blocks in Winter
● Install a Rain Cover and Shade Structure
● Provide Adequate Ventilation for Your Beehive
● Provide a Windbreak
Module 8: How to Harvest Honey
Part 1: Equipment You Will Need
Learning Objectives:
● Feel confident in your knowledge of how to extract honey
● Know the different equipment that is needed
● Be aware of how to harvest wax and pollen too
In many respects, becoming a beekeeper has two sides: the principle of raising bees and strengthening the population, and honey. Even if honey is not the primary goal of a beekeeper's effort, it is undeniably a wonderful and delectable gain. Not just for the taste, but also to see the progression of the bees from start-up hive to honey manufacturer.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Equipment You Will Need
Part 2: When and How to Harvest
Topics to be discussed include:
● When to Harvest
● How to Harvest
● Uncap the Honey
● Extract the Honey
● Honey Varieties
Part 3: Harvesting Wax and Pollen
Topics to be discussed include:
● Harvesting Bee’s Wax
● Harvesting Pollen
Module 9: Natural Honey and Beeswax Recipes
Part 1: Honey for Beauty and Health
Learning Objectives:
● Understand how you can use honey for beauty and health
● Be familiar with the different uses of honey as medicine and food
● Have several easy recipes to create products from honey and wax
The majority of beekeepers eat the honey they collect. This module discusses the various uses of honey and provides explanations and recipes for making the most of the honey supply.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Honey for Beauty and Health
● Honey as Medicine
● Honey as Food
Part 2: Beeswax Recipes
The only naturally found wax is beeswax. As a beekeeper, you should be aware that you would not be able to extract as much extra wax as honey.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Beeswax Tea Light Candles
● Beeswax Lip Balm
● Beeswax Furniture Polish
Module 10: How to Help Bees Without Being a Beekeeper
Part 1: Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
Learning Objectives:
● Be confident that you can do much to ensure the survival of bees
● Know how to create a perfect garden for pollinators
● Understand the importance of planting year-round flowers
This final module will look at how a person can begin their journey into beekeeping without becoming a beekeeper. They may not have the room to house bees, but that should not prevent them from enjoying these wonderful flying insects or from doing all they can to help save the bee population in their city.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
● Create a Water Feature
● Eliminate the Use of Pesticides
● Keep the Flowers Coming
Part 2: Support Local Beekeepers
Natural beekeepers are doing their best to keep bees alive; it is important that they keep the needs of the bee at the forefront of everything they do. Individuals who sponsor them are effectively funding the bees themselves.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Use Your Pen
● Educate Yourself and Your Family About Bees
The hardworking honey bee is essential to the food supply, the economy, and even one's happiness. While these amazing insects have been around for millions of years, they have not been considered or cared for in a manner that has contributed to their survival. That is why beekeeping is such a valuable practice, and why natural beekeeping will aid in the survival and growth of local bee populations.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: Why Keep Bees?
- Introduction
- Part 1: Bees’ Importance to the Eco-System and Economy
- Part 2: Why Are Bees Disappearing?
- Part 3: Beekeeping and the Benefits to You
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: What is Natural Beekeeping?
- Part 1: How to Define Natural Beekeeping
- Part 2: Bee-Centred Vs. Conventional Beekeeping
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: Bee Basics
- Part 1: Worker Bees
- Part 2: Drones
- Part 3: The Queen
- Part 4: Annual Cycle of the Bee Colony
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Bees & Honey
- Part 1: Honey and Pollen
- Part 2: The Anatomy of a Honeycomb
- Part 3: Foundation (Less) Beekeeping
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Essential Beekeeping
- Part 1: Definition and Types of Hives
- Part 2: Placing and Equipment
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Sourcing Bees for Your Hive
- Part 1: Where to Get Bees
- Part 2: How to Find a Swarm
- Part 3: Catching the Swarm
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7: Taking Care of Your Hives
- Part 1: Feeding Bees
- Part 2: Monitoring for Pests
- Part 3: Maintaining Bee Hives
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8: How to Harvest Honey
- Part 1: Equipment You Will Need
- Part 2: When and How to Harvest
- Part 3: Harvesting Wax and Pollen
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9: Natural Honey and Beeswax Recipes
- Part 1: Honey for Beauty and Health
- Part 2: Beeswax Recipes
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: How to Help Bees Without Being a Beekeeper
- Part 1: Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
- Part 2: Support Local Beekeepers
- Conclusion
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Natural Beekeeping Online Certificate Course
"Lots of info! All the information is presented clearly and everything is very well written and easy to understand. I enjoyed my course." - Rodney Martinez. Verified Buyer.
