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About This Course
What you will learn
  • Planning and Managing a Garden
  • Furnishings and Machinery
  • Feeding Plants
  • Weed Control

  • Commonly used Chemicals
  • Natural Pest Control
  • Safety Procedures and Chemicals
  • Turf Care

Study Garden Maintenance Courses and Obtain a firm basis for maintaining a garden

Unleash your inner green thumb with our Garden Maintenance Course. This comprehensive online gardening course is designed to equip both budding and experienced gardeners with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a thriving garden.

Our Garden Maintenance Course covers a broad range of topics, from basic botany to advanced garden planning. You'll learn how to care for plants, understand plant nutrition, and use integrated pest management techniques to protect your garden from pests and diseases.

This course includes practical lessons on how to grow flowers, vegetables herbs, and fruits and nuts. Whether you're interested in creating a container garden, an edible garden, or a cutting garden, this course will guide you every step of the way.

This course is a great learning opportunity where you can discover the world of personal and professional gardening, learning about identifying plants, native plants, vegetable and herb garden care, preparing the soil, raised flower beds and vegetable garden tips. You'll discover landscape and grounds design styles in this botany course, and it only takes a few hours to complete.

One of the unique features of this course is its focus on sustainable gardening practices. You'll learn how to grow organic food sustainably, use soil testing and soils and fertilizers effectively, and implement eco-friendly weed control methods.

The course also provides insights into landscape management. You'll learn how to design and maintain beautiful flower gardens and home gardens, making it a valuable resource for aspiring garden designers and landscape designers.

Apart from practical gardening skills, this course also emphasizes the importance of plant health and plant pathology. You'll learn how to identify common plant diseases, understand the principles of plant science, and apply these concepts to keep your potted plants and houseplants healthy and happy.

Whether you're a professional gardener and landscape specialist looking to enhance your skills, a homeowner wanting to beautify your outdoor space, or a beginner interested in gardening basics, this course will benefit you immensely.

Garden Maintenance Courses - Requirements

The Garden Maintenance Courses is delivered 100 percent online.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

●      Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

●      Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

●      Be a self-directed learner

●      Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Garden Maintenance Courses

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

Garden Maintenance Courses Outline

Unit One – Planning and Managing a Garden

Obviously, this is a very simple program, and one which might be totally inadequate or inappropriate in many situations. Nevertheless, the basic concept of such a program should apply in all garden maintenance situations.

Learning outcomes of this unit are:

●      Identify the main criteria to consider when planning a maintenance program

●      Identify the 10 areas concerned in parks management

●      Summarize the staffing structure of a Parks Department

Analysis of Parks Maintenance

One of the most important decisions for any Parks authority is the allocation of resources to the maintenance of various facilities.

There should be an informed and unbiased consideration of set criteria in making decisions about relative allocations. All too often though, this does not happen, and the level at which a park is maintained is reached by chance rather than by design.

Departmental and Organization Staffing

A clear staff organization is essential to the efficient operation of any department. To be effective the manager must be skilled in these techniques and able to make changes in staff organization as the need arises.

●      The Standard Areas of Responsibility

●      Grey Areas of Responsibility

●      Building A Staff Organization

●      Model Structure Parks Department

●      Staffing

Works Programming

Parks and Garden Departments are faced with increasing pressure to provide open space areas, parks and gardens, sports areas to a high standard. Parks personnel must be constantly looking for new ways to maintain facilities more efficiently and effectively.

●      New Works

●      Construction Crew

Unit Two – Furnishings and Machinery

Learning outcomes for this unit are:

●      Identify the correct equipment and tools to use for different tasks

●      Explain the ideal conditions for mowing

●      Compare and recommend appropriate outdoor furniture

A Broad Overview of Machinery for Parks Maintenance

There is a large variety of machinery and equipment on the market which can be used to assist with horticultural maintenance. Virtually all of the basic concepts are good but for most individual types of equipment there are both good and bad models.

●      Mowers

●      Aerators/Power Rakes

●      Fertilizer Spreaders

●      Chippers

●      Leaf Rakes/ Vacuums

●      Seeders

●      Hydraulic Pruners

●      Spray Units

●      Irrigation

Power Tools

●      Engine Troubleshooting

●      Dirty Spark Plugs

●      Tool Maintenance

●      Brush Cutters

●      Mowers

Deciding what you need

The more complex the machine, the more that can go wrong with it. Self-propelled, ride on and four stroke cylinder mowers are susceptible to a greater range of problems than a basic two stroke rotary.

Changing Mower Blades

This common mower maintenance task can often be a troublesome, even painful task. Problems such as resultant skinned knuckles and other injuries can usually be avoided by following a few simple rules.


In recent years a number of garden mulcher/shredder/chippers have become available. These range from small, portable, usually petrol driven types for the home garden up to large, heavy duty machines either petrol driven or operated by power take off units attached to tractors and trucks.

