About This Course
What you will learn: Discover The Secrets Of Relationship Psychology
Get BIG Savings with our Relationship Psychology Online Bundle, 5 Certificate Courses
- Relationship Psychology
- Counselling Skills
- Body Language for Flirting and Dating
- Body Love
- Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner
1. Relationship Psychology: Discover The Secrets Of Relationship Psychology
The Relationship Psychology - The Soul Mate Secret Course will examine whether it is possible to explain relationships, attraction and love. Relationships are an important part of life because we all need that sense of belonging. As humans, we crave social connections. People cannot live in isolation, although some may choose to live that way temporarily.
In this course, you will discover why you may find yourself feeling indifferent or repulsed by some, but have strong feelings of attraction towards others. Many things impact our feelings towards other people including how close we are geographically, similar personality traits and similar attitudes. All of these are significant factors when it comes to who we are more likely to form relationships with throughout our lifetime and who we are attracted to physically. If the psyche of human relationships is something you would like to learn more about, this course has everything you need and more.
The course can be used as a guide to improving your own relationships or the materials can be used with clients to help couples understand one another better and improve their relationship.
Anyone who enjoys the wider subject of psychology or are interested in the psychology and science of how humans develop relationships will enjoy The Relationship Psychology – The Soul Mate Secret Course, which focuses on this specific area.
2. Counselling Skills: Beginner's Guide To Counselling
This popular course will give you a firm foundation in counselling skills. If your job involves helping others, or if you simply want to be supportive to others, then you’ll learn techniques that will help you be more effective in that role.
This course is ideal for those that are either complete beginners to the field of Counselling and are considering making a career change to become a counsellor, with the aim of getting an insight and understanding of counselling, or existing counsellors, teachers, coaches or parents looking to reinforce their knowledge or to pick up some new skills. This course is also ideal if you are interested in a career in the Counselling , though are unsure if you want to commit yourself financially and time wise to a full counselling qualification.
This course is particularly suitable for those working in: health care, social work, pastoral work, care for the elderly and teaching. Your studies will provide you with a preliminary understanding of the skills and practice of counselling, as well as an appreciation of the personal qualities associated with the collaborative process of helping others. Counselling is essentially a lively, human and personal experience between two people. Therefore, it is a process which requires a commitment of time and effort from both parties.
3. Body Language for Flirting and Dating: Master the Secrets Of Non-Verbal Communication
Not many people understand that there’s more to communication than the words they utter. In fact, there were probably many times when you went out, spoke cleverly to someone, only to see them walk away or never hear from them again. No, it wasn’t something you said or even your breath; your missed opportunities and even high expectations are caused by your lack of knowledge of body language.
Had you been keenly observing her body language, you may have noticed that her eyes were wandering to find someone else and hook up with them. On the other hand, if you had a mirror nearby, you may have noticed that the way you kept on brushing against him or touching his arms may have scared him off since you appeared to be a little too clingy for his taste.
Reflect a little on your own dating history and you’re bound to find little signs of people liking you (or not) without you knowing. Therefore, if you don’t want to miss out on your Mr. or Miss Right or end up wasting days or years on someone who doesn’t really care, you need to be well-versed in the art of body language, micro expressions and facial expressions.
Luckily, this comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to understand both of these aspects to ensure that your flirting and dating are both successful in the long run.
4. Body Love: Understand Your Feelings Towards Your Body
Whether you want to lose weight or just start appreciating your body more, these principles will help you get to where you want to be.
You will achieve this through understanding food, nutrition, eating habits but most importantly, your mind. You will learn how to work on your mind and cleanse it of negative thoughts and unhelpful connotations with food, and replace them with positive reinforcements and knowledge.
The Body Love Certificate Course begins by showing you how to love the body you already have, by helping you to understand your feelings towards your body and your relationship with it. To this end you will be guided through self-reflective questions before being shown how to set measurable goals that will lead to you loving your body. The module wraps up with a basic body acceptance exercise, to get you started on your journey.
The course discusses the difference between dieting and eating healthy. It explains the connotations we have with each and how we can go about changing our perceptions of food, eating, and the ways we eat. It examines the types of foods we eat and how we go about the act of eating itself.
