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Study Novel Writing Online Course and Embark on a Creative Journey with Novel Writing
If you’re after courses for writers, our most popular course is the novel writing course. With this advanced course you can finish your novel or finish your book and go on to become one of the bestselling authors of the world.
Study our Novel Writing Online Course and learn the fundamental and advance skills to become a professional novel writer. There is no denying that writing a book necessitates a wide range of abilities, but the good news is that even a total novice can rise to the occasion and write a fascinating novel by following the fundamental guidelines and acquiring the various talents necessary to bring the story alive.
Regardless of the genre, writing a novel necessitates the writer putting a little piece of oneself at every line. This involves incorporating many of your own experiences, both good and terrible, into the fabric of your plot, resulting in a compelling and straightforward narrative.
It is not a job for people who quickly get discouraged. It requires patience and much revising to finish a novel, but when you type the final word and realize you have accomplished something truly incredible; it is one of the most profoundly fulfilling experiences. It serves as a written remembrance of this period in your life, a poignant opportunity to reflect as you bring your artistic skills to the fore, and the emotions and proof of this moment will be with you for the rest of your life.
One may have ambitions to create a bestselling novel, and while you will face stiff competition from other writers of varying degrees of expertise, sometimes all it takes is a strong storyline, a distinctive approach, and much passion for the writing to make it happen. Writing a story necessitates a diverse range of abilities. You will be in excellent shape if you have a limitless imagination that is both vast and thorough. You will also benefit from having an inquisitive mind that allows you to explore a range of themes and circumstances deeply.
Good research abilities, the ability to visualize, especially when constructing vibrant and realistic characters, and a tenacious resolve to keep writing until the very last word are all required. All you have to do is delve deep, visualize to the best of your abilities, and create an intelligent back story that offers a solid basis for the entire narrative when the characters begin to take life and make their path through the storyline.
We could be one of the several individuals who has been toying with a concept for a while. The concept may have evolved significantly over time, changing shape and format. Our imagination might have gone through many possibilities for factors that might pique one's attention and make the reading experience more enjoyable. If that is the case, having the foundation of a good plot in hand at this stage will put you ahead of the game, simply because idea creation is crucial, especially if you are working on a complicated but realistic plot based on the complexities of reality.
On completion of this course, which you can access online with any device, you receive your certification which is industry recognised. All certifications can be verified via the website, giving prospective employers complete peace of mind when confirming your credentials. For more information on our popular Novel Writing Courses, you can visit us here at Courses For Success!
How Our Online Novel Writing Course Can Help You?
Our creative writing courses are also for a complete beginner and helps you work on the building block of book writing, book editing, book marketing and the business and management side of things. Highlights include:
· It is one of the best courses for writers and teaches you character development, using elements of fiction for fiction writing, writing graphic novels and more.
· Children’s book writers can also use this course to learn childrens book writing as this is a classic course on how to write children’s books.
· The course schedule is up to you and the course material will help you practice better for your creative writing specialization.
· You’ll be able to dazzle your fellow writers with your modern day novel masterpiece.
· The online writing class teaches you about creating plot structure, science fiction writing, historical fiction writing, personal essay writing, and self publishing.
· The online workshop helps you in improving your writing, and you learn how to write clearly.
· The novel writing classes come with lifetime access.
· The novel course teaches writing a novel step by step, creating a novel first draft, and memoir writing. You can also become a literary agent and open a literary agency.
· So write you first novel and sell more books by joining our novel writing courses online.
Who would benefit from the course?
Anyone, who is interested in improving their writing skills will benefit from this course. In essence, you will learn how to approach novel writing in the most productive way. As we reveal the nuts and bolts of the technical aspects, and this will make it easier for you to take your storyline and to turn it into a fully formed book and one you are proud of.
Course Fast Facts:
Learn the fundamentals of novel writing
Written and developed by leading novel writing experts
Unlimited, lifetime access to online course
Study at your own pace with no rigid class timetables, 24/7 from any computer or smart device
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Novel Writing Online Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction
This is the first module in the novel-writing course. We will go through the definition of a novel and the requirements for becoming an author in this unit. We will also look at creative writing classes and other educational possibilities for writers who want to learn more about creating a novel.
History of Novels
For a long time, writing books has been an essential element of society. Whether it was the lyrical prose that can be traced back thousands of years to Elizabethan times, the book has always been regarded as a unique form of human expression. During the Don Quixote era, the French created fantastic romantic romances, whilst the Spanish penned more episodic novels revolving around a primary protagonist. Every culture had its interpretation of the novel, and each enlarged on it.
What Constitutes a Novel?
A novel is a work of prose fiction that tells the story of a series of events over some time. A novel is distinguished from other types of literature by its prose style and length and the fact that it is written in a fictitious or semi-fictional tone.
Word Count
Novels are often lengthy, but not too so. While there is no formal guideline, it is often agreed that a novel should include at least 50,000 words. The majority of novels do not exceed 100,000 words.
Type of Story
The material of a novel should nearly always be fictitious. Nonfictional works cannot be categorized as novels, and even semi-fictionalized works based on history or with a real-world equivalent are frequently seen as edgy.
Author Qualifications
To the issue of what qualifications a person may need to write a novel, the easy answer is none at all. Most people who have a strong desire to write may just use that desire to get started right away and learn as they go. On the other hand, traditional publishers may be more selective in their evaluation of your qualifications when selecting whether or not to publish your work. You may always rely on your current expertise and credentials to establish your credibility.
Creative Writing Courses
Aspiring authors can also pursue independent courses and certificates in topics such as creative writing to aid them in their quest to create their first novel. These programs might span anything from six months to two years.
Module 2: Plotting and Outlining
This subject delves into plotting and outlining, two crucial components of writing that may be done in various ways. We will also talk about the importance of an author's particular preferences.
Novel-Length Outlines
There is a lot that may happen while writing a novel. As you write, you may come up with fresh plot ideas, or some characters may be deleted because they are not contributing much to the tale, or a minor character may grow into one of the main characters.
Save the Cat!
There are numerous excellent tools available to assist you in planning out your novel if you do not know where or how to begin. Blake Snyder invented one of the most common approaches. Save the Cat! is one of his projects. He created the system for screenwriting first but quickly adapted it for novel writing. The series' title relates to a point in a tale when the reader chooses to cheer for the protagonist, such as when the narrator saves a cat. The tale is organized into three acts (the beginning, middle, and finish) by Snyder's technique, including 15 plot elements called beats.
