About This Course
Reflexology 2 Course Bundle: Foundational Wisdom for Holistic Well-Being
- Reflexology Course
- Medical Acupuncture Course
Embark on a transformative learning experience with our Reflexology 2-Course Bundle, designed to immerse you in the art and science of holistic well-being. From reflexology's ancient healing principles to advanced massage techniques, this comprehensive bundle empowers you to become a skilled practitioner in the field of alternative therapies.
1. Reflexology Course:
Discover the foundations of reflexology, exploring the intricate connections between pressure points on the feet and various organs and systems in the body. Learn techniques to promote relaxation, balance energy, and enhance overall well-being through the art of foot reflexology.
2. Medical Acupuncture Course:
Expand your knowledge with the Medical Acupuncture Course, delving into the integration of traditional Chinese medicine principles with modern medical practices. Gain insights into acupuncture's therapeutic applications, and understand how it complements reflexology for a holistic approach to health.
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.
This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!
Course Fast Facts:
- All courses are easy to follow and understand
- Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
- Study as many courses as you want
- Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
- You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
- Download printer friendly course content
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
The 2 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course:
Course 1: Reflexology Course
Introduction to reflexology
- The history of reflexology
- The origins of reflexology
- The role of the Chinese in the establishment of reflexology
- The role of the Egyptians in the establishment of reflexology
- Reflexology and its ties with Acupuncture
- Definition of reflexology
- The principles of reflexology
- Reflexology as an inductor of relaxation and a reducer of stress
- Western reflexology
- The 19th Century ‘leap’
- Physiological benefits of reflexology
- Stress = tension
- A brief introduction to a working definition of stress
- Stressors and stress reactions
- Symptoms of stress
- The role of stress hormones within the human body
- Reflexology as a means of reducing stress
- Touch, reflexology and the healing process
- The lack of touch in modern society
- Healing through human energy and not the exchange of electricity
- Infant mortality rates and human touch
- The role of touch in conveying positive energy
- Hands as the only legitimate reflexology device
- The qualities of a good healer
- Meridians – A vital connection
- Stimulation of meridians
- Main meridians
- Meridian cycle
- Energy surges and the meridian cycle
- The meridian cycle wheel diagram
- Central meridian diagram
- Governing meridian diagram
- The heart meridian
- The bladder meridian
- The stomach meridian
- The small intestine meridian
Cells, Tissues and the Skin
- Contents of the cell
- The functions of the cell
- The capabilities of the cell
- Definition of protoplasm
- Make up of protoplasm
- The nucleus
- Nucleo-protein
- Chromosomes and mitosis
- Parent cells and genes
- Human reproduction
- Zygotes
- The requirement for a fluid environment
- Cell tissue fluid
- Intracellular exchanges of cell tissue fluid
- Intracellular exchanges of cell tissue fluid
- Semi-permeable cell walls
- Stage 1 – Diffusion
- Stage 2 – Osmosis
- Stage 3 – Filtration
- The tissues
- Different tissues for different parts of the body
- Epithelium tissue
- Functions of the Epithelium
- Definition of connective tissues
- Characteristics of connective tissues
- Types of connective tissue
- An introduction to the skin
- The importance of the skin
- The 2 principal layers of the skin
- The five different layers of the skin
- Branching cells - Melanoblasts
- The dermis
- Regulation of body temperature
- The importance of normal body temperature
- Heat lose
- Illustrative overview (and definition) of the skin in cold weather
- Illustrative overview (and definition) of the skin in hot weather
- Sensation
- Nails
- Hair
Support and movement systems of the body - Skeletal system
- Functions of the skeletal system
- Structure of bones – Components of bones
- The growth and development of bones
- The four categories of bones
- The anatomical position
- The anatomical terms
- An introduction to the spine
- An introduction to the vertebrae
- The pedicle
- The vertebral foramen
- The functions of the vertebral column
- The five groups of vertebrae
- Introduction to the thorax
- The binding of the thorax
Support and movement systems of the body - Muscular system
- The muscles of the head
- The muscles of the neck
- Movements required to action muscles
- The muscles of the trunk
- The three main types of muscle
- What are muscle fibres
- Fasiculi
- Areolar tissue
- Tendons
- The importance of blood
- Glucose
- Muscle fibres and ‘goose pimples’
- Two points of attachment
Integration and co-ordination systems - Nervous system
- Neurons
- Protoplasm
- Dendrites
- Neurons and the nervous system
- Two types of neurons
- Diagrammatic overview of a neuron
- The brain
- The Cerebrum
- The cerebellum
- The brain stem
- Cranial nerves
- The Autonomic nervous system
