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About This Course
What you will learn
  • Introduction to Hydroponics

  • Plant Growth Requirements

  • Basic Chemistry and Plant Nutrition

  • Nutrient Solutions

  • Plant Doctor

  • Classification of Hydroponic Systems

  • Berry Fruit and Ornamental Plants

  • Nutriculture Systems

  • Culture and Management of Some Greenhouse Crops

Study Hydroponics Online Course and Understand This Scientific Art of Hydroponics

Our Hydroponics Online Course will teach you the fundamentals of what to feed your plants and how to do it correctly. Plants in hydroponics are grown by immersing their roots in a liquid nutrient solution rather than soil.

Many of us have witnessed how it produces roots and begins to grow when a plant cutting is immersed in water. You'll quickly grasp this scientific art. 

This advanced certificate in hydroponic crop growing and horticulture management provides you with all the soft skills needed to enjoy permaculture and self sufficiency – whether personally or professionally.

You’ll learn about the home hydroponic methods available, home gardening and plant varieties that are easy to grow, hydroponic vegetable production and hydroponics management. In this training program you’ll discover vertical farming, explore horticultural technology and disease control, and the course includes the basis for commercial hydroponics in a controlled environment.

The program will break down the technical language and lead you through the stages of putting together your hydroponics system.

Hydroponics Online Course - Requirements

The Hydroponics Online Course is delivered 100 percent online.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

  • Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

  • Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

  • Be a self-directed learner

  • Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered distance education students gain unrestricted access to the Hydroponics Online Course

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

If you want to know more about this distance education hydroponic course, view our frequently asked questions below or get in touch with one of our helpful team members. We’ll be happy to provide everything you need to know to achieve a statement of attainment in hydroponics vegetable, fruit and plant growing.

Hydroponics Online Course - Outline

Module 1: Introduction

Plants are grown in a nutrient solution instead of dirt in hydroponics. It is included in the wide category of horticulture (which simply means growing things).

Hydroponic Systems

Hydroponics is a growth method that aims to remove all non-essential materials by giving plants only what they require. There are many different types of hydroponic systems that function in different ways to attain that purpose.

Aeroponics Systems

Plants are hung in the air over a nutrient solution in an aeroponics system. A misting device is present in the solution, which may or may not be equipped with a timer. The fertilizer solution is misted on the plants on a regular (or near-regular) basis. The duration between mists is much smaller than the misting time if they're on a timer.

Deep-Water Culture Systems

Plants are suspended above a deep container of water, with the roots dangling down into it, in deep-water cultures. There is an air pump in the water container that circulates the water and keeps it oxygenated.

Drip Systems

The water is pushed up through the pipe by the pump and exits via holes above each plant. Excess water flows into the basin and, if there is too much, it may be drained through the bottom. These systems are ideal for growing a huge number of plants. They are simple to use and manage the amount of water that is consumed. They're also reasonably priced. They may, however, generate a lot of garbage.

Ebb and Flow Systems

Ebb and flow systems function by periodically giving an excess of fertilizer solution to the plants. Plants are grown in a tray that contains a growth medium. This tray rests on top of a tank filled with growth solution and a pump.

Nutrient Film Techniques

The nutrition film technique incorporates elements from all of the other approaches. Plants are suspended over a tray that sits above a tank filled with fertilizer solution in this approach. A pump is housed in the tank, which continually pushes solution up to the tray. Only the tips of the roots are submerged in the steady flow of nutritional solution that drains back into the tank, so the plants are hanging.

Wick Systems

Wicking systems are the most basic and have been around the longest of all the hydroponic systems. Plants are put in a growth media in a tray above a water and food source in a wicking system. A wick falls into the solution from the tray. A number of materials, such as yarn or rope, can be used to make this wick. Once up and running, this system requires the least amount of maintenance, although it is best suited for smaller plants.

History of Hydroponics

If you're wondering if hydroponics is just a passing fad, you'll be surprised to learn that it has been practiced for centuries. It all began with the publishing of A Natural History in the early 17th century, which was the first recorded literature on growing plants without soil.

Module 2: Plant Biology

We'll look at some of the physiological processes that plants do in the following section of the course; it's crucial to grasp these concepts so you can set up the right circumstances for effective hydroponic growing.


The process of transforming sunlight into energy is known as photosynthesis. The energy is subsequently used by the plant to keep itself alive and perform other physiological activities. CO2, water, sunshine, and chlorophyll are all required for photosynthesis to occur in the leaves (a light-absorbing compound). Plants can perish if these elements are not present in sufficient quantities.

Water Transportation and Transpiration

Exchanging gases and absorbing water and nutrients from the environment are all activities that plants use. Gases are exchanged directly between the environment and plants through microscopic pores in the leaves known as stomata. The stomata open and allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf when plants require it. The stomata close when they don't require any carbon dioxide, ending the gaseous exchange.

Plant Cells

Plants contain a variety of cell types that differ from animal cells. These distinctions are based on how cells survive and the general properties of plants vs animals.

Plant Reproduction

Plant reproduction produces seeds and fruits. Plants have the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually. Let's start with sexual reproduction. Pollen is produced by male parts and then transmitted to female parts. If the male and female parts are on the same plant, dispersion is simple; but, if they are on separate plants, it is more difficult. Pollination is aided by birds and insects, which assist transfer pollen from one location to another. Pollen will reach the female flower if pollination is successful. Fertilization happens if the circumstances are favorable.

Dominant vs. Recessive Traits

Each plant attribute is controlled by a gene. Because humans are diploid, each gene has two copies, one from each parent. A dominating characteristic is the answer. The recessive characteristic is one that you will not have. Consider the following scenario. Consider the following scenario: your mother has blue eyes and your father has brown eyes. Because brown is a dominant version of the eye color gene, they would be brown. Because it is a recessive characteristic, even if you carry a copy of your mother, it is dormant.

Module 3: Plant Nutrition

This section of the course includes information about plant nutrition. Here, you'll discover exactly which nutrients a plant requires so that you can keep track of the situation and make any modifications. The optimal pH of a nutrition solution will also be discussed. Let's start with the most basic minerals that plants require to thrive.

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements in plant development. It is found in all plant cells, proteins, and hormones, as well as chlorophyll. Soil nitrogen is obtained from nitrogen in the atmosphere. Because of their symbiotic association with specific bacteria, certain plants, such as legumes, go through a process called nitrogen fixation.

Phosphorus (P)

Photosynthesis is aided by phosphorus, which promotes early root growth and speeds maturity. The most prevalent phosphorus source is superphosphate, which is made from sulfuric acid and rock phosphate.

Potassium (K)

Potassium enhances plant immunity, making it more resistant to disease. It assists in the production and transmission of starches, sugars, and oils, as well as improving fruit quality.