Our Natural Beekeeping Certification Course will introduce you to beekeeping's practical applications while emphasizing how to do this in the most environmentally and bee-friendly manner feasible.
Bundle Up & Save - Learn More and Save More when you Upgrade to one of our Course Bundles below - Save Up To 98%
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 20 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
Study Natural Beekeeping Online Course and Learn the Practical Applications of Beekeeping
Our Natural Beekeeping Online Course begins by answering the question, ‘Why keep bees?’. From this, you’ll learn of the global and general reasons why bees are a necessity for our world and our lives – not just our habitats and food sources, but also our economy.
The course aims to introduce you to the practical applications of beekeeping, focusing on how to do this in the most environmentally responsible and bee-friendly way possible. From the course, you’ll gain an understanding of how to cultivate bee colonies that can thrive in and support the natural world.
Why do bees make honey? How do they do it? The Natural Beekeeping Diploma Course answers these questions as you consider bees as gifted engineers and how they are capable of creating an incredibly efficient structure in which to hold their food, young, and themselves.
The Natural Beekeeping Course walks you through the different ways you can do this, with an emphasis on catching a swarm. We’ll then guide you through the duties involved in caring for your colony and hive. This includes ensuring adequate food supplies, protecting against pests, and advice for maintaining and repairing your hive.
If you want to engage with bees but don’t wish to become a beekeeper or haven’t got the space, the course can help you too. You’ll learn what you can do to ensure the survival of bees, how to create a perfect garden for pollinators and understand the importance of planting year-round flowers.
Natural Beekeeping Online Course Overview
Beekeeping is a great hobby and learning about the working lives of bees can deepen your appreciation of the wonder of nature; it is an activity that can be engaged whether you are young or old.
Our course covers the ABCs of beekeeping, including bee biology and behavior, hive inspections, queen rearing, and production and harvesting.
Students will learn about the different types of hives and equipment required for natural beekeeping, such as top bar hives, Langstroth hives, hive stands, and bee suits. Our course is designed for hobbyist beekeepers and experienced beekeepers alike, and we offer two levels of beekeeping courses: Beginner Beekeeping and Apprentice Level.
The course covers conventional beekeeping techniques and provides a practical guide to managing bee colonies safely. Additionally, we cover how to maintain a healthy beehive, including pest management and identifying common pests and diseases.
Our online course emphasizes natural beekeeping practices that prioritize bee health and safety. The course covers beekeeping basics like backyard beekeeping, barefoot beekeeping, and the top supplies needed to start beekeeping. We also provide a detailed look at the honey harvesting process, including how to handle and store honey for food safety.
Upon completing the natural beekeeping course, participants will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate program has garnered a reputation as a trusted authority in natural beekeeping, and it is highly regarded among modern beekeepers.
At Courses for Success, we recognize the critical role bees play in our ecosystem and the threat to bees' survival. Our natural beekeeping course provides students with the knowledge required to support bees' health and well-being while promoting organic gardening practices.
Join our online course today and learn everything there is to know about natural beekeeping and the life of bees. With our flexible online learning program, you'll have access to our course materials and a wealth of learning resources through our streamlined site navigation, allowing you to study at your own pace and on your schedule.
Natural Beekeeping Online Course - Requirements
The Natural Beekeeping Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Natural Beekeeping Course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Natural Beekeeping Online Course Outline
Module 1: Why Keep Bees?
For certain people, bees are venomous insects and must be stopped in the spring and summer if they do not wish to be stung. Bees are remarkable, intelligent, and critically important insects. While Einstein's claim that bees were the secret to humanity is debatable, they do play a significant role.