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- How the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems differ
Integration and co-ordination systems - Endocrine system
- The endocrine glands as ductless glands
- The endocrine glands
- The hormones excreted by the endocrine glands
- The interplay of hormones and their effect on the cycle
- The FSH and LH stages in the menstrual cycle
- Ovum fertilisation
- Corpus luteum deterioration
- Menstruation
- Pregnancy
- The role of The Islets of Langerhans
- Methods of controlling diabetic conditions
Integration and co-ordination systems - Special senses
- The eye (organ of sight)
- Diagrammatic overview of the structure of the eye
- The outer layers of the eye
- The protective layers of the eye
- Disorders of the eye
- The role of the eye when receiving light
- The function of the optic nerve in receiving impulses
- The function of the lens when focusing rays of light
- Vision
- Strabismus
- The external ear
- The middle ear
- The auditory ossicles
- The internal ear
- Hearing
- Balance
- Disorders of the ear
Processing and transporting functions - Digestive system
- The digestive system
- The essential foodstuffs
- The organs of digestion
- The liver
- The structure of the alimentary canal
- The Stomach
- The process of swallowing
Processing and transporting functions - Respiratory system
- The respiratory system
- Disorders of the respiratory system
- Processing and transporting functions - Circulatory system
- The composition of the blood
- Summary of the functions of the blood
- The structure of the heart
- The function of the heart
- The location of the heart
- The chambers of the heart
- The layers of the heart
- Blood circulation
- Three primary vessels of blood circulation
- The process of blood circulation within the human body
Processing and transporting functions - Lymphatic system
- The Lymphatic system
- An introduction to body tissues
- The Lymphatic vessels
- Lymphatic nodes (glands)
- Functions of lymphatic nodes (glands)
- Effects of failures
- An introduction to the thymus
- Responsibility of the thymus
- The effects of puberty on the thymus
- An introduction to the spleen
- What the spleen looks like
- The location of the spleen
- The make up of the spleen
- The functions of the spleen
Processing and transporting functions - Urinary system
- The organs of the urinary system
- General functions of the urinary system
- Diagrammatic overview of the urinary system
- The location of the kidneys
- The appearance of the kidneys
- The structure of the kidneys
- The functions of the kidneys
- The nephrons
- Diagrammatic overview of the nephrons
- Introduction to the nephrons
- Characteristics of the nephrons
- Primary function of the nephrons
- The formation of urine
- The ureters
- The bladder
- The urethra
The reproductive system
- An introduction to reproduction
- Male reproduction vs. female reproduction
- Diagrammatic overview of the urinary system
- The male generative organs
- The location of the female reproductive organs
- Diagrammatic overview of the female reproductive system
- The division of the organs
- The mammary glands
Understanding the pathological disease process
- An introduction to pathology
- The importance of pathology
- The basic unit
- Cells and the composition of tissues
- Categorisations of specialised cells
- Organ changes
- A decrease in the size of the organs
- Definition of Hypertrophy
- Factors causing Hypertrophy
- Organ changes
- An increase in the size of the organs
- Definition of Hypertrophy
- What is a neoplasm
- When neoplasm occurs
- Cells affected by neoplasm
- The process of neoplastic changes
- Oncogenic theory
- Neoplasm classification
- Neoplasm characteristics
- Importance of neoplasm characterisation and classification
Anatomy of the subtle body
- Kirlian Photography
- The human energy field (HEF)
- Dynamic energetic systems
- The frequency characteristics of the higher bodies
- Physical, biological and chemical systems of the physical anatomy
- The seven layer auric body system
- The Etheric body
- Aspects that characterise the Etheric body
- The Emotional body
- Aspects that characterise the Emotional body
- The Astral body
- Aspects that characterise the Astral body
- The structure of the Chakra system
- Sanskrit meaning of Chakras
- Locations of the Chakras
- Location of Chakras on front and rear of body
- Neuropsychological and endocrine associations of the Chakras
- Illustration of the auric layers of the subtle body
- Function of the Chakra system
- The associated psychological function of each major Chakra
Stress related illnesses
- The rise of stress related disorders in modern western society
- Factors that contribute to a person’s health
- What is stress
- Humans and the need for stimulation and challenge
- Lack of control equals stress
- The source of challenges
- Individuals differing perceptions of stress
- The effects of stress
- The emotional effects of stress
- The mental effects of stress
- The behavioural effects of stress
- What is burnout
- Physical and emotional exhaustion
- Dangers associated with the final stages of burnout
- Stress can be controlled
- The foundation of stress management
- The therapists role in stress management
- Steps involved with stress management
- Strategies associated with stress management
- The effects of stress on the immune system
- To overcome the affects on the immune system promote a healthy diet