Outdoor Furniture

We put outdoor furniture into our gardens for two reasons:

  1. To be used and to embellish or enhance the aesthetics of the garden. The right piece of furniture put in the right place will do for a garden what a well-chosen sauce does for French cuisine (i.e.: Change the whole impression detected).

  2. To be used. Outdoor furniture adds to the way you can use a garden in the same way that furniture adds to the way you can use a house.

Unit Three – Feeding Plants

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:

●      Understand the factors that contribute to nutrition of plants

●      Explain how to improve soil

●      Identify signs of nutrient deficiency

Plant Care – Nutrition

Nutrition should never be considered as a separate subject because its effects are interrelated with other factors such as temperature, light and watering. The object of a nutrition program is to provide sufficient essential nutrients to allow a plant to grow to its maximum potential.

●      Nutrition of Plants in Containers

●      Methods of Applying Fertilizers

●      Combinations

●      Rates of Application

Improving Soils

Before deciding how to, or even whether to improve a soil, you need to know whether a soil is good, bad or whatever. Drainage can be tested easily by observing the way in which water moves through soil which is placed in a pot & watered. However, when soil is disturbed by digging, its characteristics may change.

CATION Exchange Capacity and pH

Cations are atoms which have lost electrons. As such they are particles which have a positive charge. Many important plant nutrients occur in the nutrient solution as cations (ie: Potassium, calcium and magnesium). These particles will attach themselves to media particles which have a negative charge, hence staying in the media and being available to the plant roots for a longer period of time.

Soil pH

Soil pH can be adjusted by the use of chemicals known as soil ameliorants. These include Lime (to raise pH) and Sulphate (to lower pH). However, the soil will tend to buffer the effect of these chemicals and so calculation of the amounts required is often difficult. The general rule is to apply small amounts until the required result is obtained - better too little than too much!

Nutrient Availability and pH

The ease with which nutrients are able to enter a plant is greatly affected by pH. Extremely acid or alkaline soils can often stop nutrients which are present being absorbed and used by the plant.

Diagnosis of Nutritional Problems

The following key may be used to identify nutrient deficiencies from the visual symptoms. Note, however, deficiency may exist

with no symptoms other than stunted growth or reduced yield. Also, combined deficiencies are very common and may not be identifiable from this key. In such cases, laboratory analysis of plant tissue may be necessary to identify the problem. This key will not be useful for diagnosis of Toxicities.


There is a tremendous variety of different fertilizers available including balanced fertilizers, containing the three major elements, and straight (single element) fertilizers, and everyone is different. Using the wrong fertilizer ... or the right fertilizer at the wrong rate can create problems in your garden rather than overcoming problems.


Nitrogen can be obtained naturally by growing leguminous plants alongside other plants or as a cover crop to be ploughed in before planting. Legumes (eg. peas, clover, wattles, etc.) have colonies of bacteria in small nodules on their roots. These bacteria don't damage the plant. In fact, they extract nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available for use by the plant.

Unit Four – Weed Control

In horticultural practice, if weeds are to be controlled, it is critical that they are able to be accurately identified when young. Young weeds are far easier to control than older and more established weeds. There are many different ways of controlling weed growth, and the effectiveness of each technique is related to the varieties of weeds being controlled.

Weed Control Methods

●      Plant Competition

●      Weed Control with Fire

●      Chemical Weed Control

●      Mulching

Weed Control in Greenhouses

  1. Useful safety equipment including respirators or gas masks, and full waterproof clothing.

  2. Put up warning signs on the outside of the greenhouse at all entrances.

  3. Do not enter the building without a face mask unless it has been fully aired for the length of time recommended on the chemical container label.

  4. All possible skin contact with treated plants should be avoided by workers and others, to minimize absorption of dangerous chemicals or skin irritants.

Unit Five – Commonly Used Chemicals

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:

●      Identify the most commonly used chemicals

●      Understand the preventative methods of controlling health



  2. DIPEL (Bacillus thuringiensis)


  4. MALATHION (Maldison)



  1. BENLATE (Benornyl)

  2. FONGARID (Furalaxyl)

  3. ZINEB

  4. MANEB


Types of Herbicide Chemicals

Most herbicides fall into one of the following groups. It is useful to understand this system of classification, because their characteristics are likely to be shared between different chemicals in the same group.

If you know one chemical in a group is either very safe, or very poisonous, it is likely that any other chemicals you encounter within the same group will have a similar danger level.

Treating Problems

  1. Consider the site

  2. Build up the soil

  3. Use healthy plants/seeds

  4. Maintain cleanliness

  5. Maintain nutrition and water needs of the plant

  6. Inspect plants regularly and act as soon as a problem is detected

Unit Six – Natural Pest Control

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:

●      Identify household remedies that can help control pests

●      Identify which mechanical controls can be used

●      Identify the symptoms of diseases, viruses and pests

Natural Sprays

Natural, homemade sprays will rarely give the same spectacular results that you get from carefully prepared products bought from the nursery.