The Snowflake Method
Randy Ingermanson, a well-known author, created the Snowflake Method. The technique is built around the concept of layering. With a background in software engineering, Ingermanson saw that making a computer snowflake was a matter of piling primary forms on top of each other.
Plotting vs “Pantsing”
Some authors prefer not to plan ahead of time and instead go right into writing whenever a fresh idea hits them. This is referred to as "pantsing."
You have a clear path to follow when you plan, making it simpler to stay on track and complete tasks swiftly. Plotting can also assist you in remaining focused on the tasks you have broken down in your outline.
The supporters of "pantsing" like the practice because it provides the writer more flexibility. It might be freeing not to have any plans for your tale. You could lose track of where you are heading if you "let your tale explain itself."
Plot Beats
Plot beats have previously been briefly described regarding the Save the Cat! Method. Change occurs at these points in your tale. Beats make up each scene in your novel. As the tiniest pieces that makeup scenes, the beats are supposed to offer structure to your tale. Plot beats advance the tale and keep the audience interested. Save the Cat! Website claims. A tale should be broken down into 15 beats.
Plot-Driven vs Character-Driven Novels
Is there a trend emerging here? Writing a novel, it turns out, is all about choosing new choices. You have read novels that are either plot-driven or character-driven. In general, the authors concentrate on one of the two styles. There is no doubting that a novel would be incomplete without a protagonist or a storyline. They are both necessary in a narrative. However, you must decide which ones you will concentrate your writing efforts on.
Writing a Series
If you want to write a series, ensure your novel is plotted correctly. Even the finest authors might make the error of not planning ahead of time, limiting their capacity to adjust the tale in subsequent novels to their liking once they have been published.
Module 3: Character Development
Character development can relate to the author's process of fleshing out a character into a fully realized creature who interacts realistically with the setting and the particular character's transformation throughout the story.
Identifying Motivations
A writer must identify what individual characters desire and why they are driven throughout the writing process. This is especially true for protagonists, love interests, and other significant figures.
Introducing Characters
It is critical to add people at the appropriate times throughout the story. You cannot include every character in the first chapter unless it is unique. If they do this, the reader will get overwhelmed and unsure of whom to root for. On the other hand, if you introduce characters too late in the story, they will not have enough time on the page to grow in importance.
Building Dynamic Character Arcs
A character arc is the progression of a character through a tale. Character arcs must be consistent with the setting and storyline, operate in tandem with the characters' aims, and come to a satisfactory conclusion by the novel's finish.
Backstory and Personal Histories
While giving a character or characters a thorough past and personal history is an excellent approach to figuring out what they want and need, very little of their backstory will appear on the page. Backstories are the events that occurred prior to the start of the narrative. Some of this may be minor, such as what the protagonist ate for breakfast that morning, while other aspects of the history may have a significant influence, such as a family death. Personal history may serve to fill out a character and reveal their future aspirations.
Module 4: Points of View
Levels of Perspective
There are several levels to consider when it comes to employing a third person. The reader is an audience member in the protagonist's brain in a close third, or limited third, story. This works similarly to the first person, with the characters observing their surroundings independently but without as many interior thoughts. It is told from the character's perspective. However, the narration reads like the character's name instead of "I."
Depending on the genre and point of view, world-building takes on numerous forms. Science fiction or fantasy novel, for example, will require far more exposition than a contemporary novel. A first person or close third person POV will only comment on events or objects that the character, the protagonist, observes when it comes to the point of view. A third POV that is more omniscient can describe portions of the universe that the protagonist and other characters do not perceive.
Showing vs Telling
Many writing manuals will encourage you to show rather than tell when writing. However, there is an exception to this since there are times when telling is preferable. Instead of merely informing the reader that the protagonist is unhappy or a good runner, the author should portray these emotions and attributes via narrative and conversation. If the location is intended to be chilly, the characters should not be dressed in shorts and t-shirts unless it is specified that one of the characters is aware of the dissonance.
Different Perspectives
Many books have only one point of view. The protagonist tells the tale, which is the conclusion of their ambitions and character arcs. On the other hand, other works are written from several perspectives, posing a variety of difficulties. Multi-point-of-view books, on the other hand, should not be dismissed entirely.
Module 5: Prose
We will talk about prose and its employed in novels in Module 5. The prose is a kind of writing or speaking that follows the natural flow of speech. The prose is the most popular type of writing, and it is used in both fiction and non-fiction. It is derived from the Latin phrase prosa oratio, which means "straightforward." In a nutshell, prose is defined by grammatical structure and employs commonplace language in paragraphs and phrases.
Active Voice
In prose writing, there are two grammatical voices: active and passive. The active voice refers to a phrase in which the subject acts as the verb. When the subject of a sentence performs the verb's action, the phrase is in the active voice. A concise, direct, and forceful tone characterizes the active voice. The active voice's fundamental sentence structure consists of a subject, verb, and object. "The author wrote the narrative," for example, is an example of active voice.
Purple Prose
The phrase "purple prose" comes from a remark made by the Roman poet Horace in his Ars Poetica. Purple prose is a style of writing that is heavily embellished with adverbs, adjectives, and metaphors.
Improving Prose
Prose writing is not for the faint of heart. In truth, prose writing is complicated and intimidating.
Module 6: Narrative Voice
The notion of narrative voice is covered in this module. You will learn how to choose the correct point of view for your tale and build distinct narrators in this lesson. We will also talk about how to employ unreliable narrators in literature.
What is Narrative Voice?
The narrative voice is a crucial part of the storytelling process. As a writer, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is the point of view to use for your novel. Each narrative voice has a specific role and may tell the tale successfully. Sylvia Plath, for example, narrates a tale in the first person through the primary character, Esther Greenwood, in The Bell Jar. All of the events in the story are portrayed from Esther's perspective as she goes through them. This gives the reader a front-row seat to the action. The reader tries to traverse the plot alongside the main character without understanding what is going on in the hearts and brains of the other characters.
Developing Narrative Voice
A great novel is made up of various elements that work together to deliver the reader a compelling tale. When you are fleshing out your characters, you will need to decide who will be the narrative's protagonist and whether they will narrate the story in the first person or from other characters' viewpoints.
Unreliable Narrators
Novels frequently employ unreliable narrators. They make for a stimulating read when applied appropriately. The narrative is told in the first person by untrustworthy narrators. The first-person description of any event can be subjective and may or may not reflect facts or objective realities. On the other hand, unreliable narrators take it a step further, making the reader doubt the story's happenings.