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium is necessary for root health, the production of new roots and root hairs, and leaf growth. Dolomite, lime, superphosphate, and gypsum all contain calcium. Lime is the most cost-effective and acceptable alternative; dolomite is helpful for magnesium and calcium deficiencies, but if used for an extended length of time, it will produce an imbalance in the calcium/magnesium ratio.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is a fundamental component of chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants, and is essential for photosynthesis. Deficiencies are most frequent in sandy, acidic soils with significant rainfall, especially in areas where intensive horticultural or dairy farming is practiced.

Sulfur (S)

Plants require sulfur in order to make energy. It's also in charge of taste and odor components in plants, such as the smell of onions and cabbage.


Although hydroponic farming looks to be a practical and easy technology, it is time demanding. Plants that grow in soil may only require little care for days or weeks while nature maintains its ideal balance. This is not the case with hydroponics. To guarantee that plants receive the water and nutrients they require, you must be more watchful. Refill the water as needed, and keep an eye on the plants to make sure they're doing well.

Nutritional Supplements

In hydroponic systems, water is used to distribute nutrients. Soluble liquid nutrients are dissolved in water and sent to the roots of plants directly. Depending on what you're trying to produce, you may utilize a variety of fertilizer mixes with hydroponic farming. There are particular treatments for leafy greens, lettuces, herbs, and other crops, for example.

Why is pH Important?

Plants can absorb nutrients to their maximum potential when the pH balance is optimal. For most plants, a soil pH of less than 6.0 is undesirable. To raise the pH of extremely acidic soils closer to neutral, lime must be applied.

Testing pH and Nutrient Balance

It's critical to check your nutrition solution's pH at least once a day. The nutrition solution used and the water type also affect pH, as different sources and types of water have varied pH values. For reliable, consistent results, some farmers employ reverse osmosis to cleanse water.

Module 4: Health and Disease

Module 4 will go over the symptoms of several illnesses as well as how to keep your plants healthy. Early detection and treatment of disease can be aided by inspecting your plants for signs of disease.

Signs of Disease in Plants

The first step in determining why plants or crops are sick is to accurately distinguish a sign from a symptom. The term sign is used while detecting a chemical or pathogen. Symptoms, as opposed to signs, are changes in a plant that are visible or otherwise recognized and are induced by sickness or damage. Furthermore, as the illness progresses, the symptoms of the condition frequently change.

Plant Life Cycles

Some plants have short lives (less than a year), whereas others might thrive for hundreds of years. This is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

Monocarpic Plants

Because mono means "one" and carpic means "fruits," monocarpic plants only reproduce once before dying. Germination, vegetative development, breeding, and death are the four stages of a monocarpic plant's life cycle. The monocarpic plant's vegetative development stage is crucial since it is at this period that the plant makes and stores starch, which is a high-energy substance.

Polycarpic Plants

Polycarpic plants (poly meaning "many") reproduce multiple times before dying. Ephemerals are plants that grow, blossom, reproduce, and die in just a few weeks or months. They frequently reside in deserts or other environments where active plant development is only feasible for a short period of time each year. Ephemeral seeds last for the most of the year.

Paucicarpic Plants

Paucicarpic plants, according to some botanists, are a third, intermediate type of plants. Herbs having a brief life cycle are known as paucicarpic plants. They may perish after mating, although they are more likely to reproduce twice or four times during their lifetime.

Root Rot in Hydroponics

Root rot can be caused by overwatering. When the root system does not get enough oxygen, which happens frequently when using the deep water culture technique or the Kratky method, problems arise. When root rot takes hold, slime forms an impenetrable barrier, preventing oxygen from reaching the plant. Root cells die when they don't have enough oxygen, allowing opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi to spread. After invading the dying cells, viruses can also suffocate the rest of the live root system.

Fungal Diseases

Fungi cause more plant diseases than any other type of pest, and fungal-like organisms (FLOs) are the most common (that includes more than 8,000 species implicated in disease transmission).

Module 5: Pest Control

Pests that live in water, as well as pests that live in traditional crops, can be found in outdoor hydroponics systems. We'll go over some common pests to watch out for and how to safeguard your plants today.

Pests that Target Hydroponic Systems

Varying pests have different effects on hydroponic systems, and if left untreated, they can cause substantial harm to the plants.


Aphids are little insects with soft bodies that resemble a pear shape. They're generally green, although they can be any hue. Plants are harmed when they feed on the fluids of all sections of the plant, including the stem, leaves, flowers, roots, buds, and fruits. Plant development is stunted, leaves are deformed, fruit is destroyed, and galls form on the leaves and roots of the plant.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are little red arachnids that are difficult to spot since they are less than one millimeter long. These bugs dwell in swarms and are frequently found on the underside of leaves. Spider mites wreak havoc on plants by piercing the leaf and sucking the moisture out. If left untreated, this causes the leaves to become yellow, dry out, and fall off.


Thrips are tiny flying insects that are around two millimeters long and brown in appearance. Thrips feed on the sap from the leaves and flowers of plants. They have two sets of wings, each with a hairy tip. Thrips may hop between plant leaves and from one plant to another because of the nature of their wings. This raises the odds of an entire crop becoming contaminated.


These triangular insects are frequently seen in bunches on the undersides of plants. Whiteflies feed on a plant's fluids, disrupting photosynthesis and causing malformed, stunted leaves to become yellow and dry up.

Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats are 2 to 8 millimeters long when fully grown. They are not harmful to plants. Fungus gnat larvae, on the other hand, feed on the roots and feeder roots, causing delayed development and bacterial infection.

Mealy Bugs

These insects are found on the leaves, stems, and fruits of a plant. They are wingless and have a delicate body. Mealy bugs suck out the sap from plants using their stylet, causing yellowing and drying of the leaves, as well as other harm.

Miscellaneous Larvae

Some bug species have water-loving larvae that can thrive in hydroponic systems. Mosquito larvae, stoneflies larvae, and dragonfly larvae are among them.

Animals Drawn to Water

Animals attracted to water, such as those that graze on vegetation and are attracted to both edible plants and water, can be disruptive to hydroponic systems.


Insecticides, which repel or kill many insect species, are the most efficient approach to get rid of pests. Insecticides have a variety of effects. Pests' neurological systems are disrupted by some, while their exoskeletons are damaged by others. In certain circumstances, they keep insects away from plants. Insecticides come in a variety of forms, including sprays, gels, baits, and powders. The sort of insecticide to employ is determined by the risk factors. Some, for example, have a broad spectrum, which might lead to the extinction of beneficial insects to the environment.

Natural Pest-Repellent Substances

Some pests can be deterred by spraying white vinegar or lemon juice on the plants or sprinkling cinnamon on the foliage. You can also use cedar mulch on the ground for outdoor systems.

Sticky Traps

Pests and insects are captured and monitored using sticky traps, which are glue-based traps. They might have fragrances or odors that attract certain insects.

