
About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Ayurveda Online Course: Find Your Life Balance, Learn the Basic Principles, and Important Concepts of Ayurveda
Our Ayurveda Online Course begins by exploring the origins and history of what has been called the science of life. Ayurveda is an ancient holistic therapy that sees health not so much as an absence of disease but as an expression of life. To practice Ayurveda is to find your balance in many facets of your life.
These Healing Online Courses also contrasts the practice with Western medicine. This approach helps to put the differences in approach and philosophy in context. While studying Ayurveda, you will learn the basic principles of Ayurveda and how to use them to translate the human condition, particularly when a person is suffering from some form of imbalance.
To fully understand Ayurveda’s power, it is necessary to understand how body energy is perceived by the practice. Then with this understanding, you can begin to appreciate how nutrients and mental stimulation is translated into the body’s cellular makeup.
What you will learn with our Ayurveda Online Course
● The Ayurveda Energy Systems, including the 3 Vital Force, the Nadis (Energy Channels), the seven Chakras
● Doshas otherwise known as Ayurvedic Constitution Types. These mind-body profiles fall into three categories – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
● Disease pathways
● How to detect diseases early
● How to treat disease
● Living with an Ayurvedic diet
Our ayurveda course will help you learn ayurvedic practices and inculcate and ayurvedic lifestyle. The ayurveda certification will put you on the path to become an ayurveda health counselor in reputed ayurvedic institutes.
The ayurveda programs in our ayurveda school teach various aspects of Kerala ayurveda like ayurvedic diet to cure diseases.
Ayurvedic doctors are required to undergo ayurvedic health counselor program and get an ayurvedic health counselor certification and practice ayurvedic medicine. Our ayurveda courses contain advanced studies for ayurvedic certification and the academic calendar is designed to provide knowledge about integrated yoga therapy.
Who will benefit from the Ayurveda Course?
Written and designed with the Ayurvedic novice in mind these Ayurveda classes online are perfect for anyone who would like to apply these ancient practices to improve their overall health and wellness. The techniques taught in this course could also be used in conjunction with any existing therapies or practices that you currently use. The course is also a good starting point for people wishing to pursue further study in the area with a view to becoming an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
How you will benefit from the Ayurveda Course?
· Our health counselor program teaches you the foundations of ayurveda training. Once they finish the course, ayurveda practitioners will get plenty of employment opportunities. For example, you can get a job as a health coach to provide integrative yoga therapy.
· In this ayurvedic studies course you will learn ayurvedic principles that can easily be applied in daily life.
· The courses provides a course catalog so you can see what you will learn inside the certification program.
· The ayurveda learning program provides a conducive learning environment so you can get the most out of it.
· The course provides you with knowledge on the wisdom of yoga which you can use to transform your life.
· It will give you an introduction to ayurveda, yoga philosophy and teach you how yoga and ayurveda work side by side.
Ayurveda Online Course - Requirements
The Ayurveda Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7 and takes 150 hours of study to complete.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Approximately 150 hours of study is needed to complete the course
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Ayurveda Course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
Ayurveda Diploma Online Course Outline
Module 1: Ayurveda: The Science of Life
Part 1: The Origins of Ayurveda
In the Western world, Ayurveda is considered more of an “ancient practice” than a “science.” Ayurveda is not a “evidence-driven science” based on the ever-changing scientific data of contemporary scientists and scholars. It was created thousands of years ago in India and is founded on the idea that health and wellbeing are dependent on a delicate equilibrium of the mind, body, and spirit.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Origins of Ayurveda
● Sushruta Samhita
● Ayurveda & Human Potential
● Introduction to Sanskrit
Part 2: 3 Ancient Discipline
The three ancient disciplines are Ayurveda, Yoga, and Tantra, with each ‘practice' helping man to attain prosperity, rejuvenation, and self-realization.
Topics to be discussed include:
● 8 Primary Specialties of Ayurveda
● Samkya Philosophy
● Western Medicine vs. Ayurvedic Medicine
Module 2: The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
Part 1: The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
3 Energy States
According to Samkhya Philosophy, the underlying philosophy of Ayurveda, three states of energy, or 'consciousness,' were created at the birth of the world. The three energy states are referred to as ‘the Gunas,' which translates as ‘ropes that connect us to the physical universe.' The psychological constitution can be determined by one of these three states predominates in the mind.