Value of sound nutrition to the therapist
- The triangle of mind, body and spirit as components of well-being
- The ability of the human body to heal itself
- The five basic considerations of good health
- The cave person theory
- The primitive diet
- Storage and cooking
- Relaxed eating environment
- Processing and bowel health
- Refining and storage
- Primitive man vs. modern man
- Foods that our bodies require
- Protein
- Foods that our bodies require
- Carbohydrates
- Foods that our bodies require
- Fats
- Foods that our bodies require
- Vitamins and minerals
- Foods that our bodies require
- Water
Understanding the pathological disease process
- Therapy note
- Zones of the body
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the respiratory system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
- A diagrammatic overview
- Reflexes of the skeleton
- A diagrammatic overview
- The position of the sciatic nerve
- The situation of the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the digestive system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Functions associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the endocrine system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Functions associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the lymphatic system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the urinary system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the reproductive system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
Understanding the pathological disease process
- An introduction to initial client contact
- The initial phone call and client contact
- The appointment book
- Double booking
- Telephone manners for the practitioner
- Examples of an initial telephone call with some clients
- Examples of how to deal with initial telephone client queries
- Situations to avoid on the phone
- Taking a case history
- An example of a case history form
- The importance of treating case histories with confidentiality and respect
Reflex - relaxation
- An introduction to the position of the client before treatment commences (sitting)
- An introduction to the position of the client before treatment commences (lying down)
- The importance of a straight back
- Discomfort in the coccyx
- The position the practitioner should be in before treatment commences
- Where to commence the massage
- Working techniques – introduction and importance
- Relaxation techniques – introduction and importance
- Toe rotation – introduction and importance
- Relaxation techniques – introduction and importance
- Wringing the foot – introduction and importance
- Relaxation techniques – introduction and importance
- Ankle rotation – introduction and importance
Basic reflexology techniques
- Views of the foot
- An introduction to the basic holding technique
- An introduction to the basic thumb technique
- An introduction to the index finger technique
- An introduction to the hooking technique
- An introduction to reflex rotation
- Common ailments of the foot
Treatment processes
- Conditions that should be met prior to the commencement of treatment
- Crucial starting point for treatment
- Phase 2
- Points to note
- Big toe corresponds to the head
- Alignment corresponds to the entire body
- Locations of for the reflexes of the brain
- Tenderness at the basal joint
- Tenderness at the lower edge of the toenail
- Tension in the neck and/or upper back
- Headache treatment
Organs and related conditions
- Introduction
- Things to remember
- Press and roll technique
- Spinal twist technique
- Top and bottom foot technique
- The location of the solar plexus
- The genetic make-up of the solar plexus
- The reflex area of the solar plexus
- Treatment techniques for the reflex area of the solar plexus
- Things to be careful of when reflexing the solar plexus region
- The location of the adrenal glands
- The functions of the adrenal glands
- Hormone imbalance and the need for reflexology
- The location of the adrenal reflex
- Reflex techniques used to treat the adrenal reflex
- Things to be careful of when reflexing the adrenal reflex
- The location of the lumbar region
- The appearance of the lumbar region
- Reflex techniques used in the treatment of the lumbar region
- Things to be careful of when reflexing the lumbar region
- Kidney links to the reflex areas
- The location of the kidney reflex
- The appearance of the kidney reflex
- Reflex techniques used to treat the kidney reflex
- Things to be careful of when treating the kidney reflex
- Kidney stones and gout
- Reflex techniques used in the treatment of kidney stones and gout
Situations and conditions
- Final advice before commencing treatment
- Normal responses to reflexology techniques
- Candida
- Cystitis
- Diabetes
- Migraine
- Depression
- Vertigo
Starting a business
- Business logistics of setting up a practice
- Personal considerations and attributes that need to be accounted for
- Self assessment questionnaire
- Methods of analysing the questionnaire
- Viability assessment procedure
Codes and ethics
- An introduction
- Competence
- Therapist client relationships
- Confidentiality
- Code of practice
- Code of ethics
Course 2: Medical Acupuncture Course
Module 1: Introduction
- Acupuncture as a Practice
- A Brief History of Acupuncture
- Popularity Over Time
Module 2: Benefits and Contraindications
