About This Course
What you will learn
Extend your Knowledge Base with Knowledge Management Certification
The Knowledge management certification course will teach you how to tap into and leverage this valuable asset. Perhaps the most untapped resource within most organisations is the existing knowledge base contained within the organization. The Encarta dictionary defines knowledge management as the organization of intellectual resources and information systems within a business environment. While the definition makes the process seem simple, having a system capable of accessing and managing all available information is quite a challenge.
The knowledge management online course will equip you with the skills and know-how required to begin implementing a knowledge management system.Once you’ve completed the knowledge management course you will be able to confidently implement a knowledge management system regardless of the size of the business or budgetary considerations.
Furthermore, the knowledge gained from knowledge management training courses can be applied in all business situations. Wherever humans work cooperatively together with a common purpose, there is knowledge to harvest, store, and dispense as and when required.
Course overview
Courses for Success offers a certified knowledge management course that covers many aspects of the field. The certificate in knowledge management course is designed to help students gain the skill sets necessary to advance topics such as agile and design thinking, change management, communication skills, diversity and inclusion, effective knowledge, implementing KM, information systems, project management, risk management, supply chain management, understanding knowledge and more.
The certified knowledge manager course is live online and covers a broad range of topics related to data and knowledge in business including product management, information technology, networking security, product marketing strategy and SAAS marketing strategies.
It also introduces the professional development institute's introduction to sensitivity training programs and dives deeper into topics like career in knowledge management; chief knowledge officer; CKS certification courses; coaching and mentoring; data information; getting started with implementing KM; organizing knowledge; organizational learning & development; product company procedures; product manager program certifications and technical writing certifications. Furthermore it delves into types of tacit and explicit knowledge as well as helping students understand how to transfer and share that knowledge from an organization-wide perspective.
The course also includes modules that cover: Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO); understanding different models of KM (Knowledge Management Model); organizing different types of KM system or approaches; life cycle of a product or process model; techniques used in building effective KM systems (Information Architecture) and organizational benefits that can result from utilizing KCMs or Knowledge Conservation Measures. Finally the comprehensive course will provide students who complete it with a Certificate of Completion from Courses For Success.
Whether you wish to pursue a career in knowledge management or just increase your understanding of this field of study enrolling in Courses for Success' Knowledge Management Course will arm you with valuable skills so you can make informed decisions about best practices when it comes to managing data assets within your organization. This course is designed for anyone who wants to enhance their data and knowledge management.
Quick Course Facts:
- Straightforward knowledge management online training is easy to understand
- Between 6 and 8 hours of study is needed to the knowledge management online course
- Registered students are granted limitless, lifetime access to the online course
- The course is completely available online 24/7 from any PC, Mac or Smartphone
- You can study the knowledge management certification course from the comfort of your home or from work. You can do so at a pace that suits you and in your own time
- Certificate of Completion awarded to all students who complete the course
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, MAC, tablet or Smart Phone.
Knowledge Management Online Course Outline
Getting Started
Today's culture is knowledge-based. It is clear from the things we purchase or the time-consuming activities we manage. Knowledge is advantageous in helping one choose or adopt the best course of action. Knowledge is disseminated over the Internet at nanosecond speeds. We now have access to knowledge thanks to laptops and smartphones. Knowledge, as the saying goes, is power.
Understanding Knowledge Management
When separated, the terms knowledge and management refer to two extremely vast concepts. The combination of the two words refers to a concept that aims to arrange information in a way that benefits an organization. While most people would agree that utilizing an organization's information is a good idea, knowledge management is not widely accepted.
What is Knowledge
Knowledge is frequently mistaken for information or data. Knowledge is defined as the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity earned through experience or association in the online Merriam-Webster dictionary. There will be a discussion on what data and information are later in this course. These two terms are both components of knowledge. Information is created by combining data, which is basic stuff that has no inherent worth or significance.
What is Knowledge Management
A program or system called knowledge management is created to develop, capture, distribute, and use knowledge for the benefit of the organization. This is easier said than done because implementing a knowledge management program calls for several adjustments and support at all organizational levels. Additionally, there are various types of knowledge to deal with and comprehend. Knowledge can be implicit or explicit, and capturing each type requires a particular set of techniques.
A Brief History
The late 1970s are when knowledge management first emerged. The notion of how knowledge is developed, executed, and integrated throughout an organization was established by Everett Rogers and Thomas Allen's work in information transmission. In the 1980s, knowledge became a focal point for boosting businesses' competitive advantages. The benefits of developing learning- and knowledge-based organizations were explored by individuals like Senge and Sakaiya. Improving business in general was the key goal during this time. Knowledge management was first discussed in popular business management literature in the 1990s.
Applications in the Workplace
A wide range of organizational functions can benefit from knowledge management. Remember that knowledge management encompasses more than just knowledge storage. Sharing is the main emphasis. Given this, the potential applications of knowledge management in the workplace are almost limitless.
Areas that can benefit from knowledge management are as follows:
● Corporate governance
● Staff training
● Operations
Here are some potential benefits to implementing knowledge management:
● Encourage innovation by allowing ideas to flow throughout the organization
● Improve customer experience by becoming more efficient in service
● Increase profits by capitalizing on opportunities because of faster product-to-market time
Do’s and Don’ts
Knowledge management can be implemented in a variety of ways. It could be difficult to process all the information at your disposal. When implementing a knowledge management project, understanding the different forms of knowledge and where to find it will help you make fewer mistakes and work more quickly. You will discover information, data, tacit and explicit ways of knowledge, and categories where knowledge converges in this module.
