About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Transpersonal Psychology Online Course and Learn About Other Disciplines that are Related but Separate From Transpersonal Psychology
Discover transpersonal psychology – a discipline concerned with “the study of humanity's highest potential, with the recognition, understanding, and realization of unitive, spiritual, and transcendent states of consciousness”. Explore the underlying theories and how they are put into practice by therapists, it’s history and related disciplines.
Setting the foundations for the rest of the course, you will first learn what transpersonal psychology really is and how it operates, as you are guided through its five key themes: states of consciousness, highest/ultimate potential, beyond the ego/personal self, transcendence, spirituality. You’ll also discover the discipline’s five guiding principles, as outlined by the International Transpersonal Association: irreducibility of consciousness, integrity in the spiritual path, challenge of transformation, global synergy, forward through exploration.
Your understanding of transpersonal psychology is strengthened, as you are guided through its history. You’ll explore contributions from important figures such as William James, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Grof, Sutich, Ken Wilber and Michael Washburn, and see how the discipline developed throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s.
With the foundations of knowledge set in place, you’ll move on to discover in-depth theories on the stages of development and transformation of the human psyche, as you are guided through the work of Robert Kegan, Susanne Cook-Greuter, and Bill Torbert.
As they include disciplines that use both psychology and spirituality to explain reality and consciousness, psychospiritual traditions and theories are explored in detail. You’ll learn about the importance of psychospiritual traditions in transpersonal psychology, what esoteric schools are, and how modern science is proving the link between psyche and spirit. You’ll also look at psychospiritual theories, focusing on the work of Wilber-Combs Matrix and two of Carl Jung’s ideas: active imagination and shadow work.
Studying this course, you’ll also learn about other disciplines that are related but separate from transpersonal psychology. Broadening your awareness of similar disciplines, you’ll gain a brief overview of humanistic, holistic, and positive psychologies.
In addition to the learning the theories, you’ll also look at how transpersonal psychology is applied in therapy. The course takes you through the role of a transpersonal therapist, the techniques and approaches used, personal qualities needed, qualifications required and the professional organizations that you can become a member of. Giving you a clearer idea of how the discipline is used in therapy, the course concludes with 3 case studies.
What our Transpersonal Psychology Online Course will teach you
- Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology
- History of Transpersonal Psychology
- The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
- Stages of Development and Transformation
- Psychospiritual Traditions
- Psychospiritual Theories
- Transpersonal Psychology in Practice Viewpoints
Transpersonal Psychology Online Course - Requirements
The Transpersonal Psychology Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
- Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
- Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
- Be a self-directed learner
- Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
- Course content is structured for easy comprehension
- Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Transpersonal Psychology Course
- All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
- Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
- All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Transpersonal Psychology Online Course Outline
Transpersonal Psychology Diploma
Module 1: Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology
Part 1: What is Transpersonal Psychology?
Learning Objectives:
- Have an understanding of transpersonal psychology and how it operates
- Understand the five key themes
- Understand the fields related to transpersonal psychology
What is Transpersonal Psychology?
Transpersonal psychology is a branch of psychology. It is sometimes referred to as a psychology "school" or a "sub-field" of psychology. It is a collection of ideas, practices, and concepts that together form a new ‘framework' for viewing the human experience. Transpersonal therapy is then built on top of this foundation. People who seek counselling or treatment from transpersonal psychologists are treated using the framework's concepts, ideas, and understandings.
Topics to be discussed include:
- What Does Transpersonal Mean?
- Issues Explored in Transpersonal Psychology
Part 2: Five Key Themes
This discipline can be defined in a variety of ways. Researchers Lajorie and Shapiro looked at 40 different definitions and came up with five main themes: states of consciousness, highest/ ultimate potential, beyond the ego/personal self, transcendence, and spirituality.
Topics to be discussed include:
- States of Consciousness
- Highest/ Ultimate Potential
- Beyond the Ego
- Transcendence
- Spiritual
- Related Fields
- Psychological Schools
- Other Fields
Module 2: History of Transpersonal Psychology
Part 1: William James
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the contributions of William James
- Understand the contributions of Carl Jung
- Understand the contributions of Abraham Maslow
- Understand the contributions of Grof and Sutich
William James
Who was William James?
