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About This Course
What you will learn: Learn Different Ways To Understand Philosophy
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Types of Philosophy
  • Ancient Philosophy
  • Ancient Philosophy II
  • Ancient Philosophy III
  • Modern Philosophy
  • Modern Philosophy II
  • Modern Philosophy III
  • Applied Philosophy
  • Race, Nationality and Gender Issues

Get BIG Savings with our Philosophy Online Bundle, 3 Certificate Courses
  1. Philosophy
  2. Metaphysics Foundation
  3. Introduction to Stoicism
1. Philosophy : Learn Different Ways To Understand Philosophy

The Philosophy Certificate Course talks you through the major philosophical schools of thought - Idealism, Materialism, Introspection, Rationalism, Empiricism, Scepticism, Existentialism and Modern Philosophy, and many of the major philosophers throughout time. You’ll look at four different ways to understand philosophy: branch or doctrine, time period, movement, and by philosopher. For each concept, you’ll learn the philosophical terms used in describing them. In today’s society, not many of us feel we have the time to consider life’s bigger questions – “What can we know of the world?”, “Why are we here?”, “Are we real?”. This is the preoccupation of philosophers but how will you benefit from learning about this? Whether we are aware or not, we all follow a life philosophy. This course provides you with some choices from which you can develop your own personal philosophy, rather than allowing one to be imposed on you, or not making any choices at all regarding your own life. Philosophy is a discipline which forces us to question our existence so that we may fine tune our view of the world and how we choose to live.

In addition to this, the ability to philosophise is a valuable skill. If you learn to objectively consider arguments for and against ideas that challenge your perception of the very nature of The Universe, then your overall ability to theorise, discuss and debate will be greatly improved, whether the topic is sport, politics, ethics or time-travel. The Philosophy Certificate Course first introduces the subject – giving an explanation as to what it is and the benefits you will gain from your studies. From here the course briefly explains each of the main philosophical doctrines and the relationship between Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Religion. It also gives a timeline of major philosophers – pinpointing when each was active, the theories they put forward and their contributions to society. To give clarity straight from the start of the course, a glossary of philosophical terms is included.

Moving on from this, the course talks you through each of the following philosophical theories: idealism, materialism, stoicism, rationalism, empiricism, scepticism, existentialism, and modern philosophy.

For each concept, you will be exposed to a glossary of terms used in the concept, the overriding basis of the concept and the differing schools of thought within each. You will then learn about the concepts and theories put forward by the relevant philosophers and how they relate to the modern day.

Below is a summary of the topics you will learn about in the Philosophy Certificate Course.

Idealism explains the physical world as only existing insofar as it can be perceived, with consciousness being reality and one’s thoughts, ideas, and perceptions being how the world is understood. A doctrine of the ancient Greeks, in exploring Idealism you will learn about the life and the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and the 18th Century German Philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Supported by Epicurus, Hegel, and Marx, materialism states that we can only prove the existence of matter. The overriding questions of materialism are how and if the mind and the body are related to one another and it considers thoughts, consciousness, and spirit as manifestations of and in relation to the material world, making it a type of monism and completely opposite to idealism.

Noted Stoic philosophers, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Zeno are discussed to explain stoicism, which promotes leading a life of inner calm, clear judgment, freedom from suffering and mastering control over reactions to the states of pleasure and pain.

An epistemological doctrine, rationalism is the belief that we understand our world through our intellect and deductive reasoning, rather than sensory information, and which seeks to understand the origin of knowledge. To explain this, the course talks you through the work of René Descartes and Leibniz.

Empiricism is similar in approach to rationalism but is in contradiction to its way of thinking, with Empiricists reaching their conclusions by measuring and using sensory data and being based on experience or empirical evidence, rather than logical reasoning. The Philosophy Certificate Course cites John Locke and David Hume in describing this doctrine.