Losing weight is not just about what we physically do or don’t do but about our minds and the language we use when talking about our bodies. You will learn about subconscious drivers and secondary gain can be the reason we sabotage our own efforts to lose weight.
5. Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner: Relieve & Prevent Anger Through Proven Techniques
The Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner Course opens by discussing the reasons we get angry – considering social learning, environment, and stress as contributing factors. The different forms and types of anger, the link between anger and depression, and common myths regarding anger and aggressive behavioural patterns are also explored.
With stress being a major contributing factor in many cases of anger, the course expands on the relationship between the two and the effects stress can have on the body. You’ll learn how small amounts of stress, which can be controlled and harnessed, can be beneficial. You’ll be introduced to meditation and mindfulness – showing how these powerful practices can be used to combat stress without resorting to medication.
Through studying the Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner Course, you will learn what occurs in the brain when anger takes over and what the effects of anger on the mind and body are. You’ll look at the ways people create temporary, ineffective diversions from anxiety and how to get past these, and how taking care of your gut can have a positive effect when tackling stress.
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For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.
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Course Fast Facts:
- All courses are easy to follow and understand
- Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
- Study as many courses as you want
- Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
- You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
- Download printer friendly course content
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed onlineby any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
The Relationship Psychology, 5 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course:
Course 1 - Relationship Psychology
Module 1: Introduction to the Psychology of Adult Relationships
- Part 1: The Importance of Relationships
- Part 2: Theories of Social Relationships
- Part 3: Awareness of the Different Types of Relationships
- Part 4: How to Create Better Relationships and Greater Family Harmony
- Part 5: Business Relationships
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: The Development of Relationships
- Part 2: The stages of relationships
- Part 3: Maintaining Relationships
- Part 4: Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Relationship
- Part 5: Do You Need Relationship or Marriage Counseling?
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: The Science Behind Love
- Part 2: The Human Nervous System
- Part 3: Specific Factors that Influence Attraction
- Part 4: The Law of Attraction and Relationships
- Part 5: Knowledge of gender differences in choosing the ideal partner
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: The Relationship With Yourself
- Part 2: Self-Esteem Exercise
- Part 3: Co-Dependency
- Part 4: Using NLP
- Part 5: Reframing Codependent Behaviors
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: Building Happy Relationships
- Part 2: The Science of Happiness
- Part 3: Chemicals in the Brain
- Part 4: The Role of Resilience
- Part 5: People Pleasing
- Part 6: The Doormat Syndrome
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: The Five Love Languages or ways people like to receive love:
- Part 2: 5 Relationships StrategiesTo Keep Love Alive
- Part 3: Tips for a Healthy Relationship
- Part 4: Laughter and Relationships
- Part 5: Using Laughter to Manage Conflict
- Part 6: Understanding the Rules of Intimacy
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
- Part 2: Male versus Female Brain
- Part 3: Biological Differences Between the Male and Female Brain
- Part 4: Myths and Stereotypes
- Part 5: Ten Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains
- Part 6: What Do Brain Scans Tell Us?
- Part 7: Social Influences
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Communication Strategies
- Part 2: Body Language
- Part 3: Different Language Styles
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: The Soul Mate Secret
- Part 2: How To Attract Love By Thinking Like Einstein
- Part 3: How to Manifest True Love
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: Therapy and Training for Relationships
Part 1: Therapy and Training for Relationships
- Part 2: Common relationship problems explored
- Part 3: Relationship Intervention Strategies to Practice at Home
- Part 4: HEAR – To Hear Your Partner, Stay Present & Listen
- Module 10 Assessment
Course 2 - Counselling Skills
- Part 1: Basic Concept of Counselling
- Part 2: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 3: Role of Active Listening in Counselling
- Part 4: Active Listening in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Basic Interview Skills
- Part 1: Tasks of the Counsellor in Interviewing
- Part 2: Skills Required in Establishing the Counsellor-Client Relationship
- Part 3: Non-Directive Counselling
- Part 4: Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: The Counselling Relationship
- Part 1: The Importance of Empathy in Relationship Building
- Part 2: Trial and Error in Counselling
- Part 3: Motivational Skills
- Part 4: Factors that Make the Best Counsellors
- Part 5: Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Motivational Skills
- Part 1: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 2: Questions that Elicit Self-Motivating Statements from the Client
- Part 3: Counsellors’ Roadblocks to Communication
- Part 4: More Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Grief and Bereavement
- Part 1: The Different Forms and Reactions of Grief and Bereavement
- Part 2: Feelings of Grief in Normal and Violent Circumstances
- Part 3: Managing Grief and the Grieving Person
- Part 4: Grief and Bereavement Counselling in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Part 1: Categories of Stress Symptoms
- Part 2: Issues and Symptoms of Depression
- Part 3: Issues and Symptoms of Anxiety
- Part 4: How to Turn Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking
- Part 5: Interviewing for Depression in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 6 Assessment
Course 3 - Body Language for Flirting and Dating
Module 1: The ABCs of Non-Verbal Communication
- Part 1: The Basics of Body Language
- Part 2: What are Micro Expressions?