- Benefits
- Duration of Effect
- Case Study: Sample Points
- Contraindications
Module 3: Anatomy
- Anatomy in Context
- Structural Components
- Cells
- Tissues
- Organs
- Organ Systems
- Homeostasis
- Physiological Systems
- The Skeletal System
- The Muscular System
- The Nervous System
- The Endocrine System
- Cardiovascular System
- The Lymphatic System
- The Respiratory System
- The Digestive System
- The Urinary System
- Reproductive System
Module 4: Meridians
- Defining Meridians
- The 12 Meridians
- Organs
- The Heart
- The Lungs
- The Pericardium
- The Spleen
- The Kidneys
- The Liver
- The Large intestine
- The Small Intestine
- The Triple Energizer
- The Gall Bladder
- Stomach
- The Bladder
Module 5: Extraordinary Points and Vessels
- Extraordinary Points
- Using Extraordinary Points
- Example: Extraordinary Point Shixuan
- Extraordinary Vessels
Module 6: Acupuncture Theory
- Yin and Yang
- The Yin Yang Symbol
- Other Ancient Treatments
- Yin and Yang in Acupuncture
- Cause of Disease
- The Five Elements Theory
- Wood: Liver
- Water: Kidney
- Fire: Heart
- Metal: Lungs
- Earth: Stomach
Module 7: The Acupuncture Process
- Duration
- Performing the Procedure
- Results
- How to Select Points
- Acupuncture and Related Techniques
- Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
- Tongue Diagnosis
- Japanese Acupuncture
- Korean Acupuncture
- Auricular Acupuncture
- Scalp Acupuncture
- Laser Acupuncture
- Teishin
- Acupressure
- Cupping
- Aftercare Recommendations
Module 8: Traditional Therapies
- Moxibustion
- Tui Na Massage
- Cupping and Scraping
- Chinese Herbs
- Chinese Nutrition
Module 9: Practitioner and Client Safety
- Risk
- The Importance of Keeping Records
- Reviewing Medical Histories
- Sterilization of Materials
- Protective Equipment
- Common Fears
Module 10: Acupuncture Efficacy
- Conditions
- Major Organizations
- Case Study: Schizophrenia
Module 11: Qualifications and Career Outlook
- Requirements
- Personal Qualities
- Salary Range
- Career Outlook
Module 12: Business and Marketing
- Equipment and Tools
- Suppliers
- Example Business Model for Acupuncturists
- Types of Marketing
- How to Build a Clientele
- Create a Website
- Be Present Online
Course 3: Specialist Massage Course
Module 1 : Introduction to Massage Therapy
What massage therapy is and about the heritage and traditions of massage therapy
How effective massage therapy can be as treatment and how it works
The different types of massages and the different techniques they use
What psychological and physical effects massage therapy has on the body
Module 2 : The Anatomy
About human anatomy and what it means
All about the central nervous system and the role it plays in the body
About the structure of the skeletal system and where to locate specific parts of the body
About the different systems in the body
Module 3 : Equipment
About the equipment that is used in massage therapy
How to use the equipment required for the job
The different types of oil that can be used
About the structure of massage tables and how to use them properly
Module 4 : Techniques
What kind of massage techniques you can use throughout your career
About the different types of massage strokes that are used
What other types of therapies can be used alongside massage techniques
About reflexology and how to treat different parts of the body
Module 5 : Sports Massage
What a sports massage is and what it encompasses
Why people will need sports massage therapy
How to give a proper sports massage
How to identify common problems in the anatomy associated with sports massage treatment
Module 6 : Anti-cellulite Massage
What cellulite is and how it is caused
How Anti-cellulite massage therapy works
How to give an anti-cellulite massage
What to avoid when giving an anti-cellulite massage
Module 7 : Pregnancy Massage
The advantages this can give to pregnant women
Necessary precautions to ensure maximum safety for clients and yourself
Who should avoid pregnancy massage
An in depth look on how to give a pregnancy massage
Module 8 : Medical Massage/Massage for Special Groups of People
The importance of being able to accommodate for special groups
How to give a medical massage to specific groups
How massage therapy can help different types of illnesses
Extra precautions that you may need to take
Module 9 : Baby Massage
How to give a baby massage
What to avoid when giving a baby massage
How it can benefit both mother and baby
The techniques that should be used
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Reflexology Online Bundle, 2 Certificate Courses
Step into Well-Being: Explore our Reflexology Course Bundle for Holistic Healing
Included in this bundle are the following courses:
Reflexology Course
Medical Acupuncture Course
Bundle Up & Save - Learn More and Save More when you Upgrade to one of our Course Bundles below - Save Up To 98%
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
Reflexology 2 Course Bundle: Foundational Wisdom for Holistic Well-Being
- Reflexology Course
- Medical Acupuncture Course
Embark on a transformative learning experience with our Reflexology 2-Course Bundle, designed to immerse you in the art and science of holistic well-being. From reflexology's ancient healing principles to advanced massage techniques, this comprehensive bundle empowers you to become a skilled practitioner in the field of alternative therapies.