● SATTVA GUNA (essence)
● RAJAS GUNA (movement)
● TAMAS GUNA (inertia)
Topics to be discussed include:
● The 5 Elements
● The 5 Senses
Part 2: The 20 Qualities
The 20 Qualities represent everything existing in this universe, both physically and psychologically. All a person hears, sees, tastes, smells, and touches is perceived by 20 distinct qualities or attributes.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Understanding the Human Constitution
● The 5 Elements Combinations that Form Doshas
● 7 Constitution Combinations
Part 3: Defining the Tridosha- Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Understanding the three doshas is important for applying Ayurvedic concepts. The classification of body types into three doshas is peculiar to Ayurveda and has the ability to transform Western healing approaches. However, it is difficult to translate ‘the meaning' of the three dosha names into Western words.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Defining and Navigating the Srotas (body Networks)
Part 4: The Srota States
Topics to be discussed include:
● Normal Srota
● Hyper-functioning Srota
● Blocked Srota
● Hypo-functioning Srota
● Injured Srota
● The Srotas
Module 3: Ayurveda Energy Systems
Part 1: 3 Vital Forces
Ayurveda recognizes body energies subtly and manages nutrients and mental stimuli (thoughts) in such a manner that it translates into the molecular makeup of the body. It is yet another 'difficult' term to grasp from a Western viewpoint. However, making this relation is critical in order to fully comprehend the influence of Ayurveda.
Topics to be discussed include:
● 3 Vital Forces
● Ojas
● Tejas
● Prana
Part 2: Nadis: Energy Channels Explained
As per Ayurveda, the spine has 72,000 channels or nadis that radiate like a fine network. In Chinese medicine, they are referred to as "meridians." They bind at different points on the body to create powerful energy fields known as 'chakras.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● 3 Main Nadis
● Other Principal Nadis
● 7 Dhatus: Body Building Blocks
Part 3: 7 Chakras
Topics to be discussed include:
● The 7 Chakras
● Chakras and Emotions
● Pancha Koshas- The Invisible Coverings
● Anandamaya
Module 4: Ayurvedic Constitutions
Part 1: Ayurvedic Constitutions Types
The term for ‘constitution' in Sanskrit is prakruti, which literally translates as ‘first existence' and refers to the constitution embodied at birth. The entire Ayurvedic therapy scheme is focused on the ‘constitution' system and the associated experience of each individual mind-body state.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Vata
● Pitta
● Kapha
● Physical Traits of the Doshas
● Physiological Traits of the 3 Doshas
● Psychological Traits of the 3 Doshas
Part 2: Evaluating your Ayurvedic Constitutional Type
Topics to be discussed include:
● Mental Constitutions (Behaviors)
● 3 Attributes- Gunas
Module 5: Pathways of Disease
Part 1: Pathways of Disease
Defining ‘Disease’ According to Ayurvedic Medicine
According to Ayurveda, health is described as ‘harmony.' In other words, that is the quality of being 'free' of illness and pain. It refers to a state of 'normalcy and well-being.' According to Ayurveda, the entity is a real "reflection" of the cosmos. The term for health is 'order.' The word for disease is 'disorder.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● Disease Classification
● Proneness to Disease
● Vata
● Pitta
● Kapha
● Agni- The Key to Good Health
Part 2: Emotional Disease
According to Ayurveda, health is described as ‘harmony.' In other words, that is the quality of being 'free' of illness and pain. It refers to a state of 'normalcy and well-being.' According to Ayurveda, the entity is a real "reflection" of the cosmos. The term for health is 'order.' The word for disease is 'disorder.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● The 3 Malas
● Discovering Ama
● Symptoms of ‘Ama’ Accumulation
Part 3: 6 States of Disease
Disease in the body typically progresses progressively over time. It is known as ‘samprapti' in Sanskrit, which translates as ‘the birth of suffering.' The influence of Ayurveda is evident in its capacity to cure disease at any point. Because of the causative causes, such as consuming a poor diet or eating inappropriate foods, each illness takes a specific path.