- Part 1: Interpreting Body Language While Flirting and Dating
- Part 2: When She Says ‘Yes’
- Part 3: Through Facial and Micro Expressions
- Part 4: Signs That He’s Into You
- Part 5: Through Facial and Micro Expressions
- Part 6: Test Your Knowledge
- Part 1: Signs to Show Your Interest
- Part 2: The 10 Golden Rules of Flirting and Dating with Body Language
- Part 3: Test Your Knowledge
Course 4 - Body Love
Module 1 - Learning to Love the Body Your In
- Part 1: You and Your Machine
- Part 2: How Do You Feel About Your Body?
- Part 3: What Is Your Goal For This Course?
- Part 4: Basic Body Acceptance Exercise
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Diet Versus a Healthy Lifestyle
- Part 2: Food As Fuel – The Sport’s Car Analogy
- Part 3: Amazing Power of Fruits and Vegetables
- Part 4: Amazing Power of Nuts and Seeds
- Part 5: Healthy Lifestyle Exercise
- Part 6: Myths About Fat
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: Weight Loss and Language
- Part 2: Weight Loss and Motivation
- Part 3: Why You May Hold Onto Excess Weight – Subconscious Drivers and Secondary Gains
- Part 4: Listing Those Reasons Why You Want to Do Better
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: How Motivated Are You To Drop Weight And Gain Better Health?
- Part 2: Practising Mindful Eating
- Part 3: Being One With The Body
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: The Emotional Connection With Food
- Part 2: Practising Feeling Your Emotions
- Part 3: Food Addictions
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: The ABC’s Of Good Nutrition
- Part 2: Learning How To Eat REAL Nourishing Food
- Part 3: Living And Eating Healthy As A Lifestyle Choice
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Identifying Limiting Beliefs
- Part 2: Reasons Why Managing Your Weight Is Difficult
- Part 3: The Clean Slate Exercise/Beach Visualisation for Positive Associations
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Loving yourself now – no matter what shape or size
- Part 2: Using Self-Hypnosis to Make Amazing Changes
- Part 3: Deepening Scripts
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: Changing Your Self-Image Through Future Pacing
- Part 2: Future Pacing Exercise – Imagining the NEW YOU
- Part 1: Learning To Read The Body’s Signals
- Part 2: Being Appreciative Of The Body
- Part 3: The Remote Control Analogy
- Part 4: The Remote Control Exercise
- Module 9 and 10 Assessments
- Part 1: What is Self-Hypnosis Versus Hypnosis?
- Part 2: NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Part 3: How NLP can help
- Part 4: NLP Exercises to Practice
- Module 11 Assessment
Module 12 - 101 Affirmations to Love Your Body
Part : 101 Affirmations to Love Your Body
Course 5 - Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner
Module 1 - The Roots of Anger and Aggression
- Introduction
- Part 1: Why Do We Get Angry?