Introducing Beneficial Bugs

Introducing insect predators to your plants is a natural approach to defend them. In addition, some of these predators are pollinators, which is a bonus. Ladybugs, army beetles, hoverflies, lacewings, assassin bugs, and mantis are some bugs to introduce. Aphids, mealy bugs, thrips, and other pests are all eaten by many of these bugs. Plant flowers that pollinators like in the proximity of your hydroponics system to attract them.

Module 6: Fruits and Vegetables

We'll go through which crops work best in hydroponic systems in this section of the course. Due to increased demand for housing, office space, and more urban areas, the supply of agricultural lands has decreased in recent years. The over-reliance on land for agriculture can be lessened using hydroponics, as many plant species can flourish without soil.

Fruits and Vegetables

  • Tomatoes

  • Bell peppers

  • Cucumber

  • Blueberries

  • Lettuce

  • Strawberries

  • Spinach


  • Basil

  • Chamomile

  • Rosemary

  • Oregano

  • Cilantro

  • Anise

  • Dill

  • Catnip

Sample Project: Mini Herb Garden

Mason jars are commonly used in hydroponics for a variety of reasons. They're simple to locate and inexpensive. In addition to their practical applications, they have an aesthetic appeal.

Module 7: Ornamental Plants

Ornamental plants, like vegetables and herbs, may be cultivated hydroponically for a significantly larger yield than when grown in regular soil. We'll go through the greatest decorative plants for hydroponics novices in this module, as well as some edible flowers that may be grown in a hydroponic system. You'll also learn about window boxes, hanging gardens, water features, live centerpieces, and beautiful hydroponic vases, as well as some of the greatest hydroponic garden ornamental arrangements.


Orchids are lovely, elegant, exotic flowers that are naturally suited for hydroponic development due to their epiphytic nature, which means their roots are in the air rather than underground.


If you enjoy large flowers that serve as a focal point in a winter garden, amaryllis is the plant for you. It is typically grown as a house plant in temperate climates and is extremely adaptable to various planting methods.


Daffodils are a springtime symbol. They're one of the easiest flowers for a novice to grow hydroponically, and they look great in a tiny vase or jug.


The scent of freesia is distinctive and delicious. It's a bulbous flower that thrives in a hydroponic environment. It has a variety of hues, including purple, white, red, and orange.


Chrysanthemums are connected with death in Western cultures because they bloom on All Souls Day. They represent longevity, happiness, and love in different civilizations.


Perennials like gerberas can be appealing to hydroponic gardeners who prefer bulbous plants or annuals.

Edible Flowers

Edible flowers aren't only pretty to look at; they're also nutritious and have a mild flavor and perfume. The edible flowers listed below are some of the best to grow in a hydroponic system.

Window Boxes

Window boxes are a lovely way to display your hydroponic plant while also adding to the visual appeal of your house. They may be mounted on the wall right under your window with bracket support or placed on the window sill.

Hanging Gardens

Because of the desire to reduce floor space while yet having lovely floral displays, hanging gardens are becoming increasingly popular. You may hang your plants from hooks or macrame plant holders to create a garden on the wall or ceiling.

Living Centerpieces and Decorations

Living centerpieces or ornamental hydroponic vases may add a lot of style to your home's interior design. Narrow neck vases, cylinder vases, bud vases, and cube vases are among the beautiful hydroponic vase designs available. Because you'll be growing hydroponic flowers in these vases, be sure they're suitable for live plants. They should be completely waterproof and free of any liners that might contaminate the nutritional solution.

Module 8: High-Risk Plants

This lesson will discuss certain plants that can be cultivated successfully if certain obstacles are overcome. Some plants are better adapted to hydroponics settings than others; here, we will find out which species are commonly unsuccessful and why.

Difficult Plants for Hydroponics

Growing the plants below may not provide a reasonable return on investment (in terms of time and effort). In comparison to other plants, there is a high danger of failure and crop loss.

Nutrient Consumption

Because of their extensive root systems, some plants are able to absorb large amounts of nutrients. Because such crops will draw these nutrients from the reservoir, replacing them may not be cost-effective.

Large Root Systems

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, rutabaga, and garlic are examples of plants having vast root systems. Vine crops have deep root systems as well.

Vertical Limitations

As previously stated, vertical limits prevent some plants, such as maize, from growing successfully in hydroponic systems. This is also true when it comes to vine crops.


The likelihood of these plants collapsing is quite high, posing a variety of hazards. If you're going to grow heavy plants hydroponically, you'll need to make sure they're well supported.

Module 9: Specialty Systems

In this section of the course, we'll go over a variety of specialist growing systems and how they may be used to grow plants.

Nutriculture Grow Systems

Nutriculture Grow Systems is a hydroponics manufacturer and retailer based in Lancashire, United Kingdom. Everyone should be able to get the information and goods they need to be successful at producing plants, according to the company's objective. John Molyneux, a pioneer in the field of hydroponics, founded the company in 1976. The Gro-Tank was the first design he brought to market, followed by the Ebb & Flood, Flo-Gro, Oxypot, and Amazon systems.


  • Aquaponics is a system for growing plants that combines aquaculture and hydroponics. This system mimics a natural ecosystem by using farmed fish and/or other aquatic animals to supply nutrients for plants grown hydroponically.

  • It is similar to the ecosystems found in waterways across the globe, in that it is a symbiotic relationship between aquatic life, bacteria, and plants. Here is a basic overview of the process:

  • Nutrients are introduced to an aquaponics system through fish food. The fish eat the food and they absorb most of the nutrients. The rest of the nutrients are excreted along with ammonia.

Aeroponics and Misting

Aeroponics is a type of hydroponics that is more sophisticated. In an aeroponic system, there is no need for a growth medium or soil. Plants are instead kept in vertical grow racks that sit over a nutrient-rich water reservoir. Sprayers use a water pump and a timer to spray nutrient-rich mist to the roots of plants on a regular basis. The irrigation systems are closed loops, which utilize 95 percent less water than traditional methods of growing plants.

Module 10: Substrates

The usage of substrates and the numerous materials that may be utilized efficiently in hydroponic systems are covered in this section. After introducing the most prevalent materials, we'll go over the things to think about while choosing one.

Defining Substrates

Even though hydroponics systems do not utilize soil, plants still require some form of support. Hydroponic substrates are soilless growth mediums that aid with root aeration and moisture retention.

Types of Substrate Materials

  • Rock Wool

  • Rice Husks

  • Gravel

  • Sand

  • Coco Coir

  • Expanded Clay Pellets

  • Perlite


The type of substrate you use can have an impact on your ability to grow plants successfully. As a result, when matching plants, system designs, and substrates, extreme caution should be exercised.

System Type

In a hydroponics system, the type of growth media utilized is primarily determined by the system's style. In other systems, such as an ebb and flow system, the plants are periodically inundated with nutritional solutions.


Another factor to consider is the amount of aeration provided by a particular growth media. Depending on a grower's system, they may require a substrate that holds more water while also providing high aeration, or they may want a substrate that drains water fast while retaining less water.