William James is one of the most influential figures in psychology, not just transpersonal psychology, but all fields of Western psychology. He was an American, and he was the first to provide an education course in the United States.
Topics to be discussed include:
- His Ideas on Consciousness
- Other Contributions to Transpersonal Psychology
Part 2: Carl Jung
Who was Carl Jung?
Analytical psychology was founded by Carl Jung. Psychology, psychiatry, literature, philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, and religious studies have all been influenced by his work. He and Freud corresponded extensively and collaborated on a picture of human psychology. They eventually split apart, with Jung developing his own philosophy.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Spirituality
- Transpersonal Art Therapy and Mandalas
Part 3: Abraham Maslow
Who was Abraham Maslow?
Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who is well known for his work "Maslow's hierarchy of needs." This is a hypothesis regarding our basic human wants and the sequence in which we try to meet them. The highest level is referred to as "self-actualization," which is marked by "peak experiences." These are times when a person is completely at peace with himself and his surroundings.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Maslow’s Contribution to Transpersonal Psychology
Part 4: Grof & Sutich
Who is Grof?
Stanislav Grof is a psychiatrist who practices in the Czech Republic. He was a researcher into "non-ordinary states of consciousness," which are utilized for healing, investigating, and comprehending the human psyche, and was a founding member of the ITA (International Transpersonal Association), which was created in 1977. Grof distinguishes two types of consciousness in his writings. The hylotropic and holotropic are the two types of holograms.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Grof’s ‘Cartography of the Psyche’
- Who was Sutich?
- The Official Founding of Transpersonal Psychology
Module 3: History of Transpersonal Psychology Part 2
Part 1: 1970s Developments
Learning Objectives:
- 1970s Developments
- 1980s Developments
- Wilber’s Great Chain of Being
- Michael Washburn
- 1990s Developments
1970s Developments
Important Contributors
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Wilber, a pioneer in the subject of transpersonal psychology, wrote a series of essays and books that influenced the field's development. The area of transpersonal psychology was founded on Wilber's intellectual foundation. The majority of this came in the form of a synthesis of many disciplines.
Topics to be discussed include:
- 1980s Developments
- Ken Wilber
- Who is Ken Wilber?
- Mysticism
Part 2: Michael Washburn
The Dynamic Ground
Michael Washburn is a psychologist and philosopher who combines religion with psychology. Our ego, he claims, is only a small component of our experience. Jesus, Buddha, Freud, and other people, according to Washburn, provide us with means to connect to our Dynamic Ground, which is the domain of the spirit and unconscious. They all have different ways of expressing their ideas, but the end goal is the same.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Misery of the Ego
- ‘Lifelong See-Saw’
- 1990s Developments
Module 4: The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
Part 1: Irreducibility of Consciousness
Learning Objectives:
Understand the importance of the following principles:
- Irreducibility of Consciousness
- Integrity in the Spiritual Path
- Challenge of Transformation
- Global Synergy
- Forward Through Exploration
Irreducibility of Consciousness
Experience and Spirituality
The client's experiences, consciousness, and spirituality are sometimes overlooked in other disciplines of psychology and psychiatry. The client's mental experiences may be labeled as "abnormal," "pathological," or "psychotic" by psychiatrists.
Topics to be discussed include:
- A New View of Science
- Integrity in the Spiritual Path
- No Doctrine
- Individual Autonomy
- Challenge of Transformation
- Collective Growth
- Bring Inner Growth to the Mainstream
Part 2: Global Synergy
Creating One Movement
Several academic disciplines, groups, and concepts involve a significant number of people: academics and practitioners who all believe in at least part of the guiding principles, forming a ‘group.'
Topics to be discussed include:
- Goals of the ITA
- Forward Through Exploration
- Movement to Grow and Change
- Commitment to Active Growth
Module 5: Stages of Development and Transformation
Part 1: Integral AQAL
Learning Objectives:
Understand the work of the following figures:
- Integral AQAL- Ken Wilber
- Constructive-development theory- Robert Kegan
- Susanne Cook-Greuter
- Bill Torbert
Integral AQAL
Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory
Kenneth Earl Wilber II, better known by his pen name Ken Wilber, is an American theorist and author who specializes in transpersonal psychology and his own theory, Integral Theory. Integral consciousness, integral philosophy, and integral spirituality are also terms used to describe this concept. It's also called "the living whole of matter, body, mind, soul, and spirit."