Part 1: Bees’ Importance to the Eco-System and Economy
Learning Objectives:
● Understand bees’ importance to the eco-system
● Be informed as to our dependency on bees
● Have reasons to keep or attract bees in your garden
Bees Importance to the Eco-System
Bees contribute significantly to the environmental survival of the planet's environment. They are among the most influential, shaping ecological partnerships, floral variation, plant specializations, and overall habitat survival and stability. Pollination happens as pollen from the male part of a plant is transferred to the female part of the plant, allowing fertilization, seed generation, and the survival of that plant species.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Our Daily Diet’s Reliance on Bees
● Bees’ Contribution to the Economy
Part 2: Why are Bees Disappearing?
The use of large quantities of herbicides to control weeds often removes the flowering plant that provide food for bees, while fertilizers have made the soil less suitable for many of the plant that bees rely on for food. The cause for the loss in bees in the UK and around the world is widely believed to be increased crop chemical use. Herbicide and pesticide use in agriculture has grown exponentially since World War II's end.
Part 3: Beekeeping and the Benefits to You
Beekeeping aids in the preservation and treatment of Britain's bees, but there are other, more personal motives to pursue beekeeping as a hobby, pastime, or even a small enterprise. In general, three of the most important benefits are honey, fitness, and pleasure.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Honey
● Health
● Happiness
Module 2: What is Natural Beekeeping?
Part 1: How to Define Natural Beekeeping
Learning Objectives:
● Know how to define natural beekeeping
● Understand the differences between conventional and natural beekeeping
● Be aware of how beekeeping has come full circle
Humans have "kept" bees for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egyptian and Roman times when people kept bees mainly for their honey. The module contrasts aspects of traditional and natural beekeeping, as well as including a history of beekeeping.
Topics to be discussed include:
● How to Define Natural Beekeeping
● The Bees’ Natural Processes
● It’s Not Just About the Honey
● No Chemical Treatments
● Hives Reflect the Essential Needs of the Bee
Part 2: Bee-Centered Vs. Conventional Beekeeping
The distinction between these two words is based on the methods used by bee-centered and traditional beekeepers, as well as the vocabulary used to support their behavior. Having said that, all methods of beekeeping consider the beekeeper as the primary player in the process, even though natural beekeepers do whatever they can to prioritize the bees.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The History of Conventional Beekeeping
● Conventional Beekeeping Practices- Hives with Foundations
● A Return to the Past
Module 3: Bee Basics
Part 1: Worker Bees
Learning Objectives:
● Know the different types of honeybees required for a healthy colony
● Understand the caste system with the colony
● Be familiar with the annual cycle of the bee colony
It's amazing how bees create societies to ensure the existence of their colony. They exist in a caste system that consists of a single queen, hundreds of male drones, and up to 80,000 female worker bees. Along with these live bees, each honey bee colony will also house growing embryos, larvae, and pupae.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Worker Bees
● Anatomy of a Worker Bee
● House Bees and Field Bees
Part 2: Drones
Drones are male bees who live in a hive. Drones do not gather nectar or pollen or perform any of the other functions that their sister workers do. They do not have stingers, unlike workers or queens, so they cannot protect the colony, and as winter arrives and honey supplies are scarce, the drones are the first to be evicted from the hive.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Anatomy of a Drone
● Drone Mating Behavior
Part 3: The Queen
Within the hive, the queen is the only sexually mature female. She constantly secretes a pheromone that prevents the other females in the colony from being pregnant. That can give the impression that she wields considerable influence. She does not make the decisions in the hive; it is the responsibility of the worker bees, who make all of the crucial decisions for the colony.
Topics to be discussed include:
● How the Queen Mates
● Anatomy of a Queen
● Swarming
● The Queen is Dead, Long Live the Queen
Part 4: Annual Cycle of the Bee Colony
The formation of a colony starts in the spring. Longer days and increased pollen and nectar supply encourage brood rearing. During this time, drones are usually scarce, and the focus remains on collecting resources such as water, nectar, and pollen in order to prepare "brood food."
Module 4: Bees & Honey
Part 1: Honey and Pollen
Learning Objectives:
● Fully comprehend why and how bees make honey
● Be aware of the importance of both honey and pollen to bees
● Have a better understanding of foundationless beekeeping
This module would go further into the basic operation, investigating why and how they produce their honey.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Why Do Bees Make Honey?