Protective Plants

Celeriac deters caterpillars from brassicas. Ants are repelled by peppermint, spearmint, pennyroyal and to some extent, other mints and tansy. Nasturtium attracts aphis away from other plants. Marigolds give off a chemical from the roots which kills nematodes (reported successful with roses, beans & potatoes).

Diatommaceous Earth

This fine white powder derived from the remains of small animals is safe to humans, but when dusted about the garden, will kill snails, slugs, millipedes, slaters, earwigs and many insects.

Soapy Water

Soapy water perhaps the leftovers from your washing up, sprayed or thrown over plants, will suffocate insects which it covers, acting in much the same way as a white oil spray.

Ways to Control Pests and Diseases

  1. Mechanical control

  2. Hygiene

  3. Biological control

  4. Legal control

  5. General

Unit Seven – Safety Procedures when Using Agricultural Chemicals

Golden Rules for Using Chemicals

  1. ONLY use chemicals when actually needed.

  2. Use the correct chemical for the job at hand. When unsure of which chemical to use, seek advice.

  3. Always read the label and the product information sheets (if available).

  4. Use protective clothing at ALL times.

  5. Use the correct pesticide application equipment.

  6. Do not spray on windy or very hot days.

Keeping Records

Records of pesticide usage are particularly important when using weed killers. The record will assist to:

●      Improve pest control practices and avoid unnecessary pesticide use.

●      Compare applications made with results achieved.

●      Purchase only the amount of pesticide needed.

●      Reduce inventory carry over.

What Information Should be Kept

●      Varieties of plant treated.

●      Pests (weeds) treated.

●      Location and size of area being treated.

●      Time of day, date and year.

Ways of Applying Chemicals

●      Sprayer

●      Duster

●      Granules

●      With irrigation when watering

●      Injection

Understanding Chemical Pesticides

Governments place very firm controls on what pesticides can be sold and the way in which the public can purchase them. Part of these controls involves stipulating that companies spell out in very clear terms all aspects of the chemical the user should be made aware of, both with regard to safety and effective use.


The measure of a solution’s capacity to poison determines the toxicity level. Its capacity to poison will, of course, vary from one organism to another. The chemical may be very poisonous to one type of pest or disease, but not to another. Its toxicity to a pest is not always directly related to its toxicity to people, domestic animals or wildlife.

Unit Eight – Turf Care

The learning units for this unit are:

●      Identify the different types of turf

●      Explain what can influence the growth of turf

Turf Varieties in the Park and Their Maintenance

Grasses were used for lawns as early as the 13th century. The composition was typical of a natural meadow of the time with weeds giving added color at flowering time. By the 16th and 17th centuries we find records indicating the maintenance of Chamomile lawns and bowling greens. The

Turf Grass Varieties

There are many different types of plants suitable for use as turf or lawns. Most species, perhaps with the exception of clover, belong to the family Graminae (i.e. the grasses).

Turf used for lawns falls into two main groups: creeping grasses which spread by sending out runners, and tussock or clump-forming grasses.

Common Environmental Problems

●      Air Pollution

●      Burn of Foliage

●      Drainage Problems

●      Frost

●      Hail

●      Shade

●      Temperature

●      Wind

Unite Nine – Irrigation Systems, the Alternatives and Solutions

Irrigation systems for broadacre and landscaped areas can be classified under five basic types:

  1. Travelling Sprinkler Systems

  2. Quick Coupling Valve Systems

  3. Manually Operated

  4. Semi-automatic

  5. Automatic


There are two main types of irrigation systems which are available to the gardener - sprinkler systems which spray water over plants and trickle systems which drip water directly onto the ground.

●      Do-it-yourself irrigation systems

●      Properly planning your irrigation systems

●      Sprinkler systems

●      Trickle systems

How to Use a Watering System

●      When to water

●      Rate of watering

●      Time length of watering

●      Automatic systems

●      Maintenance of watering systems

●      Watering plants

●      Overhead watering

●      Drip watering

Unit Ten – Maintenance of Plants

The learning outcomes of this unit are:

●      Understand when to prune different plants

●      Describe what protection might be required for plants

●      Explain the importance of good drainage

Plants, which are attended to, and have routine maintenance carried out on them will maintain

good health and live longer. Some types require maintenance more than others, and will die

very easily if not cared for properly, others deteriorate slowly. You should consider the following:

●      How long will a plant live for?

●      When is it going to need to be replaced? Replacement planting should be planned. It is important to phase replacement planting, otherwise you can find a large drain on staff and money to do this work all at the one time.

●      Does a plant require pruning, and if so, how often? Does it tend to drop branches?

●      How susceptible is a plant to pest & disease problems?

Course Delivery

Garden designing courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon enrolment an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successfully completing this garden design and maintenance short course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate. 