Topics to be discussed include:
- Ken Wilber’s Integral AQAL
- Levels of Development and States of Consciousness
Part 2: Constructive Developmental Theory
What is Constructive Developmental Theory?
Individuals have their own perceptions of reality, according to constructive developmental theory. This is frequently referred to as a "universe of their own," and it is actively built and grown over the course of a person's life.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Stages of Self-Concept
- Highly Developed Thinking
- Susanne Cook-Greuter
- Vertical Development Academy
- Cook-Greuter’s Work
Part 3: Bill Tobert
CDAI, or Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry, is a social science and social action model developed by Bill Tobert. It's been dubbed a "new paradigm in social science." The Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile are two of the CDAI processes.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Action Inquiry
- Global Leadership Profile
Module 6: Psychospiritual Traditions
Part 1: Importance of Psychospiritual Traditions
Learning Objectives:
- The importance of psychospiritual traditions
- Esoteric schools
- Modern psychospirituality
Importance of Psychospiritual Traditions
16th and 17th Century
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the West, dramatic shifts in the perception of mysticism as a subjective, individual experience separate from church and tradition occurred. Mysticism was then viewed not only from a theological but also from a scientific standpoint.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Psychospiritual Ideas in Transpersonal Psychology
Part 2: Esoteric Schools
What are Esoteric Schools?
Esoteric schools are occult schools or movements of thought that use esoteric knowledge to form a system of thought. Both occult and esoteric mean "hidden." That is to say, the knowledge is hidden from the general public. This could be due to the fact that it is exclusively available within the spiritual school, or through spiritual experience, or both.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Ancient Esoteric Schools
- Theosophy and More
- Modern Psychospirituality
Module 7: Psychospiritual Theories
Part 1: States of Consciousness
Learning Objectives:
- States of consciousness (Wilber-Combs matrix)
- Jung- Active Imagination
- Jung- Shadow work
States of Consciousness (Wilber-Combs Matrix)
What is the Wilber-Combs Matrix?
The Wilber-Combs matrix is a graph that depicts the relationship between different phases of development and different states of consciousness. At the top, the levels of consciousness run horizontally. The phases of development go vertically from left to right.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How States and Stages Interact
- Jung- Active Imagination
- What is Active Imagination?
- The Origins of Active Imagination
- Active Imagination and Therapy
Part 2: Jung- Shadow Work
What is the Shadow?
It is an unidentified and/or rejected component of the personality that the conscious ego does not recognize in itself. It is a ‘split off' and disowned part of the self. Because one tends to reject or avoid to look at undesired features, such as traumas and sorrow, the shadow might be seen as bad.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Contents of the Shadow
- Projection
Module 8: Related Viewpoints
Part 1: Humanistic Psychology
Learning Objectives:
- Understand humanistic psychology
- Understand positive psychology
- Understand holistic psychology
Humanistic Psychology
What is Humanistic Psychology?
Humanistic psychology is founded on the idea that humans are born with good intentions. It focuses on an individual's interpretation of their own experiences rather than trying to categorize or diagnose them. In other words, rather than emphasizing objective classification, this school of psychology emphasizes subjective reality.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Major Figures in Humanistic Psychology
- Theories of Self
- Positive Psychology
- What is Positive Psychology?
- Signature Strengths
- What Makes Us Happy?
Part 2: Holistic Psychology
What is Holistic Psychology?