The word scepticism is based on the Greek verb ‘skeptomai’, meaning to think about or reflect on. It teaches us to be comfortable with our doubts and not to cling onto our assumptions, allowing for a continual sense of wonder, not the negative viewpoint, which scepticism is often incorrectly associated with. The course explains the beliefs of Sir Francis Bacon and how Zen Buddhists are actually sceptics.

Distancing itself from any one school of thought, existentialism emphasises individuality, freedom, and free-will, focusing on the human experience, personal responsibility, and the individual’s search for meaning in the world. This concept is described further through the work of Kierkegaard and Sartre.

Looking at Noam Chomsky and Sir Roger Scruton, the Philosophy Certificate Course explains how modern philosophy is intertwined with other disciplines so that they may draw broader philosophical conclusions. Through this, you will learn about paradoxes, thought experiments, and quantum physics.

2. Metaphysics Foundation: Understand the study of Metaphysics

The Metaphysics Foundation Course offers you the opportunity to study the philosophical relation between abstract matters such as space, time, identity and being.

3. Introduction to Stoicism: Learn About Appropriate And ‘Perfect’ Acts, As Well As The Idea Of The ‘Wise Man

Stoicism is based on ideas that help people to live their best possible lives. It’s a philosophy that promotes positive emotions and helping individuals embrace the virtues of their character. It does this by highlighting the importance of simplicity so that people can find peace and harmony within themselves and the world around them and focus on what truly matters rather than getting caught up in negative emotions and behaviours.

The Introduction to Stoicism Course begins by going back to the foundation of Stoicism. You’ll first be introduced to Zeno of Citium, the philosophy’s founder, before reviewing the history of Stoicism and some of the philosophy’s key subscribers, including Cleanthes, Cato the Younger, Seneca and Epictetus.

From this introduction, you’ll dive deep into the foundation that underpins the entire Stoic system of philosophy. You’ll gain a Stoic understanding of physics, logic and ethics, and the core disciplines that are derived from them, and how to use this knowledge to improve your everyday life.

The four virtues that the Stoics believed were essential to understanding your true self are covered in the Introduction to Stoicism Course. You will be led through an exploration of the good, the bad and what the Stoics deemed, the ‘indifferent.’ You will also learn about appropriate and ‘perfect’ acts, as well as the idea of the ‘wise man,’ and what he represented to the Stoics.

The course details the Stoic approach to love, including sexual love, relationships and self-love, and introduces the concept of apatheia and how it was necessary for a life of eudaimonia.

You’ll explore the considerations that ancient Stoics gave to money when contemplating how to lead a happy life. These include noting whether extreme wealth is considered good or evil and how some of the richest Stoics reconciled their riches with the ideals of a simple life.

The Introduction to Stoicism Course explains what is meant by ‘the rational mind’ so that you have a starting point in understanding how our thoughts are at the very essence of our being and how the body is used as a tool to nourish and enhance the mind.

Following that you will be introduced to specific Stoic exercises and strategies that are built around best practices to achieve calmness of spirit and clarity through thought. Further to this, the course explains how to apply Stoic principles and strategies to get more out of life. You’ll also learn why friendship is an important part of being a Stoic and how Stoics approach death and grief.

The course concludes with exercises that will aid you in bringing the practice of Stoicism into your everyday life.

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For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.

This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!

Course Fast Facts:

  1. All courses are easy to follow and understand
  2. Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
  3. Study as many courses as you want
  4. Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
  5. You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
  6. Download printer friendly course content

Course Delivery

Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. 

Recognition & Administration

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.

Philosophy 3 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course: 

Course 1 - Certificate In Philosophy Online Course

Module 1 – Introduction to Philosophy

  • Course Overview
  • Part 1: What is Philosophy?
  • Part 2: Introduction to Philosophical Doctrines
  • Part 3: Philosophy Timeline
  • Part 4: Module 1 Philosophy Terms
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 – Idealism

  • Part 1: What is Idealism?
  • Part 2: Aristotle
  • Part 3: Socrates and Plato
  • Part 4: Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804)
  • Part 5: Modern Outgrowths of Idealism
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 – Materialism