Module 7: Dialogue
We will go through how to write realistic dialogue and offer your characters distinct speaking styles in this unit. You will also learn to prevent "information dumps," balance conversation and text, and employ dialogue tags in your writing.
Creating Realistic Dialogue
Any writer's arsenal should include dialogue. The realistic conversation may reveal a lot about your characters while also moving your plot ahead. You may exhibit your characters' personalities through a speech by observing how they converse and interact with one another. This can also help with the story's flow, making it more straightforward for the reader to follow the storyline and assimilate the material.
Diversifying Dialogue
It is simple for an author to identify who is speaking in a novel. However, the reader should be able to distinguish between your characters based on how they speak. It might get monotonous and dull if you keep all of your talks simple and utilize the same sentence patterns and language. Your characters will not have a unique "voice," which means you will miss out on the chance to add extra layers of personality to them through conversation.
Avoiding Info Dumps in Dialogue
When a writer puts too much information on the page at once without advancing the story, this is known as an "info dump." It is preferable to avoid knowledge dumps because they might make the tale tedious and challenging to follow.
Balancing Dialogue and Prose
As previously said, speech may play a vital role in the story advancement by exposing various facets of your characters' personalities. Too much conversation, on the other hand, might detract from your tale. If you bombard the reader with dialogue without giving them an insight into the characters' feelings and intents or without establishing a powerful backdrop in which the conversation takes place, they will see the conversations as meaningless and detached from reality.
Dialogue Tags
Dialogue tags are short sentences that appear after your characters speak a sentence. They may be a valuable technique for conveying the character's identity and pronouncing different lines. The tags might reveal a lot about the discourse that the reader would otherwise be unaware of. On the other hand, overuse of conversation tags might stifle your reader's progress and break the story's flow.
Module 8: Genre
We will talk about the genre in this section of the course. The genre of a project may impact writing styles, marketing, and even character names. Literary fiction and genre fiction are the two broad genres in which most books fall. Fantasy, science fiction, adventure, romance, detective and mystery, horror, thriller, and magical realism are popular genres.
Literary Fiction
Literary fiction is frequently classified as theme fiction, which has high literary worth by specialists in the area. The focus of literary fiction novels is on the characters rather than the storyline.
Genre Fiction
Literary fiction is sometimes contrasted with genre fiction, which refers to popular literature designed for broad consumption and centred on entertainment plots. The focus of literary fiction is not on what occurs in the tale but on how it occurs and what the author has to say.
Fantasy is one of the most popular genres among adults and children alike. It features themes and characters from the magical and ethereal realms that do not exist in our physical reality.
Science Fiction
Science fiction worlds are imaginative and non-existent, yet they are based on reality. The genre heavily relies on verifiable theories and concepts to keep the themes and plots going.
Thrillers have darker, more scary storylines, and they are frequently blended with other genres to make them even more compelling and escapist. Criminal stories with compelling plotlines frequently fuel them.
In the sense that they both deal with terror, suspense, and death, horror and thriller are comparable. Characters in horror films are frequently trying to survive and battle Evil, which might be human or otherworldly. The purpose of horror is to shock and fear the reader. In most cases, the impending disaster is hinted at right at the novel's start.
Detective and Mystery
Some of the most well-known literary characters, such as C. S. Lewis, may be found in the detective and mystery. Auguste Dupin, Sherlock Holmes, and Hercule Poirot are all fictional detectives.
Romance books are about romantic love stories that, in most cases, conclude with a happy and gratifying conclusion in which love triumphs and the conflict is resolved. Many authors, however, have broken with tradition and written romantic books with terrible ends.
Some authors opt to tell their stories in a variety of media. Verse and epistolary forms are two less popular types. Verse tales communicate a story using poetry rather than prose. The kinds of narrative utilized in this genre can range from simple to exceedingly detailed and thorough.
Module 9: Publishing Houses
The publishing houses are covered in this subject. If you want to publish your book, you will need to understand the ins and outs of the industry to make sure you are on the right track. On the market, there are several sorts of publishers. The Big Five, additional large/midsize publishers and independent publishers, fall into the three groups.
The Big Five
Over the previous few decades, the publishing sector has transformed dramatically. The top five major publishing houses, commonly known as the "Big Five," now exist.
Independent Publishers
Large multinational businesses do not own independent "indie" publishers. Instead, they operate on a much smaller scale and specialise in certain areas. Working with small presses may be a terrific method for new authors to get into the industry. Indie publishers give their authors much leeway and typically place a strong emphasis on cooperation.
Like other big publishers, the Big Five have a slew of imprints dedicated to various fiction and nonfiction categories. Penguin Random House has approximately 250 imprints, each specializing in a distinct genre.
Vanity Presses
Vanity presses are publishing firms that specialize in releasing publications for authors who are prepared to pay the accompanying expenditures. Vanity presses are not the same as self-publishing a book, which is when an author decides to cover all of the costs of printing and promotion on their own.
Module 10: The Publishing Process
In Module 10, we will go through the various paths to publication and the typical steps involved in each. This will entail research on both traditional and self-publishing publishing methods.
Traditional Publishing
When a publishing house buys the rights to a manuscript from a writer, it is referred to as traditional publishing.
Literary Agents
In most cases, obtaining a contract with a literary agency is the first step toward formal publishing. This can take years, and there is no certainty that writers will be represented. Literary agents represent their clients before publishing houses and frequently assist them in managing their careers by providing advice on marketing, rights, and future projects. Many publishing firms will only consider manuscripts submitted by agencies.
An author with a completed manuscript can pitch their novel to a literary agency by putting in a query package.
Self-publishing is an entirely distinct procedure in which the author bears significantly more responsibility. Self-published writers take control of the entire process independently, rather than working with an inside staff. This gives self-published authors more control and autonomy over their work, which may be a significant advantage of this route. However, because self-published writers lack the relationships that publishing firms rely on to get their works to market, it might be more challenging to stand out and gain distribution in bookshops.
Stages of Publishing
Traditional publishing and self-publishing have much overlap in terms of phases. Typically, the first step is to engage an editor to look through the manuscript. Some self-published writers choose to do their editing.
Module 11: Royalties and Rights
We will talk about royalties and rights in this section of the course. Every time you sell a book, you get "royalties," which are either a proportion of the book's cover price or a part of the amount the publisher receives for each sale. The royalty type is determined by the type of book sold: hardcover, paperback, mass market, etc.
How Do Royalties Vary by Type of Sale?
It is possible to compute royalties as a proportion of book sales. The retail list price multiplied by the royalty percentage is the fundamental royalty calculation.