Topics to be discussed include:
● #1. Accumulation: Beginnings of Discomfort (Sanchaya)
● #2. Aggravation: Not Feeling Right (Prakopa)
● #3. Overflow: Circulation in the System (Prasara)
● #4. Relocation: Finding a New Location (Sthana Samsraya)
● #5. Manifestation: Symptoms Appear (Vyakti)
● #6. Diversification/Specification: Complications (Bheda)
● Lifestyle and Health
● Inner Wisdom
Module 6: Ayurveda Early Symptom Detection
In Western parlance, the term "diagnosis" refers to the detection of illness after it has completely manifested and the "symptoms" are visible. However, in Ayurveda, the term "diagnosis" refers to the ongoing control of the body's ever-changing relationship between "health" (order) and "disease" (disorder). The'symptoms' are regarded as a sign of tridosha imbalance. As a result, if the 'nature' of the imbalance is identified, balance can be restored by the appropriate 'treatment.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● Radial Pulse
● The Meridians (and the 5 Basic Elements)
● Tongue Diagnosis
● Facial Diagnosis
● Lip Diagnosis
● Nail Diagnosis
● Eye Diagnosis
Module 7: Treating Disease with Ayurveda
Disease happens within the body when the doshas are out of control, according to Ayurvedic principles. As a result, all Ayurvedic treatments include the restoration of the Tridosha equilibrium.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Emotional Release
● Pancha Karma
● Palliation (Shamana)
Module 8: Ayurvedic Diet & Optimal Health
Part 1: Ayurvedic Diet & Optimal Health
The most important aspect of staying healthy is establishing a healthy schedule, especially a sound, healthy diet. Aside from eating, it is important to engage in other beneficial habits such as yoga, breathing exercises, and spiritual rituals such as meditation. By incorporating all of these elements into a person's everyday routines, they will achieve fitness, peace, and pleasure in their lives.
Topics to be discussed include:
● How Flavor and Emotions are Linked
● Food & the 3 Energy States
● Sattvic Foods
● Rajasic Foods
● Tamasic Foods
Part 2: Food and the Gunas
Topics to be discussed include:
● Sattvic Food Examples
● Rajasic Food Examples
● Tamasic Food Examples
● Enhancing Digestion
● Bad Food Combinations
Part 3: Doshas and Diet
The ideal diet for a person's dosha will be determined by their simple constitutional form (vatta-pitta-kapha). It is the supreme test of the adage that "one man's meat is another man's poison," as what is beneficial to a kapha dosha can be harmful to a pitta dominant human. As a result, it is critical to adapt a person's diet to their relevant dosha constitution.
Topics to be discussed include:
● VATA Dosha Food Choices
● VATA Foods (Fruits)
● VATA Foods (Vegetables)
● VATA Foods (Grains)
● VATA Foods (Animal Foods)
Part 4: Pitta Dosha Food Choices
Pitta dosha constitution have qualities such as lightness, liquidity, sharpness, heat, and a mild oiliness. Pitta doshas benefit from foods that are nourishing, refreshing, and sweet. Pittas may have voracious appetites and must be careful not to overindulge in one sitting. Normal sweet, salty, and astringent foods can be eaten to maintain a healthy constitution.
Topics to be discussed include:
● PITTA Foods (Fruits)
● PITTA Foods (Vegetables)
● PITTA Foods (Grains)
● PITTA Foods (Animal Foods)
Part 5: KAPHA Dosha Food Choices
Smooth, gentle, cold, stable, wet, thick, and sticky are qualities associated with the Kapha dosha. Kaphas are naturally solid and well-built. As a result, they should restrict high-calorie meals. Try to stick to lower-calorie options. Sunflower and corn oil are ‘good' oils for kaphas since they are mildly heating. Ghee (clarified butter) should be used sparingly, but it can be beneficial in increasing a person's ‘agni’.
Topics to be discussed include:
● KAPHA Foods (Fruits)
● KAPHA Foods (Vegetables)
● KAPHA Foods (Grains)
● KAPHA Foods (Animal Foods)
● Fasting
● Vitamins
Module 9: Ayurveda & Taste
Part 1: 6 Essential Flavours: RASA
This 'connection' between a person's senses is especially significant in Ayurveda. It emphasizes that 'taste' is much more than what happens on the palate. The definition of 'taste' incorporates a person's sense of scent, texture, and emotional state. According to Ayurveda, all of the senses respond to food, and "flavors" are part of a very sophisticated mechanism that produces chemical and emotional substances.