Holistic psychotherapy incorporates a number of variables based on the mind-body-spirit interaction. A person's consciousness, according to holistic therapy theory, is made up of an interplay between mind, body, and spirit/soul. In order to adequately assist a person in overcoming obstacles, they are viewed as a full being.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Aim of Holistic Therapy
Module 9: Transpersonal Psychology in Practice
Part 1: The Role of a Transpersonal Therapist
Learning Objectives:
- The role of a transpersonal therapist
- Techniques and approaches
- Personal qualities and beliefs required to be a transpersonal therapist
- Qualifications required to be a transpersonal therapist
The Role of a Transpersonal Therapist
What a Transpersonal Therapist is Not
A psychiatrist is not a transpersonal therapist. A psychiatrist is a mental health specialist who has had medical training. One of their key roles is to diagnose mental health concerns utilizing psychological or laboratory-based examinations and testing. They then recommend a variety of treatments, some of which they may be able to provide and others for which they may need a referral. Medication, psychotherapy, support groups, and other forms of help can be used as therapeutic techniques. This is not a method used by transpersonal therapists.
Topics to be discussed include:
- What a Transpersonal Therapist Is
Part 2: Techniques and Approaches
In their practice, transpersonal therapists employ a variety of strategies and approaches. They may also use a couple of similar types of therapy in their practice.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Talk Therapy
- Other Therapy Tools
- Related Types of Therapy
- Qualities Required in a Transpersonal Therapist
- Compassion and Life Experience
- Spiritual Outlook
Part 3: Qualifications Required
Transpersonal therapists are typically, but not always, trained as counsellors or psychotherapists in other modalities, such as personal centered counselling. Transpersonal therapy is a field in which they can further their education.
Topics to be discussed include:
- General Counselling Courses
- Transpersonal Qualifications
- Membership Bodies
Module 10: Case Studies
Part 1: Case Study 1
We've gone over the theory of transpersonal psychology and how it's used in therapy in great depth. Now we'll take a look at some transpersonal treatment case studies.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Case Study 1
- ‘There is Something Wrong with Me’
- My Visit to the Psychiatrist
- Transpersonal Therapy
Part 2: Case Study 2
We'll look at a case study by therapist Angelica Wagner in this part. In a case study titled ‘Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Consciousness Affecting the Chakras,' she discusses how she uses the chakra system to help her client Sarah.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Sarah’s Childhood
- Sarah’s Adult Life
- More Grief. More Sorrow.
- Sarah’s Chakras
Part 3: Case Study 3
Transpersonal Psychotherapy was employed with detained adolescents in this case study by Sam Himelstein, Ph.D. It's based on Himelstein's work with a teen at a San Francisco juvenile detention center.s
Topics to be discussed include:
- Alex’s Life
- Alex’s Belief in God
- Meaning-Making
- Resistance and Denial
- Therapist’s Experience
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1 – Introduction toTranspersonal Psychology
- Introduction
- Part 1: What is Transpersonal Psychology?
- Part 2: Five Key Themes
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – History of Transpersonal Psychology
- Part 1: William James
- Part 2: Carl Jung
- Part 3: Abraham Maslow
- Part 4: Grof & Sutich
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – History of Transpersonal Psychology Part 2
- Part 1: 1970s Developments
- Part 2: Michael Washburn
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
- Part 1: Irreducibility of Consciousness
- Part 2: Global Synergy
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Stages of Development and Transformation
- Part 1: Integral AQAL
- Part 2: Constructive Developmental Theory
- Part 3: Bill Torbert
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Psychospiritual Traditions
- Part 1: Importance of Psychospiritual Traditions
- Part 2: Esoteric Schools
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 – Psychospiritual Theories
- Part 1: States of Consciousness (WilberCombs Matrix)
- Part 2: Jung – Shadow Work
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 - Related Viewpoints
- Part 1: Humanistic Psychology
- Part 2: Holistic Psychology
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Transpersonal Psychology in Practice
- Part 1: The Role of a Transpersonal Therapist
- Part 2: Techniques and Approaches
- Part 3: Qualifications Required
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 – Case Studies
- Part 1: Case Study 1
- Part 2: Case Study 2
- Part 3: Case Study 3
- Conclusion
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Transpersonal Psychology Online Certificate Course
"Excellent really helped me understand psychology." - Garry D. Verified Buyer
Study Transpersonal Psychology Online Course and learn about other disciplines that are related but separate from Transpersonal Psychology.
See similar courses below.
Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 150 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn:
Study Transpersonal Psychology Online Course and Learn About Other Disciplines that are Related but Separate From Transpersonal Psychology
Discover transpersonal psychology – a discipline concerned with “the study of humanity's highest potential, with the recognition, understanding, and realization of unitive, spiritual, and transcendent states of consciousness”. Explore the underlying theories and how they are put into practice by therapists, it’s history and related disciplines.
Setting the foundations for the rest of the course, you will first learn what transpersonal psychology really is and how it operates, as you are guided through its five key themes: states of consciousness, highest/ultimate potential, beyond the ego/personal self, transcendence, spirituality. You’ll also discover the discipline’s five guiding principles, as outlined by the International Transpersonal Association: irreducibility of consciousness, integrity in the spiritual path, challenge of transformation, global synergy, forward through exploration.
Your understanding of transpersonal psychology is strengthened, as you are guided through its history. You’ll explore contributions from important figures such as William James, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Grof, Sutich, Ken Wilber and Michael Washburn, and see how the discipline developed throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s.
With the foundations of knowledge set in place, you’ll move on to discover in-depth theories on the stages of development and transformation of the human psyche, as you are guided through the work of Robert Kegan, Susanne Cook-Greuter, and Bill Torbert.
As they include disciplines that use both psychology and spirituality to explain reality and consciousness, psychospiritual traditions and theories are explored in detail. You’ll learn about the importance of psychospiritual traditions in transpersonal psychology, what esoteric schools are, and how modern science is proving the link between psyche and spirit. You’ll also look at psychospiritual theories, focusing on the work of Wilber-Combs Matrix and two of Carl Jung’s ideas: active imagination and shadow work.
Studying this course, you’ll also learn about other disciplines that are related but separate from transpersonal psychology. Broadening your awareness of similar disciplines, you’ll gain a brief overview of humanistic, holistic, and positive psychologies.
In addition to the learning the theories, you’ll also look at how transpersonal psychology is applied in therapy. The course takes you through the role of a transpersonal therapist, the techniques and approaches used, personal qualities needed, qualifications required and the professional organizations that you can become a member of. Giving you a clearer idea of how the discipline is used in therapy, the course concludes with 3 case studies.
What our Transpersonal Psychology Online Course will teach you
- Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology
- History of Transpersonal Psychology
- The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
- Stages of Development and Transformation
- Psychospiritual Traditions
- Psychospiritual Theories
- Transpersonal Psychology in Practice Viewpoints
Transpersonal Psychology Online Course - Requirements
The Transpersonal Psychology Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.
To successfully complete this course, a student must:
- Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
- Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
- Be a self-directed learner
- Possess sound language and literacy skills
Quick Course Facts
- Course content is structured for easy comprehension
- Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Transpersonal Psychology Course
- All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
- Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
- All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion
For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.
Transpersonal Psychology Online Course Outline
Transpersonal Psychology Diploma
Module 1: Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology
Part 1: What is Transpersonal Psychology?
Learning Objectives:
- Have an understanding of transpersonal psychology and how it operates
- Understand the five key themes
- Understand the fields related to transpersonal psychology
What is Transpersonal Psychology?
Transpersonal psychology is a branch of psychology. It is sometimes referred to as a psychology "school" or a "sub-field" of psychology. It is a collection of ideas, practices, and concepts that together form a new ‘framework' for viewing the human experience. Transpersonal therapy is then built on top of this foundation. People who seek counselling or treatment from transpersonal psychologists are treated using the framework's concepts, ideas, and understandings.
Topics to be discussed include:
- What Does Transpersonal Mean?
- Issues Explored in Transpersonal Psychology
Part 2: Five Key Themes
This discipline can be defined in a variety of ways. Researchers Lajorie and Shapiro looked at 40 different definitions and came up with five main themes: states of consciousness, highest/ ultimate potential, beyond the ego/personal self, transcendence, and spirituality.
Topics to be discussed include:
- States of Consciousness
- Highest/ Ultimate Potential
- Beyond the Ego
- Transcendence
- Spiritual
- Related Fields
- Psychological Schools
- Other Fields
Module 2: History of Transpersonal Psychology
Part 1: William James
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the contributions of William James
- Understand the contributions of Carl Jung
- Understand the contributions of Abraham Maslow
- Understand the contributions of Grof and Sutich
William James
Who was William James?