Data, Information, Knowledge
Knowledge is made up of facts and information, as we discovered before when we reviewed the definition of knowledge. Data is material in the form of language or numbers, and the descriptions of each component are summarized below. Data has no meaning by itself. The Tacit Mode
Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is not easily documented. It is transferred silently through behaviors and experience. Since tacit information is so individualized and subjective, communicating it can be challenging. The knowledge is deeply ingrained in the one who holds it. Thought patterns, ideals, values, and beliefs all have an impact on tacit knowledge.
Here are some examples of tacit knowledge:
● Know-how
● Judgment
● Experience
The Explicit Mode
Explicit knowledge is simpler to identify and record. It is simple to express verbally, in writing, transfer, save, and retrieve. Explicit knowledge might include the steps for driving a car. Because of its format, the explicit knowledge is laid out in a manual and is simple to follow. The majority of organizations use this type of knowledge the most frequently.
You may find this information in the following areas:
● Databases
● Manuals
● Training content
Identifying Conversion Categories
Knowledge is converted or exchanged in conversion categories. The tacit and explicit modes for both the type of information and the type of activity are the best ways to think of these conversion categories.
The Knowledge Management Life Cycle
The process of discovering material that might or might not be useful knowledge, turning it into useable knowledge, and integrating it into the organization is known as knowledge management. You will learn about the fundamental stages of the knowledge management cycle in this module. Your project will receive greater support if you can explain the elements of knowledge management to folks in your business in a way that makes sense.
Knowledge transfer experiences can take many different shapes. Recognizing that there may be knowledge to be captured whenever an issue is realized or a new endeavor is on the horizon. In some cases, episodes are preplanned.
Here are some examples:
● A new product is being developed and rolled out
● Entering into a new market or territory
● Internal restructuring like a new division or enhancement of an existing department
In order to gather information, the acquiring stage looks to both internal and external sources. It uses a variety of methodologies and targets both implicit and explicit types of knowledge.
Acquiring information or knowledge can be seen as two categories:
● Capturing is acquiring information or knowledge that already exists and requires little adjustments to make it valuable to the organization.
● Creation is taking existing information or knowledge and combining it with other internal knowledge or information to produce new knowledge the organization can deem actionable.
Keep in mind that knowledge is information that has been contextualized to make it useful. Knowledge needs to be compared to the corporate goals and plans in order for this to occur. Information or knowledge must be evaluated in relation to the organization's objectives, vision, mission, and strategies before moving on to the following cycle and being incorporated. The knowledge management program may become ineffective if the knowledge is not matched to these business strategies.
Here are some areas to consider when evaluating knowledge:
● What is the nature of your organization
● Organization vision
● Organization goals
Integration is making knowledge known. There are several general methods to getting knowledge out throughout the organization.
Here are several examples:
● Broadcasting: e-mails, announcements, newsletters, are some examples of integrating knowledge by broadcasting
● Searching: databases, portals, extranets, records, are examples of integrating knowledge by making it searchable
The New Knowledge Management Paradigm
Knowledge management has developed into a technologically driven program with the development of information technology. Reviewing knowledge management's historical development is necessary to comprehend what it is today. The overarching objective of knowledge management is to use knowledge in what and how. You can understand the guiding principles of the current knowledge management paradigm by comprehending these ideas. As a result, you will be more equipped to understand the program you are about to roll out inside your company and identify whether an old knowledge management system currently exists.
Paradigm of the Past
Knowledge management does have a history, and there are designs for knowledge management systems that rely on knowledge gathering and archiving. This tactic typically produced a query database that staff members utilized to look for information. This strategy had shortcomings.
Here are some:
● High maintenance of knowledge, because all knowledge was put into the system
● Stored knowledge became outdated
● Employees did not use the system because it was too vast
The New Paradigm
The paradigm for knowledge management has changed significantly from earlier times. The focus is on relationships and networks involving employees rather than on data storage and retrieval. Storage is available, although it would be used primarily for document sharing and reference materials. Storage is not the only solution for knowledge management.
Here are some characteristics involving the new model of knowledge management:
● Focus on networking technology
● Learning environment fostered
● Knowledge pushed out instead of stored
Implications and Applications
You should think about the effects that implementing knowledge management will have on your organization as you explore doing so. Your knowledge management project may encounter difficulties if your company is not accustomed to learning from others and sharing information.
The Knowledge Management Endgame
What knowledge management will do for the organization is the most crucial point you should make. You won't get the support you need by merely advocating knowledge management on its own terms. Since knowledge management covers the entire business and should benefit the entire organization, it is important to explain the knowledge management goal explicitly.
Knowledge Management Models
In this subject, we'll delve into the history and fundamental ideas of knowledge management. Over the years, certain models have had a significant impact on knowledge management, and it is important to comprehend these. Again, by knowing more about the fundamentals of knowledge management, you will be better equipped to persuade individuals in your business who might not be aware of the beginnings and the breadth of this field's history.
The Nonaka and Takeuchi Model (SECI)
The spiraling process of tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge is described by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi's model of knowledge generation. They provide an example of how knowledge is transformed using four patterns.
Here are the four patterns:
- Socialization: tacit knowledge transfers through individual interaction (tacit). The interaction does not have to involve language. It can be observed.
- Capturing this type of knowledge involves direct interaction with employees.
- Externalization: the first part of this pattern, involves tacit knowledge, which is made explicit because of the expression of the knowledge through ideas, images, words, concepts, and visuals to others. The second part is the translation of the knowledge into understandable formats.