Another element to consider when selecting a hydroponic substrate is how the chosen media will affect the nutrient solution's pH levels.


When selecting a substrate, the weight is a crucial component to consider. The size of a hydroponic system might be limited if the growth media is excessively heavy. It may float away and block irrigation systems if it is too light.


When building up a big hydroponic system, pricing is an important issue to consider. The ideal media is one that is both affordable and widely available. This is especially true if the system's architecture necessitates regular substrate material replacement.

Environmental Impact

When setting together a growing system, a grower should think about the influence it will have on the environment. This includes the type of material they use.

Module 11: Tools and Equipment

Hydroponic systems for enthusiasts can range from enormous greenhouses to modest indoor systems. However, there are a few tools and pieces of equipment that are required regardless of the situation.

Essential Tools and Equipment

The supplies and materials necessary for a hydroponic operation are frequently dictated by the design and scale of the operation.


To begin with, water is an apparent requirement. It's brought up because hydroponic farmers should be aware of specific water characteristics. These characteristics will be discussed shortly. A reservoir is another name for a water basin. These may be any size, and can be made out of household materials like buckets, storage bins, or tubs.


Of course, light is required. Small hydroponic pots can be placed in a window if one is available. There are a variety of bulb kinds to select from when it comes to artificial lighting.

Temperature Regulation

You'll also need temperature-controlling devices. Plants prefer temperatures in the 70°F range. Maintaining a consistent temperature can help your plants develop more healthily; extreme temperature variations might shock them.


Grow trays can be shared among numerous plants or customized for each plant. To allow surplus water to go back to the basin, drainage should be addressed. The plants should be put above the water basin in the trays so that they are not inundated.


Nutrition is required to provide your plants with the nutrients they require. To make a useful solution, they will be added into the water.

Air Pumps and Stones

To oxygenate the water, air pumps are employed. Air pumps can employ wick systems to pump water up to individual spouts, where it then rains down to water plants. These work effectively with a timer to provide constant watering.

General Plant Care and Gardening Tools

Typically, a pH of 5.5 to 6 is ideal. This pH balance is preferred by melons, apples, squash, tomatoes, beans, and a variety of other plants. If the water is too acidic, baking soda can help to neutralize it. To boost acidity, add white vinegar if it's too alkaline. A shot glass of white vinegar raises acidity from 7 to 4 in two liters of water, so you don't need much.

Tool and Equipment Care Practices

One thing to keep in mind is that fertilizers in the water might cause equipment to corrode. You avoid any undesired build-up, be sure to scrape and clean the air pump on a regular basis.

Purchasing Materials and Budgeting

  • A pH meter should cost between $8 to $9.

  • A TDS meter (to measure ppm) can cost $100. These are not mandatory, but can help you to be precise.

  • Hydroponic nutrients come in additives and pre-made solutions.

Module 12: Indoor and Outdoor Systems

While most people connect hydroponics with indoor systems, outdoor hydroponics is more popular than most people realize. This, of course, is highly dependent on the local climate and environmental risks.

Similarities and Differences

There are a few commonalities between indoor and outdoor hydroponics. They both use substrates instead of soil to allow roots to develop, retain moisture, and aerate. Both tend to rely on man made reservoirs as a supply of water.

Typical Organization and Layout

Ebb and flow systems, top feed systems, and aeroponic systems are the best choices for outdoor hydroponics. Excess water, such as rain, is nearly hard to control. This implies that deep-water systems and systems with roots that are always submerged should be avoided at all costs.

Further Learning

With Courses for Success, you can advance your career with further gardening courses that will give you accreditation and recognition. You could even design your own course by finding related courses, such as a horticulture course or similar. Course details are available online and there are plenty of student resources available to assist people requiring online learning methods.

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1: Introduction

  • Hydroponic Systems
  • Aeroponics Systems
  • Deep-Water Culture Systems
  • Drip Systems
  • Ebb and Flow Systems
  • Nutrient Film Techniques
  • Wick Systems
  • History of Hydroponics

Module 2: Plant Biology

  • Photosynthesis
  • Water Transportation and Transpiration
  • Plant Cells
  • Plant Reproduction
  • Dominant vs. Recessive Traits

Module 3: Plant Nutrition

  • Nitrogen (N)
  • Phosphorus (P)
  • Potassium (K)
  • Calcium (Ca)
  • Magnesium (Mg)
  • Sulfur (S)
  • Challenges
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Why is pH Important?
  • Testing pH and Nutrient Balance

Module 4: Health and Disease

  • Signs of Disease in Plants
  • Plant Life Cycles
  • Monocarpic Plants
  • Polycarpic Plants
  • Paucicarpic Plants
  • Root Rot in Hydroponics
  • Fungal Diseases

Module 5: Pest Control

  • Pests that Target Hydroponic Systems
  • Aphids
  • Spider Mites
  • Thrips
  • Whiteflies
  • Fungus Gnats
  • Mealy Bugs
  • Miscellaneous Larvae
  • Animals Drawn to Water
  • Pesticides
  • Natural Pest-Repellent Substances
  • Sticky Traps
  • Introducing Beneficial Bugs

Module 6: Fruits and Vegetables

  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Herbs
  • Sample Project: Mini Herb Garden

Module 7: Ornamental Plants

  • Orchids
  • Amaryllis
  • Daffodils
  • Freesia
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Gerbera
  • Edible Flowers
  • Window Boxes
  • Hanging Gardens
  • Living Centerpieces and Decorations

Module 8: High-Risk Plants

  • Difficult Plants for Hydroponics
  • Nutrient Consumption
  • Large Root Systems
  • Vertical Limitations
  • Weight

Module 9: Specialty Systems

  • Nutriculture Grow Systems
  • Aquaponics
  • Aeroponics and Misting

Module 10: Substrates

  • Defining Substrates
  • Types of Substrate Materials
  • Considerations
  • System Type
  • Aeration
  • pH
  • Weight
  • Budget
  • Environmental Impact

Module 11: Tools and Equipment

  • Essential Tools and Equipment
  • Water
  • Lighting
  • Temperature Regulation
  • Trays
  • Nutrients
  • Air Pumps and Stones
  • General Plant Care and Gardening Tools
  • Tool and Equipment Care Practices
  • Purchasing Materials and Budgeting

Module 12: Indoor and Outdoor Systems

  • Similarities and Differences
  • Typical Organization and Layout
  • Pros and Cons of Indoor Systems
  • Pros and Cons of Outdoor Systems
  • Best Climate for Outdoor Setups
  • Ponds and Aquaponics

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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Hydroponics Online Certificate Course

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"I enjoyed this course and learned a lot about hydroponics and aquaponics. It gave good knowledge on different set-ups to utilize." - Luke N. Verified Buyer

Start your journey in the exciting world of hydroponics today with our comprehensive Certificate Course. From fundamentals such as nutrient solutions and pH to essentials like water management and plant nutrition, you'll gain the knowledge you need to become a successful hydroponics grower. Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, this course is perfect for equipping you with the skills to take your hydroponics to the next level!