This master garden certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Planning and Managing a Garden

  • A proficient gardener will plan his/her work program carefully
  • The main criteria to consider when deciding on a maintenance programme are:
  • is the area located in a prominent position
  • The major areas of parks maintenance work are outlined below
  • Departmental Organisation
  • Staffing
  • Works Programming

Furnishings and Machinery

  • A broad overview of Machinery for Parks Maintenance
  • Mowers
  • Aerators/Power Rakes
  • Fertiliser Spreaders
  • Chippers
  • Leaf Rakes/Vacuums
  • Seeders
  • Hydraulic Pruners
  • Spray Units
  • Irrigation
  • Power Tools – Tool Maintenance
  • Bush Cutters
  • Mowers
  • Manual (Push) Mowers
  • 2 Stroke Petrol Mowers
  • Electric Mowers
  • Hover Mowers
  • Ride On Mowers
  • How to Mow – the Rules
  • Mulchers
  • Outdoor Furniture

Feeding Plants

  • Plant Care – Nutrition
  • Nutrition of Plants in Containers
  • Fertilizers
  • Solid Fertilizers in the Mixture
  • Top Dressing
  • Foliar Sprays
  • Rates of Application
  • Ways of Improving Soils
  • Cation Exchange Capacity
  • Soil pH
  • Nutrient availability and pH

Weed Control

  • Introduction
  • Weed Control Methods
  • Plant Competition
  • Weed Control with Fire
  • Chemical Weed Control
  • Chemical Classification of Weedicides
  • Mulching
  • Some Common Groups of Weeds
  • Weed Control in Greenhouses

Commonly used Chemicals

  • Pesticides
  • Fungicides
  • Types of Herbicide Chemicals
  • Treating Problems

Natural Pest Control

  • Natural Sprays
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Soapy Water
  • Companion Planting (examples of unfavourable combinations)
  • The following examples perform well together
  • Ways to Control Pests and Diseases
  • Pests and Diseases
  • Diseases
  • Plant Viruses
  • Virus Control
  • Pests

Safety Procedures and Chemicals

  • Golden Rules
  • Keeping Records
  • What Information should be kept
  • Steps involved in Chemical Treatments
  • Summary of Pesticides
  • Read Labels thoroughly
  • Toxicity
  • Spectrum of Activity
  • LD50
  • Persistence
  • Volatility
  • Repellency
  • Flushing Action
  • Knockdown Action
  • Phytotoxicity
  • Systemic or Not

Turf Care

  • Turf Varieties in Parks and their Maintenance
  • Turf Grass Varieties
  • Lawn Grass Mixtures
  • Environmental Problems
  • Methods of Controlling Weed Problems
  • Some Turf Weedicides

Irrigation Systems

  • Irrigation systems for broadacre and landscaped areas can be classified under five basic types
  • Travelling Sprinkler Systems
  • Quick Coupling Valve System
  • Manually Operated
  • Semi Automatic
  • When selecting any of the above mentioned systems, consideration should be given to the following
  • Once these questions have been answered, selection of the type of system should be possible, other factors that then need to be considered are
  • Types of Sprinkler Equipment
  • Irrigation
  • Properly Planning your Irrigation System
  • Sprinkler Systems
  • Trickle System
  • How to use a Watering System
  • Automatic Systems
  • Maintenance of Watering Systems
  • Watering Plants

Maintenance of Plants

  • Plants, which are attended to, and have routine maintenance carried out on them w ill maintain good health and live longer
  • Plant Care – General: Pruning
  • Bonsai
  • Topiary
  • Physical Plant Protection Methods
  • Layout of Drains
  • Outlet
  • Gradients
  • Distance between Drainage Pipes
  • Types of Drains

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


1.  Who are Courses For Success?

Courses For Success is a course platform that started in 2008
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2.  Is there a refund/cancellation policy?

Yes, we have a 7-day money-back refund policy.

3.  What is the FREE Personal Success Training Program?

The Personal Success Training Program
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course or bundle purchase this month. This is a limited time offer!

4.  Are there any requirements to study this course?

anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
is encouraged to take our course. There are no entry requirements to
take this course.

5.  Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?

you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
study this course, this course is open to anyone who would like to take
this course.

6.  What if English is not my first language?

course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
our training, you can take your time studying the material and make use
of tools such as google translate and Grammarly.

7.  Is this course online or conducted in person?

All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.

8.  How do I receive my course?

you have completed the payment, you will receive a confirmation email
and tax receipt. You will also receive an email containing your course
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please check your junk/spam folder in the event that you do not receive
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9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
just go to the login page and insert your username and password and you
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10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

don't need to be a computer expert to succeed with our online training,
but you should be comfortable typing, using the internet and be capable
of using common software (such as Microsoft word).

12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.

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Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

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24.  Can I purchase for multiple people?

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25.  Can I request for an invoice before purchase?

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26.  Purchase for a gift?

Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to, with the course details and we can accommodate this.

27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
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email and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.

28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

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"This course has given me the knowledge that I need to keep my garden beautiful!" - Isa D. Verified Buyer 

Escape the dullness of a regular garden and make it your own! Our Garden Maintenance Online Certificate Course provides you with the necessary insights to keep your plants healthy and flourishing. With easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, you can learn the basics of garden maintenance and transform your outdoor space into the idyllic oasis of your dreams!