  • Part 1: What is Materialism?
  • Part 2: Epicurus
  • Part 3: Karl Marx
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 – Stoicism

  • Part 1: What is Stoicism?
  • Part 2: Lucious Annaeus Seneca
  • Part 3: Zeno of Citium
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 – Rationalism

  • Part 1: What is Rationalism?
  • Part 2: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1636 – 1716) – German Philosopher
  • Part 3: Rationalism in Modern Times
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Empiricism

  • Part 1: What is Empiricism
  • Part 2: David Hume (1711 – 1776)
  • Part 3: Module 6 Philosophical Terms
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 – Scepticism

  • Part 1: Scepticism
  • Part 2: Scepticism in Modern Times
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Existentialism

  • Part 1: What is Existentialism?
  • Part 2: Jean Paul Sartre (1905 – 1980)
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Modern Philosophy

  • Part 1: Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900)

  • Part 2: Avram Noam Chomsky – Born December 7, 1928
  • Part 3: Sir Roger Scruton– Born February 27, 1944
  • Part 4: Paradoxes, Quantum Physics, and Thought Experiments
  • Part 5: What Psychology and Psychiatry Have Meant to Philosophy
  • Conclusion
  • Module 9 Assessment

Course 2 - Certificate In Metaphysics Foundation Online Course

Module 1 – An Introduction to Metaphysics

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: What is Metaphysics?
  • Part 2: The Discipline of Metaphysics

Module 2 – Central Questions of Metaphysics

  • Part 1: What is Existence?
  • Part 2: What is Identity?
  • Part 3: The Concept of Space and Time in Metaphysics
  • Part 4: The Logical Phenomenon of Cause and Effect

Module 3 – What is Metaphysical Cosmology?

  • Part 1: Physical Cosmology
  • Part 2: Religious Cosmology
  • Part 3: Philosophical Cosmology and the Big Bang Theory
  • Part 4: The Difference Between Cosmology and Cosmogony

Module 4 – Mind or Matter?

  • Part 1: Philosophy of Mind
  • Part 2: Materialistic Monism and Type Identity Theory
  • Part 3: Other Theories

Module 5 – Does Free Will Exist?

  • Part 1: The ‘Problem of Free Will’ and Determinism
  • Part 2: Libertarianism
  • Part 3: Ethics

Module 6 – Metaphysics and Science

  • Part 1: The Split of Science and Philosophy in the 18th Century
  • Part 2: Scientific Theorising

Module 7 – Is Metaphysics Really Valid?

  • Part 1: David Hume
  • Part 2: Immanuel Kant
  • Part 3: Other Thinkers

Module 8 – History of Western Metaphysics

  • Part 1: Ancient Greece
  • Part 2: Rationalism
  • Part 3: Early and Contemporary Analytical Philosophy

Module 9 – History of International Metaphysics

  • Part 1: Prehistory, Ancient Societies and Classical Chinese Metaphysics
  • Part 2: Classical African Metaphysics
  • Part 3: Classical Indian Metaphysics and Buddhist Metaphysics

Module 10 – A Selection of Other Metaphysics Theories

  • Part 1: Feminist Metaphysics
  • Part 2: Solipsism
  • Part 3: ‘Theisms’
  • Conclusion

Course 3 - Certificate In Introduction to Stoicism Online Course

Module 1: What is Stoicism? Introduction

  • Part 1: A Brief History of Stoicism
  • Part 2: The Most Well-Known Stoic Philosophers
  • Part 3: Eudaimonia and Basic Stoic Philosophies
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: The Three Topoi and the Three Disciplines

  • Part 1: The Three Topoi
  • Part 2: Aristotle’s Logic Vs. Stoic Logic
  • Part 3: The Three Stoic Disciplines
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: Virtues and Indifferents

  • Part 1: How to Live in Accordance with Nature
  • Part 2: The Four Virtues
  • Part 3: Appropriate Acts, Perfect Acts and Vicious Acts
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Love, Self-Love and Relationships