- Part 2: Social Learning Theory of Aggression
- Part 3: Stress, Worry, and Anxiety
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Effects of Stress on the Mind and Body
- Part 2: Stress and Anger Link
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: Anger and the Brain
- Part 2: Gut/Brain Connection
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: Stress Management Techniques
- Part 2: Power of Yoga
- Part 3: Alternate Yoga Sequence
- Part 4: Power of Laughter
- Part 5: Mindful Breathing
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: The Impact of Violence and Aggression
- Part 2: Strategies That Can Help Prevent or Control Anger
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: The Power of Mindfulness and Meditation
- Part 2: Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
- Part 3: Using Self-Hypnosis to Manage Anger
- Part 4: The Power of the Breath
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Learning to say NO
- Part 2: Understanding How to Interpret Aspects of Body Language
- Part 3: Effective Communication: Being Assertive
- Part 4: Practising Being Assertive
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Natural Herbs for Soothing Anxiety
- Part 2: Benefits of Aromatherapy
- Part 3: Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: RAIN Technique
- Part 2: Body Scan Mindfulness Exercise
- Part 3: Assertive Not Angry Meditation
- Part 4: Self-Hypnosis – Accessing a Place of Peace
- Module 9 Assessment
- Part 1: Why Our Thinking May Be Flawed
- Part 2: Recognising Negative Thoughts
- Part 3: Effective Stress Management
- Module 10 Assessment
- Part 1: What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?
- Part 2: NLP Pre-Suppositions
- Part 3: NLP Sub-Modalities
- Part 4: The Process of Communication
- Part 5: Conflict Resolution
- Part 6: Non-Violent Communication, a Language of Compassion
- Module 11 Assessment
Module 12 - Anger Management Practitioner
Part 1: Working with Clients
- Part 2: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – How it Works
- Part 3: 3 Keys to Managing Anger
- Module 12 Assessment
- Conclusion
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
1. Who are Courses For Success?
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Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
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Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
11. What computer skills do I need for my course?
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12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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17. What type of certificate will I receive?
will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
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and job applications.
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The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."
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had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.
18. Will this course be credited by universities?
No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.
19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.
21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.
23. What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?
We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
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you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
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Course Bundles
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Relationship Psychology Bundle, 5 Certificate Courses
The Most Comprehensive Relationship Psychology Online Bundle
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 8 to 10 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn: Discover The Secrets Of Relationship Psychology
Get BIG Savings with our Relationship Psychology Online Bundle, 5 Certificate Courses
- Relationship Psychology
- Counselling Skills
- Body Language for Flirting and Dating
- Body Love
- Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner
1. Relationship Psychology: Discover The Secrets Of Relationship Psychology
The Relationship Psychology - The Soul Mate Secret Course will examine whether it is possible to explain relationships, attraction and love. Relationships are an important part of life because we all need that sense of belonging. As humans, we crave social connections. People cannot live in isolation, although some may choose to live that way temporarily.
In this course, you will discover why you may find yourself feeling indifferent or repulsed by some, but have strong feelings of attraction towards others. Many things impact our feelings towards other people including how close we are geographically, similar personality traits and similar attitudes. All of these are significant factors when it comes to who we are more likely to form relationships with throughout our lifetime and who we are attracted to physically. If the psyche of human relationships is something you would like to learn more about, this course has everything you need and more.
The course can be used as a guide to improving your own relationships or the materials can be used with clients to help couples understand one another better and improve their relationship.
Anyone who enjoys the wider subject of psychology or are interested in the psychology and science of how humans develop relationships will enjoy The Relationship Psychology – The Soul Mate Secret Course, which focuses on this specific area.
2. Counselling Skills: Beginner's Guide To Counselling
This popular course will give you a firm foundation in counselling skills. If your job involves helping others, or if you simply want to be supportive to others, then you’ll learn techniques that will help you be more effective in that role.
This course is ideal for those that are either complete beginners to the field of Counselling and are considering making a career change to become a counsellor, with the aim of getting an insight and understanding of counselling, or existing counsellors, teachers, coaches or parents looking to reinforce their knowledge or to pick up some new skills. This course is also ideal if you are interested in a career in the Counselling , though are unsure if you want to commit yourself financially and time wise to a full counselling qualification.
This course is particularly suitable for those working in: health care, social work, pastoral work, care for the elderly and teaching. Your studies will provide you with a preliminary understanding of the skills and practice of counselling, as well as an appreciation of the personal qualities associated with the collaborative process of helping others. Counselling is essentially a lively, human and personal experience between two people. Therefore, it is a process which requires a commitment of time and effort from both parties.
3. Body Language for Flirting and Dating: Master the Secrets Of Non-Verbal Communication
Not many people understand that there’s more to communication than the words they utter. In fact, there were probably many times when you went out, spoke cleverly to someone, only to see them walk away or never hear from them again. No, it wasn’t something you said or even your breath; your missed opportunities and even high expectations are caused by your lack of knowledge of body language.