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Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 8-10 hours per course
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
  • Planning and Managing a Garden
  • Furnishings and Machinery
  • Feeding Plants
  • Weed Control

  • Commonly used Chemicals
  • Natural Pest Control
  • Safety Procedures and Chemicals
  • Turf Care

Study Garden Maintenance Courses and Obtain a firm basis for maintaining a garden

Unleash your inner green thumb with our Garden Maintenance Course. This comprehensive online gardening course is designed to equip both budding and experienced gardeners with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a thriving garden.

Our Garden Maintenance Course covers a broad range of topics, from basic botany to advanced garden planning. You'll learn how to care for plants, understand plant nutrition, and use integrated pest management techniques to protect your garden from pests and diseases.

This course includes practical lessons on how to grow flowers, vegetables herbs, and fruits and nuts. Whether you're interested in creating a container garden, an edible garden, or a cutting garden, this course will guide you every step of the way.

This course is a great learning opportunity where you can discover the world of personal and professional gardening, learning about identifying plants, native plants, vegetable and herb garden care, preparing the soil, raised flower beds and vegetable garden tips. You'll discover landscape and grounds design styles in this botany course, and it only takes a few hours to complete.

One of the unique features of this course is its focus on sustainable gardening practices. You'll learn how to grow organic food sustainably, use soil testing and soils and fertilizers effectively, and implement eco-friendly weed control methods.

The course also provides insights into landscape management. You'll learn how to design and maintain beautiful flower gardens and home gardens, making it a valuable resource for aspiring garden designers and landscape designers.

Apart from practical gardening skills, this course also emphasizes the importance of plant health and plant pathology. You'll learn how to identify common plant diseases, understand the principles of plant science, and apply these concepts to keep your potted plants and houseplants healthy and happy.

Whether you're a professional gardener and landscape specialist looking to enhance your skills, a homeowner wanting to beautify your outdoor space, or a beginner interested in gardening basics, this course will benefit you immensely.

Garden Maintenance Courses - Requirements

The Garden Maintenance Courses is delivered 100 percent online.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

●      Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

●      Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

●      Be a self-directed learner

●      Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Garden Maintenance Courses

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

Garden Maintenance Courses Outline

Unit One – Planning and Managing a Garden

Obviously, this is a very simple program, and one which might be totally inadequate or inappropriate in many situations. Nevertheless, the basic concept of such a program should apply in all garden maintenance situations.

Learning outcomes of this unit are:

●      Identify the main criteria to consider when planning a maintenance program

●      Identify the 10 areas concerned in parks management

●      Summarize the staffing structure of a Parks Department

Analysis of Parks Maintenance

One of the most important decisions for any Parks authority is the allocation of resources to the maintenance of various facilities.

There should be an informed and unbiased consideration of set criteria in making decisions about relative allocations. All too often though, this does not happen, and the level at which a park is maintained is reached by chance rather than by design.

Departmental and Organization Staffing

A clear staff organization is essential to the efficient operation of any department. To be effective the manager must be skilled in these techniques and able to make changes in staff organization as the need arises.

●      The Standard Areas of Responsibility

●      Grey Areas of Responsibility

●      Building A Staff Organization

●      Model Structure Parks Department

●      Staffing

Works Programming

Parks and Garden Departments are faced with increasing pressure to provide open space areas, parks and gardens, sports areas to a high standard. Parks personnel must be constantly looking for new ways to maintain facilities more efficiently and effectively.

●      New Works

●      Construction Crew

Unit Two – Furnishings and Machinery

Learning outcomes for this unit are:

●      Identify the correct equipment and tools to use for different tasks

●      Explain the ideal conditions for mowing

●      Compare and recommend appropriate outdoor furniture

A Broad Overview of Machinery for Parks Maintenance

There is a large variety of machinery and equipment on the market which can be used to assist with horticultural maintenance. Virtually all of the basic concepts are good but for most individual types of equipment there are both good and bad models.

●      Mowers

●      Aerators/Power Rakes

●      Fertilizer Spreaders

●      Chippers

●      Leaf Rakes/ Vacuums

●      Seeders

●      Hydraulic Pruners

●      Spray Units

●      Irrigation

Power Tools

●      Engine Troubleshooting

●      Dirty Spark Plugs

●      Tool Maintenance

●      Brush Cutters

●      Mowers

Deciding what you need

The more complex the machine, the more that can go wrong with it. Self-propelled, ride on and four stroke cylinder mowers are susceptible to a greater range of problems than a basic two stroke rotary.

Changing Mower Blades

This common mower maintenance task can often be a troublesome, even painful task. Problems such as resultant skinned knuckles and other injuries can usually be avoided by following a few simple rules.


In recent years a number of garden mulcher/shredder/chippers have become available. These range from small, portable, usually petrol driven types for the home garden up to large, heavy duty machines either petrol driven or operated by power take off units attached to tractors and trucks.