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7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 20 Hours
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
  • Introduction to Hydroponics

  • Plant Growth Requirements

  • Basic Chemistry and Plant Nutrition

  • Nutrient Solutions

  • Plant Doctor

  • Classification of Hydroponic Systems

  • Berry Fruit and Ornamental Plants

  • Nutriculture Systems

  • Culture and Management of Some Greenhouse Crops

Study Hydroponics Online Course and Understand This Scientific Art of Hydroponics

Our Hydroponics Online Course will teach you the fundamentals of what to feed your plants and how to do it correctly. Plants in hydroponics are grown by immersing their roots in a liquid nutrient solution rather than soil.

Many of us have witnessed how it produces roots and begins to grow when a plant cutting is immersed in water. You'll quickly grasp this scientific art. 

This advanced certificate in hydroponic crop growing and horticulture management provides you with all the soft skills needed to enjoy permaculture and self sufficiency – whether personally or professionally.

You’ll learn about the home hydroponic methods available, home gardening and plant varieties that are easy to grow, hydroponic vegetable production and hydroponics management. In this training program you’ll discover vertical farming, explore horticultural technology and disease control, and the course includes the basis for commercial hydroponics in a controlled environment.

The program will break down the technical language and lead you through the stages of putting together your hydroponics system.

Hydroponics Online Course - Requirements

The Hydroponics Online Course is delivered 100 percent online.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

  • Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

  • Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

  • Be a self-directed learner

  • Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered distance education students gain unrestricted access to the Hydroponics Online Course

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

If you want to know more about this distance education hydroponic course, view our frequently asked questions below or get in touch with one of our helpful team members. We’ll be happy to provide everything you need to know to achieve a statement of attainment in hydroponics vegetable, fruit and plant growing.

Hydroponics Online Course - Outline

Module 1: Introduction

Plants are grown in a nutrient solution instead of dirt in hydroponics. It is included in the wide category of horticulture (which simply means growing things).

Hydroponic Systems

Hydroponics is a growth method that aims to remove all non-essential materials by giving plants only what they require. There are many different types of hydroponic systems that function in different ways to attain that purpose.

Aeroponics Systems

Plants are hung in the air over a nutrient solution in an aeroponics system. A misting device is present in the solution, which may or may not be equipped with a timer. The fertilizer solution is misted on the plants on a regular (or near-regular) basis. The duration between mists is much smaller than the misting time if they're on a timer.

Deep-Water Culture Systems

Plants are suspended above a deep container of water, with the roots dangling down into it, in deep-water cultures. There is an air pump in the water container that circulates the water and keeps it oxygenated.

Drip Systems

The water is pushed up through the pipe by the pump and exits via holes above each plant. Excess water flows into the basin and, if there is too much, it may be drained through the bottom. These systems are ideal for growing a huge number of plants. They are simple to use and manage the amount of water that is consumed. They're also reasonably priced. They may, however, generate a lot of garbage.

Ebb and Flow Systems

Ebb and flow systems function by periodically giving an excess of fertilizer solution to the plants. Plants are grown in a tray that contains a growth medium. This tray rests on top of a tank filled with growth solution and a pump.

Nutrient Film Techniques

The nutrition film technique incorporates elements from all of the other approaches. Plants are suspended over a tray that sits above a tank filled with fertilizer solution in this approach. A pump is housed in the tank, which continually pushes solution up to the tray. Only the tips of the roots are submerged in the steady flow of nutritional solution that drains back into the tank, so the plants are hanging.

Wick Systems

Wicking systems are the most basic and have been around the longest of all the hydroponic systems. Plants are put in a growth media in a tray above a water and food source in a wicking system. A wick falls into the solution from the tray. A number of materials, such as yarn or rope, can be used to make this wick. Once up and running, this system requires the least amount of maintenance, although it is best suited for smaller plants.

History of Hydroponics

If you're wondering if hydroponics is just a passing fad, you'll be surprised to learn that it has been practiced for centuries. It all began with the publishing of A Natural History in the early 17th century, which was the first recorded literature on growing plants without soil.

Module 2: Plant Biology

We'll look at some of the physiological processes that plants do in the following section of the course; it's crucial to grasp these concepts so you can set up the right circumstances for effective hydroponic growing.


The process of transforming sunlight into energy is known as photosynthesis. The energy is subsequently used by the plant to keep itself alive and perform other physiological activities. CO2, water, sunshine, and chlorophyll are all required for photosynthesis to occur in the leaves (a light-absorbing compound). Plants can perish if these elements are not present in sufficient quantities.

Water Transportation and Transpiration

Exchanging gases and absorbing water and nutrients from the environment are all activities that plants use. Gases are exchanged directly between the environment and plants through microscopic pores in the leaves known as stomata. The stomata open and allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf when plants require it. The stomata close when they don't require any carbon dioxide, ending the gaseous exchange.

Plant Cells

Plants contain a variety of cell types that differ from animal cells. These distinctions are based on how cells survive and the general properties of plants vs animals.

Plant Reproduction

Plant reproduction produces seeds and fruits. Plants have the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually. Let's start with sexual reproduction. Pollen is produced by male parts and then transmitted to female parts. If the male and female parts are on the same plant, dispersion is simple; but, if they are on separate plants, it is more difficult. Pollination is aided by birds and insects, which assist transfer pollen from one location to another. Pollen will reach the female flower if pollination is successful. Fertilization happens if the circumstances are favorable.

Dominant vs. Recessive Traits

Each plant attribute is controlled by a gene. Because humans are diploid, each gene has two copies, one from each parent. A dominating characteristic is the answer. The recessive characteristic is one that you will not have. Consider the following scenario. Consider the following scenario: your mother has blue eyes and your father has brown eyes. Because brown is a dominant version of the eye color gene, they would be brown. Because it is a recessive characteristic, even if you carry a copy of your mother, it is dormant.

Module 3: Plant Nutrition

This section of the course includes information about plant nutrition. Here, you'll discover exactly which nutrients a plant requires so that you can keep track of the situation and make any modifications. The optimal pH of a nutrition solution will also be discussed. Let's start with the most basic minerals that plants require to thrive.

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements in plant development. It is found in all plant cells, proteins, and hormones, as well as chlorophyll. Soil nitrogen is obtained from nitrogen in the atmosphere. Because of their symbiotic association with specific bacteria, certain plants, such as legumes, go through a process called nitrogen fixation.

Phosphorus (P)

Photosynthesis is aided by phosphorus, which promotes early root growth and speeds maturity. The most prevalent phosphorus source is superphosphate, which is made from sulfuric acid and rock phosphate.

Potassium (K)

Potassium enhances plant immunity, making it more resistant to disease. It assists in the production and transmission of starches, sugars, and oils, as well as improving fruit quality.