1. Reflexology Course:
Discover the foundations of reflexology, exploring the intricate connections between pressure points on the feet and various organs and systems in the body. Learn techniques to promote relaxation, balance energy, and enhance overall well-being through the art of foot reflexology.
2. Medical Acupuncture Course:
Expand your knowledge with the Medical Acupuncture Course, delving into the integration of traditional Chinese medicine principles with modern medical practices. Gain insights into acupuncture's therapeutic applications, and understand how it complements reflexology for a holistic approach to health.
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.
This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!
Course Fast Facts:
- All courses are easy to follow and understand
- Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
- Study as many courses as you want
- Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
- You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
- Download printer friendly course content
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.
The 2 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course:
Course 1: Reflexology Course
Introduction to reflexology
- The history of reflexology
- The origins of reflexology
- The role of the Chinese in the establishment of reflexology
- The role of the Egyptians in the establishment of reflexology
- Reflexology and its ties with Acupuncture
- Definition of reflexology
- The principles of reflexology
- Reflexology as an inductor of relaxation and a reducer of stress
- Western reflexology
- The 19th Century ‘leap’
- Physiological benefits of reflexology
- Stress = tension
- A brief introduction to a working definition of stress
- Stressors and stress reactions
- Symptoms of stress
- The role of stress hormones within the human body
- Reflexology as a means of reducing stress
- Touch, reflexology and the healing process
- The lack of touch in modern society
- Healing through human energy and not the exchange of electricity
- Infant mortality rates and human touch
- The role of touch in conveying positive energy
- Hands as the only legitimate reflexology device
- The qualities of a good healer
- Meridians – A vital connection
- Stimulation of meridians
- Main meridians
- Meridian cycle
- Energy surges and the meridian cycle
- The meridian cycle wheel diagram
- Central meridian diagram
- Governing meridian diagram
- The heart meridian
- The bladder meridian
- The stomach meridian
- The small intestine meridian
Cells, Tissues and the Skin
- Contents of the cell
- The functions of the cell
- The capabilities of the cell
- Definition of protoplasm
- Make up of protoplasm
- The nucleus
- Nucleo-protein
- Chromosomes and mitosis
- Parent cells and genes
- Human reproduction
- Zygotes
- The requirement for a fluid environment
- Cell tissue fluid
- Intracellular exchanges of cell tissue fluid
- Intracellular exchanges of cell tissue fluid
- Semi-permeable cell walls
- Stage 1 – Diffusion
- Stage 2 – Osmosis
- Stage 3 – Filtration
- The tissues
- Different tissues for different parts of the body
- Epithelium tissue
- Functions of the Epithelium
- Definition of connective tissues
- Characteristics of connective tissues
- Types of connective tissue
- An introduction to the skin
- The importance of the skin
- The 2 principal layers of the skin
- The five different layers of the skin
- Branching cells - Melanoblasts
- The dermis
- Regulation of body temperature
- The importance of normal body temperature
- Heat lose
- Illustrative overview (and definition) of the skin in cold weather
- Illustrative overview (and definition) of the skin in hot weather
- Sensation
- Nails
- Hair
Support and movement systems of the body - Skeletal system
- Functions of the skeletal system
- Structure of bones – Components of bones
- The growth and development of bones
- The four categories of bones
- The anatomical position
- The anatomical terms
- An introduction to the spine
- An introduction to the vertebrae
- The pedicle
- The vertebral foramen
- The functions of the vertebral column
- The five groups of vertebrae
- Introduction to the thorax
- The binding of the thorax
Support and movement systems of the body - Muscular system
- The muscles of the head
- The muscles of the neck
- Movements required to action muscles
- The muscles of the trunk
- The three main types of muscle
- What are muscle fibres
- Fasiculi
- Areolar tissue
- Tendons
- The importance of blood
- Glucose
- Muscle fibres and ‘goose pimples’
- Two points of attachment
Integration and co-ordination systems - Nervous system
- Neurons
- Protoplasm
- Dendrites
- Neurons and the nervous system
- Two types of neurons
- Diagrammatic overview of a neuron
- The brain
- The Cerebrum
- The cerebellum
- The brain stem
- Cranial nerves
- The Autonomic nervous system
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
- How the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems differ
Integration and co-ordination systems - Endocrine system
- The endocrine glands as ductless glands