  • Part 1: Love at the Centre of Stoicism
  • Part 2: Self Love
  • Part 3: Stoicism and Loving Relationships
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: The Paradox of Wealth

  • Part 1: The Stoic Approach to Money and Power
  • Part 2: Stoic Thoughts on Luxurious Living
  • Part 3: Poverty of Desire
  • Part 4: How to be Rich – and Virtuous
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: The Tranquillity of the Mind

  • Part 1: The Rational Mind
  • Part 2: Stoic Strategies for a Calm and Peaceful Mind
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Work and Play

  • Part 1: Stoicism in the Workplace
  • Part 2: Guard Your Emotions
  • Part 3: Leisure and the Stoics
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: Death and Grief

  • Part 1: The Reality of Death
  • Part 2: Dealing with Loss
  • Part 3: Training for Grief
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Daily Stoic Practices for Daily Living

  • Part 1: Turning Philosophy into Action
  • Part 2: Practise Gratitude
  • Part 3: Contemplate the Worst
  • Part 4: The Importance of Saying ‘No’ Conclusion
  • Module 9 Assessment

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
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12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
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This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

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Philosophy Online Bundle, 3 Certificate Courses

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Original price USD $1,197
Original price $1,197 - Original price $1,197
Original price USD $1,197
Current price USD $399
USD $399 - USD $399
Current price USD $399
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Learn Different Ways To Understand Philosophy

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Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 150 hours per course
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn: Learn Different Ways To Understand Philosophy
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Types of Philosophy
  • Ancient Philosophy
  • Ancient Philosophy II
  • Ancient Philosophy III
  • Modern Philosophy
  • Modern Philosophy II
  • Modern Philosophy III
  • Applied Philosophy
  • Race, Nationality and Gender Issues

Get BIG Savings with our Philosophy Online Bundle, 3 Certificate Courses
  1. Philosophy
  2. Metaphysics Foundation
  3. Introduction to Stoicism
1. Philosophy : Learn Different Ways To Understand Philosophy

The Philosophy Certificate Course talks you through the major philosophical schools of thought - Idealism, Materialism, Introspection, Rationalism, Empiricism, Scepticism, Existentialism and Modern Philosophy, and many of the major philosophers throughout time. You’ll look at four different ways to understand philosophy: branch or doctrine, time period, movement, and by philosopher. For each concept, you’ll learn the philosophical terms used in describing them. In today’s society, not many of us feel we have the time to consider life’s bigger questions – “What can we know of the world?”, “Why are we here?”, “Are we real?”. This is the preoccupation of philosophers but how will you benefit from learning about this? Whether we are aware or not, we all follow a life philosophy. This course provides you with some choices from which you can develop your own personal philosophy, rather than allowing one to be imposed on you, or not making any choices at all regarding your own life. Philosophy is a discipline which forces us to question our existence so that we may fine tune our view of the world and how we choose to live.

In addition to this, the ability to philosophise is a valuable skill. If you learn to objectively consider arguments for and against ideas that challenge your perception of the very nature of The Universe, then your overall ability to theorise, discuss and debate will be greatly improved, whether the topic is sport, politics, ethics or time-travel. The Philosophy Certificate Course first introduces the subject – giving an explanation as to what it is and the benefits you will gain from your studies. From here the course briefly explains each of the main philosophical doctrines and the relationship between Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Religion. It also gives a timeline of major philosophers – pinpointing when each was active, the theories they put forward and their contributions to society. To give clarity straight from the start of the course, a glossary of philosophical terms is included.

Moving on from this, the course talks you through each of the following philosophical theories: idealism, materialism, stoicism, rationalism, empiricism, scepticism, existentialism, and modern philosophy.

For each concept, you will be exposed to a glossary of terms used in the concept, the overriding basis of the concept and the differing schools of thought within each. You will then learn about the concepts and theories put forward by the relevant philosophers and how they relate to the modern day.

Below is a summary of the topics you will learn about in the Philosophy Certificate Course.