● Combination: takes explicit knowledge and is communicated systematically (explicit). There are three basic phases to this pattern:
● Capturing knowledge from inside and outside the organization and internalizing it
● Disseminating the explicit knowledge through networks and systems
● Processing the explicit knowledge into a more usable format like documents, plans, and reports
Wiig Model
Karl Wiig focused on six strategies to organizational knowledge management process.
● Knowledge management as a business strategy: this places knowledge management as a strategy that spans the entire organization
● Managing intellectual assets strategy: this is a focus on the existing knowledge that is present within the organization and utilizing them or enhancing them fully
● Personal knowledge asset responsibility strategy: this is a strategy that support employees to develop their skills and knowledge, sharing it with others
● Knowledge creation strategy: focuses on creating new knowledge through research and development for shaping the future of the organization
● Knowledge transfer strategy: this is sharing and transferring best practices in support of improving quality and efficiency throughout the organization
● Customer-focused knowledge strategy: this strategy focuses on understanding customer needs and provide products and services that address those needs
Kakabadse Model
Kakabadse identified five models for knowledge management.
Philosophy based model: focuses on the organization’s view or philosophy of knowledge. A company that focuses on the importance of knowledge should ask the following questions.
● What do we not know that we know?
● What do we know that we don’t know?
- Cognitive model: makes knowledge an asset and it should be managed and accounted as a part of normal business.
- Network model: here knowledge is seen as requiring collaboration through networks, allowing teams to use the knowledge for the betterment of the organization.
- Community of practice model: takes knowledge and communicates it in a more relaxed and communal environment utilizing storytelling or metaphors as the channel. It is meant to breakdown complex knowledge into a simple format.
- It positions knowledge as scenario-driven instead of fact-driven. This model makes knowledge dynamic and adjustable to the scenario instead of referring to the knowledge as a static fact, leaving little room for innovation.
Boisot Model
Boisot describes a knowledge management model that is three-dimensional.
His Information Space or I-Space philosophy describes three axes:
● Uncodified to codified
● Concrete to abstract
● Undiffused to diffused
Boisot then describes a Social Learning Cycle that works within the I-Space model.
By this point, you could be experiencing some information overload. Keep in mind that the purpose of this information is to familiarize you with some of the concepts that helped shape knowledge management as we know it today. Do not stress over learning every detail.
Customizing Knowledge Management Definition
Right now, you wish to alter how knowledge management will seem within your company. This is crucial since the people involved in your project want to know what you're trying to accomplish. You will learn how to define your knowledge management project by identifying the components and modifying them to suit your business in this lesson. Without a clear description of what knowledge management will be in your organization, you risk losing support for your project.
Components of a Knowledge Management Definition
It will be easier for you to define your project and interact with stakeholders if you have a solid project management foundation. If you lack project management expertise, you might wish to add someone to your team who does. Keep in mind that knowledge management implementation needs to be a collaborative effort if you want it to spread throughout your firm.
Customizing the Components
You must involve the organization if you want to tailor your knowledge management program to fit it. It's possible to spend months creating a program only to discover that the staff dislikes it. Customizing will need taking a few important measures. These actions might seem like a lot of work at first, but they will pay off in the long run for your knowledge management project.
Creating a KMBOK
An enterprise-wide program known as a knowledge management body of knowledge (KMBOK) is used to record all knowledge held by a business. All significant areas of knowledge inside the firm are actually managed by the knowledge management system.
There are three major areas in developing a KMBOK:
● Project management is how the organization manages the temporary activities within the organization.
● Leadership and managerial knowledge is how the management in an organization operates.
● Organizational structure knowledge involves all the systems and processes that define the company.
Implementing Knowledge Management
You are now prepared to create your project plan. There is a degree of political and financial support, just as in any other initiative. Your chances of getting support grow the more organized and thorough your plan is. Poorly conceived projects are rarely supported by management, especially when funds are limited. When there is no budget allocated for your project, you will learn in this subject how to rally support, secure funding, create a plan, and carry it out.
Gathering Support
In all honesty, getting approval from an executive manager or senior level manager is preferable. For your knowledge management project, you might be able to launch a grassroots campaign, but without the proper amount of backing from top management, you can find yourself up against it.
Identifying Opportunities for Revenue Streams
How properly you present the budget will greatly influence your prospects of receiving funding for your projects. Once more, having solid project management and budgeting abilities can be beneficial. If you do not know how to create a budget, seek assistance from someone who does. Next, you should ascertain the type of organization you have. You should approach that team to request funding if your organization is centralized, meaning there is a powerful governing body overseeing all the departments. You could want to identify a department that is willing to support your project if your organization is decentralized, which means it has a weak central administration and the departments operate independently.
Key Knowledge Management Techniques
There are numerous methods for managing knowledge. According to each of the key stages of the knowledge management cycle, we will learn a few new things.
The phases to knowledge management are as follows:
● Knowledge creation
● Knowledge capturing
● Knowledge codification
● Knowledge integrations and sharing
A Map for Success
- Vision
- Timeline
- Strong Leadership
- Strategy
- Internal Marketing
- Focus on Business Results
- Multiple Pricing Points
- Development of a Prototype and Run a Pilot Test
The No-Budget Scenario
There are still some cost-effective strategies to conduct a knowledge management program if you find yourself in a no-budget situation with your project. Even if it isn't fancy, it starts the process till a budget is established. Here are some tools you can employ to assist with knowledge management.