- The endocrine glands
- The hormones excreted by the endocrine glands
- The interplay of hormones and their effect on the cycle
- The FSH and LH stages in the menstrual cycle
- Ovum fertilisation
- Corpus luteum deterioration
- Menstruation
- Pregnancy
- The role of The Islets of Langerhans
- Methods of controlling diabetic conditions
Integration and co-ordination systems - Special senses
- The eye (organ of sight)
- Diagrammatic overview of the structure of the eye
- The outer layers of the eye
- The protective layers of the eye
- Disorders of the eye
- The role of the eye when receiving light
- The function of the optic nerve in receiving impulses
- The function of the lens when focusing rays of light
- Vision
- Strabismus
- The external ear
- The middle ear
- The auditory ossicles
- The internal ear
- Hearing
- Balance
- Disorders of the ear
Processing and transporting functions - Digestive system
- The digestive system
- The essential foodstuffs
- The organs of digestion
- The liver
- The structure of the alimentary canal
- The Stomach
- The process of swallowing
Processing and transporting functions - Respiratory system
- The respiratory system
- Disorders of the respiratory system
- Processing and transporting functions - Circulatory system
- The composition of the blood
- Summary of the functions of the blood
- The structure of the heart
- The function of the heart
- The location of the heart
- The chambers of the heart
- The layers of the heart
- Blood circulation
- Three primary vessels of blood circulation
- The process of blood circulation within the human body
Processing and transporting functions - Lymphatic system
- The Lymphatic system
- An introduction to body tissues
- The Lymphatic vessels
- Lymphatic nodes (glands)
- Functions of lymphatic nodes (glands)
- Effects of failures
- An introduction to the thymus
- Responsibility of the thymus
- The effects of puberty on the thymus
- An introduction to the spleen
- What the spleen looks like
- The location of the spleen
- The make up of the spleen
- The functions of the spleen
Processing and transporting functions - Urinary system
- The organs of the urinary system
- General functions of the urinary system
- Diagrammatic overview of the urinary system
- The location of the kidneys
- The appearance of the kidneys
- The structure of the kidneys
- The functions of the kidneys
- The nephrons
- Diagrammatic overview of the nephrons
- Introduction to the nephrons
- Characteristics of the nephrons
- Primary function of the nephrons
- The formation of urine
- The ureters
- The bladder
- The urethra
The reproductive system
- An introduction to reproduction
- Male reproduction vs. female reproduction
- Diagrammatic overview of the urinary system
- The male generative organs
- The location of the female reproductive organs
- Diagrammatic overview of the female reproductive system
- The division of the organs
- The mammary glands
Understanding the pathological disease process
- An introduction to pathology
- The importance of pathology
- The basic unit
- Cells and the composition of tissues
- Categorisations of specialised cells
- Organ changes
- A decrease in the size of the organs
- Definition of Hypertrophy
- Factors causing Hypertrophy
- Organ changes
- An increase in the size of the organs
- Definition of Hypertrophy
- What is a neoplasm
- When neoplasm occurs
- Cells affected by neoplasm
- The process of neoplastic changes
- Oncogenic theory
- Neoplasm classification
- Neoplasm characteristics
- Importance of neoplasm characterisation and classification
Anatomy of the subtle body
- Kirlian Photography
- The human energy field (HEF)
- Dynamic energetic systems
- The frequency characteristics of the higher bodies
- Physical, biological and chemical systems of the physical anatomy
- The seven layer auric body system
- The Etheric body
- Aspects that characterise the Etheric body
- The Emotional body
- Aspects that characterise the Emotional body
- The Astral body
- Aspects that characterise the Astral body
- The structure of the Chakra system
- Sanskrit meaning of Chakras
- Locations of the Chakras
- Location of Chakras on front and rear of body
- Neuropsychological and endocrine associations of the Chakras
- Illustration of the auric layers of the subtle body
- Function of the Chakra system
- The associated psychological function of each major Chakra
Stress related illnesses
- The rise of stress related disorders in modern western society
- Factors that contribute to a person’s health
- What is stress
- Humans and the need for stimulation and challenge
- Lack of control equals stress
- The source of challenges
- Individuals differing perceptions of stress
- The effects of stress
- The emotional effects of stress
- The mental effects of stress
- The behavioural effects of stress
- What is burnout
- Physical and emotional exhaustion
- Dangers associated with the final stages of burnout
- Stress can be controlled
- The foundation of stress management
- The therapists role in stress management
- Steps involved with stress management