Had you been keenly observing her body language, you may have noticed that her eyes were wandering to find someone else and hook up with them. On the other hand, if you had a mirror nearby, you may have noticed that the way you kept on brushing against him or touching his arms may have scared him off since you appeared to be a little too clingy for his taste.
Reflect a little on your own dating history and you’re bound to find little signs of people liking you (or not) without you knowing. Therefore, if you don’t want to miss out on your Mr. or Miss Right or end up wasting days or years on someone who doesn’t really care, you need to be well-versed in the art of body language, micro expressions and facial expressions.
Luckily, this comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to understand both of these aspects to ensure that your flirting and dating are both successful in the long run.
4. Body Love: Understand Your Feelings Towards Your Body
Whether you want to lose weight or just start appreciating your body more, these principles will help you get to where you want to be.
You will achieve this through understanding food, nutrition, eating habits but most importantly, your mind. You will learn how to work on your mind and cleanse it of negative thoughts and unhelpful connotations with food, and replace them with positive reinforcements and knowledge.
The Body Love Certificate Course begins by showing you how to love the body you already have, by helping you to understand your feelings towards your body and your relationship with it. To this end you will be guided through self-reflective questions before being shown how to set measurable goals that will lead to you loving your body. The module wraps up with a basic body acceptance exercise, to get you started on your journey.
The course discusses the difference between dieting and eating healthy. It explains the connotations we have with each and how we can go about changing our perceptions of food, eating, and the ways we eat. It examines the types of foods we eat and how we go about the act of eating itself.
Losing weight is not just about what we physically do or don’t do but about our minds and the language we use when talking about our bodies. You will learn about subconscious drivers and secondary gain can be the reason we sabotage our own efforts to lose weight.
5. Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner: Relieve & Prevent Anger Through Proven Techniques
The Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner Course opens by discussing the reasons we get angry – considering social learning, environment, and stress as contributing factors. The different forms and types of anger, the link between anger and depression, and common myths regarding anger and aggressive behavioural patterns are also explored.
With stress being a major contributing factor in many cases of anger, the course expands on the relationship between the two and the effects stress can have on the body. You’ll learn how small amounts of stress, which can be controlled and harnessed, can be beneficial. You’ll be introduced to meditation and mindfulness – showing how these powerful practices can be used to combat stress without resorting to medication.
Through studying the Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner Course, you will learn what occurs in the brain when anger takes over and what the effects of anger on the mind and body are. You’ll look at the ways people create temporary, ineffective diversions from anxiety and how to get past these, and how taking care of your gut can have a positive effect when tackling stress.
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.
This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!
Course Fast Facts:
- All courses are easy to follow and understand
- Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
- Study as many courses as you want
- Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
- You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
- Download printer friendly course content
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed onlineby any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
The Relationship Psychology, 5 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course:
Course 1 - Relationship Psychology
Module 1: Introduction to the Psychology of Adult Relationships
- Part 1: The Importance of Relationships
- Part 2: Theories of Social Relationships
- Part 3: Awareness of the Different Types of Relationships
- Part 4: How to Create Better Relationships and Greater Family Harmony
- Part 5: Business Relationships
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: The Development of Relationships
- Part 2: The stages of relationships
- Part 3: Maintaining Relationships
- Part 4: Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Relationship
- Part 5: Do You Need Relationship or Marriage Counseling?
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: The Science Behind Love
- Part 2: The Human Nervous System
- Part 3: Specific Factors that Influence Attraction
- Part 4: The Law of Attraction and Relationships
- Part 5: Knowledge of gender differences in choosing the ideal partner
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: The Relationship With Yourself
- Part 2: Self-Esteem Exercise
- Part 3: Co-Dependency
- Part 4: Using NLP
- Part 5: Reframing Codependent Behaviors
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: Building Happy Relationships
- Part 2: The Science of Happiness
- Part 3: Chemicals in the Brain
- Part 4: The Role of Resilience
- Part 5: People Pleasing
- Part 6: The Doormat Syndrome
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: The Five Love Languages or ways people like to receive love:
- Part 2: 5 Relationships StrategiesTo Keep Love Alive
- Part 3: Tips for a Healthy Relationship
- Part 4: Laughter and Relationships
- Part 5: Using Laughter to Manage Conflict
- Part 6: Understanding the Rules of Intimacy
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
- Part 2: Male versus Female Brain
- Part 3: Biological Differences Between the Male and Female Brain
- Part 4: Myths and Stereotypes
- Part 5: Ten Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains
- Part 6: What Do Brain Scans Tell Us?