Foreign Rights Advances
When a publisher buys a book from an author, they may provide an advance. This is a deposit for the royalties the author is expected to pay. A publisher's contract may include that the author must reimburse the advance if the book does not sell.
Foreign Rights
When publishers make a book offer, they indicate which rights they wish to include in the deal. When a publisher purchases world rights to a book, they can print it in any language and sell it in every place on the planet.
Converting a manuscript to an audiobook and making it available through various distributors and platforms may help you increase sales and earnings while also raising public awareness of the work. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that there are many royalty models to choose from when it comes to audiobooks.
Film Rights
Authors whose works are being considered for cinematic adaptations may have various royalty payment options, similar to audiobooks. The acquisition of the rights to the plot by the film producer is one of the first stages in adapting a novel into a film. When a writer sells the film rights to their novel, they are selling the buyer's choice to exploit those rights. The producer effectively rents the author's tale rights for a set amount of time, usually between eighteen months and two years.
Theme Parks and Merchandise
Authors of book franchises make a significant amount of money selling goods based on their popular characters. Theme parks bring in more money for the author than many other sources. Since theme park rights are often only sold to authors with a large following, part of this.
Module 12: Business and Marketing
This is the course's last module. You will need a well-thought-out business and marketing strategy to get the word out about your book. We will go through the key elements that should be included in your novel's business and marketing strategy.
Building an Author Platform
An author platform is necessary since it contains information about the author's background, prior works and media, and contact them. If you are a new author, building an author platform might help you see your achievements so far.
Many successful authors are happy to provide a few words of encouragement to budding writers, which may surprise you. You should add them to your contact list if you "know someone who knows someone." Make a list of persons who might mention you on their blogs and anybody who might promote your book in the future.
Social Media
Although social media may be a terrific way to advertise your book, you should stick to one or two channels. As you try to keep up with daily posting, signing up for accounts on every social networking platform that exists will get overwhelming.
It is a good idea to have a sign-up form that connects to an email management system, whether you have a website or a blog, to assist your writing endeavours. With just a few clicks, you will be able to keep all of your readers up to date on new releases and forthcoming projects.
Create a Blog or Website
As an author, one of the most accessible marketing tactics for getting started is to create a blog or website to promote your work. A website or blog may inform potential readers about planned releases and previous work and provide information about your hobbies and writing expertise.
Obtaining an ISBN
The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is the international standard for identifying books. The publisher for conventionally published authors generally manages ISBNs.
Pre-Release Advertising
When you have your ISBN, you may take advantage of free national agency advertising in places where it is offered. Using your ISBN registry makes this feasible.
How to Obtain an ISBN
Obtaining an ISBN may appear to be a time-consuming and challenging process, but it is pretty straightforward. Obtaining one can be done in a variety of ways.
Digital Markets
Any location where writers may upload and distribute their works digitally to readers is referred to as a digital publishing platform. Using well-known shops like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Apple Books may help independent authors succeed.
Recognition & Administration
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: Introduction
- History of Novels
- What Constitutes a Novel?
- Word Count
- Type of Story
- Author Qualifications
- Creative Writing Courses
Module 2: Plotting and Outlining
- Novel-Length Outlines
- Save the Cat!
- The Snowflake Method
- Plotting vs “Pantsing”
- Plotting
- “Pantsing”
- Plot Beats
- Plot-Driven vs Character-Driven Novels
- Writing a Series
Module 3: Character Development
- Identifying Motivations
- Introducing Characters
- Building Dynamic Character Arcs
- Backstory and Personal Histories
Module 4: Points of View
- Levels of Perspective
- World-Building
- Showing vs Telling
- Different Perspectives
Module 5: Prose
- Active Voice
- Purple Prose
- Improving Prose
Module 6: Narrative Voice
- What is Narrative Voice?
- Developing Narrative Voice
- Unreliable Narrators
Module 7: Dialogue
- Creating Realistic Dialogue
- Diversifying Dialogue
- Avoiding Info Dumps in Dialogue
- Balancing Dialogue and Prose
- Dialogue Tags
Module 8: Genre
- Literary Fiction
- Genre Fiction
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Thrillers
- Horror
- Detective and Mystery
- Romance
- Formats
Module 9: Publishing Houses
- The Big Five
- Independent Publishers
- Specializations
- Vanity Presses
Module 10: The Publishing Process
- Traditional Publishing
- Literary Agents
- Querying
- Self-Publishing
- Stages of Publishing
Module 11: Royalties and Rights
- How Do Royalties Vary by Type of Sale?
- Foreign Rights Advances
- Foreign Rights
- Audiobooks
- Film Rights
- Theme Parks and Merchandise
Module 12: Business and Marketing
- Building an Author Platform
- Contacts
- Social Media
- Newsletters
- Create a Blog or Website
- The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is the international standard for identifying
- Pre-Release Advertising
- How to Obtain an ISBN
- Digital Markets
- Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
- Barnes & Noble
- Apple Books and iTunes Connect
- Kobo Writing Life
- Google Play Books
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Novel Writing Online Certificate Course
"The course was comprehensive and covered all the fundamentals of novel writing, from character development to plot structure" - Harper T. Verified Buyer
Study our Novel Writing Online Course and learn the fundamental and advanced skills to become a professional novel writer.
Bundle Up & Save - Learn More and Save More when you Upgrade to the Mega Bundle below & Save 98%
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration:20 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
Study Novel Writing Online Course and Embark on a Creative Journey with Novel Writing
If you’re after courses for writers, our most popular course is the novel writing course. With this advanced course you can finish your novel or finish your book and go on to become one of the bestselling authors of the world.
Study our Novel Writing Online Course and learn the fundamental and advance skills to become a professional novel writer. There is no denying that writing a book necessitates a wide range of abilities, but the good news is that even a total novice can rise to the occasion and write a fascinating novel by following the fundamental guidelines and acquiring the various talents necessary to bring the story alive.
Regardless of the genre, writing a novel necessitates the writer putting a little piece of oneself at every line. This involves incorporating many of your own experiences, both good and terrible, into the fabric of your plot, resulting in a compelling and straightforward narrative.
It is not a job for people who quickly get discouraged. It requires patience and much revising to finish a novel, but when you type the final word and realize you have accomplished something truly incredible; it is one of the most profoundly fulfilling experiences. It serves as a written remembrance of this period in your life, a poignant opportunity to reflect as you bring your artistic skills to the fore, and the emotions and proof of this moment will be with you for the rest of your life.