Topics to be discussed include:
● 6 Essential Flavors: RASA
Part 2: 6 Stages of Digestion
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Food Journey
● Virya
● Vipaka
● Flavor Effects on the Tissues
● Prabhava- The Inconceivable Effect
Module 10: Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
Routines are critical in daily health in Ayurveda. Life is governed by one's individual constitution, and it is better to follow a regime that regulates everyday behavior.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Daily Routine
● Diet and Digestion
● Physical Hygiene
● Mental Hygiene
● Enhance Your Senses
Part 2: General Health, Food and Taste Guidelines
As previously discussed, the relationship between food, flavor, and a person's digestive environment is a critical element in Ayurveda. As a result, it is essential to ensure that they are optimized in order to reap its most beneficial properties.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Yoga
● Understanding Yoga
● Prana- Body Energy
● Meditation
● Mantras
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This ayurveda course certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1- Ayurveda – The Science of Life
- Part 1: The Origins of Ayurveda
- Part 2: 3 Ancient Disciplines
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
- Part 2: The 20 Qualities (Attributes)
- Part 3: Defining The Tridosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha
- Part 4: The Srota States
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: 3 Vital Forces
- Part 2: Nadis: Energy Channels Explained
- Part 3: 7 Chakras
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: Ayurvedic Constitution Types (Doshas)
- Part 2: Evaluating your Ayurvedic Constitutional Type
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: Pathways of Disease
- Part 2: Emotional Disease
- Part 3: 6 States of Disease
- Module 5 Assessment
- Ayurveda Early Symptom Detection
- Module 6 Assessment
- Treating Disease with Ayurveda
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Ayurvedic Diet & Optimal Health
- Part 2: Food and the Gunas
- Part 3: Doshas and Diet
- Part 4: Pitta Dosha Food Choices
- Part 5: KAPHA Dosha Food Choices
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: 6 Essential Flavours: RASA
- Part 2: 6 Stages of Digestion
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 - Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
Part 1: Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
Part 2: General Health, Food and Taste Guidelines
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Ayurveda Online Certificate Course
"This course was magnificent and packed with lots of useful information!" - Andy E. Verified Buyer
With this Ayurveda Course, you will learn the principles of Ayurveda and how to use them to translate the human condition, particularly when a person is suffering from some form of imbalance.
Plus, you can learn more with course bundles, see all bundle options below.
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 150 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Ayurveda Online Course: Find Your Life Balance, Learn the Basic Principles, and Important Concepts of Ayurveda
Our Ayurveda Online Course begins by exploring the origins and history of what has been called the science of life. Ayurveda is an ancient holistic therapy that sees health not so much as an absence of disease but as an expression of life. To practice Ayurveda is to find your balance in many facets of your life.
These Healing Online Courses also contrasts the practice with Western medicine. This approach helps to put the differences in approach and philosophy in context. While studying Ayurveda, you will learn the basic principles of Ayurveda and how to use them to translate the human condition, particularly when a person is suffering from some form of imbalance.
To fully understand Ayurveda’s power, it is necessary to understand how body energy is perceived by the practice. Then with this understanding, you can begin to appreciate how nutrients and mental stimulation is translated into the body’s cellular makeup.
What you will learn with our Ayurveda Online Course
● The Ayurveda Energy Systems, including the 3 Vital Force, the Nadis (Energy Channels), the seven Chakras
● Doshas otherwise known as Ayurvedic Constitution Types. These mind-body profiles fall into three categories – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
● Disease pathways
● How to detect diseases early
● How to treat disease
● Living with an Ayurvedic diet
Our ayurveda course will help you learn ayurvedic practices and inculcate and ayurvedic lifestyle. The ayurveda certification will put you on the path to become an ayurveda health counselor in reputed ayurvedic institutes.
The ayurveda programs in our ayurveda school teach various aspects of Kerala ayurveda like ayurvedic diet to cure diseases.
Ayurvedic doctors are required to undergo ayurvedic health counselor program and get an ayurvedic health counselor certification and practice ayurvedic medicine. Our ayurveda courses contain advanced studies for ayurvedic certification and the academic calendar is designed to provide knowledge about integrated yoga therapy.
Who will benefit from the Ayurveda Course?
Written and designed with the Ayurvedic novice in mind these Ayurveda classes online are perfect for anyone who would like to apply these ancient practices to improve their overall health and wellness. The techniques taught in this course could also be used in conjunction with any existing therapies or practices that you currently use. The course is also a good starting point for people wishing to pursue further study in the area with a view to becoming an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
How you will benefit from the Ayurveda Course?