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium is necessary for root health, the production of new roots and root hairs, and leaf growth. Dolomite, lime, superphosphate, and gypsum all contain calcium. Lime is the most cost-effective and acceptable alternative; dolomite is helpful for magnesium and calcium deficiencies, but if used for an extended length of time, it will produce an imbalance in the calcium/magnesium ratio.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is a fundamental component of chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants, and is essential for photosynthesis. Deficiencies are most frequent in sandy, acidic soils with significant rainfall, especially in areas where intensive horticultural or dairy farming is practiced.

Sulfur (S)

Plants require sulfur in order to make energy. It's also in charge of taste and odor components in plants, such as the smell of onions and cabbage.


Although hydroponic farming looks to be a practical and easy technology, it is time demanding. Plants that grow in soil may only require little care for days or weeks while nature maintains its ideal balance. This is not the case with hydroponics. To guarantee that plants receive the water and nutrients they require, you must be more watchful. Refill the water as needed, and keep an eye on the plants to make sure they're doing well.

Nutritional Supplements

In hydroponic systems, water is used to distribute nutrients. Soluble liquid nutrients are dissolved in water and sent to the roots of plants directly. Depending on what you're trying to produce, you may utilize a variety of fertilizer mixes with hydroponic farming. There are particular treatments for leafy greens, lettuces, herbs, and other crops, for example.

Why is pH Important?

Plants can absorb nutrients to their maximum potential when the pH balance is optimal. For most plants, a soil pH of less than 6.0 is undesirable. To raise the pH of extremely acidic soils closer to neutral, lime must be applied.

Testing pH and Nutrient Balance

It's critical to check your nutrition solution's pH at least once a day. The nutrition solution used and the water type also affect pH, as different sources and types of water have varied pH values. For reliable, consistent results, some farmers employ reverse osmosis to cleanse water.

Module 4: Health and Disease

Module 4 will go over the symptoms of several illnesses as well as how to keep your plants healthy. Early detection and treatment of disease can be aided by inspecting your plants for signs of disease.

Signs of Disease in Plants

The first step in determining why plants or crops are sick is to accurately distinguish a sign from a symptom. The term sign is used while detecting a chemical or pathogen. Symptoms, as opposed to signs, are changes in a plant that are visible or otherwise recognized and are induced by sickness or damage. Furthermore, as the illness progresses, the symptoms of the condition frequently change.

Plant Life Cycles

Some plants have short lives (less than a year), whereas others might thrive for hundreds of years. This is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

Monocarpic Plants

Because mono means "one" and carpic means "fruits," monocarpic plants only reproduce once before dying. Germination, vegetative development, breeding, and death are the four stages of a monocarpic plant's life cycle. The monocarpic plant's vegetative development stage is crucial since it is at this period that the plant makes and stores starch, which is a high-energy substance.

Polycarpic Plants

Polycarpic plants (poly meaning "many") reproduce multiple times before dying. Ephemerals are plants that grow, blossom, reproduce, and die in just a few weeks or months. They frequently reside in deserts or other environments where active plant development is only feasible for a short period of time each year. Ephemeral seeds last for the most of the year.

Paucicarpic Plants

Paucicarpic plants, according to some botanists, are a third, intermediate type of plants. Herbs having a brief life cycle are known as paucicarpic plants. They may perish after mating, although they are more likely to reproduce twice or four times during their lifetime.

Root Rot in Hydroponics

Root rot can be caused by overwatering. When the root system does not get enough oxygen, which happens frequently when using the deep water culture technique or the Kratky method, problems arise. When root rot takes hold, slime forms an impenetrable barrier, preventing oxygen from reaching the plant. Root cells die when they don't have enough oxygen, allowing opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi to spread. After invading the dying cells, viruses can also suffocate the rest of the live root system.

Fungal Diseases

Fungi cause more plant diseases than any other type of pest, and fungal-like organisms (FLOs) are the most common (that includes more than 8,000 species implicated in disease transmission).

Module 5: Pest Control

Pests that live in water, as well as pests that live in traditional crops, can be found in outdoor hydroponics systems. We'll go over some common pests to watch out for and how to safeguard your plants today.

Pests that Target Hydroponic Systems

Varying pests have different effects on hydroponic systems, and if left untreated, they can cause substantial harm to the plants.


Aphids are little insects with soft bodies that resemble a pear shape. They're generally green, although they can be any hue. Plants are harmed when they feed on the fluids of all sections of the plant, including the stem, leaves, flowers, roots, buds, and fruits. Plant development is stunted, leaves are deformed, fruit is destroyed, and galls form on the leaves and roots of the plant.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are little red arachnids that are difficult to spot since they are less than one millimeter long. These bugs dwell in swarms and are frequently found on the underside of leaves. Spider mites wreak havoc on plants by piercing the leaf and sucking the moisture out. If left untreated, this causes the leaves to become yellow, dry out, and fall off.


Thrips are tiny flying insects that are around two millimeters long and brown in appearance. Thrips feed on the sap from the leaves and flowers of plants. They have two sets of wings, each with a hairy tip. Thrips may hop between plant leaves and from one plant to another because of the nature of their wings. This raises the odds of an entire crop becoming contaminated.


These triangular insects are frequently seen in bunches on the undersides of plants. Whiteflies feed on a plant's fluids, disrupting photosynthesis and causing malformed, stunted leaves to become yellow and dry up.

Fungus Gnats

Fungus gnats are 2 to 8 millimeters long when fully grown. They are not harmful to plants. Fungus gnat larvae, on the other hand, feed on the roots and feeder roots, causing delayed development and bacterial infection.

Mealy Bugs

These insects are found on the leaves, stems, and fruits of a plant. They are wingless and have a delicate body. Mealy bugs suck out the sap from plants using their stylet, causing yellowing and drying of the leaves, as well as other harm.

Miscellaneous Larvae

Some bug species have water-loving larvae that can thrive in hydroponic systems. Mosquito larvae, stoneflies larvae, and dragonfly larvae are among them.

Animals Drawn to Water

Animals attracted to water, such as those that graze on vegetation and are attracted to both edible plants and water, can be disruptive to hydroponic systems.


Insecticides, which repel or kill many insect species, are the most efficient approach to get rid of pests. Insecticides have a variety of effects. Pests' neurological systems are disrupted by some, while their exoskeletons are damaged by others. In certain circumstances, they keep insects away from plants. Insecticides come in a variety of forms, including sprays, gels, baits, and powders. The sort of insecticide to employ is determined by the risk factors. Some, for example, have a broad spectrum, which might lead to the extinction of beneficial insects to the environment.

Natural Pest-Repellent Substances

Some pests can be deterred by spraying white vinegar or lemon juice on the plants or sprinkling cinnamon on the foliage. You can also use cedar mulch on the ground for outdoor systems.

Sticky Traps

Pests and insects are captured and monitored using sticky traps, which are glue-based traps. They might have fragrances or odors that attract certain insects.