One may have ambitions to create a bestselling novel, and while you will face stiff competition from other writers of varying degrees of expertise, sometimes all it takes is a strong storyline, a distinctive approach, and much passion for the writing to make it happen. Writing a story necessitates a diverse range of abilities. You will be in excellent shape if you have a limitless imagination that is both vast and thorough. You will also benefit from having an inquisitive mind that allows you to explore a range of themes and circumstances deeply.
Good research abilities, the ability to visualize, especially when constructing vibrant and realistic characters, and a tenacious resolve to keep writing until the very last word are all required. All you have to do is delve deep, visualize to the best of your abilities, and create an intelligent back story that offers a solid basis for the entire narrative when the characters begin to take life and make their path through the storyline.
We could be one of the several individuals who has been toying with a concept for a while. The concept may have evolved significantly over time, changing shape and format. Our imagination might have gone through many possibilities for factors that might pique one's attention and make the reading experience more enjoyable. If that is the case, having the foundation of a good plot in hand at this stage will put you ahead of the game, simply because idea creation is crucial, especially if you are working on a complicated but realistic plot based on the complexities of reality.
On completion of this course, which you can access online with any device, you receive your certification which is industry recognised. All certifications can be verified via the website, giving prospective employers complete peace of mind when confirming your credentials. For more information on our popular Novel Writing Courses, you can visit us here at Courses For Success!
How Our Online Novel Writing Course Can Help You?
Our creative writing courses are also for a complete beginner and helps you work on the building block of book writing, book editing, book marketing and the business and management side of things. Highlights include:
· It is one of the best courses for writers and teaches you character development, using elements of fiction for fiction writing, writing graphic novels and more.
· Children’s book writers can also use this course to learn childrens book writing as this is a classic course on how to write children’s books.
· The course schedule is up to you and the course material will help you practice better for your creative writing specialization.
· You’ll be able to dazzle your fellow writers with your modern day novel masterpiece.
· The online writing class teaches you about creating plot structure, science fiction writing, historical fiction writing, personal essay writing, and self publishing.
· The online workshop helps you in improving your writing, and you learn how to write clearly.
· The novel writing classes come with lifetime access.
· The novel course teaches writing a novel step by step, creating a novel first draft, and memoir writing. You can also become a literary agent and open a literary agency.
· So write you first novel and sell more books by joining our novel writing courses online.
Who would benefit from the course?
Anyone, who is interested in improving their writing skills will benefit from this course. In essence, you will learn how to approach novel writing in the most productive way. As we reveal the nuts and bolts of the technical aspects, and this will make it easier for you to take your storyline and to turn it into a fully formed book and one you are proud of.
Course Fast Facts:
Learn the fundamentals of novel writing
Written and developed by leading novel writing experts
Unlimited, lifetime access to online course
Study at your own pace with no rigid class timetables, 24/7 from any computer or smart device
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.
Novel Writing Online Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction
This is the first module in the novel-writing course. We will go through the definition of a novel and the requirements for becoming an author in this unit. We will also look at creative writing classes and other educational possibilities for writers who want to learn more about creating a novel.
History of Novels
For a long time, writing books has been an essential element of society. Whether it was the lyrical prose that can be traced back thousands of years to Elizabethan times, the book has always been regarded as a unique form of human expression. During the Don Quixote era, the French created fantastic romantic romances, whilst the Spanish penned more episodic novels revolving around a primary protagonist. Every culture had its interpretation of the novel, and each enlarged on it.
What Constitutes a Novel?
A novel is a work of prose fiction that tells the story of a series of events over some time. A novel is distinguished from other types of literature by its prose style and length and the fact that it is written in a fictitious or semi-fictional tone.
Word Count
Novels are often lengthy, but not too so. While there is no formal guideline, it is often agreed that a novel should include at least 50,000 words. The majority of novels do not exceed 100,000 words.
Type of Story
The material of a novel should nearly always be fictitious. Nonfictional works cannot be categorized as novels, and even semi-fictionalized works based on history or with a real-world equivalent are frequently seen as edgy.
Author Qualifications
To the issue of what qualifications a person may need to write a novel, the easy answer is none at all. Most people who have a strong desire to write may just use that desire to get started right away and learn as they go. On the other hand, traditional publishers may be more selective in their evaluation of your qualifications when selecting whether or not to publish your work. You may always rely on your current expertise and credentials to establish your credibility.
Creative Writing Courses
Aspiring authors can also pursue independent courses and certificates in topics such as creative writing to aid them in their quest to create their first novel. These programs might span anything from six months to two years.
Module 2: Plotting and Outlining
This subject delves into plotting and outlining, two crucial components of writing that may be done in various ways. We will also talk about the importance of an author's particular preferences.
Novel-Length Outlines
There is a lot that may happen while writing a novel. As you write, you may come up with fresh plot ideas, or some characters may be deleted because they are not contributing much to the tale, or a minor character may grow into one of the main characters.
Save the Cat!
There are numerous excellent tools available to assist you in planning out your novel if you do not know where or how to begin. Blake Snyder invented one of the most common approaches. Save the Cat! is one of his projects. He created the system for screenwriting first but quickly adapted it for novel writing. The series' title relates to a point in a tale when the reader chooses to cheer for the protagonist, such as when the narrator saves a cat. The tale is organized into three acts (the beginning, middle, and finish) by Snyder's technique, including 15 plot elements called beats.
The Snowflake Method
Randy Ingermanson, a well-known author, created the Snowflake Method. The technique is built around the concept of layering. With a background in software engineering, Ingermanson saw that making a computer snowflake was a matter of piling primary forms on top of each other.
Plotting vs “Pantsing”
Some authors prefer not to plan ahead of time and instead go right into writing whenever a fresh idea hits them. This is referred to as "pantsing."
You have a clear path to follow when you plan, making it simpler to stay on track and complete tasks swiftly. Plotting can also assist you in remaining focused on the tasks you have broken down in your outline.
The supporters of "pantsing" like the practice because it provides the writer more flexibility. It might be freeing not to have any plans for your tale. You could lose track of where you are heading if you "let your tale explain itself."
Plot Beats
Plot beats have previously been briefly described regarding the Save the Cat! Method. Change occurs at these points in your tale. Beats make up each scene in your novel. As the tiniest pieces that makeup scenes, the beats are supposed to offer structure to your tale. Plot beats advance the tale and keep the audience interested. Save the Cat! Website claims. A tale should be broken down into 15 beats.