· Our health counselor program teaches you the foundations of ayurveda training. Once they finish the course, ayurveda practitioners will get plenty of employment opportunities. For example, you can get a job as a health coach to provide integrative yoga therapy.
· In this ayurvedic studies course you will learn ayurvedic principles that can easily be applied in daily life.
· The courses provides a course catalog so you can see what you will learn inside the certification program.
· The ayurveda learning program provides a conducive learning environment so you can get the most out of it.
· The course provides you with knowledge on the wisdom of yoga which you can use to transform your life.
· It will give you an introduction to ayurveda, yoga philosophy and teach you how yoga and ayurveda work side by side.
Ayurveda Online Course - Requirements
The Ayurveda Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7 and takes 150 hours of study to complete.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
● Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
● Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
● Be a self-directed learner
● Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
Course content is structured for easy comprehension
Approximately 150 hours of study is needed to complete the course
Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Ayurveda Course
All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
Ayurveda Diploma Online Course Outline
Module 1: Ayurveda: The Science of Life
Part 1: The Origins of Ayurveda
In the Western world, Ayurveda is considered more of an “ancient practice” than a “science.” Ayurveda is not a “evidence-driven science” based on the ever-changing scientific data of contemporary scientists and scholars. It was created thousands of years ago in India and is founded on the idea that health and wellbeing are dependent on a delicate equilibrium of the mind, body, and spirit.
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Origins of Ayurveda
● Sushruta Samhita
● Ayurveda & Human Potential
● Introduction to Sanskrit
Part 2: 3 Ancient Discipline
The three ancient disciplines are Ayurveda, Yoga, and Tantra, with each ‘practice' helping man to attain prosperity, rejuvenation, and self-realization.
Topics to be discussed include:
● 8 Primary Specialties of Ayurveda
● Samkya Philosophy
● Western Medicine vs. Ayurvedic Medicine
Module 2: The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
Part 1: The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
3 Energy States
According to Samkhya Philosophy, the underlying philosophy of Ayurveda, three states of energy, or 'consciousness,' were created at the birth of the world. The three energy states are referred to as ‘the Gunas,' which translates as ‘ropes that connect us to the physical universe.' The psychological constitution can be determined by one of these three states predominates in the mind.
● SATTVA GUNA (essence)
● RAJAS GUNA (movement)
● TAMAS GUNA (inertia)
Topics to be discussed include:
● The 5 Elements
● The 5 Senses
Part 2: The 20 Qualities
The 20 Qualities represent everything existing in this universe, both physically and psychologically. All a person hears, sees, tastes, smells, and touches is perceived by 20 distinct qualities or attributes.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Understanding the Human Constitution
● The 5 Elements Combinations that Form Doshas
● 7 Constitution Combinations
Part 3: Defining the Tridosha- Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Understanding the three doshas is important for applying Ayurvedic concepts. The classification of body types into three doshas is peculiar to Ayurveda and has the ability to transform Western healing approaches. However, it is difficult to translate ‘the meaning' of the three dosha names into Western words.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Defining and Navigating the Srotas (body Networks)
Part 4: The Srota States
Topics to be discussed include:
● Normal Srota
● Hyper-functioning Srota
● Blocked Srota
● Hypo-functioning Srota
● Injured Srota
● The Srotas
Module 3: Ayurveda Energy Systems
Part 1: 3 Vital Forces
Ayurveda recognizes body energies subtly and manages nutrients and mental stimuli (thoughts) in such a manner that it translates into the molecular makeup of the body. It is yet another 'difficult' term to grasp from a Western viewpoint. However, making this relation is critical in order to fully comprehend the influence of Ayurveda.