- Strategies associated with stress management
- The effects of stress on the immune system
- To overcome the affects on the immune system promote a healthy diet
Value of sound nutrition to the therapist
- The triangle of mind, body and spirit as components of well-being
- The ability of the human body to heal itself
- The five basic considerations of good health
- The cave person theory
- The primitive diet
- Storage and cooking
- Relaxed eating environment
- Processing and bowel health
- Refining and storage
- Primitive man vs. modern man
- Foods that our bodies require
- Protein
- Foods that our bodies require
- Carbohydrates
- Foods that our bodies require
- Fats
- Foods that our bodies require
- Vitamins and minerals
- Foods that our bodies require
- Water
Understanding the pathological disease process
- Therapy note
- Zones of the body
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the respiratory system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
- A diagrammatic overview
- Reflexes of the skeleton
- A diagrammatic overview
- The position of the sciatic nerve
- The situation of the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the digestive system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Functions associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the endocrine system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Functions associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the lymphatic system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the urinary system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
- Locations of the reflexes
- Reflexes of the reproductive system
- The situation of the reflexes
- Illnesses associated with the reflexes
Understanding the pathological disease process
- An introduction to initial client contact
- The initial phone call and client contact
- The appointment book
- Double booking
- Telephone manners for the practitioner
- Examples of an initial telephone call with some clients
- Examples of how to deal with initial telephone client queries
- Situations to avoid on the phone
- Taking a case history
- An example of a case history form
- The importance of treating case histories with confidentiality and respect
Reflex - relaxation
- An introduction to the position of the client before treatment commences (sitting)
- An introduction to the position of the client before treatment commences (lying down)
- The importance of a straight back
- Discomfort in the coccyx
- The position the practitioner should be in before treatment commences
- Where to commence the massage
- Working techniques – introduction and importance
- Relaxation techniques – introduction and importance
- Toe rotation – introduction and importance
- Relaxation techniques – introduction and importance
- Wringing the foot – introduction and importance
- Relaxation techniques – introduction and importance
- Ankle rotation – introduction and importance
Basic reflexology techniques
- Views of the foot
- An introduction to the basic holding technique
- An introduction to the basic thumb technique
- An introduction to the index finger technique
- An introduction to the hooking technique
- An introduction to reflex rotation
- Common ailments of the foot
Treatment processes
- Conditions that should be met prior to the commencement of treatment
- Crucial starting point for treatment
- Phase 2
- Points to note
- Big toe corresponds to the head
- Alignment corresponds to the entire body
- Locations of for the reflexes of the brain
- Tenderness at the basal joint
- Tenderness at the lower edge of the toenail
- Tension in the neck and/or upper back
- Headache treatment
Organs and related conditions
- Introduction
- Things to remember
- Press and roll technique
- Spinal twist technique
- Top and bottom foot technique
- The location of the solar plexus
- The genetic make-up of the solar plexus
- The reflex area of the solar plexus
- Treatment techniques for the reflex area of the solar plexus
- Things to be careful of when reflexing the solar plexus region
- The location of the adrenal glands
- The functions of the adrenal glands
- Hormone imbalance and the need for reflexology
- The location of the adrenal reflex
- Reflex techniques used to treat the adrenal reflex
- Things to be careful of when reflexing the adrenal reflex
- The location of the lumbar region
- The appearance of the lumbar region
- Reflex techniques used in the treatment of the lumbar region
- Things to be careful of when reflexing the lumbar region
- Kidney links to the reflex areas
- The location of the kidney reflex
- The appearance of the kidney reflex
- Reflex techniques used to treat the kidney reflex
- Things to be careful of when treating the kidney reflex
- Kidney stones and gout
- Reflex techniques used in the treatment of kidney stones and gout
Situations and conditions
- Final advice before commencing treatment
- Normal responses to reflexology techniques
- Candida
- Cystitis
- Diabetes
- Migraine
- Depression
- Vertigo
Starting a business
- Business logistics of setting up a practice