Plot-Driven vs Character-Driven Novels
Is there a trend emerging here? Writing a novel, it turns out, is all about choosing new choices. You have read novels that are either plot-driven or character-driven. In general, the authors concentrate on one of the two styles. There is no doubting that a novel would be incomplete without a protagonist or a storyline. They are both necessary in a narrative. However, you must decide which ones you will concentrate your writing efforts on.
Writing a Series
If you want to write a series, ensure your novel is plotted correctly. Even the finest authors might make the error of not planning ahead of time, limiting their capacity to adjust the tale in subsequent novels to their liking once they have been published.
Module 3: Character Development
Character development can relate to the author's process of fleshing out a character into a fully realized creature who interacts realistically with the setting and the particular character's transformation throughout the story.
Identifying Motivations
A writer must identify what individual characters desire and why they are driven throughout the writing process. This is especially true for protagonists, love interests, and other significant figures.
Introducing Characters
It is critical to add people at the appropriate times throughout the story. You cannot include every character in the first chapter unless it is unique. If they do this, the reader will get overwhelmed and unsure of whom to root for. On the other hand, if you introduce characters too late in the story, they will not have enough time on the page to grow in importance.
Building Dynamic Character Arcs
A character arc is the progression of a character through a tale. Character arcs must be consistent with the setting and storyline, operate in tandem with the characters' aims, and come to a satisfactory conclusion by the novel's finish.
Backstory and Personal Histories
While giving a character or characters a thorough past and personal history is an excellent approach to figuring out what they want and need, very little of their backstory will appear on the page. Backstories are the events that occurred prior to the start of the narrative. Some of this may be minor, such as what the protagonist ate for breakfast that morning, while other aspects of the history may have a significant influence, such as a family death. Personal history may serve to fill out a character and reveal their future aspirations.
Module 4: Points of View
Levels of Perspective
There are several levels to consider when it comes to employing a third person. The reader is an audience member in the protagonist's brain in a close third, or limited third, story. This works similarly to the first person, with the characters observing their surroundings independently but without as many interior thoughts. It is told from the character's perspective. However, the narration reads like the character's name instead of "I."
Depending on the genre and point of view, world-building takes on numerous forms. Science fiction or fantasy novel, for example, will require far more exposition than a contemporary novel. A first person or close third person POV will only comment on events or objects that the character, the protagonist, observes when it comes to the point of view. A third POV that is more omniscient can describe portions of the universe that the protagonist and other characters do not perceive.
Showing vs Telling
Many writing manuals will encourage you to show rather than tell when writing. However, there is an exception to this since there are times when telling is preferable. Instead of merely informing the reader that the protagonist is unhappy or a good runner, the author should portray these emotions and attributes via narrative and conversation. If the location is intended to be chilly, the characters should not be dressed in shorts and t-shirts unless it is specified that one of the characters is aware of the dissonance.
Different Perspectives
Many books have only one point of view. The protagonist tells the tale, which is the conclusion of their ambitions and character arcs. On the other hand, other works are written from several perspectives, posing a variety of difficulties. Multi-point-of-view books, on the other hand, should not be dismissed entirely.
Module 5: Prose
We will talk about prose and its employed in novels in Module 5. The prose is a kind of writing or speaking that follows the natural flow of speech. The prose is the most popular type of writing, and it is used in both fiction and non-fiction. It is derived from the Latin phrase prosa oratio, which means "straightforward." In a nutshell, prose is defined by grammatical structure and employs commonplace language in paragraphs and phrases.
Active Voice
In prose writing, there are two grammatical voices: active and passive. The active voice refers to a phrase in which the subject acts as the verb. When the subject of a sentence performs the verb's action, the phrase is in the active voice. A concise, direct, and forceful tone characterizes the active voice. The active voice's fundamental sentence structure consists of a subject, verb, and object. "The author wrote the narrative," for example, is an example of active voice.
Purple Prose
The phrase "purple prose" comes from a remark made by the Roman poet Horace in his Ars Poetica. Purple prose is a style of writing that is heavily embellished with adverbs, adjectives, and metaphors.
Improving Prose
Prose writing is not for the faint of heart. In truth, prose writing is complicated and intimidating.
Module 6: Narrative Voice
The notion of narrative voice is covered in this module. You will learn how to choose the correct point of view for your tale and build distinct narrators in this lesson. We will also talk about how to employ unreliable narrators in literature.
What is Narrative Voice?
The narrative voice is a crucial part of the storytelling process. As a writer, one of the most important decisions you will have to make is the point of view to use for your novel. Each narrative voice has a specific role and may tell the tale successfully. Sylvia Plath, for example, narrates a tale in the first person through the primary character, Esther Greenwood, in The Bell Jar. All of the events in the story are portrayed from Esther's perspective as she goes through them. This gives the reader a front-row seat to the action. The reader tries to traverse the plot alongside the main character without understanding what is going on in the hearts and brains of the other characters.
Developing Narrative Voice
A great novel is made up of various elements that work together to deliver the reader a compelling tale. When you are fleshing out your characters, you will need to decide who will be the narrative's protagonist and whether they will narrate the story in the first person or from other characters' viewpoints.
Unreliable Narrators
Novels frequently employ unreliable narrators. They make for a stimulating read when applied appropriately. The narrative is told in the first person by untrustworthy narrators. The first-person description of any event can be subjective and may or may not reflect facts or objective realities. On the other hand, unreliable narrators take it a step further, making the reader doubt the story's happenings.
Module 7: Dialogue
We will go through how to write realistic dialogue and offer your characters distinct speaking styles in this unit. You will also learn to prevent "information dumps," balance conversation and text, and employ dialogue tags in your writing.
Creating Realistic Dialogue
Any writer's arsenal should include dialogue. The realistic conversation may reveal a lot about your characters while also moving your plot ahead. You may exhibit your characters' personalities through a speech by observing how they converse and interact with one another. This can also help with the story's flow, making it more straightforward for the reader to follow the storyline and assimilate the material.
Diversifying Dialogue
It is simple for an author to identify who is speaking in a novel. However, the reader should be able to distinguish between your characters based on how they speak. It might get monotonous and dull if you keep all of your talks simple and utilize the same sentence patterns and language. Your characters will not have a unique "voice," which means you will miss out on the chance to add extra layers of personality to them through conversation.
Avoiding Info Dumps in Dialogue
When a writer puts too much information on the page at once without advancing the story, this is known as an "info dump." It is preferable to avoid knowledge dumps because they might make the tale tedious and challenging to follow.