Tips for Success
When attempting to bring about a change as significant as the one involved with establishing knowledge management within your firm, you need all the assistance you can get. A person in charge of knowledge management at your company could be among the factors that boost success. This is only one illustration. You will discover how to successfully implement knowledge management at work in this module.
About the Chief Knowledge Officer
A knowledge management full-time position is unquestionably advantageous. A Chief Knowledge Officer may be appealing to your firm if knowledge management is taken seriously by the organization (CKO). Knowledge management will continue to be a top priority for CKOs. Every day, they are in touch with the corporate strategies. Since the industry has not explicitly defined the role of a CKO, this role may vary from firm to company.
The Knowledge Management Imperative
Giving a plan or strategy without any motivation or justification for change could get your project started, but it will likely be put on the backburner. The project must be started with a reasonable amount of urgency.
The Hype Curve
The hype cycle consists of five phases.
● Trigger phase is when something new is introduced, it creates a buzz, and there is a high level of interest in the item.
● Peak of expectations is when the hype is build up to the point where the employees will start generating unrealistic expectations.
● Trough of disillusionment is when the employees are disappointed because the item did not meet their inflated expectations.
● Slope of enlightenment is when employees experiment with the item and understand the benefits and practicality of the item.
● Plateau of productivity is when the benefits of the item are generally accepted. The item stabilizes and is ready for enhancements and evolution.
Barriers and Helpers to Success
The culture will be your biggest obstacle. Your project will advance if your organization's culture is adaptable and values learning and sharing. On the other hand, it will be difficult to implement your idea if your culture is walled off and averse to change.
Here are some things to consider as you navigate your culture and change:
● Organizational culture is tacit and deeply rooted
● Culture is not easily changed
● Culture is complex and difficult to define
Advance Topics
Some advanced knowledge management principles will be covered in this module. These ideas will assist you in determining when knowledge management becomes a fully developed program in your company. In addition, you will discover how to maintain its strength and health over time once it has been put into practice.
The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
The KM maturity model describes five levels
- Initial: the organization is at the beginning and just starting out in tracking their performance using knowledge management
- Respectable: the organization is experiencing success, but problem areas exist
- Defined: the organization is being managed well; it is competing strongly within the market.
- Managed: the organization is in control of the market and employees are empowered to make decisions.
- Optimizing: the organization is at a mature level and has a strong reputation, and is setting trends in the market.
Absorptive Capacity
The absorptive capacity is the organization’s ability to recognize the value of new knowledge, integrate it, and apply it in a way that creates competitive advantage. The ability for an organization to do this depends on the prior knowledge and diversity of background.
Process Model Types
A process model outlines the ideal way to carry out a procedure. It describes the steps in detail. Typically, it is a graphic that communicates the steps, connections, and motivations involved in finishing a process. Your organization will remember the procedure more if you use a process model. There are several models available. It is a good idea to include the knowledge management process in a process model once you have decided on its final form.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
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Units of Study
Module One - Getting Started
Module Two - Understanding Knowledge Management
- What is knowledge?
- What is knowledge management?
- A brief history
- Applications in the workplace
Module Three - Dos and Dont's
- Data, information and knowledge
- The tactic mode
- The explicit mode
- Identifying conversation categories
Module Four - The Knowledge Management Life Cycle
- Understanding episodes
- Acquistion
- Knowledge
- Integration
Module Five - The New Knowledge Management Paradigm
- Paradigms of the past
- The new paradigm
- Implications and applications
- The knowledge management endgame
Module Six - Knowledge Management Models
- The nNnaka and Takeuchi Model (SECI)
- Wiig Model
- Kakabadse Model
- Boisot Model
Module Seven - Building a Knowledge Management Rationale
- Why rationale is necessary
- Building a business case
- Finding success stories
- The Commoditization / Customization Model
Module Eight - Customising Knowledge Management Definations
- Components of a knowledge management definition
- Customising the components
- Sample definitions
- Creating KMBOK
Module Nine - Implementing Knowledge Management in your Organisation
- Gathering support
- Identifying opportunities for revenue streams
- Key knowledge management techniques
- A map for success
- The no-budget scenario
Module Ten - Tips for Success
- About the chief knowledge officer
- Knowledge management skill checklist
- The knowledge management imperative
- The hype curve
- Barriers and helpers to success
Module Eleven - Advance Topics
- The knowledge management maturity model
- Absorptive capacity
- Rustiness
- Process model types
Module Twelve - Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
- JOHN PLAMENATZ - The store of wisdom does not consist of hard coins, which keep their shape as they pass from hand to hand; it consists of ideas and doctrines whose meanings change with the minds that entertain them.
- LEIF EDVINSSON - Of central importance is the changing nature of competitive advantage - not based on marker position, size and power as in times past, but on the incorporation of knowledge into all of an organisation's activities.
- BARUCH LEV - Innovations are created primarily by investment in intangibles. When such investments are commercially successful, and are protected by patents or first-mover advantages, they are transformed into tangible assets creating corporate value and growth.
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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Knowledge Management Online Certificate Course
"It provided me with the tools to successfully manage my organization needs and goals in the future" - Eduard G. Verified Buyer
The Knowledge Management Online Course will equip you with the skills and know-how required to begin putting a knowledge management system into place.