William James is one of the most influential figures in psychology, not just transpersonal psychology, but all fields of Western psychology. He was an American, and he was the first to provide an education course in the United States.
Topics to be discussed include:
- His Ideas on Consciousness
- Other Contributions to Transpersonal Psychology
Part 2: Carl Jung
Who was Carl Jung?
Analytical psychology was founded by Carl Jung. Psychology, psychiatry, literature, philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, and religious studies have all been influenced by his work. He and Freud corresponded extensively and collaborated on a picture of human psychology. They eventually split apart, with Jung developing his own philosophy.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Spirituality
- Transpersonal Art Therapy and Mandalas
Part 3: Abraham Maslow
Who was Abraham Maslow?
Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who is well known for his work "Maslow's hierarchy of needs." This is a hypothesis regarding our basic human wants and the sequence in which we try to meet them. The highest level is referred to as "self-actualization," which is marked by "peak experiences." These are times when a person is completely at peace with himself and his surroundings.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Maslow’s Contribution to Transpersonal Psychology
Part 4: Grof & Sutich
Who is Grof?
Stanislav Grof is a psychiatrist who practices in the Czech Republic. He was a researcher into "non-ordinary states of consciousness," which are utilized for healing, investigating, and comprehending the human psyche, and was a founding member of the ITA (International Transpersonal Association), which was created in 1977. Grof distinguishes two types of consciousness in his writings. The hylotropic and holotropic are the two types of holograms.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Grof’s ‘Cartography of the Psyche’
- Who was Sutich?
- The Official Founding of Transpersonal Psychology
Module 3: History of Transpersonal Psychology Part 2
Part 1: 1970s Developments
Learning Objectives:
- 1970s Developments
- 1980s Developments
- Wilber’s Great Chain of Being
- Michael Washburn
- 1990s Developments
1970s Developments
Important Contributors
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Wilber, a pioneer in the subject of transpersonal psychology, wrote a series of essays and books that influenced the field's development. The area of transpersonal psychology was founded on Wilber's intellectual foundation. The majority of this came in the form of a synthesis of many disciplines.
Topics to be discussed include:
- 1980s Developments
- Ken Wilber
- Who is Ken Wilber?
- Mysticism
Part 2: Michael Washburn
The Dynamic Ground
Michael Washburn is a psychologist and philosopher who combines religion with psychology. Our ego, he claims, is only a small component of our experience. Jesus, Buddha, Freud, and other people, according to Washburn, provide us with means to connect to our Dynamic Ground, which is the domain of the spirit and unconscious. They all have different ways of expressing their ideas, but the end goal is the same.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Misery of the Ego
- ‘Lifelong See-Saw’
- 1990s Developments
Module 4: The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
Part 1: Irreducibility of Consciousness
Learning Objectives:
Understand the importance of the following principles:
- Irreducibility of Consciousness
- Integrity in the Spiritual Path
- Challenge of Transformation
- Global Synergy
- Forward Through Exploration
Irreducibility of Consciousness
Experience and Spirituality
The client's experiences, consciousness, and spirituality are sometimes overlooked in other disciplines of psychology and psychiatry. The client's mental experiences may be labeled as "abnormal," "pathological," or "psychotic" by psychiatrists.
Topics to be discussed include:
- A New View of Science
- Integrity in the Spiritual Path
- No Doctrine
- Individual Autonomy
- Challenge of Transformation
- Collective Growth
- Bring Inner Growth to the Mainstream
Part 2: Global Synergy
Creating One Movement
Several academic disciplines, groups, and concepts involve a significant number of people: academics and practitioners who all believe in at least part of the guiding principles, forming a ‘group.'