Balancing Dialogue and Prose
As previously said, speech may play a vital role in the story advancement by exposing various facets of your characters' personalities. Too much conversation, on the other hand, might detract from your tale. If you bombard the reader with dialogue without giving them an insight into the characters' feelings and intents or without establishing a powerful backdrop in which the conversation takes place, they will see the conversations as meaningless and detached from reality.
Dialogue Tags
Dialogue tags are short sentences that appear after your characters speak a sentence. They may be a valuable technique for conveying the character's identity and pronouncing different lines. The tags might reveal a lot about the discourse that the reader would otherwise be unaware of. On the other hand, overuse of conversation tags might stifle your reader's progress and break the story's flow.
Module 8: Genre
We will talk about the genre in this section of the course. The genre of a project may impact writing styles, marketing, and even character names. Literary fiction and genre fiction are the two broad genres in which most books fall. Fantasy, science fiction, adventure, romance, detective and mystery, horror, thriller, and magical realism are popular genres.
Literary Fiction
Literary fiction is frequently classified as theme fiction, which has high literary worth by specialists in the area. The focus of literary fiction novels is on the characters rather than the storyline.
Genre Fiction
Literary fiction is sometimes contrasted with genre fiction, which refers to popular literature designed for broad consumption and centred on entertainment plots. The focus of literary fiction is not on what occurs in the tale but on how it occurs and what the author has to say.
Fantasy is one of the most popular genres among adults and children alike. It features themes and characters from the magical and ethereal realms that do not exist in our physical reality.
Science Fiction
Science fiction worlds are imaginative and non-existent, yet they are based on reality. The genre heavily relies on verifiable theories and concepts to keep the themes and plots going.
Thrillers have darker, more scary storylines, and they are frequently blended with other genres to make them even more compelling and escapist. Criminal stories with compelling plotlines frequently fuel them.
In the sense that they both deal with terror, suspense, and death, horror and thriller are comparable. Characters in horror films are frequently trying to survive and battle Evil, which might be human or otherworldly. The purpose of horror is to shock and fear the reader. In most cases, the impending disaster is hinted at right at the novel's start.
Detective and Mystery
Some of the most well-known literary characters, such as C. S. Lewis, may be found in the detective and mystery. Auguste Dupin, Sherlock Holmes, and Hercule Poirot are all fictional detectives.
Romance books are about romantic love stories that, in most cases, conclude with a happy and gratifying conclusion in which love triumphs and the conflict is resolved. Many authors, however, have broken with tradition and written romantic books with terrible ends.
Some authors opt to tell their stories in a variety of media. Verse and epistolary forms are two less popular types. Verse tales communicate a story using poetry rather than prose. The kinds of narrative utilized in this genre can range from simple to exceedingly detailed and thorough.
Module 9: Publishing Houses
The publishing houses are covered in this subject. If you want to publish your book, you will need to understand the ins and outs of the industry to make sure you are on the right track. On the market, there are several sorts of publishers. The Big Five, additional large/midsize publishers and independent publishers, fall into the three groups.
The Big Five
Over the previous few decades, the publishing sector has transformed dramatically. The top five major publishing houses, commonly known as the "Big Five," now exist.
Independent Publishers
Large multinational businesses do not own independent "indie" publishers. Instead, they operate on a much smaller scale and specialise in certain areas. Working with small presses may be a terrific method for new authors to get into the industry. Indie publishers give their authors much leeway and typically place a strong emphasis on cooperation.
Like other big publishers, the Big Five have a slew of imprints dedicated to various fiction and nonfiction categories. Penguin Random House has approximately 250 imprints, each specializing in a distinct genre.
Vanity Presses
Vanity presses are publishing firms that specialize in releasing publications for authors who are prepared to pay the accompanying expenditures. Vanity presses are not the same as self-publishing a book, which is when an author decides to cover all of the costs of printing and promotion on their own.
Module 10: The Publishing Process
In Module 10, we will go through the various paths to publication and the typical steps involved in each. This will entail research on both traditional and self-publishing publishing methods.
Traditional Publishing
When a publishing house buys the rights to a manuscript from a writer, it is referred to as traditional publishing.
Literary Agents
In most cases, obtaining a contract with a literary agency is the first step toward formal publishing. This can take years, and there is no certainty that writers will be represented. Literary agents represent their clients before publishing houses and frequently assist them in managing their careers by providing advice on marketing, rights, and future projects. Many publishing firms will only consider manuscripts submitted by agencies.
An author with a completed manuscript can pitch their novel to a literary agency by putting in a query package.
Self-publishing is an entirely distinct procedure in which the author bears significantly more responsibility. Self-published writers take control of the entire process independently, rather than working with an inside staff. This gives self-published authors more control and autonomy over their work, which may be a significant advantage of this route. However, because self-published writers lack the relationships that publishing firms rely on to get their works to market, it might be more challenging to stand out and gain distribution in bookshops.
Stages of Publishing
Traditional publishing and self-publishing have much overlap in terms of phases. Typically, the first step is to engage an editor to look through the manuscript. Some self-published writers choose to do their editing.
Module 11: Royalties and Rights
We will talk about royalties and rights in this section of the course. Every time you sell a book, you get "royalties," which are either a proportion of the book's cover price or a part of the amount the publisher receives for each sale. The royalty type is determined by the type of book sold: hardcover, paperback, mass market, etc.
How Do Royalties Vary by Type of Sale?
It is possible to compute royalties as a proportion of book sales. The retail list price multiplied by the royalty percentage is the fundamental royalty calculation.
Foreign Rights Advances
When a publisher buys a book from an author, they may provide an advance. This is a deposit for the royalties the author is expected to pay. A publisher's contract may include that the author must reimburse the advance if the book does not sell.
Foreign Rights
When publishers make a book offer, they indicate which rights they wish to include in the deal. When a publisher purchases world rights to a book, they can print it in any language and sell it in every place on the planet.
Converting a manuscript to an audiobook and making it available through various distributors and platforms may help you increase sales and earnings while also raising public awareness of the work. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that there are many royalty models to choose from when it comes to audiobooks.
Film Rights
Authors whose works are being considered for cinematic adaptations may have various royalty payment options, similar to audiobooks. The acquisition of the rights to the plot by the film producer is one of the first stages in adapting a novel into a film. When a writer sells the film rights to their novel, they are selling the buyer's choice to exploit those rights. The producer effectively rents the author's tale rights for a set amount of time, usually between eighteen months and two years.