● The Importance of Pollen
● How Bees Make Honey
Part 2: The Anatomy of a Honeycomb
The honeycomb refers to the holding cells where the honey is kept. This is a hexagonal prismatic wax mass that is often used to nest their larvae and store honey and pollen.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Importance of the Hexagonal Shape
● The Honeycomb Conjecture
Part 3: Foundation
Foundationless beekeeping, which is common in natural beekeeping, eliminates foundations in favour of a simple rectangular frame that enables the bees to build their own foundation. The wax produced by the bees is used to build cells, resulting in an entirely natural comb surface. One explanation for this is to encourage the bees to create the amount and size of cells required for their needs.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Keeping Bees Out of Your Honey
● Conclusion
Module 5: Essential Beekeeping
Part 1: Definition and Types of Hives
Learning Objectives:
● Be familiar with the different hives available to you
● Understand how some hives are more conducive to natural beekeeping than others
● Have a list of the other essential equipment that you need
The module will go through the specifics of what tools you'll need to get started as a beekeeper. The hive itself is the first piece of machinery. It would also look at other devices often used by both natural and conventional beekeepers, such as beekeeper uniforms, hats, brushes, and smokers.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Definition of a Hive
● Different Types of Hives
● The Langstroth Hive
● Pros and Cons of the Langstroth Hive
● WBC Hive
● The Warre Hive
● Pro and Cons
● Top Bar Hives
● What the Top Bar Hives Contains
● Pros and Cons
Part 2: Placing and Equipment
Where to Place Your Hive
Many inexperienced beekeepers are concerned about where to locate their hives. However, bear in mind that bees are reasonably adaptable and that the most essential elements that a person would have for them are food and water. However, keep in mind that food and water must be available all year, not only during the season.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Additional Equipment for Beekeepers
Module 6: Sourcing Bees for Your Hive
Part 1: Where to Get Bees
Learning Objectives:
● Be familiar with the different ways of obtaining bees
● Know what a swarm is
● Have the knowledge and skills to catch your own swarm
There are several methods for obtaining bees, which will be discussed in this module. The focus in this segment, however, will be primarily on the most "natural" method of claiming bees. This means capturing a swarm, and the module can walk you through the different methods available based on the swarm's physical position.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Where to Get Bees
● Buying Bees
● Bee Packages
● Swarms
Part 2: How to Find a Swarm
Topics to be discussed include:
● Swarm Traps
Part 3: Catching the Swarm
If an individual wishes to use a box to trap their swarm right away, here are several methods for getting the bees into the box.
Topics to be discussed include:
● What to Do After Catching the Swarm
Module 7: Taking Care of Your Hives
Part 1: Feeding Bees
Learning Objectives:
● Be familiar with the different ways to feed your bees
● Understand the importance of managing wear and tear on your hive
● Have natural ways of getting rid of dangerous mites
It's a lot of fun to create a hive. Taking care of all and all the bees may become less enjoyable as an individual progresses through their beekeeping experience, but it is critical that they take steps to ensure the stable growth of their colony.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Feeding Bees
● Harvest Early
● Sugared Water/ Syrup
● Types of Feeders
● Rapid Feeders
● Contact Feeders
● Frame Feeders
Part 2: Monitoring for Pests
Since a beehive is not resistant to rodents and bugs, it is critical to keep an eye out for any uninvited visitors that may disturb the hive's harmony.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Woodlice and Termites
● Deadly Pests
● How to Treat Mite Infestation
● Split Off Nucleus Colonies
● Use Heat to Kill the Mites
● Use Herbs such as Thyme and Mint
Part 3: Maintaining Bee Hives
Beehives, like any other structure, will wear out. Since they are exposed to all environmental conditions, they are susceptible to rotting, rusting, warping, and cracking. Keep an eye on the hive and attend to any disruption as soon as possible.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Install Entrance Blocks in Winter
● Install a Rain Cover and Shade Structure
● Provide Adequate Ventilation for Your Beehive
● Provide a Windbreak
Module 8: How to Harvest Honey
Part 1: Equipment You Will Need
Learning Objectives:
● Feel confident in your knowledge of how to extract honey
● Know the different equipment that is needed
● Be aware of how to harvest wax and pollen too