Topics to be discussed include:
- Goals of the ITA
- Forward Through Exploration
- Movement to Grow and Change
- Commitment to Active Growth
Module 5: Stages of Development and Transformation
Part 1: Integral AQAL
Learning Objectives:
Understand the work of the following figures:
- Integral AQAL- Ken Wilber
- Constructive-development theory- Robert Kegan
- Susanne Cook-Greuter
- Bill Torbert
Integral AQAL
Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory
Kenneth Earl Wilber II, better known by his pen name Ken Wilber, is an American theorist and author who specializes in transpersonal psychology and his own theory, Integral Theory. Integral consciousness, integral philosophy, and integral spirituality are also terms used to describe this concept. It's also called "the living whole of matter, body, mind, soul, and spirit."
Topics to be discussed include:
- Ken Wilber’s Integral AQAL
- Levels of Development and States of Consciousness
Part 2: Constructive Developmental Theory
What is Constructive Developmental Theory?
Individuals have their own perceptions of reality, according to constructive developmental theory. This is frequently referred to as a "universe of their own," and it is actively built and grown over the course of a person's life.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Stages of Self-Concept
- Highly Developed Thinking
- Susanne Cook-Greuter
- Vertical Development Academy
- Cook-Greuter’s Work
Part 3: Bill Tobert
CDAI, or Collaborative Developmental Action Inquiry, is a social science and social action model developed by Bill Tobert. It's been dubbed a "new paradigm in social science." The Action Inquiry and the Global Leadership Profile are two of the CDAI processes.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Action Inquiry
- Global Leadership Profile
Module 6: Psychospiritual Traditions
Part 1: Importance of Psychospiritual Traditions
Learning Objectives:
- The importance of psychospiritual traditions
- Esoteric schools
- Modern psychospirituality
Importance of Psychospiritual Traditions
16th and 17th Century
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in the West, dramatic shifts in the perception of mysticism as a subjective, individual experience separate from church and tradition occurred. Mysticism was then viewed not only from a theological but also from a scientific standpoint.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Psychospiritual Ideas in Transpersonal Psychology
Part 2: Esoteric Schools
What are Esoteric Schools?
Esoteric schools are occult schools or movements of thought that use esoteric knowledge to form a system of thought. Both occult and esoteric mean "hidden." That is to say, the knowledge is hidden from the general public. This could be due to the fact that it is exclusively available within the spiritual school, or through spiritual experience, or both.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Ancient Esoteric Schools
- Theosophy and More
- Modern Psychospirituality
Module 7: Psychospiritual Theories
Part 1: States of Consciousness
Learning Objectives:
- States of consciousness (Wilber-Combs matrix)
- Jung- Active Imagination
- Jung- Shadow work
States of Consciousness (Wilber-Combs Matrix)
What is the Wilber-Combs Matrix?
The Wilber-Combs matrix is a graph that depicts the relationship between different phases of development and different states of consciousness. At the top, the levels of consciousness run horizontally. The phases of development go vertically from left to right.
Topics to be discussed include:
- How States and Stages Interact
- Jung- Active Imagination
- What is Active Imagination?
- The Origins of Active Imagination
- Active Imagination and Therapy
Part 2: Jung- Shadow Work
What is the Shadow?
It is an unidentified and/or rejected component of the personality that the conscious ego does not recognize in itself. It is a ‘split off' and disowned part of the self. Because one tends to reject or avoid to look at undesired features, such as traumas and sorrow, the shadow might be seen as bad.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Contents of the Shadow
- Projection
Module 8: Related Viewpoints
Part 1: Humanistic Psychology
Learning Objectives:
- Understand humanistic psychology
- Understand positive psychology
- Understand holistic psychology
Humanistic Psychology
What is Humanistic Psychology?
Humanistic psychology is founded on the idea that humans are born with good intentions. It focuses on an individual's interpretation of their own experiences rather than trying to categorize or diagnose them. In other words, rather than emphasizing objective classification, this school of psychology emphasizes subjective reality.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Major Figures in Humanistic Psychology
- Theories of Self
- Positive Psychology
- What is Positive Psychology?
- Signature Strengths
- What Makes Us Happy?
Part 2: Holistic Psychology
What is Holistic Psychology?
Holistic psychotherapy incorporates a number of variables based on the mind-body-spirit interaction. A person's consciousness, according to holistic therapy theory, is made up of an interplay between mind, body, and spirit/soul. In order to adequately assist a person in overcoming obstacles, they are viewed as a full being.