Topics to be discussed include:
● 3 Vital Forces
● Ojas
● Tejas
● Prana
Part 2: Nadis: Energy Channels Explained
As per Ayurveda, the spine has 72,000 channels or nadis that radiate like a fine network. In Chinese medicine, they are referred to as "meridians." They bind at different points on the body to create powerful energy fields known as 'chakras.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● 3 Main Nadis
● Other Principal Nadis
● 7 Dhatus: Body Building Blocks
Part 3: 7 Chakras
Topics to be discussed include:
● The 7 Chakras
● Chakras and Emotions
● Pancha Koshas- The Invisible Coverings
● Anandamaya
Module 4: Ayurvedic Constitutions
Part 1: Ayurvedic Constitutions Types
The term for ‘constitution' in Sanskrit is prakruti, which literally translates as ‘first existence' and refers to the constitution embodied at birth. The entire Ayurvedic therapy scheme is focused on the ‘constitution' system and the associated experience of each individual mind-body state.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Vata
● Pitta
● Kapha
● Physical Traits of the Doshas
● Physiological Traits of the 3 Doshas
● Psychological Traits of the 3 Doshas
Part 2: Evaluating your Ayurvedic Constitutional Type
Topics to be discussed include:
● Mental Constitutions (Behaviors)
● 3 Attributes- Gunas
Module 5: Pathways of Disease
Part 1: Pathways of Disease
Defining ‘Disease’ According to Ayurvedic Medicine
According to Ayurveda, health is described as ‘harmony.' In other words, that is the quality of being 'free' of illness and pain. It refers to a state of 'normalcy and well-being.' According to Ayurveda, the entity is a real "reflection" of the cosmos. The term for health is 'order.' The word for disease is 'disorder.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● Disease Classification
● Proneness to Disease
● Vata
● Pitta
● Kapha
● Agni- The Key to Good Health
Part 2: Emotional Disease
According to Ayurveda, health is described as ‘harmony.' In other words, that is the quality of being 'free' of illness and pain. It refers to a state of 'normalcy and well-being.' According to Ayurveda, the entity is a real "reflection" of the cosmos. The term for health is 'order.' The word for disease is 'disorder.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● The 3 Malas
● Discovering Ama
● Symptoms of ‘Ama’ Accumulation
Part 3: 6 States of Disease
Disease in the body typically progresses progressively over time. It is known as ‘samprapti' in Sanskrit, which translates as ‘the birth of suffering.' The influence of Ayurveda is evident in its capacity to cure disease at any point. Because of the causative causes, such as consuming a poor diet or eating inappropriate foods, each illness takes a specific path.
Topics to be discussed include:
● #1. Accumulation: Beginnings of Discomfort (Sanchaya)
● #2. Aggravation: Not Feeling Right (Prakopa)
● #3. Overflow: Circulation in the System (Prasara)
● #4. Relocation: Finding a New Location (Sthana Samsraya)
● #5. Manifestation: Symptoms Appear (Vyakti)
● #6. Diversification/Specification: Complications (Bheda)
● Lifestyle and Health
● Inner Wisdom
Module 6: Ayurveda Early Symptom Detection
In Western parlance, the term "diagnosis" refers to the detection of illness after it has completely manifested and the "symptoms" are visible. However, in Ayurveda, the term "diagnosis" refers to the ongoing control of the body's ever-changing relationship between "health" (order) and "disease" (disorder). The'symptoms' are regarded as a sign of tridosha imbalance. As a result, if the 'nature' of the imbalance is identified, balance can be restored by the appropriate 'treatment.'
Topics to be discussed include:
● Radial Pulse
● The Meridians (and the 5 Basic Elements)
● Tongue Diagnosis
● Facial Diagnosis
● Lip Diagnosis
● Nail Diagnosis
● Eye Diagnosis
Module 7: Treating Disease with Ayurveda
Disease happens within the body when the doshas are out of control, according to Ayurvedic principles. As a result, all Ayurvedic treatments include the restoration of the Tridosha equilibrium.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Emotional Release
● Pancha Karma
● Palliation (Shamana)
Module 8: Ayurvedic Diet & Optimal Health
Part 1: Ayurvedic Diet & Optimal Health
The most important aspect of staying healthy is establishing a healthy schedule, especially a sound, healthy diet. Aside from eating, it is important to engage in other beneficial habits such as yoga, breathing exercises, and spiritual rituals such as meditation. By incorporating all of these elements into a person's everyday routines, they will achieve fitness, peace, and pleasure in their lives.
Topics to be discussed include:
● How Flavor and Emotions are Linked
● Food & the 3 Energy States
● Sattvic Foods
● Rajasic Foods
● Tamasic Foods
Part 2: Food and the Gunas
Topics to be discussed include:
● Sattvic Food Examples
● Rajasic Food Examples
● Tamasic Food Examples
● Enhancing Digestion
● Bad Food Combinations
Part 3: Doshas and Diet
The ideal diet for a person's dosha will be determined by their simple constitutional form (vatta-pitta-kapha). It is the supreme test of the adage that "one man's meat is another man's poison," as what is beneficial to a kapha dosha can be harmful to a pitta dominant human. As a result, it is critical to adapt a person's diet to their relevant dosha constitution.