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Course Summary
- Delivery: Online
- Access: Unlimited Lifetime
- Time: Study at your own pace
- Duration: 6-8 Hours
- Assessments: Yes
- Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
Extend your Knowledge Base with Knowledge Management Certification
The Knowledge management certification course will teach you how to tap into and leverage this valuable asset. Perhaps the most untapped resource within most organisations is the existing knowledge base contained within the organization. The Encarta dictionary defines knowledge management as the organization of intellectual resources and information systems within a business environment. While the definition makes the process seem simple, having a system capable of accessing and managing all available information is quite a challenge.
The knowledge management online course will equip you with the skills and know-how required to begin implementing a knowledge management system.Once you’ve completed the knowledge management course you will be able to confidently implement a knowledge management system regardless of the size of the business or budgetary considerations.
Furthermore, the knowledge gained from knowledge management training courses can be applied in all business situations. Wherever humans work cooperatively together with a common purpose, there is knowledge to harvest, store, and dispense as and when required.
Course overview
Courses for Success offers a certified knowledge management course that covers many aspects of the field. The certificate in knowledge management course is designed to help students gain the skill sets necessary to advance topics such as agile and design thinking, change management, communication skills, diversity and inclusion, effective knowledge, implementing KM, information systems, project management, risk management, supply chain management, understanding knowledge and more.
The certified knowledge manager course is live online and covers a broad range of topics related to data and knowledge in business including product management, information technology, networking security, product marketing strategy and SAAS marketing strategies.
It also introduces the professional development institute's introduction to sensitivity training programs and dives deeper into topics like career in knowledge management; chief knowledge officer; CKS certification courses; coaching and mentoring; data information; getting started with implementing KM; organizing knowledge; organizational learning & development; product company procedures; product manager program certifications and technical writing certifications. Furthermore it delves into types of tacit and explicit knowledge as well as helping students understand how to transfer and share that knowledge from an organization-wide perspective.
The course also includes modules that cover: Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO); understanding different models of KM (Knowledge Management Model); organizing different types of KM system or approaches; life cycle of a product or process model; techniques used in building effective KM systems (Information Architecture) and organizational benefits that can result from utilizing KCMs or Knowledge Conservation Measures. Finally the comprehensive course will provide students who complete it with a Certificate of Completion from Courses For Success.
Whether you wish to pursue a career in knowledge management or just increase your understanding of this field of study enrolling in Courses for Success' Knowledge Management Course will arm you with valuable skills so you can make informed decisions about best practices when it comes to managing data assets within your organization. This course is designed for anyone who wants to enhance their data and knowledge management.
Quick Course Facts:
- Straightforward knowledge management online training is easy to understand
- Between 6 and 8 hours of study is needed to the knowledge management online course
- Registered students are granted limitless, lifetime access to the online course
- The course is completely available online 24/7 from any PC, Mac or Smartphone
- You can study the knowledge management certification course from the comfort of your home or from work. You can do so at a pace that suits you and in your own time
- Certificate of Completion awarded to all students who complete the course
Course Delivery
Courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, MAC, tablet or Smart Phone.
Knowledge Management Online Course Outline
Getting Started
Today's culture is knowledge-based. It is clear from the things we purchase or the time-consuming activities we manage. Knowledge is advantageous in helping one choose or adopt the best course of action. Knowledge is disseminated over the Internet at nanosecond speeds. We now have access to knowledge thanks to laptops and smartphones. Knowledge, as the saying goes, is power.
Understanding Knowledge Management
When separated, the terms knowledge and management refer to two extremely vast concepts. The combination of the two words refers to a concept that aims to arrange information in a way that benefits an organization. While most people would agree that utilizing an organization's information is a good idea, knowledge management is not widely accepted.
What is Knowledge
Knowledge is frequently mistaken for information or data. Knowledge is defined as the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity earned through experience or association in the online Merriam-Webster dictionary. There will be a discussion on what data and information are later in this course. These two terms are both components of knowledge. Information is created by combining data, which is basic stuff that has no inherent worth or significance.
What is Knowledge Management
A program or system called knowledge management is created to develop, capture, distribute, and use knowledge for the benefit of the organization. This is easier said than done because implementing a knowledge management program calls for several adjustments and support at all organizational levels. Additionally, there are various types of knowledge to deal with and comprehend. Knowledge can be implicit or explicit, and capturing each type requires a particular set of techniques.
A Brief History
The late 1970s are when knowledge management first emerged. The notion of how knowledge is developed, executed, and integrated throughout an organization was established by Everett Rogers and Thomas Allen's work in information transmission. In the 1980s, knowledge became a focal point for boosting businesses' competitive advantages. The benefits of developing learning- and knowledge-based organizations were explored by individuals like Senge and Sakaiya. Improving business in general was the key goal during this time. Knowledge management was first discussed in popular business management literature in the 1990s.
Applications in the Workplace
A wide range of organizational functions can benefit from knowledge management. Remember that knowledge management encompasses more than just knowledge storage. Sharing is the main emphasis. Given this, the potential applications of knowledge management in the workplace are almost limitless.
Areas that can benefit from knowledge management are as follows:
● Corporate governance
● Staff training
● Operations
Here are some potential benefits to implementing knowledge management:
● Encourage innovation by allowing ideas to flow throughout the organization
● Improve customer experience by becoming more efficient in service
● Increase profits by capitalizing on opportunities because of faster product-to-market time
Do’s and Don’ts
Knowledge management can be implemented in a variety of ways. It could be difficult to process all the information at your disposal. When implementing a knowledge management project, understanding the different forms of knowledge and where to find it will help you make fewer mistakes and work more quickly. You will discover information, data, tacit and explicit ways of knowledge, and categories where knowledge converges in this module.