- Part 7: Social Influences
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Communication Strategies
- Part 2: Body Language
- Part 3: Different Language Styles
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: The Soul Mate Secret
- Part 2: How To Attract Love By Thinking Like Einstein
- Part 3: How to Manifest True Love
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: Therapy and Training for Relationships
Part 1: Therapy and Training for Relationships
- Part 2: Common relationship problems explored
- Part 3: Relationship Intervention Strategies to Practice at Home
- Part 4: HEAR – To Hear Your Partner, Stay Present & Listen
- Module 10 Assessment
Course 2 - Counselling Skills
- Part 1: Basic Concept of Counselling
- Part 2: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 3: Role of Active Listening in Counselling
- Part 4: Active Listening in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Basic Interview Skills
- Part 1: Tasks of the Counsellor in Interviewing
- Part 2: Skills Required in Establishing the Counsellor-Client Relationship
- Part 3: Non-Directive Counselling
- Part 4: Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: The Counselling Relationship
- Part 1: The Importance of Empathy in Relationship Building
- Part 2: Trial and Error in Counselling
- Part 3: Motivational Skills
- Part 4: Factors that Make the Best Counsellors
- Part 5: Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: Motivational Skills
- Part 1: Role of the Counsellor
- Part 2: Questions that Elicit Self-Motivating Statements from the Client
- Part 3: Counsellors’ Roadblocks to Communication
- Part 4: More Motivational Interviewing in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Grief and Bereavement
- Part 1: The Different Forms and Reactions of Grief and Bereavement
- Part 2: Feelings of Grief in Normal and Violent Circumstances
- Part 3: Managing Grief and the Grieving Person
- Part 4: Grief and Bereavement Counselling in Practice
- Part 5: Key Concepts
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
- Part 1: Categories of Stress Symptoms
- Part 2: Issues and Symptoms of Depression
- Part 3: Issues and Symptoms of Anxiety
- Part 4: How to Turn Negative Thinking into Positive Thinking
- Part 5: Interviewing for Depression in Practice
- Part 6: Key Concepts
- Module 6 Assessment
Course 3 - Body Language for Flirting and Dating
Module 1: The ABCs of Non-Verbal Communication
- Part 1: The Basics of Body Language
- Part 2: What are Micro Expressions?
- Part 1: Interpreting Body Language While Flirting and Dating
- Part 2: When She Says ‘Yes’
- Part 3: Through Facial and Micro Expressions
- Part 4: Signs That He’s Into You
- Part 5: Through Facial and Micro Expressions
- Part 6: Test Your Knowledge
- Part 1: Signs to Show Your Interest
- Part 2: The 10 Golden Rules of Flirting and Dating with Body Language
- Part 3: Test Your Knowledge
Course 4 - Body Love
Module 1 - Learning to Love the Body Your In
- Part 1: You and Your Machine
- Part 2: How Do You Feel About Your Body?
- Part 3: What Is Your Goal For This Course?
- Part 4: Basic Body Acceptance Exercise
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Diet Versus a Healthy Lifestyle
- Part 2: Food As Fuel – The Sport’s Car Analogy
- Part 3: Amazing Power of Fruits and Vegetables
- Part 4: Amazing Power of Nuts and Seeds
- Part 5: Healthy Lifestyle Exercise
- Part 6: Myths About Fat
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: Weight Loss and Language
- Part 2: Weight Loss and Motivation
- Part 3: Why You May Hold Onto Excess Weight – Subconscious Drivers and Secondary Gains
- Part 4: Listing Those Reasons Why You Want to Do Better
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: How Motivated Are You To Drop Weight And Gain Better Health?