Outdoor Furniture

We put outdoor furniture into our gardens for two reasons:

  1. To be used and to embellish or enhance the aesthetics of the garden. The right piece of furniture put in the right place will do for a garden what a well-chosen sauce does for French cuisine (i.e.: Change the whole impression detected).

  2. To be used. Outdoor furniture adds to the way you can use a garden in the same way that furniture adds to the way you can use a house.

Unit Three – Feeding Plants

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:

●      Understand the factors that contribute to nutrition of plants

●      Explain how to improve soil

●      Identify signs of nutrient deficiency

Plant Care – Nutrition

Nutrition should never be considered as a separate subject because its effects are interrelated with other factors such as temperature, light and watering. The object of a nutrition program is to provide sufficient essential nutrients to allow a plant to grow to its maximum potential.

●      Nutrition of Plants in Containers

●      Methods of Applying Fertilizers

●      Combinations

●      Rates of Application

Improving Soils

Before deciding how to, or even whether to improve a soil, you need to know whether a soil is good, bad or whatever. Drainage can be tested easily by observing the way in which water moves through soil which is placed in a pot & watered. However, when soil is disturbed by digging, its characteristics may change.

CATION Exchange Capacity and pH

Cations are atoms which have lost electrons. As such they are particles which have a positive charge. Many important plant nutrients occur in the nutrient solution as cations (ie: Potassium, calcium and magnesium). These particles will attach themselves to media particles which have a negative charge, hence staying in the media and being available to the plant roots for a longer period of time.

Soil pH

Soil pH can be adjusted by the use of chemicals known as soil ameliorants. These include Lime (to raise pH) and Sulphate (to lower pH). However, the soil will tend to buffer the effect of these chemicals and so calculation of the amounts required is often difficult. The general rule is to apply small amounts until the required result is obtained - better too little than too much!

Nutrient Availability and pH

The ease with which nutrients are able to enter a plant is greatly affected by pH. Extremely acid or alkaline soils can often stop nutrients which are present being absorbed and used by the plant.

Diagnosis of Nutritional Problems

The following key may be used to identify nutrient deficiencies from the visual symptoms. Note, however, deficiency may exist

with no symptoms other than stunted growth or reduced yield. Also, combined deficiencies are very common and may not be identifiable from this key. In such cases, laboratory analysis of plant tissue may be necessary to identify the problem. This key will not be useful for diagnosis of Toxicities.


There is a tremendous variety of different fertilizers available including balanced fertilizers, containing the three major elements, and straight (single element) fertilizers, and everyone is different. Using the wrong fertilizer ... or the right fertilizer at the wrong rate can create problems in your garden rather than overcoming problems.


Nitrogen can be obtained naturally by growing leguminous plants alongside other plants or as a cover crop to be ploughed in before planting. Legumes (eg. peas, clover, wattles, etc.) have colonies of bacteria in small nodules on their roots. These bacteria don't damage the plant. In fact, they extract nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available for use by the plant.

Unit Four – Weed Control

In horticultural practice, if weeds are to be controlled, it is critical that they are able to be accurately identified when young. Young weeds are far easier to control than older and more established weeds. There are many different ways of controlling weed growth, and the effectiveness of each technique is related to the varieties of weeds being controlled.

Weed Control Methods

●      Plant Competition

●      Weed Control with Fire

●      Chemical Weed Control

●      Mulching

Weed Control in Greenhouses

  1. Useful safety equipment including respirators or gas masks, and full waterproof clothing.

  2. Put up warning signs on the outside of the greenhouse at all entrances.

  3. Do not enter the building without a face mask unless it has been fully aired for the length of time recommended on the chemical container label.

  4. All possible skin contact with treated plants should be avoided by workers and others, to minimize absorption of dangerous chemicals or skin irritants.

Unit Five – Commonly Used Chemicals

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:

●      Identify the most commonly used chemicals

●      Understand the preventative methods of controlling health



  2. DIPEL (Bacillus thuringiensis)


  4. MALATHION (Maldison)



  1. BENLATE (Benornyl)

  2. FONGARID (Furalaxyl)

  3. ZINEB

  4. MANEB


Types of Herbicide Chemicals

Most herbicides fall into one of the following groups. It is useful to understand this system of classification, because their characteristics are likely to be shared between different chemicals in the same group.

If you know one chemical in a group is either very safe, or very poisonous, it is likely that any other chemicals you encounter within the same group will have a similar danger level.

Treating Problems

  1. Consider the site

  2. Build up the soil

  3. Use healthy plants/seeds

  4. Maintain cleanliness

  5. Maintain nutrition and water needs of the plant

  6. Inspect plants regularly and act as soon as a problem is detected

Unit Six – Natural Pest Control

The learning outcomes for this assignment are:

●      Identify household remedies that can help control pests

●      Identify which mechanical controls can be used

●      Identify the symptoms of diseases, viruses and pests

Natural Sprays

Natural, homemade sprays will rarely give the same spectacular results that you get from carefully prepared products bought from the nursery.