Data, Information, Knowledge
Knowledge is made up of facts and information, as we discovered before when we reviewed the definition of knowledge. Data is material in the form of language or numbers, and the descriptions of each component are summarized below. Data has no meaning by itself. The Tacit Mode
Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is not easily documented. It is transferred silently through behaviors and experience. Since tacit information is so individualized and subjective, communicating it can be challenging. The knowledge is deeply ingrained in the one who holds it. Thought patterns, ideals, values, and beliefs all have an impact on tacit knowledge.
Here are some examples of tacit knowledge:
● Know-how
● Judgment
● Experience
The Explicit Mode
Explicit knowledge is simpler to identify and record. It is simple to express verbally, in writing, transfer, save, and retrieve. Explicit knowledge might include the steps for driving a car. Because of its format, the explicit knowledge is laid out in a manual and is simple to follow. The majority of organizations use this type of knowledge the most frequently.
You may find this information in the following areas:
● Databases
● Manuals
● Training content
Identifying Conversion Categories
Knowledge is converted or exchanged in conversion categories. The tacit and explicit modes for both the type of information and the type of activity are the best ways to think of these conversion categories.
The Knowledge Management Life Cycle
The process of discovering material that might or might not be useful knowledge, turning it into useable knowledge, and integrating it into the organization is known as knowledge management. You will learn about the fundamental stages of the knowledge management cycle in this module. Your project will receive greater support if you can explain the elements of knowledge management to folks in your business in a way that makes sense.
Knowledge transfer experiences can take many different shapes. Recognizing that there may be knowledge to be captured whenever an issue is realized or a new endeavor is on the horizon. In some cases, episodes are preplanned.
Here are some examples:
● A new product is being developed and rolled out
● Entering into a new market or territory
● Internal restructuring like a new division or enhancement of an existing department
In order to gather information, the acquiring stage looks to both internal and external sources. It uses a variety of methodologies and targets both implicit and explicit types of knowledge.
Acquiring information or knowledge can be seen as two categories:
● Capturing is acquiring information or knowledge that already exists and requires little adjustments to make it valuable to the organization.
● Creation is taking existing information or knowledge and combining it with other internal knowledge or information to produce new knowledge the organization can deem actionable.
Keep in mind that knowledge is information that has been contextualized to make it useful. Knowledge needs to be compared to the corporate goals and plans in order for this to occur. Information or knowledge must be evaluated in relation to the organization's objectives, vision, mission, and strategies before moving on to the following cycle and being incorporated. The knowledge management program may become ineffective if the knowledge is not matched to these business strategies.
Here are some areas to consider when evaluating knowledge:
● What is the nature of your organization
● Organization vision
● Organization goals
Integration is making knowledge known. There are several general methods to getting knowledge out throughout the organization.
Here are several examples:
● Broadcasting: e-mails, announcements, newsletters, are some examples of integrating knowledge by broadcasting
● Searching: databases, portals, extranets, records, are examples of integrating knowledge by making it searchable
The New Knowledge Management Paradigm
Knowledge management has developed into a technologically driven program with the development of information technology. Reviewing knowledge management's historical development is necessary to comprehend what it is today. The overarching objective of knowledge management is to use knowledge in what and how. You can understand the guiding principles of the current knowledge management paradigm by comprehending these ideas. As a result, you will be more equipped to understand the program you are about to roll out inside your company and identify whether an old knowledge management system currently exists.
Paradigm of the Past
Knowledge management does have a history, and there are designs for knowledge management systems that rely on knowledge gathering and archiving. This tactic typically produced a query database that staff members utilized to look for information. This strategy had shortcomings.
Here are some:
● High maintenance of knowledge, because all knowledge was put into the system
● Stored knowledge became outdated
● Employees did not use the system because it was too vast
The New Paradigm
The paradigm for knowledge management has changed significantly from earlier times. The focus is on relationships and networks involving employees rather than on data storage and retrieval. Storage is available, although it would be used primarily for document sharing and reference materials. Storage is not the only solution for knowledge management.
Here are some characteristics involving the new model of knowledge management:
● Focus on networking technology
● Learning environment fostered
● Knowledge pushed out instead of stored
Implications and Applications
You should think about the effects that implementing knowledge management will have on your organization as you explore doing so. Your knowledge management project may encounter difficulties if your company is not accustomed to learning from others and sharing information.
The Knowledge Management Endgame
What knowledge management will do for the organization is the most crucial point you should make. You won't get the support you need by merely advocating knowledge management on its own terms. Since knowledge management covers the entire business and should benefit the entire organization, it is important to explain the knowledge management goal explicitly.
Knowledge Management Models
In this subject, we'll delve into the history and fundamental ideas of knowledge management. Over the years, certain models have had a significant impact on knowledge management, and it is important to comprehend these. Again, by knowing more about the fundamentals of knowledge management, you will be better equipped to persuade individuals in your business who might not be aware of the beginnings and the breadth of this field's history.
The Nonaka and Takeuchi Model (SECI)
The spiraling process of tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge is described by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi's model of knowledge generation. They provide an example of how knowledge is transformed using four patterns.
Here are the four patterns:
- Socialization: tacit knowledge transfers through individual interaction (tacit). The interaction does not have to involve language. It can be observed.
- Capturing this type of knowledge involves direct interaction with employees.
- Externalization: the first part of this pattern, involves tacit knowledge, which is made explicit because of the expression of the knowledge through ideas, images, words, concepts, and visuals to others. The second part is the translation of the knowledge into understandable formats.