Idealism explains the physical world as only existing insofar as it can be perceived, with consciousness being reality and one’s thoughts, ideas, and perceptions being how the world is understood. A doctrine of the ancient Greeks, in exploring Idealism you will learn about the life and the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and the 18th Century German Philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Supported by Epicurus, Hegel, and Marx, materialism states that we can only prove the existence of matter. The overriding questions of materialism are how and if the mind and the body are related to one another and it considers thoughts, consciousness, and spirit as manifestations of and in relation to the material world, making it a type of monism and completely opposite to idealism.

Noted Stoic philosophers, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Zeno are discussed to explain stoicism, which promotes leading a life of inner calm, clear judgment, freedom from suffering and mastering control over reactions to the states of pleasure and pain.

An epistemological doctrine, rationalism is the belief that we understand our world through our intellect and deductive reasoning, rather than sensory information, and which seeks to understand the origin of knowledge. To explain this, the course talks you through the work of René Descartes and Leibniz.

Empiricism is similar in approach to rationalism but is in contradiction to its way of thinking, with Empiricists reaching their conclusions by measuring and using sensory data and being based on experience or empirical evidence, rather than logical reasoning. The Philosophy Certificate Course cites John Locke and David Hume in describing this doctrine.

The word scepticism is based on the Greek verb ‘skeptomai’, meaning to think about or reflect on. It teaches us to be comfortable with our doubts and not to cling onto our assumptions, allowing for a continual sense of wonder, not the negative viewpoint, which scepticism is often incorrectly associated with. The course explains the beliefs of Sir Francis Bacon and how Zen Buddhists are actually sceptics.

Distancing itself from any one school of thought, existentialism emphasises individuality, freedom, and free-will, focusing on the human experience, personal responsibility, and the individual’s search for meaning in the world. This concept is described further through the work of Kierkegaard and Sartre.

Looking at Noam Chomsky and Sir Roger Scruton, the Philosophy Certificate Course explains how modern philosophy is intertwined with other disciplines so that they may draw broader philosophical conclusions. Through this, you will learn about paradoxes, thought experiments, and quantum physics.

2. Metaphysics Foundation: Understand the study of Metaphysics

The Metaphysics Foundation Course offers you the opportunity to study the philosophical relation between abstract matters such as space, time, identity and being.

3. Introduction to Stoicism: Learn About Appropriate And ‘Perfect’ Acts, As Well As The Idea Of The ‘Wise Man

Stoicism is based on ideas that help people to live their best possible lives. It’s a philosophy that promotes positive emotions and helping individuals embrace the virtues of their character. It does this by highlighting the importance of simplicity so that people can find peace and harmony within themselves and the world around them and focus on what truly matters rather than getting caught up in negative emotions and behaviours.

The Introduction to Stoicism Course begins by going back to the foundation of Stoicism. You’ll first be introduced to Zeno of Citium, the philosophy’s founder, before reviewing the history of Stoicism and some of the philosophy’s key subscribers, including Cleanthes, Cato the Younger, Seneca and Epictetus.

From this introduction, you’ll dive deep into the foundation that underpins the entire Stoic system of philosophy. You’ll gain a Stoic understanding of physics, logic and ethics, and the core disciplines that are derived from them, and how to use this knowledge to improve your everyday life.

The four virtues that the Stoics believed were essential to understanding your true self are covered in the Introduction to Stoicism Course. You will be led through an exploration of the good, the bad and what the Stoics deemed, the ‘indifferent.’ You will also learn about appropriate and ‘perfect’ acts, as well as the idea of the ‘wise man,’ and what he represented to the Stoics.

The course details the Stoic approach to love, including sexual love, relationships and self-love, and introduces the concept of apatheia and how it was necessary for a life of eudaimonia.

You’ll explore the considerations that ancient Stoics gave to money when contemplating how to lead a happy life. These include noting whether extreme wealth is considered good or evil and how some of the richest Stoics reconciled their riches with the ideals of a simple life.

The Introduction to Stoicism Course explains what is meant by ‘the rational mind’ so that you have a starting point in understanding how our thoughts are at the very essence of our being and how the body is used as a tool to nourish and enhance the mind.