Topics to be discussed include:
● VATA Dosha Food Choices
● VATA Foods (Fruits)
● VATA Foods (Vegetables)
● VATA Foods (Grains)
● VATA Foods (Animal Foods)
Part 4: Pitta Dosha Food Choices
Pitta dosha constitution have qualities such as lightness, liquidity, sharpness, heat, and a mild oiliness. Pitta doshas benefit from foods that are nourishing, refreshing, and sweet. Pittas may have voracious appetites and must be careful not to overindulge in one sitting. Normal sweet, salty, and astringent foods can be eaten to maintain a healthy constitution.
Topics to be discussed include:
● PITTA Foods (Fruits)
● PITTA Foods (Vegetables)
● PITTA Foods (Grains)
● PITTA Foods (Animal Foods)
Part 5: KAPHA Dosha Food Choices
Smooth, gentle, cold, stable, wet, thick, and sticky are qualities associated with the Kapha dosha. Kaphas are naturally solid and well-built. As a result, they should restrict high-calorie meals. Try to stick to lower-calorie options. Sunflower and corn oil are ‘good' oils for kaphas since they are mildly heating. Ghee (clarified butter) should be used sparingly, but it can be beneficial in increasing a person's ‘agni’.
Topics to be discussed include:
● KAPHA Foods (Fruits)
● KAPHA Foods (Vegetables)
● KAPHA Foods (Grains)
● KAPHA Foods (Animal Foods)
● Fasting
● Vitamins
Module 9: Ayurveda & Taste
Part 1: 6 Essential Flavours: RASA
This 'connection' between a person's senses is especially significant in Ayurveda. It emphasizes that 'taste' is much more than what happens on the palate. The definition of 'taste' incorporates a person's sense of scent, texture, and emotional state. According to Ayurveda, all of the senses respond to food, and "flavors" are part of a very sophisticated mechanism that produces chemical and emotional substances.
Topics to be discussed include:
● 6 Essential Flavors: RASA
Part 2: 6 Stages of Digestion
Topics to be discussed include:
● The Food Journey
● Virya
● Vipaka
● Flavor Effects on the Tissues
● Prabhava- The Inconceivable Effect
Module 10: Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
Routines are critical in daily health in Ayurveda. Life is governed by one's individual constitution, and it is better to follow a regime that regulates everyday behavior.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Daily Routine
● Diet and Digestion
● Physical Hygiene
● Mental Hygiene
● Enhance Your Senses
Part 2: General Health, Food and Taste Guidelines
As previously discussed, the relationship between food, flavor, and a person's digestive environment is a critical element in Ayurveda. As a result, it is essential to ensure that they are optimized in order to reap its most beneficial properties.
Topics to be discussed include:
● Yoga
● Understanding Yoga
● Prana- Body Energy
● Meditation
● Mantras
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This ayurveda course certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1- Ayurveda – The Science of Life
- Part 1: The Origins of Ayurveda
- Part 2: 3 Ancient Disciplines
- Module 1 Assessment
- Part 1: The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda
- Part 2: The 20 Qualities (Attributes)
- Part 3: Defining The Tridosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha
- Part 4: The Srota States
- Module 2 Assessment
- Part 1: 3 Vital Forces
- Part 2: Nadis: Energy Channels Explained
- Part 3: 7 Chakras
- Module 3 Assessment
- Part 1: Ayurvedic Constitution Types (Doshas)
- Part 2: Evaluating your Ayurvedic Constitutional Type
- Module 4 Assessment
- Part 1: Pathways of Disease
- Part 2: Emotional Disease
- Part 3: 6 States of Disease
- Module 5 Assessment
- Ayurveda Early Symptom Detection
- Module 6 Assessment
- Treating Disease with Ayurveda
- Module 7 Assessment
- Part 1: Ayurvedic Diet & Optimal Health
- Part 2: Food and the Gunas
- Part 3: Doshas and Diet
- Part 4: Pitta Dosha Food Choices
- Part 5: KAPHA Dosha Food Choices
- Module 8 Assessment
- Part 1: 6 Essential Flavours: RASA
- Part 2: 6 Stages of Digestion
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 - Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
Part 1: Lifestyle and Daily Rituals
Part 2: General Health, Food and Taste Guidelines
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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