Protective Plants

Celeriac deters caterpillars from brassicas. Ants are repelled by peppermint, spearmint, pennyroyal and to some extent, other mints and tansy. Nasturtium attracts aphis away from other plants. Marigolds give off a chemical from the roots which kills nematodes (reported successful with roses, beans & potatoes).

Diatommaceous Earth

This fine white powder derived from the remains of small animals is safe to humans, but when dusted about the garden, will kill snails, slugs, millipedes, slaters, earwigs and many insects.

Soapy Water

Soapy water perhaps the leftovers from your washing up, sprayed or thrown over plants, will suffocate insects which it covers, acting in much the same way as a white oil spray.

Ways to Control Pests and Diseases

  1. Mechanical control

  2. Hygiene

  3. Biological control

  4. Legal control

  5. General

Unit Seven – Safety Procedures when Using Agricultural Chemicals

Golden Rules for Using Chemicals

  1. ONLY use chemicals when actually needed.

  2. Use the correct chemical for the job at hand. When unsure of which chemical to use, seek advice.

  3. Always read the label and the product information sheets (if available).

  4. Use protective clothing at ALL times.

  5. Use the correct pesticide application equipment.

  6. Do not spray on windy or very hot days.

Keeping Records

Records of pesticide usage are particularly important when using weed killers. The record will assist to:

●      Improve pest control practices and avoid unnecessary pesticide use.

●      Compare applications made with results achieved.

●      Purchase only the amount of pesticide needed.

●      Reduce inventory carry over.

What Information Should be Kept

●      Varieties of plant treated.

●      Pests (weeds) treated.

●      Location and size of area being treated.

●      Time of day, date and year.

Ways of Applying Chemicals

●      Sprayer

●      Duster

●      Granules

●      With irrigation when watering

●      Injection

Understanding Chemical Pesticides

Governments place very firm controls on what pesticides can be sold and the way in which the public can purchase them. Part of these controls involves stipulating that companies spell out in very clear terms all aspects of the chemical the user should be made aware of, both with regard to safety and effective use.


The measure of a solution’s capacity to poison determines the toxicity level. Its capacity to poison will, of course, vary from one organism to another. The chemical may be very poisonous to one type of pest or disease, but not to another. Its toxicity to a pest is not always directly related to its toxicity to people, domestic animals or wildlife.

Unit Eight – Turf Care

The learning units for this unit are:

●      Identify the different types of turf

●      Explain what can influence the growth of turf

Turf Varieties in the Park and Their Maintenance

Grasses were used for lawns as early as the 13th century. The composition was typical of a natural meadow of the time with weeds giving added color at flowering time. By the 16th and 17th centuries we find records indicating the maintenance of Chamomile lawns and bowling greens. The

Turf Grass Varieties

There are many different types of plants suitable for use as turf or lawns. Most species, perhaps with the exception of clover, belong to the family Graminae (i.e. the grasses).

Turf used for lawns falls into two main groups: creeping grasses which spread by sending out runners, and tussock or clump-forming grasses.

Common Environmental Problems

●      Air Pollution

●      Burn of Foliage

●      Drainage Problems

●      Frost

●      Hail

●      Shade

●      Temperature

●      Wind

Unite Nine – Irrigation Systems, the Alternatives and Solutions

Irrigation systems for broadacre and landscaped areas can be classified under five basic types:

  1. Travelling Sprinkler Systems

  2. Quick Coupling Valve Systems

  3. Manually Operated

  4. Semi-automatic

  5. Automatic


There are two main types of irrigation systems which are available to the gardener - sprinkler systems which spray water over plants and trickle systems which drip water directly onto the ground.

●      Do-it-yourself irrigation systems

●      Properly planning your irrigation systems

●      Sprinkler systems

●      Trickle systems

How to Use a Watering System

●      When to water

●      Rate of watering

●      Time length of watering

●      Automatic systems

●      Maintenance of watering systems

●      Watering plants

●      Overhead watering

●      Drip watering

Unit Ten – Maintenance of Plants

The learning outcomes of this unit are:

●      Understand when to prune different plants

●      Describe what protection might be required for plants

●      Explain the importance of good drainage

Plants, which are attended to, and have routine maintenance carried out on them will maintain

good health and live longer. Some types require maintenance more than others, and will die

very easily if not cared for properly, others deteriorate slowly. You should consider the following:

●      How long will a plant live for?

●      When is it going to need to be replaced? Replacement planting should be planned. It is important to phase replacement planting, otherwise you can find a large drain on staff and money to do this work all at the one time.

●      Does a plant require pruning, and if so, how often? Does it tend to drop branches?

●      How susceptible is a plant to pest & disease problems?

Course Delivery

Garden designing courses are accessed online via our learning management system by any device including PC, tablet or Smart Phone. Upon enrolment an automated welcome email will be sent to you (please check your junk email inbox if not received as this is an automated email), in order for you to access your online course, which is Available 24/7 on any computer or smart mobile device.