- Personal considerations and attributes that need to be accounted for
- Self assessment questionnaire
- Methods of analysing the questionnaire
- Viability assessment procedure
Codes and ethics
- An introduction
- Competence
- Therapist client relationships
- Confidentiality
- Code of practice
- Code of ethics
Course 2: Medical Acupuncture Course
Module 1: Introduction
- Acupuncture as a Practice
- A Brief History of Acupuncture
- Popularity Over Time
Module 2: Benefits and Contraindications
- Benefits
- Duration of Effect
- Case Study: Sample Points
- Contraindications
Module 3: Anatomy
- Anatomy in Context
- Structural Components
- Cells
- Tissues
- Organs
- Organ Systems
- Homeostasis
- Physiological Systems
- The Skeletal System
- The Muscular System
- The Nervous System
- The Endocrine System
- Cardiovascular System
- The Lymphatic System
- The Respiratory System
- The Digestive System
- The Urinary System
- Reproductive System
Module 4: Meridians
- Defining Meridians
- The 12 Meridians
- Organs
- The Heart
- The Lungs
- The Pericardium
- The Spleen
- The Kidneys
- The Liver
- The Large intestine
- The Small Intestine
- The Triple Energizer
- The Gall Bladder
- Stomach
- The Bladder
Module 5: Extraordinary Points and Vessels
- Extraordinary Points
- Using Extraordinary Points
- Example: Extraordinary Point Shixuan
- Extraordinary Vessels
Module 6: Acupuncture Theory
- Yin and Yang
- The Yin Yang Symbol
- Other Ancient Treatments
- Yin and Yang in Acupuncture
- Cause of Disease
- The Five Elements Theory
- Wood: Liver
- Water: Kidney
- Fire: Heart
- Metal: Lungs
- Earth: Stomach
Module 7: The Acupuncture Process
- Duration
- Performing the Procedure
- Results
- How to Select Points
- Acupuncture and Related Techniques
- Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
- Tongue Diagnosis
- Japanese Acupuncture
- Korean Acupuncture
- Auricular Acupuncture
- Scalp Acupuncture
- Laser Acupuncture
- Teishin
- Acupressure
- Cupping
- Aftercare Recommendations
Module 8: Traditional Therapies
- Moxibustion
- Tui Na Massage
- Cupping and Scraping
- Chinese Herbs
- Chinese Nutrition
Module 9: Practitioner and Client Safety
- Risk
- The Importance of Keeping Records
- Reviewing Medical Histories
- Sterilization of Materials
- Protective Equipment
- Common Fears
Module 10: Acupuncture Efficacy
- Conditions
- Major Organizations
- Case Study: Schizophrenia
Module 11: Qualifications and Career Outlook
- Requirements
- Personal Qualities
- Salary Range
- Career Outlook
Module 12: Business and Marketing
- Equipment and Tools
- Suppliers
- Example Business Model for Acupuncturists
- Types of Marketing
- How to Build a Clientele
- Create a Website
- Be Present Online
Course 3: Specialist Massage Course
Module 1 : Introduction to Massage Therapy
What massage therapy is and about the heritage and traditions of massage therapy
How effective massage therapy can be as treatment and how it works
The different types of massages and the different techniques they use
What psychological and physical effects massage therapy has on the body
Module 2 : The Anatomy
About human anatomy and what it means
All about the central nervous system and the role it plays in the body
About the structure of the skeletal system and where to locate specific parts of the body
About the different systems in the body
Module 3 : Equipment
About the equipment that is used in massage therapy
How to use the equipment required for the job
The different types of oil that can be used
About the structure of massage tables and how to use them properly
Module 4 : Techniques
What kind of massage techniques you can use throughout your career
About the different types of massage strokes that are used
What other types of therapies can be used alongside massage techniques
About reflexology and how to treat different parts of the body
Module 5 : Sports Massage
What a sports massage is and what it encompasses
Why people will need sports massage therapy
How to give a proper sports massage
How to identify common problems in the anatomy associated with sports massage treatment
Module 6 : Anti-cellulite Massage
What cellulite is and how it is caused
How Anti-cellulite massage therapy works
How to give an anti-cellulite massage
What to avoid when giving an anti-cellulite massage
Module 7 : Pregnancy Massage
The advantages this can give to pregnant women
Necessary precautions to ensure maximum safety for clients and yourself
Who should avoid pregnancy massage
An in depth look on how to give a pregnancy massage
Module 8 : Medical Massage/Massage for Special Groups of People
The importance of being able to accommodate for special groups
How to give a medical massage to specific groups
How massage therapy can help different types of illnesses
Extra precautions that you may need to take
Module 9 : Baby Massage
How to give a baby massage
What to avoid when giving a baby massage
How it can benefit both mother and baby
The techniques that should be used
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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