Introducing Beneficial Bugs

Introducing insect predators to your plants is a natural approach to defend them. In addition, some of these predators are pollinators, which is a bonus. Ladybugs, army beetles, hoverflies, lacewings, assassin bugs, and mantis are some bugs to introduce. Aphids, mealy bugs, thrips, and other pests are all eaten by many of these bugs. Plant flowers that pollinators like in the proximity of your hydroponics system to attract them.

Module 6: Fruits and Vegetables

We'll go through which crops work best in hydroponic systems in this section of the course. Due to increased demand for housing, office space, and more urban areas, the supply of agricultural lands has decreased in recent years. The over-reliance on land for agriculture can be lessened using hydroponics, as many plant species can flourish without soil.

Fruits and Vegetables

  • Tomatoes

  • Bell peppers

  • Cucumber

  • Blueberries

  • Lettuce

  • Strawberries

  • Spinach


  • Basil

  • Chamomile

  • Rosemary

  • Oregano

  • Cilantro

  • Anise

  • Dill

  • Catnip

Sample Project: Mini Herb Garden

Mason jars are commonly used in hydroponics for a variety of reasons. They're simple to locate and inexpensive. In addition to their practical applications, they have an aesthetic appeal.

Module 7: Ornamental Plants

Ornamental plants, like vegetables and herbs, may be cultivated hydroponically for a significantly larger yield than when grown in regular soil. We'll go through the greatest decorative plants for hydroponics novices in this module, as well as some edible flowers that may be grown in a hydroponic system. You'll also learn about window boxes, hanging gardens, water features, live centerpieces, and beautiful hydroponic vases, as well as some of the greatest hydroponic garden ornamental arrangements.


Orchids are lovely, elegant, exotic flowers that are naturally suited for hydroponic development due to their epiphytic nature, which means their roots are in the air rather than underground.


If you enjoy large flowers that serve as a focal point in a winter garden, amaryllis is the plant for you. It is typically grown as a house plant in temperate climates and is extremely adaptable to various planting methods.


Daffodils are a springtime symbol. They're one of the easiest flowers for a novice to grow hydroponically, and they look great in a tiny vase or jug.


The scent of freesia is distinctive and delicious. It's a bulbous flower that thrives in a hydroponic environment. It has a variety of hues, including purple, white, red, and orange.


Chrysanthemums are connected with death in Western cultures because they bloom on All Souls Day. They represent longevity, happiness, and love in different civilizations.


Perennials like gerberas can be appealing to hydroponic gardeners who prefer bulbous plants or annuals.

Edible Flowers

Edible flowers aren't only pretty to look at; they're also nutritious and have a mild flavor and perfume. The edible flowers listed below are some of the best to grow in a hydroponic system.

Window Boxes

Window boxes are a lovely way to display your hydroponic plant while also adding to the visual appeal of your house. They may be mounted on the wall right under your window with bracket support or placed on the window sill.

Hanging Gardens

Because of the desire to reduce floor space while yet having lovely floral displays, hanging gardens are becoming increasingly popular. You may hang your plants from hooks or macrame plant holders to create a garden on the wall or ceiling.

Living Centerpieces and Decorations

Living centerpieces or ornamental hydroponic vases may add a lot of style to your home's interior design. Narrow neck vases, cylinder vases, bud vases, and cube vases are among the beautiful hydroponic vase designs available. Because you'll be growing hydroponic flowers in these vases, be sure they're suitable for live plants. They should be completely waterproof and free of any liners that might contaminate the nutritional solution.

Module 8: High-Risk Plants

This lesson will discuss certain plants that can be cultivated successfully if certain obstacles are overcome. Some plants are better adapted to hydroponics settings than others; here, we will find out which species are commonly unsuccessful and why.

Difficult Plants for Hydroponics

Growing the plants below may not provide a reasonable return on investment (in terms of time and effort). In comparison to other plants, there is a high danger of failure and crop loss.

Nutrient Consumption

Because of their extensive root systems, some plants are able to absorb large amounts of nutrients. Because such crops will draw these nutrients from the reservoir, replacing them may not be cost-effective.

Large Root Systems

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, rutabaga, and garlic are examples of plants having vast root systems. Vine crops have deep root systems as well.

Vertical Limitations

As previously stated, vertical limits prevent some plants, such as maize, from growing successfully in hydroponic systems. This is also true when it comes to vine crops.


The likelihood of these plants collapsing is quite high, posing a variety of hazards. If you're going to grow heavy plants hydroponically, you'll need to make sure they're well supported.

Module 9: Specialty Systems

In this section of the course, we'll go over a variety of specialist growing systems and how they may be used to grow plants.

Nutriculture Grow Systems

Nutriculture Grow Systems is a hydroponics manufacturer and retailer based in Lancashire, United Kingdom. Everyone should be able to get the information and goods they need to be successful at producing plants, according to the company's objective. John Molyneux, a pioneer in the field of hydroponics, founded the company in 1976. The Gro-Tank was the first design he brought to market, followed by the Ebb & Flood, Flo-Gro, Oxypot, and Amazon systems.


  • Aquaponics is a system for growing plants that combines aquaculture and hydroponics. This system mimics a natural ecosystem by using farmed fish and/or other aquatic animals to supply nutrients for plants grown hydroponically.

  • It is similar to the ecosystems found in waterways across the globe, in that it is a symbiotic relationship between aquatic life, bacteria, and plants. Here is a basic overview of the process:

  • Nutrients are introduced to an aquaponics system through fish food. The fish eat the food and they absorb most of the nutrients. The rest of the nutrients are excreted along with ammonia.

Aeroponics and Misting

Aeroponics is a type of hydroponics that is more sophisticated. In an aeroponic system, there is no need for a growth medium or soil. Plants are instead kept in vertical grow racks that sit over a nutrient-rich water reservoir. Sprayers use a water pump and a timer to spray nutrient-rich mist to the roots of plants on a regular basis. The irrigation systems are closed loops, which utilize 95 percent less water than traditional methods of growing plants.

Module 10: Substrates

The usage of substrates and the numerous materials that may be utilized efficiently in hydroponic systems are covered in this section. After introducing the most prevalent materials, we'll go over the things to think about while choosing one.

Defining Substrates

Even though hydroponics systems do not utilize soil, plants still require some form of support. Hydroponic substrates are soilless growth mediums that aid with root aeration and moisture retention.

Types of Substrate Materials

  • Rock Wool

  • Rice Husks

  • Gravel

  • Sand

  • Coco Coir

  • Expanded Clay Pellets

  • Perlite


The type of substrate you use can have an impact on your ability to grow plants successfully. As a result, when matching plants, system designs, and substrates, extreme caution should be exercised.

System Type

In a hydroponics system, the type of growth media utilized is primarily determined by the system's style. In other systems, such as an ebb and flow system, the plants are periodically inundated with nutritional solutions.