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successfully completing this garden design and maintenance short course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate. 

This master garden certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Planning and Managing a Garden

  • A proficient gardener will plan his/her work program carefully
  • The main criteria to consider when deciding on a maintenance programme are:
  • is the area located in a prominent position
  • The major areas of parks maintenance work are outlined below
  • Departmental Organisation
  • Staffing
  • Works Programming

Furnishings and Machinery

  • A broad overview of Machinery for Parks Maintenance
  • Mowers
  • Aerators/Power Rakes
  • Fertiliser Spreaders
  • Chippers
  • Leaf Rakes/Vacuums
  • Seeders
  • Hydraulic Pruners
  • Spray Units
  • Irrigation
  • Power Tools – Tool Maintenance
  • Bush Cutters
  • Mowers
  • Manual (Push) Mowers
  • 2 Stroke Petrol Mowers
  • Electric Mowers
  • Hover Mowers
  • Ride On Mowers
  • How to Mow – the Rules
  • Mulchers
  • Outdoor Furniture

Feeding Plants

  • Plant Care – Nutrition
  • Nutrition of Plants in Containers
  • Fertilizers
  • Solid Fertilizers in the Mixture
  • Top Dressing
  • Foliar Sprays
  • Rates of Application
  • Ways of Improving Soils
  • Cation Exchange Capacity
  • Soil pH
  • Nutrient availability and pH

Weed Control

  • Introduction
  • Weed Control Methods
  • Plant Competition
  • Weed Control with Fire
  • Chemical Weed Control
  • Chemical Classification of Weedicides
  • Mulching
  • Some Common Groups of Weeds
  • Weed Control in Greenhouses

Commonly used Chemicals

  • Pesticides
  • Fungicides
  • Types of Herbicide Chemicals
  • Treating Problems

Natural Pest Control

  • Natural Sprays
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Soapy Water
  • Companion Planting (examples of unfavourable combinations)
  • The following examples perform well together
  • Ways to Control Pests and Diseases
  • Pests and Diseases
  • Diseases
  • Plant Viruses
  • Virus Control
  • Pests

Safety Procedures and Chemicals

  • Golden Rules
  • Keeping Records
  • What Information should be kept
  • Steps involved in Chemical Treatments
  • Summary of Pesticides
  • Read Labels thoroughly
  • Toxicity
  • Spectrum of Activity
  • LD50
  • Persistence
  • Volatility
  • Repellency
  • Flushing Action
  • Knockdown Action
  • Phytotoxicity
  • Systemic or Not

Turf Care

  • Turf Varieties in Parks and their Maintenance
  • Turf Grass Varieties
  • Lawn Grass Mixtures
  • Environmental Problems
  • Methods of Controlling Weed Problems
  • Some Turf Weedicides

Irrigation Systems

  • Irrigation systems for broadacre and landscaped areas can be classified under five basic types
  • Travelling Sprinkler Systems
  • Quick Coupling Valve System
  • Manually Operated
  • Semi Automatic
  • When selecting any of the above mentioned systems, consideration should be given to the following
  • Once these questions have been answered, selection of the type of system should be possible, other factors that then need to be considered are
  • Types of Sprinkler Equipment
  • Irrigation
  • Properly Planning your Irrigation System
  • Sprinkler Systems
  • Trickle System
  • How to use a Watering System
  • Automatic Systems
  • Maintenance of Watering Systems
  • Watering Plants

Maintenance of Plants

  • Plants, which are attended to, and have routine maintenance carried out on them w ill maintain good health and live longer
  • Plant Care – General: Pruning
  • Bonsai
  • Topiary
  • Physical Plant Protection Methods
  • Layout of Drains
  • Outlet
  • Gradients
  • Distance between Drainage Pipes
  • Types of Drains

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


1.  Who are Courses For Success?

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4.  Are there any requirements to study this course?

anyone who has an interest in learning more about this subject matter
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5.  Do I require to have finished high school to complete this course?

you do not require a High School Diploma or to have finished school to
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course is provided in English, however, due to the digital nature of
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All our courses are accessible online on any device. You may complete them at your own pace and at your own time.

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9.  When does this course start?

you have internet access you can start this course whenever you like,
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10.  What is online learning like?

Online learning is easy, if not easier than a traditional academic situation.
By studying an online course, the usual boundaries caused by location and time constraints are eliminated, meaning you are free to study where and when you want at your own pace.

Of course, you will need to be able to self-manage your time and be organized, but with our help, you’ll soon find yourself settling into a comfortable rhythm of study.

11.  What computer skills do I need for my course?

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12.  How long will you have access to the online course?

The majority of our courses have unlimited lifetime access, meaning you can access this course whenever you want.

Please also check the course summary, as a small selection of courses have limited access.

13.  How long will my course take?

Course duration, is listed under Course Summary

14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
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17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

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completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
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new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
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this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

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23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

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you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
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