- Part 2: Practising Mindful Eating
- Part 3: Being One With The Body
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: The Emotional Connection With Food
- Part 2: Practising Feeling Your Emotions
- Part 3: Food Addictions
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: The ABC’s Of Good Nutrition
- Part 2: Learning How To Eat REAL Nourishing Food
- Part 3: Living And Eating Healthy As A Lifestyle Choice
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Identifying Limiting Beliefs
- Part 2: Reasons Why Managing Your Weight Is Difficult
- Part 3: The Clean Slate Exercise/Beach Visualisation for Positive Associations
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Loving yourself now – no matter what shape or size
- Part 2: Using Self-Hypnosis to Make Amazing Changes
- Part 3: Deepening Scripts
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: Changing Your Self-Image Through Future Pacing
- Part 2: Future Pacing Exercise – Imagining the NEW YOU
- Part 1: Learning To Read The Body’s Signals
- Part 2: Being Appreciative Of The Body
- Part 3: The Remote Control Analogy
- Part 4: The Remote Control Exercise
- Module 9 and 10 Assessments
- Part 1: What is Self-Hypnosis Versus Hypnosis?
- Part 2: NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Part 3: How NLP can help
- Part 4: NLP Exercises to Practice
- Module 11 Assessment
Module 12 - 101 Affirmations to Love Your Body
Part : 101 Affirmations to Love Your Body
Course 5 - Anger and Aggression Management Practitioner
Module 1 - The Roots of Anger and Aggression
- Introduction
- Part 1: Why Do We Get Angry?
- Part 2: Social Learning Theory of Aggression
- Part 3: Stress, Worry, and Anxiety
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: Effects of Stress on the Mind and Body
- Part 2: Stress and Anger Link
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: Anger and the Brain
- Part 2: Gut/Brain Connection
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: Stress Management Techniques
- Part 2: Power of Yoga
- Part 3: Alternate Yoga Sequence
- Part 4: Power of Laughter
- Part 5: Mindful Breathing
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: The Impact of Violence and Aggression
- Part 2: Strategies That Can Help Prevent or Control Anger
- Module 5 Assessment
- Part 1: The Power of Mindfulness and Meditation
- Part 2: Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
- Part 3: Using Self-Hypnosis to Manage Anger
- Part 4: The Power of the Breath
- Module 6 Assessment
- Part 1: Learning to say NO
- Part 2: Understanding How to Interpret Aspects of Body Language
- Part 3: Effective Communication: Being Assertive
- Part 4: Practising Being Assertive
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Natural Herbs for Soothing Anxiety
- Part 2: Benefits of Aromatherapy
- Part 3: Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: RAIN Technique
- Part 2: Body Scan Mindfulness Exercise
- Part 3: Assertive Not Angry Meditation
- Part 4: Self-Hypnosis – Accessing a Place of Peace
- Module 9 Assessment
- Part 1: Why Our Thinking May Be Flawed
- Part 2: Recognising Negative Thoughts
- Part 3: Effective Stress Management
- Module 10 Assessment
- Part 1: What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?
- Part 2: NLP Pre-Suppositions
- Part 3: NLP Sub-Modalities
- Part 4: The Process of Communication
- Part 5: Conflict Resolution
- Part 6: Non-Violent Communication, a Language of Compassion
- Module 11 Assessment
Module 12 - Anger Management Practitioner
Part 1: Working with Clients
- Part 2: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – How it Works
- Part 3: 3 Keys to Managing Anger
- Module 12 Assessment
- Conclusion
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
1. Who are Courses For Success?
Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
with 5 courses, since then we have grown to over 10,000 online courses.
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2. Is there a refund/cancellation policy?
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4. Are there any requirements to study this course?
anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.
5. Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?
you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.
6. What if English is not my first language?
course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.
7. Is this course online or conducted in person?
All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.
8. How do I receive my course?
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please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
the email.
9. When does this course start?
you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
can access the online material.
10. What is online learning like?
Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.
Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
11. What computer skills do I need for my course?
don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).
12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.
17. What type of certificate will I receive?
will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.
Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."
Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"
"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"
completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.
18. Will this course be credited by universities?
No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.
19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.
21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.
23. What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?
We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
To pay via bank transfer contact us info@coursesforsuccess.com
24. Can I purchase for multiple people?
Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
25. Can I request for an invoice before purchase?
Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
26. Purchase for a gift?
Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to info@coursesforsuccess.com, with the course details and we can accommodate this.
27. Can I create my own course bundle?
you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email info@coursesforsuccess.com and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.
28. How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?
You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at info@coursesforsuccess.com, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.
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Course Bundles
Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.