Another factor to consider is the amount of aeration provided by a particular growth media. Depending on a grower's system, they may require a substrate that holds more water while also providing high aeration, or they may want a substrate that drains water fast while retaining less water.


Another element to consider when selecting a hydroponic substrate is how the chosen media will affect the nutrient solution's pH levels.


When selecting a substrate, the weight is a crucial component to consider. The size of a hydroponic system might be limited if the growth media is excessively heavy. It may float away and block irrigation systems if it is too light.


When building up a big hydroponic system, pricing is an important issue to consider. The ideal media is one that is both affordable and widely available. This is especially true if the system's architecture necessitates regular substrate material replacement.

Environmental Impact

When setting together a growing system, a grower should think about the influence it will have on the environment. This includes the type of material they use.

Module 11: Tools and Equipment

Hydroponic systems for enthusiasts can range from enormous greenhouses to modest indoor systems. However, there are a few tools and pieces of equipment that are required regardless of the situation.

Essential Tools and Equipment

The supplies and materials necessary for a hydroponic operation are frequently dictated by the design and scale of the operation.


To begin with, water is an apparent requirement. It's brought up because hydroponic farmers should be aware of specific water characteristics. These characteristics will be discussed shortly. A reservoir is another name for a water basin. These may be any size, and can be made out of household materials like buckets, storage bins, or tubs.


Of course, light is required. Small hydroponic pots can be placed in a window if one is available. There are a variety of bulb kinds to select from when it comes to artificial lighting.

Temperature Regulation

You'll also need temperature-controlling devices. Plants prefer temperatures in the 70°F range. Maintaining a consistent temperature can help your plants develop more healthily; extreme temperature variations might shock them.


Grow trays can be shared among numerous plants or customized for each plant. To allow surplus water to go back to the basin, drainage should be addressed. The plants should be put above the water basin in the trays so that they are not inundated.


Nutrition is required to provide your plants with the nutrients they require. To make a useful solution, they will be added into the water.

Air Pumps and Stones

To oxygenate the water, air pumps are employed. Air pumps can employ wick systems to pump water up to individual spouts, where it then rains down to water plants. These work effectively with a timer to provide constant watering.

General Plant Care and Gardening Tools

Typically, a pH of 5.5 to 6 is ideal. This pH balance is preferred by melons, apples, squash, tomatoes, beans, and a variety of other plants. If the water is too acidic, baking soda can help to neutralize it. To boost acidity, add white vinegar if it's too alkaline. A shot glass of white vinegar raises acidity from 7 to 4 in two liters of water, so you don't need much.

Tool and Equipment Care Practices

One thing to keep in mind is that fertilizers in the water might cause equipment to corrode. You avoid any undesired build-up, be sure to scrape and clean the air pump on a regular basis.

Purchasing Materials and Budgeting

  • A pH meter should cost between $8 to $9.

  • A TDS meter (to measure ppm) can cost $100. These are not mandatory, but can help you to be precise.

  • Hydroponic nutrients come in additives and pre-made solutions.

Module 12: Indoor and Outdoor Systems

While most people connect hydroponics with indoor systems, outdoor hydroponics is more popular than most people realize. This, of course, is highly dependent on the local climate and environmental risks.

Similarities and Differences

There are a few commonalities between indoor and outdoor hydroponics. They both use substrates instead of soil to allow roots to develop, retain moisture, and aerate. Both tend to rely on man made reservoirs as a supply of water.

Typical Organization and Layout

Ebb and flow systems, top feed systems, and aeroponic systems are the best choices for outdoor hydroponics. Excess water, such as rain, is nearly hard to control. This implies that deep-water systems and systems with roots that are always submerged should be avoided at all costs.

Further Learning

With Courses for Success, you can advance your career with further gardening courses that will give you accreditation and recognition. You could even design your own course by finding related courses, such as a horticulture course or similar. Course details are available online and there are plenty of student resources available to assist people requiring online learning methods.

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1: Introduction

  • Hydroponic Systems
  • Aeroponics Systems
  • Deep-Water Culture Systems
  • Drip Systems
  • Ebb and Flow Systems
  • Nutrient Film Techniques
  • Wick Systems
  • History of Hydroponics

Module 2: Plant Biology

  • Photosynthesis
  • Water Transportation and Transpiration
  • Plant Cells
  • Plant Reproduction
  • Dominant vs. Recessive Traits

Module 3: Plant Nutrition

  • Nitrogen (N)
  • Phosphorus (P)
  • Potassium (K)
  • Calcium (Ca)
  • Magnesium (Mg)
  • Sulfur (S)
  • Challenges
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Why is pH Important?
  • Testing pH and Nutrient Balance

Module 4: Health and Disease

  • Signs of Disease in Plants
  • Plant Life Cycles
  • Monocarpic Plants
  • Polycarpic Plants
  • Paucicarpic Plants
  • Root Rot in Hydroponics
  • Fungal Diseases

Module 5: Pest Control

  • Pests that Target Hydroponic Systems
  • Aphids
  • Spider Mites
  • Thrips
  • Whiteflies
  • Fungus Gnats
  • Mealy Bugs
  • Miscellaneous Larvae
  • Animals Drawn to Water
  • Pesticides
  • Natural Pest-Repellent Substances
  • Sticky Traps
  • Introducing Beneficial Bugs

Module 6: Fruits and Vegetables

  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Herbs
  • Sample Project: Mini Herb Garden

Module 7: Ornamental Plants

  • Orchids
  • Amaryllis
  • Daffodils
  • Freesia
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Gerbera
  • Edible Flowers
  • Window Boxes
  • Hanging Gardens
  • Living Centerpieces and Decorations

Module 8: High-Risk Plants

  • Difficult Plants for Hydroponics
  • Nutrient Consumption
  • Large Root Systems
  • Vertical Limitations
  • Weight

Module 9: Specialty Systems

  • Nutriculture Grow Systems
  • Aquaponics
  • Aeroponics and Misting

Module 10: Substrates

  • Defining Substrates
  • Types of Substrate Materials
  • Considerations
  • System Type
  • Aeration
  • pH
  • Weight
  • Budget
  • Environmental Impact

Module 11: Tools and Equipment

  • Essential Tools and Equipment
  • Water
  • Lighting
  • Temperature Regulation
  • Trays
  • Nutrients
  • Air Pumps and Stones
  • General Plant Care and Gardening Tools
  • Tool and Equipment Care Practices
  • Purchasing Materials and Budgeting

Module 12: Indoor and Outdoor Systems

  • Similarities and Differences
  • Typical Organization and Layout
  • Pros and Cons of Indoor Systems
  • Pros and Cons of Outdoor Systems
  • Best Climate for Outdoor Setups
  • Ponds and Aquaponics

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


1.  Who are Courses For Success?

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4.  Are there any requirements to study this course?

anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
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5.  Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?

you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
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course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
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All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.

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9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
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10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).

12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.

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The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."

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had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

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27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
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28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

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