● Combination: takes explicit knowledge and is communicated systematically (explicit). There are three basic phases to this pattern:
● Capturing knowledge from inside and outside the organization and internalizing it
● Disseminating the explicit knowledge through networks and systems
● Processing the explicit knowledge into a more usable format like documents, plans, and reports
Wiig Model
Karl Wiig focused on six strategies to organizational knowledge management process.
● Knowledge management as a business strategy: this places knowledge management as a strategy that spans the entire organization
● Managing intellectual assets strategy: this is a focus on the existing knowledge that is present within the organization and utilizing them or enhancing them fully
● Personal knowledge asset responsibility strategy: this is a strategy that support employees to develop their skills and knowledge, sharing it with others
● Knowledge creation strategy: focuses on creating new knowledge through research and development for shaping the future of the organization
● Knowledge transfer strategy: this is sharing and transferring best practices in support of improving quality and efficiency throughout the organization
● Customer-focused knowledge strategy: this strategy focuses on understanding customer needs and provide products and services that address those needs
Kakabadse Model
Kakabadse identified five models for knowledge management.
Philosophy based model: focuses on the organization’s view or philosophy of knowledge. A company that focuses on the importance of knowledge should ask the following questions.
● What do we not know that we know?
● What do we know that we don’t know?
- Cognitive model: makes knowledge an asset and it should be managed and accounted as a part of normal business.
- Network model: here knowledge is seen as requiring collaboration through networks, allowing teams to use the knowledge for the betterment of the organization.
- Community of practice model: takes knowledge and communicates it in a more relaxed and communal environment utilizing storytelling or metaphors as the channel. It is meant to breakdown complex knowledge into a simple format.
- It positions knowledge as scenario-driven instead of fact-driven. This model makes knowledge dynamic and adjustable to the scenario instead of referring to the knowledge as a static fact, leaving little room for innovation.
Boisot Model
Boisot describes a knowledge management model that is three-dimensional.
His Information Space or I-Space philosophy describes three axes:
● Uncodified to codified
● Concrete to abstract
● Undiffused to diffused
Boisot then describes a Social Learning Cycle that works within the I-Space model.
By this point, you could be experiencing some information overload. Keep in mind that the purpose of this information is to familiarize you with some of the concepts that helped shape knowledge management as we know it today. Do not stress over learning every detail.
Customizing Knowledge Management Definition
Right now, you wish to alter how knowledge management will seem within your company. This is crucial since the people involved in your project want to know what you're trying to accomplish. You will learn how to define your knowledge management project by identifying the components and modifying them to suit your business in this lesson. Without a clear description of what knowledge management will be in your organization, you risk losing support for your project.
Components of a Knowledge Management Definition
It will be easier for you to define your project and interact with stakeholders if you have a solid project management foundation. If you lack project management expertise, you might wish to add someone to your team who does. Keep in mind that knowledge management implementation needs to be a collaborative effort if you want it to spread throughout your firm.
Customizing the Components
You must involve the organization if you want to tailor your knowledge management program to fit it. It's possible to spend months creating a program only to discover that the staff dislikes it. Customizing will need taking a few important measures. These actions might seem like a lot of work at first, but they will pay off in the long run for your knowledge management project.
Creating a KMBOK
An enterprise-wide program known as a knowledge management body of knowledge (KMBOK) is used to record all knowledge held by a business. All significant areas of knowledge inside the firm are actually managed by the knowledge management system.
There are three major areas in developing a KMBOK:
● Project management is how the organization manages the temporary activities within the organization.
● Leadership and managerial knowledge is how the management in an organization operates.
● Organizational structure knowledge involves all the systems and processes that define the company.
Implementing Knowledge Management
You are now prepared to create your project plan. There is a degree of political and financial support, just as in any other initiative. Your chances of getting support grow the more organized and thorough your plan is. Poorly conceived projects are rarely supported by management, especially when funds are limited. When there is no budget allocated for your project, you will learn in this subject how to rally support, secure funding, create a plan, and carry it out.
Gathering Support
In all honesty, getting approval from an executive manager or senior level manager is preferable. For your knowledge management project, you might be able to launch a grassroots campaign, but without the proper amount of backing from top management, you can find yourself up against it.
Identifying Opportunities for Revenue Streams
How properly you present the budget will greatly influence your prospects of receiving funding for your projects. Once more, having solid project management and budgeting abilities can be beneficial. If you do not know how to create a budget, seek assistance from someone who does. Next, you should ascertain the type of organization you have. You should approach that team to request funding if your organization is centralized, meaning there is a powerful governing body overseeing all the departments. You could want to identify a department that is willing to support your project if your organization is decentralized, which means it has a weak central administration and the departments operate independently.
Key Knowledge Management Techniques
There are numerous methods for managing knowledge. According to each of the key stages of the knowledge management cycle, we will learn a few new things.
The phases to knowledge management are as follows:
● Knowledge creation
● Knowledge capturing
● Knowledge codification
● Knowledge integrations and sharing
A Map for Success
- Vision
- Timeline
- Strong Leadership
- Strategy
- Internal Marketing
- Focus on Business Results
- Multiple Pricing Points
- Development of a Prototype and Run a Pilot Test
The No-Budget Scenario
There are still some cost-effective strategies to conduct a knowledge management program if you find yourself in a no-budget situation with your project. Even if it isn't fancy, it starts the process till a budget is established. Here are some tools you can employ to assist with knowledge management.