Following that you will be introduced to specific Stoic exercises and strategies that are built around best practices to achieve calmness of spirit and clarity through thought. Further to this, the course explains how to apply Stoic principles and strategies to get more out of life. You’ll also learn why friendship is an important part of being a Stoic and how Stoics approach death and grief.

The course concludes with exercises that will aid you in bringing the practice of Stoicism into your everyday life.

Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.

For comprehensive information on units of study click the units of study tab above.

This is an incredible opportunity to invest in yourself and your future, sharpen your training skills and learn what it takes to create your own success with Courses For Success Today!

Course Fast Facts:

  1. All courses are easy to follow and understand
  2. Unlimited lifetime access to course materials
  3. Study as many courses as you want
  4. Delivered 100% on-line and accessible 24/7 from any computer or smartphone
  5. You can study from home or at work, at your own pace, in your own time
  6. Download printer friendly course content

Course Delivery

Courses are accessed online by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon purchase an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device. 

Recognition & Administration

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Receive Lifetime Access to Course Materials, so you can review at any time.

Philosophy 3 Course Bundle includes the following courses, below is a summary of each course: 

Course 1 - Certificate In Philosophy Online Course

Module 1 – Introduction to Philosophy

  • Course Overview
  • Part 1: What is Philosophy?
  • Part 2: Introduction to Philosophical Doctrines
  • Part 3: Philosophy Timeline
  • Part 4: Module 1 Philosophy Terms
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 – Idealism

  • Part 1: What is Idealism?
  • Part 2: Aristotle
  • Part 3: Socrates and Plato
  • Part 4: Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804)
  • Part 5: Modern Outgrowths of Idealism
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 – Materialism

  • Part 1: What is Materialism?
  • Part 2: Epicurus
  • Part 3: Karl Marx
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 – Stoicism

  • Part 1: What is Stoicism?
  • Part 2: Lucious Annaeus Seneca
  • Part 3: Zeno of Citium
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 – Rationalism

  • Part 1: What is Rationalism?
  • Part 2: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1636 – 1716) – German Philosopher
  • Part 3: Rationalism in Modern Times
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Empiricism

  • Part 1: What is Empiricism
  • Part 2: David Hume (1711 – 1776)
  • Part 3: Module 6 Philosophical Terms
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 – Scepticism

  • Part 1: Scepticism
  • Part 2: Scepticism in Modern Times
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 – Existentialism

  • Part 1: What is Existentialism?
  • Part 2: Jean Paul Sartre (1905 – 1980)
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 – Modern Philosophy

  • Part 1: Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900)

  • Part 2: Avram Noam Chomsky – Born December 7, 1928
  • Part 3: Sir Roger Scruton– Born February 27, 1944
  • Part 4: Paradoxes, Quantum Physics, and Thought Experiments
  • Part 5: What Psychology and Psychiatry Have Meant to Philosophy
  • Conclusion
  • Module 9 Assessment

Course 2 - Certificate In Metaphysics Foundation Online Course

Module 1 – An Introduction to Metaphysics

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: What is Metaphysics?
  • Part 2: The Discipline of Metaphysics

Module 2 – Central Questions of Metaphysics

  • Part 1: What is Existence?
  • Part 2: What is Identity?
  • Part 3: The Concept of Space and Time in Metaphysics
  • Part 4: The Logical Phenomenon of Cause and Effect

Module 3 – What is Metaphysical Cosmology?

  • Part 1: Physical Cosmology
  • Part 2: Religious Cosmology
  • Part 3: Philosophical Cosmology and the Big Bang Theory
  • Part 4: The Difference Between Cosmology and Cosmogony

Module 4 – Mind or Matter?

  • Part 1: Philosophy of Mind
  • Part 2: Materialistic Monism and Type Identity Theory
  • Part 3: Other Theories

Module 5 – Does Free Will Exist?