Theme Parks and Merchandise
Authors of book franchises make a significant amount of money selling goods based on their popular characters. Theme parks bring in more money for the author than many other sources. Since theme park rights are often only sold to authors with a large following, part of this.
Module 12: Business and Marketing
This is the course's last module. You will need a well-thought-out business and marketing strategy to get the word out about your book. We will go through the key elements that should be included in your novel's business and marketing strategy.
Building an Author Platform
An author platform is necessary since it contains information about the author's background, prior works and media, and contact them. If you are a new author, building an author platform might help you see your achievements so far.
Many successful authors are happy to provide a few words of encouragement to budding writers, which may surprise you. You should add them to your contact list if you "know someone who knows someone." Make a list of persons who might mention you on their blogs and anybody who might promote your book in the future.
Social Media
Although social media may be a terrific way to advertise your book, you should stick to one or two channels. As you try to keep up with daily posting, signing up for accounts on every social networking platform that exists will get overwhelming.
It is a good idea to have a sign-up form that connects to an email management system, whether you have a website or a blog, to assist your writing endeavours. With just a few clicks, you will be able to keep all of your readers up to date on new releases and forthcoming projects.
Create a Blog or Website
As an author, one of the most accessible marketing tactics for getting started is to create a blog or website to promote your work. A website or blog may inform potential readers about planned releases and previous work and provide information about your hobbies and writing expertise.
Obtaining an ISBN
The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is the international standard for identifying books. The publisher for conventionally published authors generally manages ISBNs.
Pre-Release Advertising
When you have your ISBN, you may take advantage of free national agency advertising in places where it is offered. Using your ISBN registry makes this feasible.
How to Obtain an ISBN
Obtaining an ISBN may appear to be a time-consuming and challenging process, but it is pretty straightforward. Obtaining one can be done in a variety of ways.
Digital Markets
Any location where writers may upload and distribute their works digitally to readers is referred to as a digital publishing platform. Using well-known shops like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Apple Books may help independent authors succeed.
Recognition & Administration
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1: Introduction
- History of Novels
- What Constitutes a Novel?
- Word Count
- Type of Story
- Author Qualifications
- Creative Writing Courses
Module 2: Plotting and Outlining
- Novel-Length Outlines
- Save the Cat!
- The Snowflake Method
- Plotting vs “Pantsing”
- Plotting
- “Pantsing”
- Plot Beats
- Plot-Driven vs Character-Driven Novels
- Writing a Series
Module 3: Character Development
- Identifying Motivations
- Introducing Characters
- Building Dynamic Character Arcs
- Backstory and Personal Histories
Module 4: Points of View
- Levels of Perspective
- World-Building
- Showing vs Telling
- Different Perspectives
Module 5: Prose
- Active Voice
- Purple Prose
- Improving Prose
Module 6: Narrative Voice
- What is Narrative Voice?
- Developing Narrative Voice
- Unreliable Narrators
Module 7: Dialogue
- Creating Realistic Dialogue
- Diversifying Dialogue
- Avoiding Info Dumps in Dialogue
- Balancing Dialogue and Prose
- Dialogue Tags
Module 8: Genre
- Literary Fiction
- Genre Fiction
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Thrillers
- Horror
- Detective and Mystery
- Romance
- Formats
Module 9: Publishing Houses
- The Big Five
- Independent Publishers
- Specializations
- Vanity Presses
Module 10: The Publishing Process
- Traditional Publishing
- Literary Agents
- Querying
- Self-Publishing
- Stages of Publishing
Module 11: Royalties and Rights
- How Do Royalties Vary by Type of Sale?
- Foreign Rights Advances
- Foreign Rights
- Audiobooks
- Film Rights
- Theme Parks and Merchandise
Module 12: Business and Marketing
- Building an Author Platform
- Contacts
- Social Media
- Newsletters
- Create a Blog or Website
- The ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is the international standard for identifying
- Pre-Release Advertising
- How to Obtain an ISBN
- Digital Markets
- Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
- Barnes & Noble
- Apple Books and iTunes Connect
- Kobo Writing Life
- Google Play Books
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
1. Who are Courses For Success?
Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
with 5 courses, since then we have grown to over 10,000 online courses.
Our courses span across the following categories:
•Health & Fitness
•IT & Software
•Personal Development
•Teaching & Academics
2. Is there a refund/cancellation policy?
Yes, we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.
3. What is the FREE Personal Success Training Program?
The Personal Success Training Program
was developed by Courses For Success to help our customers achieve
success. Currently, we are offering this program for FREE with every
course or bundle purchase this month. This is a limited time offer!
4. Are there any requirements to study this course?
anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.
5. Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?
you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.
6. What if English is not my first language?
course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.
7. Is this course online or conducted in person?
All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.
8. How do I receive my course?
you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email
and tax receipt. You will also receive an email containing your course
login details (username and password), as well as instructions on how to
access and log in to your course via the internet with any device,
please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
the email.
9. When does this course start?
you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
can access the online material.
10. What is online learning like?
Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.
Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.
11. What computer skills do I need for my course?
don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).
12. How long will you have access to the online course?
The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.
Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.
13. How long will my course take?
Course duration, is listed under Course Summary
14. Do I need to buy textbooks?
All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.
15. Is the course interactive?
Yes, all our courses are interactive.
16. Is there an assessment or exam?
you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.
17. What type of certificate will I receive?
will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.
Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."
Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"
"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"
completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.
18. Will this course be credited by universities?
No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.
19. Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?
This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.
20. How will this course assist me with my career?
and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.
21. How long is the certificate valid for?
The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing.
22. Can I take more than one course at a time?
are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.
23. What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?
We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.
Payment Plans: We have partnered with Partial.ly, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.
To pay via bank transfer contact us info@coursesforsuccess.com
24. Can I purchase for multiple people?
Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
25. Can I request for an invoice before purchase?
Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at info@coursesforsuccess.com
26. Purchase for a gift?
Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to info@coursesforsuccess.com, with the course details and we can accommodate this.
27. Can I create my own course bundle?
you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email info@coursesforsuccess.com and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.
28. How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?
You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at info@coursesforsuccess.com, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.
Free Personal Success Training Course
The Personal Success Training Program Helps You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals!
Today, we are providing it for Free with all Course Purchases, as a special offer!
• How to layout a Success Plan.
• Get where you want to be in life.
• How to unclutter your mind to succeed.
• Achieve your dreams using your imagination.
• How to have faith in yourself.
• Life time access
• Complement your individual course purchase.
• Click here Personal Success Training Program to see thousands of positive reviews,
Hurry - offer - ends today!
Course Bundles
Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.