Tips for Success
When attempting to bring about a change as significant as the one involved with establishing knowledge management within your firm, you need all the assistance you can get. A person in charge of knowledge management at your company could be among the factors that boost success. This is only one illustration. You will discover how to successfully implement knowledge management at work in this module.
About the Chief Knowledge Officer
A knowledge management full-time position is unquestionably advantageous. A Chief Knowledge Officer may be appealing to your firm if knowledge management is taken seriously by the organization (CKO). Knowledge management will continue to be a top priority for CKOs. Every day, they are in touch with the corporate strategies. Since the industry has not explicitly defined the role of a CKO, this role may vary from firm to company.
The Knowledge Management Imperative
Giving a plan or strategy without any motivation or justification for change could get your project started, but it will likely be put on the backburner. The project must be started with a reasonable amount of urgency.
The Hype Curve
The hype cycle consists of five phases.
● Trigger phase is when something new is introduced, it creates a buzz, and there is a high level of interest in the item.
● Peak of expectations is when the hype is build up to the point where the employees will start generating unrealistic expectations.
● Trough of disillusionment is when the employees are disappointed because the item did not meet their inflated expectations.
● Slope of enlightenment is when employees experiment with the item and understand the benefits and practicality of the item.
● Plateau of productivity is when the benefits of the item are generally accepted. The item stabilizes and is ready for enhancements and evolution.
Barriers and Helpers to Success
The culture will be your biggest obstacle. Your project will advance if your organization's culture is adaptable and values learning and sharing. On the other hand, it will be difficult to implement your idea if your culture is walled off and averse to change.
Here are some things to consider as you navigate your culture and change:
● Organizational culture is tacit and deeply rooted
● Culture is not easily changed
● Culture is complex and difficult to define
Advance Topics
Some advanced knowledge management principles will be covered in this module. These ideas will assist you in determining when knowledge management becomes a fully developed program in your company. In addition, you will discover how to maintain its strength and health over time once it has been put into practice.
The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
The KM maturity model describes five levels
- Initial: the organization is at the beginning and just starting out in tracking their performance using knowledge management
- Respectable: the organization is experiencing success, but problem areas exist
- Defined: the organization is being managed well; it is competing strongly within the market.
- Managed: the organization is in control of the market and employees are empowered to make decisions.
- Optimizing: the organization is at a mature level and has a strong reputation, and is setting trends in the market.
Absorptive Capacity
The absorptive capacity is the organization’s ability to recognize the value of new knowledge, integrate it, and apply it in a way that creates competitive advantage. The ability for an organization to do this depends on the prior knowledge and diversity of background.
Process Model Types
A process model outlines the ideal way to carry out a procedure. It describes the steps in detail. Typically, it is a graphic that communicates the steps, connections, and motivations involved in finishing a process. Your organization will remember the procedure more if you use a process model. There are several models available. It is a good idea to include the knowledge management process in a process model once you have decided on its final form.
Recognition & Accreditation
Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.
This Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.
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Units of Study
Module One - Getting Started
Module Two - Understanding Knowledge Management
- What is knowledge?
- What is knowledge management?
- A brief history
- Applications in the workplace
Module Three - Dos and Dont's
- Data, information and knowledge
- The tactic mode
- The explicit mode
- Identifying conversation categories
Module Four - The Knowledge Management Life Cycle
- Understanding episodes
- Acquistion
- Knowledge
- Integration
Module Five - The New Knowledge Management Paradigm
- Paradigms of the past
- The new paradigm
- Implications and applications
- The knowledge management endgame
Module Six - Knowledge Management Models
- The nNnaka and Takeuchi Model (SECI)
- Wiig Model
- Kakabadse Model
- Boisot Model
Module Seven - Building a Knowledge Management Rationale
- Why rationale is necessary
- Building a business case
- Finding success stories
- The Commoditization / Customization Model
Module Eight - Customising Knowledge Management Definations
- Components of a knowledge management definition
- Customising the components
- Sample definitions
- Creating KMBOK
Module Nine - Implementing Knowledge Management in your Organisation
- Gathering support
- Identifying opportunities for revenue streams
- Key knowledge management techniques
- A map for success
- The no-budget scenario
Module Ten - Tips for Success
- About the chief knowledge officer
- Knowledge management skill checklist
- The knowledge management imperative
- The hype curve
- Barriers and helpers to success
Module Eleven - Advance Topics
- The knowledge management maturity model
- Absorptive capacity
- Rustiness
- Process model types
Module Twelve - Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
- JOHN PLAMENATZ - The store of wisdom does not consist of hard coins, which keep their shape as they pass from hand to hand; it consists of ideas and doctrines whose meanings change with the minds that entertain them.
- LEIF EDVINSSON - Of central importance is the changing nature of competitive advantage - not based on marker position, size and power as in times past, but on the incorporation of knowledge into all of an organisation's activities.
- BARUCH LEV - Innovations are created primarily by investment in intangibles. When such investments are commercially successful, and are protected by patents or first-mover advantages, they are transformed into tangible assets creating corporate value and growth.
Entry requirements
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Computer requirements
Students will need access to a computer and the internet.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Students will also need access the following applications:
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Entry requirements:
Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Minimum education:
Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.
Device requirements:
Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.
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email info@coursesforsuccess.com and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.
28. How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?
You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at info@coursesforsuccess.com, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.
Free Personal Success Training Course
The Personal Success Training Program Helps You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals!
Today, we are providing it for Free with all Course Purchases, as a special offer!
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• Get where you want to be in life.
• How to unclutter your mind to succeed.
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• How to have faith in yourself.
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Course Bundles
Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.