In many respects, becoming a beekeeper has two sides: the principle of raising bees and strengthening the population, and honey. Even if honey is not the primary goal of a beekeeper's effort, it is undeniably a wonderful and delectable gain. Not just for the taste, but also to see the progression of the bees from start-up hive to honey manufacturer.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Equipment You Will Need
Part 2: When and How to Harvest
Topics to be discussed include:
● When to Harvest
● How to Harvest
● Uncap the Honey
● Extract the Honey
● Honey Varieties
Part 3: Harvesting Wax and Pollen
Topics to be discussed include:
● Harvesting Bee’s Wax
● Harvesting Pollen
Module 9: Natural Honey and Beeswax Recipes
Part 1: Honey for Beauty and Health
Learning Objectives:
● Understand how you can use honey for beauty and health
● Be familiar with the different uses of honey as medicine and food
● Have several easy recipes to create products from honey and wax
The majority of beekeepers eat the honey they collect. This module discusses the various uses of honey and provides explanations and recipes for making the most of the honey supply.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Honey for Beauty and Health
● Honey as Medicine
● Honey as Food
Part 2: Beeswax Recipes
The only naturally found wax is beeswax. As a beekeeper, you should be aware that you would not be able to extract as much extra wax as honey.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Beeswax Tea Light Candles
● Beeswax Lip Balm
● Beeswax Furniture Polish
Module 10: How to Help Bees Without Being a Beekeeper
Part 1: Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
Learning Objectives:
● Be confident that you can do much to ensure the survival of bees
● Know how to create a perfect garden for pollinators
● Understand the importance of planting year-round flowers
This final module will look at how a person can begin their journey into beekeeping without becoming a beekeeper. They may not have the room to house bees, but that should not prevent them from enjoying these wonderful flying insects or from doing all they can to help save the bee population in their city.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
● Create a Water Feature
● Eliminate the Use of Pesticides
● Keep the Flowers Coming
Part 2: Support Local Beekeepers
Natural beekeepers are doing their best to keep bees alive; it is important that they keep the needs of the bee at the forefront of everything they do. Individuals who sponsor them are effectively funding the bees themselves.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Use Your Pen
● Educate Yourself and Your Family About Bees
The hardworking honey bee is essential to the food supply, the economy, and even one's happiness. While these amazing insects have been around for millions of years, they have not been considered or cared for in a manner that has contributed to their survival. That is why beekeeping is such a valuable practice, and why natural beekeeping will aid in the survival and growth of local bee populations.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: Why Keep Bees?
- Introduction
- Part 1: Bees’ Importance to the Eco-System and Economy
- Part 2: Why Are Bees Disappearing?
- Part 3: Beekeeping and the Benefits to You
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: What is Natural Beekeeping?
- Part 1: How to Define Natural Beekeeping
- Part 2: Bee-Centred Vs. Conventional Beekeeping
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: Bee Basics
- Part 1: Worker Bees
- Part 2: Drones
- Part 3: The Queen
- Part 4: Annual Cycle of the Bee Colony
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Bees & Honey
- Part 1: Honey and Pollen
- Part 2: The Anatomy of a Honeycomb
- Part 3: Foundation (Less) Beekeeping
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Essential Beekeeping
- Part 1: Definition and Types of Hives
- Part 2: Placing and Equipment
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Sourcing Bees for Your Hive
- Part 1: Where to Get Bees
- Part 2: How to Find a Swarm
- Part 3: Catching the Swarm
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7: Taking Care of Your Hives
- Part 1: Feeding Bees
- Part 2: Monitoring for Pests
- Part 3: Maintaining Bee Hives
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8: How to Harvest Honey
- Part 1: Equipment You Will Need
- Part 2: When and How to Harvest
- Part 3: Harvesting Wax and Pollen
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9: Natural Honey and Beeswax Recipes
- Part 1: Honey for Beauty and Health
- Part 2: Beeswax Recipes
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: How to Help Bees Without Being a Beekeeper
- Part 1: Plant a Pollinator-Friendly Garden
- Part 2: Support Local Beekeepers
- Conclusion
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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