Topics to be discussed include:
- The Aim of Holistic Therapy
Module 9: Transpersonal Psychology in Practice
Part 1: The Role of a Transpersonal Therapist
Learning Objectives:
- The role of a transpersonal therapist
- Techniques and approaches
- Personal qualities and beliefs required to be a transpersonal therapist
- Qualifications required to be a transpersonal therapist
The Role of a Transpersonal Therapist
What a Transpersonal Therapist is Not
A psychiatrist is not a transpersonal therapist. A psychiatrist is a mental health specialist who has had medical training. One of their key roles is to diagnose mental health concerns utilizing psychological or laboratory-based examinations and testing. They then recommend a variety of treatments, some of which they may be able to provide and others for which they may need a referral. Medication, psychotherapy, support groups, and other forms of help can be used as therapeutic techniques. This is not a method used by transpersonal therapists.
Topics to be discussed include:
- What a Transpersonal Therapist Is
Part 2: Techniques and Approaches
In their practice, transpersonal therapists employ a variety of strategies and approaches. They may also use a couple of similar types of therapy in their practice.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Talk Therapy
- Other Therapy Tools
- Related Types of Therapy
- Qualities Required in a Transpersonal Therapist
- Compassion and Life Experience
- Spiritual Outlook
Part 3: Qualifications Required
Transpersonal therapists are typically, but not always, trained as counsellors or psychotherapists in other modalities, such as personal centered counselling. Transpersonal therapy is a field in which they can further their education.
Topics to be discussed include:
- General Counselling Courses
- Transpersonal Qualifications
- Membership Bodies
Module 10: Case Studies
Part 1: Case Study 1
We've gone over the theory of transpersonal psychology and how it's used in therapy in great depth. Now we'll take a look at some transpersonal treatment case studies.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Case Study 1
- ‘There is Something Wrong with Me’
- My Visit to the Psychiatrist
- Transpersonal Therapy
Part 2: Case Study 2
We'll look at a case study by therapist Angelica Wagner in this part. In a case study titled ‘Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Consciousness Affecting the Chakras,' she discusses how she uses the chakra system to help her client Sarah.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Sarah’s Childhood
- Sarah’s Adult Life
- More Grief. More Sorrow.
- Sarah’s Chakras
Part 3: Case Study 3
Transpersonal Psychotherapy was employed with detained adolescents in this case study by Sam Himelstein, Ph.D. It's based on Himelstein's work with a teen at a San Francisco juvenile detention center.s
Topics to be discussed include:
- Alex’s Life
- Alex’s Belief in God
- Meaning-Making
- Resistance and Denial
- Therapist’s Experience
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
Units of Study
Module 1 – Introduction toTranspersonal Psychology
- Introduction
- Part 1: What is Transpersonal Psychology?
- Part 2: Five Key Themes
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – History of Transpersonal Psychology
- Part 1: William James
- Part 2: Carl Jung
- Part 3: Abraham Maslow
- Part 4: Grof & Sutich
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – History of Transpersonal Psychology Part 2
- Part 1: 1970s Developments
- Part 2: Michael Washburn
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
- Part 1: Irreducibility of Consciousness
- Part 2: Global Synergy
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Stages of Development and Transformation
- Part 1: Integral AQAL
- Part 2: Constructive Developmental Theory
- Part 3: Bill Torbert
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Psychospiritual Traditions
- Part 1: Importance of Psychospiritual Traditions
- Part 2: Esoteric Schools
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 – Psychospiritual Theories
- Part 1: States of Consciousness (WilberCombs Matrix)
- Part 2: Jung – Shadow Work
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 - Related Viewpoints
- Part 1: Humanistic Psychology
- Part 2: Holistic Psychology
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Transpersonal Psychology in Practice
- Part 1: The Role of a Transpersonal Therapist
- Part 2: Techniques and Approaches
- Part 3: Qualifications Required
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10 – Case Studies
- Part 1: Case Study 1
- Part 2: Case Study 2
- Part 3: Case Study 3
- Conclusion
- Module 10 Assessment
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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