  • Part 1: The ‘Problem of Free Will’ and Determinism
  • Part 2: Libertarianism
  • Part 3: Ethics

Module 6 – Metaphysics and Science

  • Part 1: The Split of Science and Philosophy in the 18th Century
  • Part 2: Scientific Theorising

Module 7 – Is Metaphysics Really Valid?

  • Part 1: David Hume
  • Part 2: Immanuel Kant
  • Part 3: Other Thinkers

Module 8 – History of Western Metaphysics

  • Part 1: Ancient Greece
  • Part 2: Rationalism
  • Part 3: Early and Contemporary Analytical Philosophy

Module 9 – History of International Metaphysics

  • Part 1: Prehistory, Ancient Societies and Classical Chinese Metaphysics
  • Part 2: Classical African Metaphysics
  • Part 3: Classical Indian Metaphysics and Buddhist Metaphysics

Module 10 – A Selection of Other Metaphysics Theories

  • Part 1: Feminist Metaphysics
  • Part 2: Solipsism
  • Part 3: ‘Theisms’
  • Conclusion

Course 3 - Certificate In Introduction to Stoicism Online Course

Module 1: What is Stoicism? Introduction

  • Part 1: A Brief History of Stoicism
  • Part 2: The Most Well-Known Stoic Philosophers
  • Part 3: Eudaimonia and Basic Stoic Philosophies
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2: The Three Topoi and the Three Disciplines

  • Part 1: The Three Topoi
  • Part 2: Aristotle’s Logic Vs. Stoic Logic
  • Part 3: The Three Stoic Disciplines
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3: Virtues and Indifferents

  • Part 1: How to Live in Accordance with Nature
  • Part 2: The Four Virtues
  • Part 3: Appropriate Acts, Perfect Acts and Vicious Acts
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4: Love, Self-Love and Relationships

  • Part 1: Love at the Centre of Stoicism
  • Part 2: Self Love
  • Part 3: Stoicism and Loving Relationships
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5: The Paradox of Wealth

  • Part 1: The Stoic Approach to Money and Power
  • Part 2: Stoic Thoughts on Luxurious Living
  • Part 3: Poverty of Desire
  • Part 4: How to be Rich – and Virtuous
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6: The Tranquillity of the Mind

  • Part 1: The Rational Mind
  • Part 2: Stoic Strategies for a Calm and Peaceful Mind
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7: Work and Play

  • Part 1: Stoicism in the Workplace
  • Part 2: Guard Your Emotions
  • Part 3: Leisure and the Stoics
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8: Death and Grief

  • Part 1: The Reality of Death
  • Part 2: Dealing with Loss
  • Part 3: Training for Grief
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9: Daily Stoic Practices for Daily Living

  • Part 1: Turning Philosophy into Action
  • Part 2: Practise Gratitude
  • Part 3: Contemplate the Worst
  • Part 4: The Importance of Saying ‘No’ Conclusion
  • Module 9 Assessment

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


1.  Who are Courses For Success?

Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
with 5 courses, since then we have grown to over 10,000 online courses.

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2.  Is there a refund/cancellation policy?

Yes, we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.

3.  What is the FREE Personal Success Training Program?

The Personal Success Training Program
was developed by Courses For Success to help our customers achieve
success. Currently, we are offering this program for FREE with every
course or bundle purchase this month. This is a limited time offer!

4.  Are there any requirements to study this course?

anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.

5.  Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?

you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.

6.  What if English is not my first language?

course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.

7.  Is this course online or conducted in person?

All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.

8.  How do I receive my course?

you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email
and tax receipt. You will also receive an email containing your course
login details (username and password), as well as instructions on how to
access and log in to your course via the internet with any device,
please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
the email.

9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
can access the online material.

10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).

12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.

Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."

Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"

"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"

completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

To pay via bank transfer contact us

24.  Can I purchase for multiple people?

Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at

25.  Can I request for an invoice before purchase?

Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at

26.  Purchase for a gift?

Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to, with the course details and we can accommodate this.

27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.

28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

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Course Bundles

Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.

Course Bundles